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Hitler's speech they don't want you to listen

Leave it to "Desert Fox", the not-so-closet Nazi admirer, to pipe up...

Reinhard Heydrich Just a good ol' Nazi doing his job. Right?

When Heydrich was killed by Partisans, the enlightened German leadership took their revenge.

On the Heydrich attack:


Need I go on? There are hundreds if not thousands of similar examples.

I'll wait for your predictable and inevitable "It's all fake, all made up" rebuttal. Unfortunately the tens of thousands of eye witnesses and the mass graves make this impossible.

The German people themselves acknowledge the complete and total evil that was the Nazi regime. All the happy marching songs in the world cannot cover this up. Several posters in this thread have made the solid point... what is the fascination with Nazis? Is it because Nazis killed Jews, something so many long to see done even more? WHAT IS IT? :undecided: Please explain, I'm very interested. Is it because their uniforms looked cool?

Its not a surprise for me at all that you would post such hypocritical nonsense as if your own countries haven't committed mass murders of innocent people under the excuse of freedom and democracy. I can point out so many atrocities that the American government and its allies have committed both in the past, and continue to do so in the present, hiding behind the Hitler bashing won't keep the truth buried forever if that is what you think. Keep it up, your only exposing the ugly truth.

And i have to refute you over and over again, tell you what, refute my replies to your previous posts instead of bypassing them.

My refutations to your posts which you still haven't replied to:


Hitler was the man of his people, a man of His nation. He always put the interest of Germany before anything, he wasn't a sellout or a coward. Germany under him prospered economically.

Hitler answered the call of duty and served his country during WW1, fought in the trenches alongside his countrymen, was shot in the leg in one encounter with the enemy, and blinded by poisonous gas when his position was hit by enemy gas shells. For his bravery Hitler was awarded twice, Iron Cross second class and Iron Cross First Class.
These are just a few of the things that Hitler did to make Germany a prosperous nation.

If he had stopped before Poland he probably would have been Germany's greatest statesman, but you can't seperate one from the other. He brought Germany to its knees for HIS OWN AMBITIONS of a greater (i.e. territory) Germany.

This is ignoring the atrocities committed under him of course.
If he had stopped before Poland he probably would have been Germany's greatest statesman, but you can't seperate one from the other. He brought Germany to its knees for HIS OWN AMBITIONS of a greater (i.e. territory) Germany.

He only wanted back what belonged to Germany before the first World War, ie the Ethnic German populated territories of Sudetenland and the protection of Ethnic Germans who were being butchered by the Poles and the Czechs'. Germany was robbed of its pride and honor, and Hitler wanted to give back that pride and honor to his nation, even if it meant he should sacrifice his life in the process, and that is what a true soldier and statesmen do.

"It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the people will know I was right."-Hitler

Unlike America, where the Mexican territory was forcefully taken through means of military intervention during the Mexican America war, Hitler merely wanted back what rightfully belonged to Germany. Also, the funny and hypocritical thing about the 'righteous allies' is that when Germany invaded Poland, Britain and France declared war on it, but when the Soviets invaded Poland the Brits and French remained silent???

This is ignoring the atrocities committed under him of course.

Yeah and i'm guessing that the Americans and British were showering flower petals over non-military German cities like Dresden which resulted in the deaths of thousands, and the Soviets didn't commit any atrocities, Stalin must have loved those 60,000,000 Russians to death.
By the time America declared war on Germany, it was already in firm grip of banker operating from Switzerland!
And i have to refute you over and over again, tell you what, refute my replies to your previous posts instead of bypassing them.

Apparently you haven't read the thread. I commented on the Krazy Korporal's speech already. Post #44


You leaped immediately into a debate fallacy... can't address my points, so you shriek "Hypocrite!" The topic is Hitler, the Nazi regime. If you want to start a thread about American hypocrisy or war crimes, go for it.. I'll be there.

In the mean time, address the points I made. I'll happily dig up dozens or hundreds of horrific Nazi was crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and other not so savory factoids about your heroes.

If Hitler was such a military genius, why didn't he rise above the rank of corporal in WW1? Also, your namesake Rommel got waxed in North Africa by a pompous British general; and got to re-live the event again in Normandy, when the allies rolled over his "Atlantic Wall."

What is the fascination with Nazis? :undecided:
Chinese people are "Honorary Aryans" to Hitler. :china:

I believe Hitler invented the highway but he wasn't given credit for it.

