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Hitler's speech they don't want you to listen

Oh please, spare us from rhetoric like this. "We're fighting the Bolsheviks!! Not the average Russian!!" Unfortunately 20 million of them perished under a vicious "scorched earth" policy.

The number of 20 million is of the total Russian losses during the war which includes Soviet Soldiers as well as noncombatants, but the question is how do you know if those numbers only include Russians killed at the hands of the Germans? What about Red army soldiers shot for deserting the Red army? Or what about the various ethnic groups that sided with the Germans against the Red army and later on when Germany was being defeated the Reds massacred these people for siding with Germany? Since the 20 million number is of the total Russian losses then it has to include all of the above mentioned.

Stalin himself is responsible for the deaths 60,000,000 Russians, including thousands of his own soldiers, officers, and personal advisors, but for some reason certain people like to ignore that fact and jump on to the Hitler bashing bandwagon.. Also, as i mentioned in my earlier post, more than 1 million Russians fought under the Wehrmacht and even the SS. The famous Ex-Soviet General Andrey Andreyevich Vlasov fought alongside the Wehrmacht and led a SS division composed of former Soviet POW's.

under a vicious "scorched earth" policy.
You mentioned "scorched earth" policy, well the Red army was responsible for burning and destroying everything as it retreated during the initial stages of the war, so how can the Germans be responsible for the "Scorched Earth" policy??

The following should shed some light on German race mentality. Consider: When British, French, U.S. and other "Western" soldiers became POW's, they received decent treatment. Reasonable food, not overly brutalized, etc.

Speaking of race mentality, i think you should first fix your own beloved ally instead of sounding like a hypocrite:

Apparently the Chosen Ones don't want their blood to be polluted by Subhumans:
Chinese workers in Israel sign no-sex contract | World news | The Guardian

When Russians became POW's, being slavs, they were worse than animals, and millions of them died in captivity.

But then why do Cossacks, Bulgarians, Czechs, and many other Slavs view Nazis as their Saviors?
The figure of more than 1 million Russians fighting on the side of the Germans speaks otherwise.

Denmark was greatly admired by Hitler as being a nation of blond, blue-eyed racially pure and admirable people. The Danes suffered far, far less under the German yoke than other nations. Now, go to Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, the Ukraine, and Russia circa 1941 to 1945, and compare the German overlords' behavior vs. Denmark.

It seems that CNN, History channel, and Fox News propaganda have worked well on you. Apparently, the war on the Eastern Front was prolonged due to the very large Russian territory which stretched out the German armies as well as intense resistance from the Red army reinforcements that were moved in from the far east, for this reason the war was more brutal in the Eastern front. In contrast, Denmark and France didn't encounter any fierce fighting until later on in the war, Germany easily defeated the European Nations to its west, with the exception of Britain due to its advantage of being across the English channel.

So the temporary calm and peacefulness as well as less casualties in Denmark was more to do with less fighting rather than admiration of Danish people's facial features :lol:.

Race and blood purity drove the Nazi train. It drove him insane when his elite Aryan boys were trounced by sub-human races in combat.
What silly rubbish, is that why he shook Jesse Owens hand after the latter won a Olympic Gold medal while his "Aryan" opponent lost?
Fox, those units were cannon-fodder for the Reich. Germany felt no great affection for them, and considered them second-rate. Their numbers increased dramatically in 1944 when Germany knew they were going to lose.

Your wrong, most of these Foreign Units were not used on the front lines until later on in the war when Germany no longer had native men to fight the war. These units were used to guard the rear of advancing German armies on the various battle fronts of the war, as well as to guard communications lines, supply depots, etc.

You'd be surprised to know how many non-"Aryans" fought during the Battle of Berlin and defended the city until Germany finally surrendered.
Germans are a great people. The Third Reich was a grand vision, humane, modern, and a real alternative to the British Empire (which was back then biggest superpower in the world) but alas it failed. UK and US demonized the Third Reich as racist after the war but in fact it was not racist. The worse offenders in that category have always been the UK and US, because oceanic empires are founded on subjugating different colored people half-way around the world. The Third Reich was almost land-locked and the only kind of "racism" was between Germans and Western Slavs. But even then Germans never mistreated Slav civilians under their rule but only fought insurgents. It was more of an ideological conflict between Germans and Western Slavs, than anything "racist."

