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Holocaust Denier Sentenced To Visit Concentration Camps


Jun 7, 2017
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Holocaust Denier Sentenced To Visit Concentration Camps
September 24, 2017 By Aiden Pink


Outrage : Belgian lawmaker Laurent Louis performed an anti-Semitic gesture in Parliament ? and blamed Zionists for the Holocaust.

A former member of parliament in Belgium who was convicted of Holocaust denial has been ordered to visit concentration camps and write about his experiences as part of his punishment.

Laurent Louis, who has been expelled from numerous political parties, was also fined $20,000 for his comments questioning the number of Jews killed in gas chambers during the Holocaust.

“All that is left for me to do is to go and report in the death camps,” Laurent wrote in a statement after the verdict. “No doubt, the Court has recognized my talents as a writer.”

He also said that his punishment would be an opportunity to “denounce current genocides”—which, The New York Times noted, is similar to language that he has used to denounce Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip.

Deborah Lipstadt, the Emory University professor and prominent historian of the Holocaust, told the Times that she was worried Louis would make a mockery of his sentence.

“When he said, ‘The court has recognized my talents as a writer?’ Give me a break,” she said. “Can he write, ‘Well, I went and I didn’t see anybody being killed’ or, ‘These gas chambers were incapable of killing someone?’”

There are people in Europe and around the world who think holocaust was a stunt to get sympathies if you look around there are alot more holocaust happend in rohingiya Kashmir golden temple incident jalayan wala bagh Palastine Iraq Yemen Syria so if any of these group spread around the world and convince hypocritic world that anyone who denied would be punishable do we see happening in comming years?
i dont think it should be a punishable offense... may be subject of ridicule..
europeans are scared that their hidden antisemitism will come out in open if they let a few loonies talk sh*t.. and the fear is justified to an extent.
“What can you say? You’re speechless. What you have seen is beyond human imagination,” said Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America. “Whether in Europe today or in the Muslim world, my call to humanity: End racism, for God’s sake, end anti-Semitism, for God’s sake, end Islamophobia for God’s sake, end sexism for God’s sake… Enough is enough...”

"Muslim clerics visit Nazi death camp", TOI, 5/23/2013
I personally think that sending him to concentration camps is a good 'punishment', so he can see for himself, as in a way to prove him wrong, ending the discussion once and for all.
Not sure about the fine though...
There are people in Europe and around the world who think holocaust was a stunt to get sympathies if you look around there are alot more holocaust happend in rohingiya Kashmir golden temple incident jalayan wala bagh Palastine Iraq Yemen Syria so if any of these group spread around the world and convince hypocritic world that anyone who denied would be punishable do we see happening in comming years?

No, the thing you are mentioning are mere trifles in comparision to the real Holocaust.
Your bigoted nature only cares about Muslims, and killing a few hundred Muslims must be worse than killing 6 million Jews.
The only comparable events to the Holocaust in modern times are the killings of the Tutsis in Rwanda, and the Pol Pot massacres in Cambodia.
You are welcome to Europe. We will find a dark cell for you.
No, the thing you are mentioning are mere trifles in comparision to the real Holocaust.
Your bigoted nature only cares about Muslims, and killing a few hundred Muslims must be worse than killing 6 million Jews.
The only comparable events to the Holocaust in modern times are the killings of the Tutsis in Rwanda, and the Pol Pot massacres in Cambodia.
You are welcome to Europe. We will find a dark cell for you.
You keep your dark hole and your law with yourself it's a free world I see how it's painful to you when it's muslim you count only hundreds and jews 6 million maybe you need to go back to school to learn count.
Yes I am muslim and I do care about muslims and humans aswell but here you go comming out of dark square hole crying out loud.
I personally think that sending him to concentration camps is a good 'punishment', so he can see for himself, as in a way to prove him wrong, ending the discussion once and for all.
Not sure about the fine though...
Will going to the concentration camps acutally prove that there was:
  1. An intention on the part of the National Socialist government to physically exterminate Jews?
  2. An actual plan of the National Socialist government to physically exterminate the Jews?
  3. A governmental agency and a budget to carry out this plan?
  4. Technically refined methods of mass killing to achieve this goal, whereby homicidal gas chambers as well as mass shootings behind the Russian front would play a major role?
  5. Techniques for disposing of millions of bodies; that is, crematories or pyres with adequate capacity and fuel?
Or will it just prove that the N.S Germans sent enemies of the state to concentration camps?
A review on Holocauset lie :

You have claimed 5-6 million Jews were burnt in those camps. Well, i don't deny that Hitler under his agreement with Rothschild, burnt some Russian and Polish Jews, not because they were mainly Jews but first to scare Jews and then transfer them into Israel and an other reason was Hitler's real Holocaust against poor Slavic race. That animal muredered millions of Slavs, never mind, not in the course of this topic.

Let's say that 6 million Jews were burnt, based on the statistics, overall population of Jews in EU, before WW2, was almost between 4-5 million that almost all of them were forced to leave for occupied lands. This is the first hoax of the biggest lie, Holocaust, in human kind history. First of all find an answer for this and then we can continue the discussion.
“What can you say? You’re speechless. What you have seen is beyond human imagination,” said Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America. “Whether in Europe today or in the Muslim world, my call to humanity: End racism, for God’s sake, end anti-Semitism, for God’s sake, end Islamophobia for God’s sake, end sexism for God’s sake… Enough is enough...”

"Muslim clerics visit Nazi death camp", TOI, 5/23/2013
Only trouble is concentration camps moved to Palestine and modern Nazis are the children of yesterday's Jewish holocaust survivors. Very sad
Only trouble is concentration camps moved to Palestine and modern Nazis are the children of yesterday's Jewish holocaust survivors. Very sad
Bro, what are talking about. Ask history to remind you the trains, the trains that their final station was Israel not that ridiculous camp that thousands of Salvs were burnt. Hitler made this agreement with Zionists of EU :

Hitler is founder, father, mother, anything you call it, of Israel.,
@Penguin ;)
Only weak minded admires Hitler!. Nice quote man
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