Why was he in alliance with the Japanese then? Who mind you, were busy culling the honorary "Aryans"?:undecided:

Why was he in alliance with the Japanese then? Who mind you, were busy culling the honorary "Aryans"?:undecided:

The term "Aryan" is originally from Iran - which literally translates to "Land of the Aryans". It's got nothing to do with having blue eyes, light skin, blonde hair, nice dress, etc. It was all propaganda.

Heil Hitler... he was a great man ... a great leader indeed....

Perhaps. But he dangerously stretched his limits. One should never awaken a sleeping giant.
Hitler had plenty of chances to win the war even when he invaded the USSR, at the time people were getting tired of stalin and even defecting, Soviets citizens were welcoming hitler army but his racist policy had to kill the slavs, What would have happened if Hitler got to India ?
Heil Hitler... he was a great man ... a great leader indeed....

From der Spiegel, a leading German news organization:

From doctors to opera singers, teachers to truant schoolchildren, the extermination of European Jews was the work of roughly 200,000 ordinary Germans and their helpers. Years of research -- not yet complete -- reveal how sane members of a modern society committed murder for an evil regime.

Walter Mattner, a police secretary from Vienna, was there in October 1941 when 2,273 Jews were shot to death in Mogilyov in Belarus. He later wrote to his wife: "My hand was shaking a bit with the first cars. By the tenth car, I was aiming calmly and shooting dependably at the many women, children and babies."

But the horrifying results of an opinion poll that the Americans conducted in their occupation zone in October 1945 could have raised doubts even then about the version of the story that blames everything on a few pathological criminals. Twenty percent of the respondents "agreed with Hitler's treatment of the Jews." Another 19 percent said that although they felt that his policies toward Jews were exaggerated, they were fundamentally correct.
Case for Mr Hitler:

Germany post world war 1 , had to pay Billions in ransom to Allied forces which it finished doing so in 2002 amounts to trillions by today standards. Germans during Mr Hitler's time , faced economic hardship and disgrace due to these "Sanctions" , and rightfully demanded they will not pay "Ransom" to allied forces. It was like they worked 12 hours and then 80% of their income salaries went to Allied forces banks.

Mr Hitler, wanted to promote his people's wishes to be free and independent as a nation and restore the honor of being free which is why he embarked on unification efforts.

Was he Racist?
No , why would he then ally himself with Japan ? Non whites or Italians mixed whites and Arabs black hair etc or Bulgaria
Allied forces mean while had other people enslaved

a) British enslaved India , Pakistan , and Bangladesh all the way to Hong Kong

Post independence fight failure 1875 a famine struck India

Since 1875 there were 16-17 documented famines in India can you imagine, and it was due to British increasing poverty in those nation this was also the time when Gold and riches floated out of India to Kings and Queens.

There were only 2-3 famines in India before , in periods at time but during British occupation unprecedented 16 major famines


b) Americans had black racial segregation values which was not softened until 70's

Moral Cleanliness:
None what so ever , Americans and British and allied forces also killed examples Nuclear bombings of 2 major cites , heavily populated with women and children and elderly , if that is not war crime then not sure what is

How many of these people committed any crime

Finally, in closing , Allied forces have a habbit of making stories after wars and incidents to hide their own war crimes and criminal activity

I mean , they allow killing of civilians from Drones , I mean really they agree that collateral damage is ok
and they have no respect for religious buildings and other safe heavens like hospitals

Mr Hitler's image was tarnished , and facts smeared because , Allied forces wanted to wipe off his name from history its typical behavior form winning side in any war

Did the Gas Chambers Exits:

NO , did starvation exist yes all across Europe
Scientific proof did not exist , and this guy was expert in developing gas chambers

(The man in report was later fired and then called a faker as usual because he stated what he found)
Case for Mr Hitler:

Mr Hitler, wanted to promote his people's wishes to be free and independent as a nation and restore the honor of being free which is why he embarked on unification efforts.

