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Holocaust Denier Sentenced To Visit Concentration Camps

Oh okay, when I see a picture of dead Rohingya child, I will say: "this does not prove that the child has been killed by Myanmar, this picture just prove this child is dead"

What do you think about those 'Einsatzgruppen Reports' recording mass killings of Jews (not just Jews)
I'll give some more pictures:


Scratched walls of dying victims. Those chambers being 'disease control' is just unbelievable.

You want live a live witness? Here's an interview with an Auschwitz guard:

SPIEGEL: When did you first hear about the gas chambers?

W.: When you see that so many trains are coming, people arriving, then nobody can say anything. Everyone knew about it.

SPIEGEL: Were you ever inside a gas chamber?

W.: Just once. It was with a surveyor team. I was charged with guarding them. That was in 1943 or 1944.

SPIEGEL: How big was the chamber?

W.: Maybe as big as my entire house, which is 90 square meters (970 square feet). I mean, when one of the trains arrived, with 200 or 300 people, then they, if there were too many, had to wait outside.

SPIEGEL: You could see that from above?

W.: They had to wait in front of the gas chamber for an hour. And then they were led inside. They also heard the screams, but they, the SS people, the … I mean, that's how it was. That's how it … happened.

SPIEGEL: What was going through your mind when you were standing with the surveyors in the gas chamber?

W.: You can imagine it must have been a big room. It was pretty much a concrete bunker. There were pipes on the outside; I don't know any more if there were four or six. Then they threw a can inside.

SPIEGEL: You saw SS troops throwing Zyklon B in from the outside?

W.: Yes, of course. Standing on the tower, you could see them coming. It was always a vehicle with two men inside. And then they drove directly there and did a little operation and then you knew: That is the death squad.

full article: http://www.spiegel.de/international...year-old-former-auschwitz-guard-a-988127.html

People didn't just die in those capms, they were actively exterminated.

Story cut short; Pontius Pilatus (a Roman surperior) had Jesus and a murderer captured, he asked the people attending (the Jews) which one should be released and which should be killed, the people chose to release the murderer, sentencing Jesus to die (I am not religious myself, just giving the reason where the hatred from Christians come from against the Jews)


I think I am done discussing this matter with you, I proved you enough, you keep dismissing and making up some conspiracy theories, perhaps you should be the one actually delivering evidence that the Holocaust was somehow all pulled out of our @sses.

Onus lies on the one making the accusation. It is an accusation made by the Allies upon the N.S Germans that they had a state organized pre-meditated plan to physically exterminate Jews principally by the means of homicidal gas chambers.

You are right with you Rohingya child analogy especially if you want to fine or put some one in jail for denying the murder of that child.
You ought to ask yourself what made me think that someone killed that child? Is it the prevailing media climate that has shaped my thoughts, is it that I can see wounds upon him that indicate he was attakced, etc etc? To prove the child was killed by Myanmur police or military, one would need to analyse the corpse, look for wounds, find evidence of the murder weapons (if weapons were used) and link it back to the police/military etc etc. Even then it would NOT PROVE A STATE ORGANIZED PLAN.

One man giving an interview to a newspaper saying one thing and others saying the opposite, so whose word should we take? How does one reconcile conflicting pieces of evidences? There are MANY conflicting pieces of evidences in this matter.

From Gemar's website http://germarrudolf.com/germars-views/the-holocaust-controversy/

"During the war crimes trials many “eyewitnesses” testified that Germans made soap out of human fat and lamp shades from human skin. Allied prosecutors even produced evidence to support these charges. For decades, highly respected scholars at the most prestigious universities in the world sanctioned these stories, leading us to believe that such stories were “irrefutable truths.” But within time, many such stories have become untenable: In 1990, Yehuda Bauer, director of Holocaust studies at Hebrew University, Tel Aviv, admitted: “The Nazis never made soap from Jews…” (Jerusalem Post, Int. Ed., 5 May 1990, p. 6)."

Continuing on about eye witness testimony


"The only two witnesses who were ever cross-examined had to admit in 1985 that their accounts were not true: Arnold Friedman confessed of never having experienced what he had claimed, and Rudolf Vrba admitted of having used poetic license to “embellish” his statements. Vrba is one of the most famous Auschwitz witnesses. However, once asked if all claims Vrba had made about Auschwitz in the famous movie Shoa were true, Vrba replied: “I do not know. I was just an actor and I recited my text.” He told this with a sardonic smile to his Jewish friend Georg Klein (G. Klein, Pietà, Stockholm, p. 141)."

Continuing on about eye witnesses from http://germarrudolf.com/germars-vie...ony-and-confessions-concerning-the-holocaust/

"3.2.1. Media Statements as Evidence for Historiography?
Part of the testimony or statements regarding the Holocaust came in the form of written declarations or, more recently, as radio and television programs. In both cases it is easy to assess these statements in terms of the points listed under 2, but there is usually no opportunity to speak with the witness personally in order to learn more details and to establish his credibility and the plausibility of his testimony, for example by means of cross-examination. Critiques of the statements published in the various media are both numerous and extensive,[17] and a more comprehensive work was presented recently.[18] However, these witnesses usually evade the requests of critical contemporaries to make themselves available to cross-examination.[19] And while radio and television regularly present new witnesses, they never ask them any critical questions, and deny interested researchers and lawyers access to these witnesses by keeping their address or even their entire identity secret. But these paper- and celluloid-witnesses can only be accorded evidential value once their statements have stood up to critical examination. In the following chapter, Robert Faurisson reports about the first two of such a critical examination of this kind of witness to date. In this section, therefore, we will focus primarily on statements made in court, particularly since the supposed justness of the German justice system prompts the public to accord these a greater significance."

