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Hitler Clothing Store In India Sparks Outrage, Owner Claims Innocence

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Israel do care for every jew on earth and Jew community of ahmedabad(where shop is located) complained about it to the shop owner and later on,this news roamed whole world :lol: and israeli consulate general had to intervene ..

and the israeli state has no ground to do so without undercutting its own political form. and the current form was thought to be the best shelter the jews could possibly have. hence jews' predicament, not that i give a damn.

the facts remain that hitler harmed neither the israeli state nor any of its precedessor states, and no one should countence an israeli protest about a hitler memorabilia because israel has no legal ground to protest.
10 Things You Didn't Know About Hitler

Interesting article, 10 things you didn't know about Hitler.

There’s a whole host of received consciousness information that everyone seems to know about Hitler. He was an evil Nazi, for one. He hated Jews. He had a ridiculous moustache. And he had one testicle.

But what about the lesser known facts of this historical horroshow? These tidbits of information are taken from official dossiers compiled during wartime by the British and American governments about Hitler, and open up a whole new facet of the man who is widely believed to be history’s most horrible monster.

10. Hitler hated aftershave

The man refused to scent himself in any way, which is fine, so long as he bathed every day. The problem is, he refused to let anyone – not even his chambermaids – see him while bathing, so we don’t know whether he actually got clean or not.

9. Hitler had dinner party speeches

If you’re a socially-awkward Jew-hating dictator, you need some go-to dinner party conversation topics. Hitler’s included “When I was a soldier,” “When I was in Vienna,” “When I was in prison,” and “When I was the leader in the early days of the party.” Basically, the Hitler ego show.

8. Dude loved the opera

Quoting directly from the dossier here: “If Hitler begins speaking about Wagner and the opera, no one dares interrupt him. He will often sermonize on this topic until his audience falls asleep.”

7. Hitler walked diagonally

When you’re trying to overthrow the world and believe that half the human race is scum and against you, you’re bound to be a little antsy. Hitler relieved that by pacing up and down rooms, but always did so corner-to-corner. We don’t know why.

6. Hitler doesn’t like sports

It seems strange that the man who so carefully orchestrated the Berlin Olympics couldn’t like any kind of sports, but Hitler found them a bore.

5. Hitler could write in cursive

Carl Jung was drafted in to analyse his handwriting during the war, and if Hitler had heard Jung’s psychological conclusions we think Jung would’ve been a dead man: “Behind this handwriting I recognize the typical characteristics of a man with essentially feminine instinct.”

4. “He isn’t interested in wild animal acts, unless there is a woman in danger”

You can’t really make that any funnier than it is, so I’ll leave that one there.

3. Hitler loved snuff films

His staff often set a video camera rolling when interrogating and killing prisoners, which they’d then play back to Hitler. Apparently, he enjoyed them. Sick freak.

2. Hitler loved the circus

Again, the official dossier puts it funnier than I ever could: “He takes real pleasure in the idea that underpaid performers are risking their lives to please him.”

1. Hitler based much of his speeches on football games

You know your college games with the fight songs and cheerleaders? Yeah, Hitler noticed that you’ve got college pride, and realised he could make that into something useful for his Nazi party. “Sieg Heil!” was based on cheerleader’s chants.
The Jews are naturally going to be offended by this of course. I doubt the owner would be compensated for the money spent on marketing, but with the amount of publicity attained by naming the store "Hitler", there should be no need for anymore marketing expenses for quite some time. Even if the owner was to rename the store, the people of that community aren't likely to forget this controversy anytime soon. Besides, I am sure that once the owner changes the store's name, the media is likely to report the name change, & that is somewhat the equivalent of advertising.

what was the religion of that dravidian that u claim that swastika symbol was the symbol of dravidian ..??yes that seal was found but it is said that is the symbol of aryan .......

Hey Balochi, how are you? The swastika was one of the ancient seals of the Harappan civilizations. As I recall, many of these seals were used during trade for authenticating documents obviously. This particular seal was adopted by the Aryans after their arrival, & it's for this reason that it's mostly associated with them.
But harrapans were the dravidians. and swastika was first found on there seal .............

can u tell me the religion of dravidain ? (or its a myth).......is hindusium older than Buddhism, Zoroastrianism??

page badlo :lol:
and the israeli state has no ground to do so without undercutting its own political form. and the current form was thought to be the best shelter the jews could possibly have. hence jews' predicament, not that i give a damn.

the facts remain that hitler harmed neither the israeli state nor any of its precedessor states, and no one should countence an israeli protest about a hitler memorabilia because israel has no legal ground to protest.

