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Holocaust Denier Sentenced To Visit Concentration Camps

Bro, what are talking about. Ask history to remind you the trains, the trains that their final station was Israel not that ridiculous camp that thousands of Salvs were burnt. Hitler made this agreement with Zionists of EU :

Hitler is founder, father, mother, anything you call it, of Israel.,
@Penguin ;)
Only weak minded admires Hitler!. Nice quote man
Thanks bro. I didn't know that
“What can you say? You’re speechless. What you have seen is beyond human imagination,” said Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America. “Whether in Europe today or in the Muslim world, my call to humanity: End racism, for God’s sake, end anti-Semitism, for God’s sake, end Islamophobia for God’s sake, end sexism for God’s sake… Enough is enough...”

"Muslim clerics visit Nazi death camp", TOI, 5/23/2013
the biggest irony is that despite posting the above you continue your Islamophobia while at same time crying over antisemitism.
the biggest irony is that despite posting the above you continue your Islamophobia while at same time crying over antisemitism.
Since a phobia is an unreasonable fear you have to cite evidence of unreasonable fear of Islam from me to prove your charge.

As for "crying over antisemitism": your use of the phrase reveals more about you than it describes me, doesn't it?
Will going to the concentration camps acutally prove that there was:
  1. An intention on the part of the National Socialist government to physically exterminate Jews?
  2. An actual plan of the National Socialist government to physically exterminate the Jews?
  3. A governmental agency and a budget to carry out this plan?
  4. Technically refined methods of mass killing to achieve this goal, whereby homicidal gas chambers as well as mass shootings behind the Russian front would play a major role?
  5. Techniques for disposing of millions of bodies; that is, crematories or pyres with adequate capacity and fuel?
Or will it just prove that the N.S Germans sent enemies of the state to concentration camps?
The man in the article completely denied the holocaust, of course the Jews weren't the only victims, but many of them were killed, like the many Slavic people, any opposition and prisoners of war.

Or will it just prove that the N.S Germans sent enemies of the state to concentration camps?
Perhaps going to Auschwitz might not give you 'proof' of an 'extermination plan', it just proves that many Jews and other people were gassed there, that's it.

  • An intention on the part of the National Socialist government to physically exterminate Jews?
  • An actual plan of the National Socialist government to physically exterminate the Jews?
  • A governmental agency and a budget to carry out this plan?
  • Technically refined methods of mass killing to achieve this goal, whereby homicidal gas chambers as well as mass shootings behind the Russian front would play a major role?
  • Techniques for disposing of millions of bodies; that is, crematories or pyres with adequate capacity and fuel?
No, but here are some quotes from Hitler:
- His hatred agains the Jews:
"...the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew."
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

"And so he [the Jew] advances on his fatal road until another force comes forth to oppose him, and in a mighty struggle hurls the heaven-stormer back to Lucifer. Germany is today the next great war aim of Bolshevism. It requires all the force of a young missionary idea to raise our people up again, to free them from the snares of this international serpent..."
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Here it is evident he justifies his intentions of exterminating the Jews:
Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: 'by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.'
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

What do you think might have happened in those extermination camps?
The man in the article completely denied the holocaust, of course the Jews weren't the only victims, but many of them were killed, like the many Slavic people, any opposition and prisoners of war.

Perhaps going to Auschwitz might not give you 'proof' of an 'extermination plan', it just proves that many Jews and other people were gassed there, that's it.

No, but here are some quotes from Hitler:
- His hatred agains the Jews:
"...the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew."
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

"And so he [the Jew] advances on his fatal road until another force comes forth to oppose him, and in a mighty struggle hurls the heaven-stormer back to Lucifer. Germany is today the next great war aim of Bolshevism. It requires all the force of a young missionary idea to raise our people up again, to free them from the snares of this international serpent..."
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Here it is evident he justifies his intentions of exterminating the Jews:
Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: 'by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.'
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

What do you think might have happened in those extermination camps?
So firstly they are not extermination camps but rather concentration camps for criminals and enemies of the state.
Now this is not to say mistreatment and even murder against the inmates occured, but there were no homicidal gas chambers or a state financed and organized plan to physcially exterminate a people.

You see what the proponents of the Holocaust (used)* advocate is that there was:
  • An intention on the part of the National Socialist government to physically exterminate Jews.
  • An actual plan of the National Socialist government to physically exterminate the Jews.
  • A governmental agency and a budget to carry out this plan.
  • Technically refined methods of mass killing to achieve this goal, whereby homicidal gas chambers as well as mass shootings behind the Russian front would play a major role.
  • Techniques for disposing of millions of bodies; that is, crematories or pyres with adequate capacity and fuel.
And because of these reasons the Holocaust stands out UNIQUE from all other atrocities in HUMAN HISTORY!!

Otherwise the mistreatment of Jews and even the murder of inmates and even just being deported out of the country or to concentration camps in the first place is not a UNIQUE atrocity but just what pretty much every country has done to enemies of the state once upon a time in their history. E.g. US putting Japanese Americans into camps - I am sure there was mistreatment maybe even murder of some inmates at the hands of the US guards but does this qualify as pre-meditated plan with state finance with refined methods of killing and disposal?

