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Hold referendum for Kashmir & Dravidastan: Sri Lanka

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Hold referendum for Kashmir & Dravidastan: Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan Power and Energy Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka said DMK leader M. Karunanidhi who personally fought for a separate country for Tamil speaking people in India should first hold a referendum in Tamil Nadu for that demand.

Minister Ranawaka said the former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister should also ask New Delhi to hold the long overdue referendum in Kashmir which was passed as a resolution at the United Nations in 1948, before he demands a referendum for a Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka.

Minister Ranawaka expressed these views responding to a statement made by India’s DMK party President and former Tamil Nadu chief minister M. Karunanidhi to the effect that India should urge the United Nations to bring pressure on Sri Lanka to hold a referendum regarding Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka.

Hold referendum for Dravidastan and Kashmir | Breaking News
Karunanidhi can have Eelam nation in India: Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa yesterday said if DMK Leader and former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi’s unfulfilled dream was a Tamil Eelam, he should work for it in India because the largest population of Tamils live in the Tamil Nadu state of India and not in Sri Lanka.

“A much bigger population of Tamils live in Tamil Nadu in India than the Tamil population in Sri Lanka. If Karunanidhi wants a Tamil Eelam he can have it in Tamil Nadu. He should not come to make Eelams in Sri Lanka. This is a sovereign country. We consider those who talk about Eelam as terrorists,” the Defence Secretary told.

The Defence Secretary expressed these views responding to a statement made by India’s DMK party President and former Tamil Nadu chief minister M. Karunanidhi to the effect that India should urge the United Nations to bring pressure on Sri Lanka to hold a referendum regarding Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka.

“There is no war now in Sri Lanka. There exists ethnic harmony and every one lives peacefully. Karunanidhi should not attempt to arouse the Tamil people in Sri Lanka. Karunanidhi is also one among the many Indian politicians who are bent on destroying our country by making controversial statements. It is a pity that they are adopting to such low political tactics. Karunanidhi should realize that ours is an independent country and should not attempt to establish Eelam, and if he wishes he could do so in Tamil Nadu where a larger concentration of Tamil people live,” the Defense Secretary further stated.

Karunanidhi can have Eelam in India: Gota | Top Story
Karunanidhi is a sophistical rhetorician inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity! High time he just shuts the fu@k up or applies for a visa to heaven. The bugger is 90 and he still has the strength to spout crap! IDIOT! :tdown:
Agreed ... Nobody has the right to try to split a sovereign country... People who have such thought can split their country as well one day... either we should ignore such maroons or the respective governaments should take action against them.
Karunanidhi can have Eelam nation in India: Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa yesterday said if DMK Leader and former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi’s unfulfilled dream was a Tamil Eelam, he should work for it in India because the largest population of Tamils live in the Tamil Nadu state of India and not in Sri Lanka.

“A much bigger population of Tamils live in Tamil Nadu in India than the Tamil population in Sri Lanka. If Karunanidhi wants a Tamil Eelam he can have it in Tamil Nadu. He should not come to make Eelams in Sri Lanka. This is a sovereign country. We consider those who talk about Eelam as terrorists,” the Defence Secretary told.

The Defence Secretary expressed these views responding to a statement made by India’s DMK party President and former Tamil Nadu chief minister M. Karunanidhi to the effect that India should urge the United Nations to bring pressure on Sri Lanka to hold a referendum regarding Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka.

“There is no war now in Sri Lanka. There exists ethnic harmony and every one lives peacefully. Karunanidhi should not attempt to arouse the Tamil people in Sri Lanka. Karunanidhi is also one among the many Indian politicians who are bent on destroying our country by making controversial statements. It is a pity that they are adopting to such low political tactics. Karunanidhi should realize that ours is an independent country and should not attempt to establish Eelam, and if he wishes he could do so in Tamil Nadu where a larger concentration of Tamil people live,” the Defense Secretary further stated.

Karunanidhi can have Eelam in India: Gota | Top Story
Grandeur of delusion @ Sinhala politicians.

Can they please come to reality.

Being **** sized, they sure have the gall to call for a referendum in Kashmir when even the biggest and most powerful countries are silent on the issue.Idiots they think that they can survive in this neighbourhood after making enemies with India ?

Trolls of the highest order.
what is dravidastan.. i dont understand.. first of all dravidians are spread all over below deccan plateau. second affixing the suffix stan to south india displays a degree of ignorance not seen since george bush's foreign policy, thirdly what will the name of the oplace be because dravidians speak many different languages with tamil being just one of them. finally they have been integrated for so long in the indian union and have tasted the loot of pan-indian proportions that i doubt if they will ever want to split from india.
kashmir you can hve a referendum only if aksai chin, P0K, GB, pandits etc are reverted to original state. Pak should also reopen their borders for taking their coreligionsists from india should anything untoward happen and lastly bd should be a part of Pak again. This is beause if Kashmir has to belong to Pak, then Bangladesh also has a stake in it.

And lastly only those who were 18 years are older in 1947 can vote in the referendum. all others born after that are not eligible since they were not around at that time or are non-kashmiris pushed into P0K by punjabi muslims

because that was the status when referendum was going to be held.
There is no "Dravidastan". First of all, other South Indians don't identify as Tamils especially the "Dravidian Ideology" which is pumped into Tamilnadu Education system. DMK,AIDMK et al are a Tamil Phenomea. Spare Us, other South Indians from Tamil Nationalism(if any).

since, Tamilnadu is vocal and gets more patronage in media, national and international media "assumes" south India=tamilnadu which is outright wrong.

be it Karnataka or Kerela or Goa or Andhra all states are integrated to Indian union and identifies as Indians for centuries.