This is called as ummah of jews :) ..like every muslim is considered as muslim first irrespective of the to they belong,although reality is smthing else but jews are united
can u tell me the religion of dravidain ? (or its a myth).......is hindusium older than Buddhism, Zoroastrianism??

page badlo :lol:

All I know is that whatever there religion they didn't apply Mehndi on their hands...they hated it religiously as do the rest of us ! :P
can u tell me the religion of dravidain ? (or its a myth).......is hindusium older than Buddhism, Zoroastrianism??

page badlo :lol:

Hinduism evolved from the religion of IVC. Yoga was also evolved in IVC.


:rofl: :pop: :rofl:
Uff ho, I know many Pakistanis r dark skinned. That was not the point here. WE PAKISTANIS don't open such stores like that in Pakistan and claim we r carrying on the legacy of Aryans!! I mean if they really wanted to open a Hitler Brand then at least get some good looking models from Kashmir and Punjab to represent the 2% Aryan legacy of India..:rofl:

Before speaking up something stupid look over this link
Arya Samaj - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
can u tell me the religion of dravidain ? (or its a myth).......is hindusium older than Buddhism, Zoroastrianism??

page badlo :lol:

No idea about Zorastrianism, but Hinduism is definitely older than Buddhism..for the simple reason Siddhartha (Gautam Buddha) was born a Hindu Kshatriya prince of Kosala kingdom.
. <---- 1 point

.. <------2 points.

i am trying to make 100 ones..

Its just a Pakistani film poster. Arent we discussing hitler??? my bad..

Your brain cannot handle Hitlar, a movie about Hitler's evil Pakistani gangster son

Perhaps you are right, and I am wrong.

I was under the impression that we were discussing the readiness of some people, ignorant of the unbelievable cruelty that an autocratic regime launched upon helpless and defenseless people, to use what they believe to be symbols and regalia that appeals to a certain kind of mind to attract attention and possibly clients.

This may be wrong, and the subject may actually be quite funny. It had not crossed my mind that some think that the slaughter of six million people on a systematic, technically maximized basis was a hilarious incident. The comic possibilities of human beings slaughtered in gas chambers is quite difficult for untrained minds and underdeveloped tastes to grasp.

You must be congratulated on your advanced aesthetic sense.

A series of jokes on the riots of partition might be of interest to members. Or why not the Sikh killings of 1984? Surely a subject rich with possibilities? The Moplah Rebellion perhaps, nearer home? Why not? A whole after-market can be visualised, something of the nature of genochic, perhaps, or ethno-slick? No doubt your nimble and capable mind will be up to the occasion.
Oye...Pakistani Nationalist ! Chitoray ta&#8217;o? Where the heck have you been for the past so many days ?
This is called as ummah of jews :) ..like every muslim is considered as muslim first irrespective of the to they belong,although reality is smthing else but jews are united

of course there can be a unified, international community of jews. but it is not going to take the form of the israeli state; it is bound to be a supranational organization, and its missives and envoys will not enjoy the same level of protection and respect that diplomats of the israeli state would enjoy.

so it is a gross abuse of diplomatic protocol that the jews send an israeli diplomat to protest the commercial use of hitler's name or likeness. and in light of the jews/israelis' abuse of diplomatic privilege of a state, it is sad that indians submit themselves meekly not only to israel but to jews as such.
I was under the impression that we were discussing the readiness of some people, ignorant of the unbelievable cruelty that an autocratic regime launched upon helpless and defenseless people, to use what they believe to be symbols and regalia that appeals to a certain kind of mind to attract attention and possibly clients.


A series of jokes on the riots of partition might be of interest to members. Or why not the Sikh killings of 1984? Surely a subject rich with possibilities? The Moplah Rebellion perhaps, nearer home? Why not? A whole after-market can be visualised, something of the nature of genochic, perhaps, or ethno-slick? No doubt your nimble and capable mind will be up to the occasion.

Not valid examples. For all its cruelty, the Nazi campaign against European Jews did not concern the Indians as it was not against one of them. So an Indian might have an academic interest in that like historians or some Indian jews might have feelings for their co-religionists. But for the absolute majority, its just an academic interest, a dark chapter in a far away land. How many Indians you see going around cursing the Spanish or portuguese for their Inquisitions in South America, how many Indians you see care about the total genocide of native americans by the Europeans in North America ? The Japanese killed nearly 20 million Chinese in the same period and they still venerate their soldiers in the Yasukuni...are we protesting against that ? Why..are those lives any cheaper than the lives of the Jews..no..but because they simply dont concern Indian history.

You might talk from the perspective of a historian...but that is to it. Not all are historians here. The absolute majority are not.

Coming to the second case, they are part of Indian history and there might be Indians who could have been directly affected in them. Personally I feel a lot more anger at Jallianwala Bagh than at Auchwitz. Why because those dead in the former were Indians. As simple as that.
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