Was he Racist?
No , why would he then ally himself with Japan ? Non whites or Italians mixed whites and Arabs black hair etc or Bulgaria
Allied forces mean while had other people enslaved

a) British enslaved India , Pakistan , and Bangladesh all the way to Hong Kong
Moral Cleanliness:
None what so ever , Americans and British and allied forces also killed examples Nuclear bombings of 2 major cites , heavily populated with women and children and elderly , if that is not war crime then not sure what is

Finally, in closing , Allied forces have a habbit of making stories after wars and incidents to hide their own war crimes and criminal activity

I mean , they allow killing of civilians from Drones , I mean really they agree that collateral damage is ok
and they have no respect for religious buildings and other safe heavens like hospitals

Mr Hitler's image was tarnished , and facts smeared because , Allied forces wanted to wipe off his name from history its typical behavior form winning side in any war

Ok i think you live in some utopia or not aware of facts i would quote some events.


he first public meeting of the Nazi party, then called the German Workers’ Party, takes place in Munich, Germany. Adolf Hitler issues a "25 Point Program" outlining the party's political agenda. The party platform embodies racism. It demands racial purity in Germany; proclaims Germany's destiny to rule over inferior races; and identifies Jews as racial enemies. Point 4 concludes that "No Jew, therefore, may be a member of the Nation."

For years before Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, he was obsessed with ideas about race. In his speeches and writings, Hitler spread his beliefs in racial "purity" and in the superiority of the "Germanic race" -- what he called an Aryan "master race." He pronounced that his race must remain pure in order to one day take over the world. For Hitler, the ideal "Aryan" was blond, blue-eyed, and tall.

When Hitler and the Nazis came to power, these beliefs became the government ideology and were spread in publicly displayed posters, on the radio, in movies, in classrooms, and in newspapers. The Nazis began to put their ideology into practice with the support of German scientists who believed that the human race could be improved by limiting the reproduction of people considered "inferior." Beginning in 1933, German physicians were allowed to perform forced sterilizations, operations making it impossible for the victims to have children. Among the targets of this public program were Roma (Gypsies), an ethnic minority numbering about 30,000 in Germany, and handicapped individuals, including the mentally ill and people born deaf and blind. Also victimized were about 500 African-German children, the offspring of German mothers and African colonial soldiers in the Allied armies that occupied the German Rhineland region after World War I.

Hitler and other Nazi leaders viewed the Jews not as a religious group, but as a poisonous "race," which "lived off" the other races and weakened them. After Hitler took power, Nazi teachers in school classrooms began to apply the "principles" of racial science. They measured skull size and nose length, and recorded the color of their pupils' hair and eyes to determine whether students belonged to the true "Aryan race." Jewish and Romani (Gypsy) students were often humiliated in the process.


Key Dates

FEBRUARY 24, 1920
The first public meeting of the Nazi party, then called the German Workers’ Party, takes place in Munich, Germany. Adolf Hitler issues a "25 Point Program" outlining the party's political agenda. The party platform embodies racism. It demands racial purity in Germany; proclaims Germany's destiny to rule over inferior races; and identifies Jews as racial enemies. Point 4 concludes that "No Jew, therefore, may be a member of the Nation."

JULY 18, 1925
Adolf Hitler wrote Mein Kampf while in prison for treason following his failed attempt to seize power in 1923. In Mein Kampf, he outlined his racial ideas. Hitler saw history as the struggle between races for living space. He envisioned a war of conquest in the east, with the Slavic peoples enslaved to German interests. He believed the Jews to be an exceptional evil, working within the nation to subvert "racial purity." He urged the "removal" of Jews from Germany.

JULY 14, 1933
Believing that "racial purity" requires state regulation of human reproduction, Adolf Hitler issues the Law to Prevent Hereditarily Diseased Offspring. Among other provisions, the measure prohibits "undesirables" from having children and mandates forced sterilization of certain physically or mentally impaired individuals. The law will affect some 400,000 people over the next 18 months.

He was a nazi and enemy of humanity, and ready to murder people without hesitation
Lets evaluate this :

France recently kicked out Gypsies from its lands , whole Europe does not recognizes Gypsies (Indian looking european descendents) they live on streets .. so that makes French same as Hitler ?

Britain : Recently introduced laws where they would discriminate against people who can't speak English and prevent married couples from bringing their spouses to their country

USA , passes law where they can imprison someone for years with no reason just suspicion , and people are scanned

a) Ratina scans
b) Finger prints
c) DNA tests when you apply for jobs and to check your health history prior to hiring
This is already done , and practice not a new thing its DONE now by major corps in USA

Now a claim is made he favored abortions , defective babies to be born , sort of like what medical science is doing now it lets parents choose , if a potential child birth will be defective and the child will be born with disable etc

What did USA do to Japanese -> Concentration camps yes , they separated them from population and Germany did same with Jews separated them from population as they did not support Germany

Abortion is legally done in most developed countries of world now and its not seen as a "issue any longer" infact abortion is also done under the table in Pakistan. Its a well recognized practice world wide

You claimed well Hitler was evil because he kicked out Jews , well it had less to do with their eye colors and hair , and more to do with their actions , USA kicks out Mexicans all the time does that means Americans don't like people with black hair?