Core issues happened some 8 decades back when "dravidian politics" rooted on a fake ideology is used by Periyar and other Tamilian leaders. FYI, the Opinion of Tamil Nationalists are not the Opinion of average Kannadiga or Malyali or Telgu or Konkani people.

"Tamils are not part of the "Dravidian" race as many Dravidian Nationalists would like us to believe. They are a hybrid Europid-Weddid population.

There is no distinct Dravidian race.."

--source GIYF
What the heck is Dravidistan? Who the hell is coming up with crap like this?? Thanks for your concern Sri Lankans but I'm sure if u really do go and check, u'd find that most South Indians consider themselves Indian and want to be part of India. A few lunatics running about screaming 'secession' isn't gonna hurt us much.:taz::taz:
Hold referendum for Kashmir & Dravidastan: Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan Power and Energy Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka said DMK leader M. Karunanidhi who personally fought for a separate country for Tamil speaking people in India should first hold a referendum in Tamil Nadu for that demand.

Minister Ranawaka said the former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister should also ask New Delhi to hold the long overdue referendum in Kashmir which was passed as a resolution at the United Nations in 1948, before he demands a referendum for a Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka.

Minister Ranawaka expressed these views responding to a statement made by India’s DMK party President and former Tamil Nadu chief minister M. Karunanidhi to the effect that India should urge the United Nations to bring pressure on Sri Lanka to hold a referendum regarding Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka.

Hold referendum for Dravidastan and Kashmir | Breaking News

he's an old dog that will die quiet shortly of natural causes, screw him Tamil Nadu is an integral part of India. I for one was born and raised in Chennai Tamil Nadu first i am Indian then comes everything else. who ever requested this is talking $hit out of their a$$hole and can go in between a door and bend over and ki$$ thier a$$ goodbye. bloody morons get a life.
DRAVID-STAN.. What is that? Why would South-Indians want to name a place which sounds Persian/central-Asian/Islamic??

There is no "Dravidastan". First of all, other South Indians don't identify as Tamils especially the "Dravidian Ideology" which is pumped into Tamilnadu Education system. DMK,AIDMK et al are a Tamil Phenomea. Spare Us, other South Indians from Tamil Nationalism(if any).

since, Tamilnadu is vocal and gets more patronage in media, national and international media "assumes" south India=tamilnadu which is outright wrong.

be it Karnataka or Kerela or Goa or Andhra all states are integrated to Indian union and identifies as Indians for centuries.

Core issues happened some 8 decades back when "dravidian politics" rooted on a fake ideology is used by Periyar and other Tamilian leaders. FYI, the Opinion of Tamil Nationalists are not the Opinion of average Kannadiga or Malyali or Telgu or Konkani people.

"Tamils are not part of the "Dravidian" race as many Dravidian Nationalists would like us to believe. They are a hybrid Europid-Weddid population.

There is no distinct Dravidian race.."

--source GIYF

You forgot to mention the Tulu speaking people of Coastal Karnataka, spread around Managalore. Konkani's of Goa don't consider themselves as south-Indians. Konkani's are also located in coastal Karnataka and some parts of north-Kerala and south-coastal Maharastra (Ratnagiri). Konkani's associate themselves more with Marathi than any south-Indian languages, though the regional dialects are influenced by the regional dominant language. Tulu is a very distinct language from the other south-Indian languages.
What the heck is Dravidistan? Who the hell is coming up with crap like this?? Thanks for your concern Sri Lankans but I'm sure if u really do go and check, u'd find that most South Indians consider themselves Indian and want to be part of India. A few lunatics running about screaming 'secession' isn't gonna hurt us much.:taz::taz:
A banged up, braindead SL poltician who wasn't invited to the CWC final in Mumbai & is still sulking about it alongwith the rest of their nation :)
Some Lankan fool tying to sow disunity amongst us. South Indian, North, West or East, we r all Indians. Lankans should worry about their own minorities and keeping their own lil island together:sniper::sniper::guns:
be it Karnataka or Kerela or Goa or Andhra all states are integrated to Indian union and identifies as Indians for centuries.

LOL..India in a political sense is just 65 years old.

Mate we are all Indians, but no need to get any hyper about it. Your history and ours is more interconnected that either of us' with the rest of the country.

Dravidian idealogy was a backlash of the Aryan Invasion Theory wherein many in North thought they were the descendents of soome fair blonde haired horse riders who conquered India. And both have met their natural death.

And idiots who asked for Dravidistan referendum must realize once if we are free the first thing we are doing is invading your island, dumasses. Be careful what you wish for.
Wen Karunaidhi fought for separate tamil nation frm India? In SL everybody is stupids including their ministers.

If Karunaidhi is not power he used to talk some kind of crap that usual ,so don't give importance for his statement.

Agreed ... Nobody has the right to try to split a sovereign country... People who have such thought can split their country as well one day... either we should ignore such maroons or the respective governaments should take action against them.

Whom given rights to India to split east Pakistan frm Pakistan in 1971? care to explain.
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