* Some proponents have now realized that people are beginning to ask serious questions about the fact there is no evidence to support the thesis of state organized and financed plan with homicidal gas chambers to physcially exterminate the Jews, they have resorted to saying that the mere fact of being sent to a concentration camp is the Holocaust, the mere fact that Jews lost civil rights is the Holocaust, the mere fact that Jews lost positions of influence in Germany and in German controlled territories is the Holocaust. (To be frank they have succeeded in convincing most layman of this proposition).

Taking quotes (mind you what is the context?) of Adolf Hilter does not PROVE a STATE organized plan with homicidal gas chambers.
It just proves that he intensely disliked them. And no one whether a believer or infidel (in Holocaustianity) disputes this.
This quote from Mein Kampf "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: 'by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."

To you, proves his intention of physically exterminating them? Really? Could it not mean exposing the power they have upon German society? Could it not mean educating his fellow Germans about who owns what? Could it not mean warning his people against the evil that is being done to them from a certain group? What is the context of the quote? Did he mention in this quote the words "physical extermination" or "murder" or "killing". He used the word "defending", could this not mean he was defending himself against aggression as that is what the word defend usually implies?

Again from Gemar Rudolf's website. http://germarrudolf.com/germars-views/an-introduction-to-historical-revisionism/#4

"What does Holocaust revisionism claim?
First of all, because of false representations by the media, it is necessary that we first clarify what Holocaust Revisionism does not maintain:

  • it does not deny that Jews were persecuted under the Third Reich;
  • it does not deny that Jews were deprived of civil rights;
  • it does not deny that Jews were deported;
  • it does not deny the existence of Jewish ghettos;
  • it does not deny the existence of concentration camps;
  • it does not deny the existence of crematoriums in concentration camps;
  • it does not deny that Jews died for a great number of reasons;
  • it does not deny that other minorities were also persecuted such as gypsies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, and political dissenters;
  • and finally, it does not deny that all the above mentioned things were unjust.
None of these crimes of the National Socialist regime are doubted by Holocaust revisionists. In the view of the Revisionists, however, all these injustices have nothing to do with the Holocaust, which is defined as planned and organized mass murder, carried out specifically in homicidal gas chambers (see Question 4)."

Secular states have their own version ... and that too to please the jews. Irony!

@Zibago @Hell hound @The Sandman
just so you know i hated this law (and paternity test laws of France and Germany too) since i was a teenager.As it is attack on ones freedom of speech and freedom to hold whatever believe one wants to hold(as long as he is not interfering with anyone else's business ,hurting someone physically or financially he should be allowed to hold whatever belief he wants ).
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So firstly they are not extermination camps but rather concentration camps for criminals and enemies of the state.
Now this is not to say mistreatment and even murder against the inmates occured, but there were no homicidal gas chambers or a state financed and organized plan to physcially exterminate a people.

Here's a gas chamber with Zyklon B stained walls (the blue color), definetely no gas, nooo...

A lot of chimneys for just a prisoner camp...

I could show you more, but that would violate PDF rules, as quite a few pictures are too horrific.

But indeed Hitler firstly wanted to deport as many Jews as possible, no country accepting them, while also 'getting rid ' as many as possible.

Also, have you heard about 'Einsatzgruppen Reports', they recorded the exterminations.

Hitler himself hated the Jews, to the point having no problem actually committing genocide and yes 'doing Gods work' is enough to prove that he actually wanted to kill thme all, because the Jews are blamed for killing Jesus Christ, hence 'Gods work'

I also did not ask for your political manifesto, thank you.
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Here's a gas chamber with Zyklon B stained walls (the blue color), definetely no gas, nooo...

A lot of chimneys for just a prisoner camp...

I could show you more, but that would violate PDF rules, as quite a few pictures are too horrific.

But indeed Hitler firstly wanted to deport as many Jews as possible, no country accepting them, while also 'getting rid ' as many as possible.

Also, have you heard about 'Einsatzgruppen Reports', they recorded the exterminations.

Hitler himself hated the Jews, to the point having no problem actually committing genocide and yes 'doing Gods work' is enough to prove that he actually wanted to kill thme all, because the Jews are blamed for killing Jesus Christ, hence 'Gods work'

I also did not ask for your political manifesto, thank you.
That photo does not prove that it was a homicidal gas chamber. It just proves a room with stained walls. Does that prove it was a chamber designed to gas human beings? (Bearing in mind the Victors did change/manipulate the "evidence" to suit their narrative).

Homicidal gas chambers are not the same as fumigation chambers. You do know they had fumigation chambers for the purposes of disease control and hygiene . A homicidal gas chamber is a highly refined and technical killing machine...

From Gemar Rudolf

"6. Conclusions
Examination of the construction of the facilities allegedly used for the mass gassings has shown that the alleged main ‘gas chambers’ of Auschwitz – the mortuary of the Main Camp crematorium, and the mortuaries 1 (the ‘gas chambers’) of crematoria II and III – had no contrivances for the introduction of the poison gas substance. The holes visible in the ceilings today were added after the war. If these findings remain unrefuted, this alone renders any mass gassings, as these have been attested to, entirely impossible.