Regarding the Einsatzgruppen, Joseph Bishop from https://www.inconvenienthistory.com/1/3/3103

"Frankly, claims such as these are not just unbelievable, but impossible. I have no doubt that the Einsatzgruppen did kill large numbers of Jews, at least partly in consequence of their anti-partisan actions, as many Jews were known to be partisans or supportive to them, and many others engaged in sabotage and espionage. Also a large number of Red Army commissars were Jews and Jews collectively were broadly known to be supporters or functionaries of the Soviet communist system. But Jews could not have been killed in the millions and probably not in many hundreds of thousands. One can only kill so many people with very limited resources over a certain time span in a huge area, and especially when one has vastly more important things to do. I do not doubt that many crimes occurred on both sides under the circumstances of a very brutal war that dragged into years and within the context of warfare being waged without the amelioration of Geneva Convention rules on land warfare, treatment of prisoners, etc. But clearly the numbers, even the possibilities, are outrageously improbable."

History is written by the Victors!!
Who was sponsoring Hitler? Jews were killing their own kind, for the land of Palestine.

A silly biased law which needs to be revoked

Just 'silly'?

Champions of Secularism these countries are! Who better knows Secularism then they do, right?
Who was sponsoring Hitler? Jews were killing their own kind, for the land of Palestine.

Just 'silly'?

Champions of Secularism these countries are! Who better knows Secularism then they do, right?
Hey atleast we dont see a mob of a thousand so called ashiqs :angel:
@Hell hound @The Sandman

jewish holocaust is fake, only brainwashed believe millions of jews were murdered
Its no fake but i dont see why its any more horrible than the forced famine of Bengal or Ukraine or the French killings in Algeria which also resulted in deaths of millions i see a biasness in western media about what tragedy should be given importance and which should be neglected
Hey atleast we dont see a mob of a thousand so called ashiqs :angel:
@Hell hound @The Sandman

Its no fake but i dont see why its any more horrible than the forced famine of Bengal or Ukraine or the French killings in Algeria which also resulted in deaths of millions i see a biasness in western media about what tragedy should be given importance and which should be neglected

Even an enlightened Jew says it's fake
If you want to know who is in power, look at those you cannot criticize.
Hey atleast we dont see a mob of a thousand so called ashiqs :angel:

A mob of thousand can't murder as many as One secular leader has and can. Hitler and Churchill both were mass killers.
A mob of thousand can't murder as many as One secular leader has and can. Hitler and Churchill both were mass killers.
They both were racist to the core and expansionist right wingers
It is clear you have some sort of a bias, this might be why you deny extermination camps existed.
It's hard to believe such a story would be made, for what?


Good riddance.
Bias towards objectivity and historical truth.

No infidel denies the existence of concentration camps. Just that there was no state organized, financed and premeditated plan to physically exterminate Jews.
No infidel denies Jews were murdered or rounded up or lost their civil rights or were deported.

You have asked a good question about why such a tale has been weaved! (I find it hard to believe that NS Germans fighting wars left right and centre against enemies from all sides had the time and manpower and organization to devote to the methodical murder of six million people. Even if they had wanted to do this, it would take a divine miracle for them to acheive this whilst simultaenously fighting huge wars against the USSR, British Empire, French Empire and the USA. But people actually buy this story!!)
Could it not be for money? (Germany has given a lot of money to Israel for this, no?)
Could it not be as Hosssein Amiri says,
"The myth of the “Holocaust” or “Shoah” is at the basis of the creation, in 1947-1948, of the State of Israel and has, with time, become that State’s sword and shield. To combat this myth and its harmful effects, historical revisionism presents itself as the only possible recourse. As such, revisionism is the atomic weapon of the poor and weak against the Great Lie of the rich and mighty of this world. Without killing anyone, revisionism could undo, down to its foundations, one of the most dangerous historical lies of all time, that of the alleged genocide of the Jews of Europe (with its millions of “survivors”!) and that of the alleged Hitlerite gas chambers (which, in reality, never existed either at Auschwitz or anywhere else!)."

Remember He who controls the past controls the future!!
if these people got the message that they werent welcome in europe the holocrust would have never happened
Since a phobia is an unreasonable fear you have to cite evidence of unreasonable fear of Islam

  1. dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.

Got to learn your definitions man. You are an Islamaphobe through and through.
  1. dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.

Got to learn your definitions man. You are an Islamaphobe through and through.
So even though it's CALLED a phobia, "Islamophobia" is NOT a psychological "phobia" in the sense of being an irrational mental condition.
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