Looks like this chinese Han is cringing to become part of final solution.

Germans are great people but nazi's were not.

If hitler would have won then your mother would have been wh0ring herself out to the soilders of master race japanese which hitler considered as pure eastern race.(Remember Rape of Nanking episode).And do the CCP Party Potrays every conflict as ideological conflict to its uneducated slaves.And if hitler loved Slavs so much,how would one explain the death toll of 3million soviet PoW's,2 million Poles,1.5million Romani,250000 disabled,80000freemasons,25000slovaks,15000homosexual,5000jenovah witnesses along with 5.9million Jews.

You are supporting someone who if he had won would have lead to extermination of your whole kind(Han race) or would have put you in forced labour camp to lead a life of insect(only a mild change from being a CCP mind slave).

Nah,You are right.Probably you deserved to be part of final solution.
Sorry but if Hitler was not racist, then why did he try to wipe out the Jews?

This is indicative to the level of brainwashing people in the west goes through. Don't worry, I went through the same brainwashing.
The question you asked presumes there is only 2 answers, either he was a racist or not.

Unfortunately, the world does not work like that.
As far as I understand, Hitler hated the Jews because they had a stranglehold on the financial industries of Europe.
Hitler saw that as a threat, and mix in the general sense of superiority that every white man had at the time, and he came to the conclusion that the Jews needed to be dealt with.

Interestingly enough, to this day the Jews have a disproportional representation in the financial sectors of the economy.

I would also like to make a point that millions of Roma (gypsy) were also murdered. Hitler also tried to commit genocide against them, but since they never had any power of any kind and that they were brown people, no one cared about them. To this day the Roma are persecuted in Europe. In Sweden they had a program until the 1970s to castrate them.

But we can't talk about that because it doesn't make good propaganda against non whites. :azn:
Sorry but if Hitler was not racist, then why did he try to wipe out the Jews?

In fact, he initially had a high opinion of Jews. Due to Germany's problems in post WWI (debt, inflation, social problems, etc.), they just needed some scapegoat. And the Jews were that scapegoat.
This is indicative to the level of brainwashing people in the west goes through. Don't worry, I went through the same brainwashing.
The question you asked presumes there is only 2 answers, either he was a racist or not.

Unfortunately, the world does not work like that.
As far as I understand, Hitler hated the Jews because they had a stranglehold on the financial industries of Europe.
Hitler saw that as a threat, and mix in the general sense of superiority that every white man had at the time, and he came to the conclusion that the Jews needed to be dealt with.

Interestingly enough, to this day the Jews have a disproportional representation in the financial sectors of the economy.

I would also like to make a point that millions of Roma (gypsy) were also murdered. Hitler also tried to commit genocide against them, but since they never had any power of any kind and that they were brown people, no one cared about them. To this day the Roma are persecuted in Europe. In Sweden they had a program until the 1970s to castrate them.

But we can't talk about that because it doesn't make good propaganda against non whites. :azn:
It does not matter why he hated the Jews. The fact is he discriminated against them because of their race. That is racism. Pretty much every race other than Aryans suffered at his hand. Who received remarkably better treatment. He considered other races other races as inferior and dirty. The Holocaust was the final solution to the Jewish problem. If that is not racism, then nothing is. That is not western propaganda or brainwashing. That is true.

The Jewish culture brings people up to work in a 'proper' profession, so naturally they will become accountants, doctors etc.

It is well known that not only the Jews suffered, the Jews merely died in higher numbers.

Non whites? So you assume that whites wish for propaganda against non whites? You know that Western countries are amongst the most ethnically diverse in the world.
Zionist/WCC controlled world media has made Hitler into a mad depraved guy. In fact he was utterly patriotic and a true genius. Whatever he has been saying - particularly in The Mein Kampuchea is proving accurate. The scourge that the Jews are was pointed out by him, and he had stated the WCC plan to establish Israel to torment the Muslims.

Hail Hitler!! Germans will worship him again.
US is the most evil country on the face of the earth & now has becomes a real migrane
Hitler was the man of his people, a man of His nation. He always put the interest of Germany before anything, he wasn't a sellout or a coward. Germany under him prospered economically.

Hitler answered the call of duty and served his country during WW1, fought in the trenches alongside his countrymen, was shot in the leg in one encounter with the enemy, and blinded by poisonous gas when his position was hit by enemy gas shells. For his bravery Hitler was awarded twice, Iron Cross second class and Iron Cross First Class.