The examination of the formation and long-term stability of hydrogen cyanide residue in the walls of the facilities in question (‘gas chambers’ and delousing chambers for material objects), as well as the interpretation of the results of analysis of brick samples from these facilities in Auschwitz, have shown:

  1. Hydrogen cyanide which reacts to form iron blue in the brick walls, etc. remains stable for many centuries. Its disintegration requires a time frame similar to that of the brickwork itself. Therefore, cyanide residue – if formed – ought still to be present in virtually undiminished quantities today, regardless of weathering effects. The outside walls of the delousing buildings BW5a/b in Birkenau, which are still blue on the outer surface today, as well as being high in cyanide content, serve to prove this.
  2. Under such conditions as would actually be possible, the attested-to mass execution gassings with hydrogen cyanide probably would result in the rooms in question exhibiting cyanide residue on a similar scale as is the case in the disinfestation chambers for material objects, including the resultant blue discoloration of the walls.
  3. In fact, however, the alleged ‘gas chambers’ exhibit only insignificant traces of cyanide residue, on the same order of magnitude as may be found in any other building.
Therefore, it is my conviction that the only conclusion which can explain all factors involved is that in the facilities alleged, no mass gassings with Zyklon B can have occurred under the conditions attested to by alleged eyewitnesses, court witnesses, journalists, academics or other popularizers."

You can read the whole paper at http://germarrudolf.com/germars-vie...t-the-gas-chambers-of-auschwitz-and-birkenau/

Listen to what Thomas Dalton has to say

"Of the Dachau crematorium called “Barrack X,” one can read the following on the Web site of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum: “There is no credible evidence that the gas chamber in Barrack X was used to murder human beings.”[1] A strange situation indeed, given that the facility, built in late 1942 and completed by May 1943,[2] allegedly contained a dedicated homicidal gas chamber of substantial size—about 39 square meters (425 square feet), sufficient to gas nearly 400 people at a time, on the traditional view. Why would the Germans build such a dedicated facility, and then never use it?—not a single mass gassing, in nearly two years?[3] Is there perhaps another story here? And what can we learn from examining the facility today?"

The full article is at https://www.inconvenienthistory.com/3/4/3162

The second photo. No infidel (in Holocaustianity) denies crematoria being present. People did die at these camps...

When one looks at this event carefully, many discrepancies become apparent.

On a slight tangent, Did they kill the Messiah then?
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That photo does not prove that it was a homicidal gas chamber. It just proves a room with stained walls. Does that prove it was a chamber designed to gas human beings? (Bearing in mind the Victors did change/manipulate the "evidence" to suit their narrative).
Oh okay, when I see a picture of dead Rohingya child, I will say: "this does not prove that the child has been killed by Myanmar, this picture just prove this child is dead"

What do you think about those 'Einsatzgruppen Reports' recording mass killings of Jews (not just Jews)
I'll give some more pictures:


Scratched walls of dying victims. Those chambers being 'disease control' is just unbelievable.

You want live a live witness? Here's an interview with an Auschwitz guard:

SPIEGEL: When did you first hear about the gas chambers?

W.: When you see that so many trains are coming, people arriving, then nobody can say anything. Everyone knew about it.

SPIEGEL: Were you ever inside a gas chamber?

W.: Just once. It was with a surveyor team. I was charged with guarding them. That was in 1943 or 1944.

SPIEGEL: How big was the chamber?

W.: Maybe as big as my entire house, which is 90 square meters (970 square feet). I mean, when one of the trains arrived, with 200 or 300 people, then they, if there were too many, had to wait outside.

SPIEGEL: You could see that from above?

W.: They had to wait in front of the gas chamber for an hour. And then they were led inside. They also heard the screams, but they, the SS people, the … I mean, that's how it was. That's how it … happened.

SPIEGEL: What was going through your mind when you were standing with the surveyors in the gas chamber?

W.: You can imagine it must have been a big room. It was pretty much a concrete bunker. There were pipes on the outside; I don't know any more if there were four or six. Then they threw a can inside.

SPIEGEL: You saw SS troops throwing Zyklon B in from the outside?

W.: Yes, of course. Standing on the tower, you could see them coming. It was always a vehicle with two men inside. And then they drove directly there and did a little operation and then you knew: That is the death squad.

full article: http://www.spiegel.de/international...year-old-former-auschwitz-guard-a-988127.html

The second photo. No infidel (in Holocaustianity) denies crematoria being present. People did die at these camps...
People didn't just die in those capms, they were actively exterminated.

On a slight tangent, Did they kill the Messiah then?
Story cut short; Pontius Pilatus (a Roman surperior) had Jesus and a murderer captured, he asked the people attending (the Jews) which one should be released and which should be killed, the people chose to release the murderer, sentencing Jesus to die (I am not religious myself, just giving the reason where the hatred from Christians come from against the Jews)


I think I am done discussing this matter with you, I proved you enough, you keep dismissing and making up some conspiracy theories, perhaps you should be the one actually delivering evidence that the Holocaust was somehow all pulled out of our @sses.
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