Again the backlash that Germany had for jews was mainly becasue they sided with Britain and forced USA into world war 2 , with campaigns in USA media who were dominated by Jewish writers. This is why Germany fired all jewish reporters as a retaliation and treason. In todays context that would be a news channel in Pakistan , saying bad things about Pakistan all the time.

How would any nation for example Pakistan if someone back-stabs pakistan and gives up military or valuable secrets of course we would kill or prison that person, and for Germany , Jewish residents , back-stabs German national interest by supporting Britain and giving up state secrets

If Mr Hitler believed that it was important to preserve the traditions and moral values of his nation and people he was very safe and correct , because , he wanted to preserve German heritage and family system. He viewed that these values were being corrupt by outside interference.

I can see where he was coming from , and what he wanted for his people , he wanted to show his country residents , that there was a past time when this was not part of their lives where people had jobs and food on table

When jews were being kicked out , it was mainly because they did not support Germany and its values , they sided with Britain and were Anti German in nature

The reason why he was passionate perhaps was because he had seen Germans living a more prosperous time , but after world war 1 he saw a poor germany , a place where there was no work and there was no food on table , and he wanted to bring back Germany to state where families had food on table and respectful jobs and they did not paid ransom money to other European nations from world war 1 as it was illegal ...

Most of the other stuff is Myth !! Measuring skulls or Nose these myths are created by Authors written by you know who to promote or mash up history then these books are quoted over and over again, and most likely these were Propaganda elements

In past year or so USA has kicked out 1 Million to 3 million Mexicans and other South American workers due to visa issues , but if Germany did same , to create jobs internally then it was wrong but if USA does it , its right of "American citizens" etc

Which bring back to us what Mr Hitler explained , we live in a world where we fight for resources , and how true he was , and he was simply trying to secure resources for his own people , who happened to be living in poverty and paying ransom to Europe for world war 1
Apparently you haven't read the thread. I commented on the Krazy Korporal's speech already. Post #44


You leaped immediately into a debate fallacy... can't address my points,

I addressed every single one of your posts that was in reply to my post or in reference to me.
You on the other hand ignored my refutations to your posts and never bothered replying to them, and instead you even quoted me out of context.

so you shriek "Hypocrite!"

Why? Was i wrong when i called Western governments hypocrites?

The topic is Hitler, the Nazi regime. If you want to start a thread about American hypocrisy or war crimes, go for it.. I'll be there.

No!!, the topic is Hitler's speech in which he addresses the hypocrisy of American government, its support of terrorists who are responsible for the deaths of millions of people, and its nosy nature of sticking its ****** nose in others affairs.

I'll happily dig up dozens or hundreds of horrific Nazi was crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and other not so savory factoids about your heroes.
I'll be posting some war crimes and genocide facts about your governments, just watch.

If Hitler was such a military genius, why didn't he rise above the rank of corporal in WW1?

Hitler's performance in the battlefield and the recognition of his bravery speaks about his experience in the military, more so than his rank. Unlike that crippled panda Roosevelt, Hitler actually saw combat and sustained wounds, and yet he was still eager to return to the battlefield, for recognition of his bravery he was awarded the Iron Cross Second Class and Iron Cross First Class.

Also, your namesake Rommel got waxed in North Africa by a pompous British general;

Just like how your got waxed in Vietnam, and now in Afghanistan? Just like how british and frenchies got waxed in Dunkirk? How british got waxed in Singapore? Britain couldn't even sustain its empire with the German onslaught, they begged and pleaded for American aid and then American and Soviet intervention. Not to mention it took more than 70 nations and their combined force to defeat Germany. Ganging up much? No 1 on 1 fight eh?

@ Mr Chogy: American Hypocrisy: NATO supporting Al-ciada in Libya

Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links - Telegraph

Libyan War: The Truth -- US Supporting al Qaeda Insurgents Against the Will of the Libyan People

Why is the United States Helping Al Qaeda in Libya? | UNCOVERAGE.net

More links below:
Libya: the West and al-Qaeda on the same side - Telegraph

» U.S. Government Backs Libyan Al-Qaeda While Hyping Terror Attacks Inside U.S. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Al Qaida commander backs Libyan rebels in message

Truth Revealed: Al Qaeda Part Of Libyan Rebels, U.S. Helping Fighters Who Killed Americans In Iraq! at Pat Dollard
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