Hitler as a soldier in WW1:





Hitler designed the VolksWagen (People's car) and presented the idea to German car manufacturers who then made it a reality, making it affordable for the average German to purchase a car.

Hitler also sped up the work on the Autobahn network, which during the period of the Weimar Republic, was making little to no progress. The Autobahn made it easier for the German people to travel across Germany as well as connecting various parts of Germany.

These are just a few of the things that Hitler did to make Germany a prosperous nation.

"Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived... He had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made." - John F. Kennedy, President of the United States

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Hitler was the man of his people, a man of His nation. He always put the interest of Germany before anything, he wasn't a sellout or a coward. Germany under him prospered economically.

Hitler answered the call of duty and served his country during WW1, fought in the trenches alongside his countrymen, was shot in the leg in one encounter with the enemy, and blinded by poisonous gas when his position was hit by enemy gas shells. For his bravery Hitler was awarded twice, Iron Cross second class and Iron Cross First Class.

Hitler as a soldier in WW1:





Hitler designed the VolksWagen (People's car) and presented the idea to German car manufacturers who then made it a reality, making it affordable for the average German to purchase a car.

Hitler also sped up the work on the Autobahn network, which during the period of the Weimar Republic, was making little to no progress. The Autobahn made it easier for the German people to travel across Germany as well as connecting various parts of Germany.

These are just a few of the things that Hitler did to make Germany a prosperous nation.

"Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived... He had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made." - John F. Kennedy, President of the United States

These people are now all dead.
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It does not matter why he hated the Jews. The fact is he discriminated against them because of their race. That is racism. Pretty much every race other than Aryans suffered at his hand. Who received remarkably better treatment. He considered other races other races as inferior and dirty. The Holocaust was the final solution to the Jewish problem. If that is not racism, then nothing is. That is not western propaganda or brainwashing. That is true.

The Jewish culture brings people up to work in a 'proper' profession, so naturally they will become accountants, doctors etc.

It is well known that not only the Jews suffered, the Jews merely died in higher numbers.

Non whites? So you assume that whites wish for propaganda against non whites? You know that Western countries are amongst the most ethnically diverse in the world.

I never said he wasn't racist.
He was just as racist as the rest of Europe.
Did you know that, when someone told Winston Chruchill about the Bengal famine that killed millions, he simply responded by saying "Then why isn't Gandi dead?"

That is the level of racism that Europe was engulfed in, the biggest crime Hitler committed was he killed white Europeans instead of those sub human brown people.

For that he is remembered as a monster, while equally as evil people of the time such as Churchill are remembered as heroes.
I never said he wasn't racist.
He was just as racist as the rest of Europe.
Did you know that, when someone told Winston Chruchill about the Bengal famine that killed millions, he simply responded by saying "Then why isn't Gandi dead?"

That is the level of racism that Europe was engulfed in, the biggest crime Hitler committed was he killed white Europeans instead of those sub human brown people.

For that he is remembered as a monster, while equally as evil people of the time such as Churchill are remembered as heroes.

The Bengal famine was some of the worst things that happened in the history of the region :cry:
Chinese people are "Honorary Aryans" to Hitler. :china:

I believe Hitler invented the highway but he wasn't given credit for it.
Leave it to "Desert Fox", the not-so-closet Nazi admirer, to pipe up...

But even then Germans never mistreated Slav civilians under their rule but only fought insurgents.

Reinhard Heydrich Just a good ol' Nazi doing his job. Right?

Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich (7 March 1904 – 4 June 1942), also known as The Hangman,[2] was a high-ranking German Nazi official.

When Heydrich was killed by Partisans, the enlightened German leadership took their revenge.

He died from his injuries approximately one week later. Intelligence falsely linked the assassins to the towns of Lidice and Ležáky.[5] In retaliation, Heinrich Himmler ordered over 13,000 people arrested. The village of Lidice was razed to the ground and all but a handful of its women and children were deported and killed in Nazi concentration camps; all male residents over the age of 16 (192 in total) were shot by firing squads. Approximately 1,300 people were murdered in the wake of Heydrich's death.[6]

On the Heydrich attack:

Two Czech patriots, Jan Kubis and Josef Gabcik, serving with the Free Czech forces in Britain, and based in the grounds of Cholmondeley Castle in Cheshire, volunteered to be dropped by parachute near Prague. Their mission, codenamed 'Anthropoid' was to assassinate SS Obergruppenfuehrer Reinhard Heydrich (Party Number 544916) the Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia. The ambush took place on May 27, 1942, as Heydrich drove to his office in his dark-green Mercedes-Benz. Severely wounded, he was rushed to Bulovka Hospital where he died eight days later. The Nazi reprisals then began. In the next few days, 3,188 Czech citizens were arrested of whom 1,357 were shot. Another 657 died while being interrogated by SS police. On June 9th armed police surrounded the small village of Lidice, some ten kilometres from Prague and gathered together the entire population in the tiny square. Boys over 15 were lined up with the men and locked up in an empty barn. Women and children were herded into the local school for the night. The houses were then ransacked, the pillaging went on all night. Next morning, June 10, at 5am, the women and children were bundled into trucks and driven away. The police then fetched dozens of mattresses from the ransacked houses and propped them up against the wall of the barn to prevent ricochets. The men and boys were then brought out 10 at a time, lined up in front of the mattresses and then shot. (See photo below)


In all, 173 souls were murdered this way. While the firing squads were busy, others set about burning the village to the ground. The bulldozers and ploughs were then brought in and in no time no recognizable feature of the village remained. Meanwhile, the 198 women and 98 children were forcibly separated and driven away, the women to the Ravensbruck Concentration Camp where 35 of the older women were then sent on to Auschwitz to be used for medical experiments. Only 143 were alive at wars end. Of the children, 17 were picked out as suitable for Germanisation and allocated to German households. These children all survived the war and were eventually reunited with their families. The rest, 81 in number, were sent to the camp at Chelmno and gassed. Reprisals were also taken in the concentration camps where thousands of Czech political prisoners were murdered.


After the German takeover of Poland in 1939, so called 'pacification' raids on towns and villages were started. The SS method of 'pacifying' a district and subdue the local population was to shoot a few hundred of its inhabitants. Picked at random, they were marched to the place of execution and forced to undress and to lie face down in previously dug pits. They were then shot and their corpses covered with a layer of quick-lime. A second batch of victims were then ordered to lie down on top and after they were killed another layer of quick lime was thrown on top. This procedure was repeated till the pit was full.

In the area around Bydogszcz (Bromberg) about 10,000 non-Jewish Polish civilians were murdered in the first four months of the Nazi occupation. This, the largest town in Pomerania had a population of around 140,000. Its priests, lawyers, teachers and industry leaders were arrested and executed in the town's square by machine-gun fire. About 100 twelve to sixteen year old boy scouts were rounded up and machine-gunned to death on the steps of the Jesuit Church. For every German soldier shot, a group of between 50 and 100 Polish civilians were randomly selected and executed. Participating in the shooting of hostages on September 10th, 1939, were members of the Police Battalion 6 (Berlin). Head of the SS, Heinrich Himmler, had said 'All Poles will disappear from the world'.

Next morning, each man was issued with an ox-hide whip to be used to drive the victims out of their homes. Anyone who resisted was to be shot on the spot. The first 'action' was the rounding up of Jews from the ghetto of Jósefów. This was done with the utmost brutality, Jewish corpses lay strewn throughout the ghetto. All Jews, lying sick in the hospitals were simply shot where they lay, wounded Russian soldiers were completely ignored. Those alive were assembled in the town's market place and then marched in groups to the woods on the town's outskirts. Divided into killing squads of eight to ten men, each man from Battalion 101 would select a victim, a man, a woman or child and then walk in parallel single file to the killing site. There the victims were ordered to lie, face down, in a row on the ground to await the inevitable bullet in the back of the head.

Need I go on? There are hundreds if not thousands of similar examples.

I'll wait for your predictable and inevitable "It's all fake, all made up" rebuttal. Unfortunately the tens of thousands of eye witnesses and the mass graves make this impossible.

The German people themselves acknowledge the complete and total evil that was the Nazi regime. All the happy marching songs in the world cannot cover this up. Several posters in this thread have made the solid point... what is the fascination with Nazis? Is it because Nazis killed Jews, something so many long to see done even more? WHAT IS IT? :undecided: Please explain, I'm very interested. Is it because their uniforms looked cool?

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