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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

HA! Where did you think the whole Junggar, Mongolia and Tibet have gone~? Small you say, why don't you go check the territory and national power of the UK and France back in those days~? Also I told you already, compare with those nations like Mughal, Ottoman and the others, China can still maintained and took back most of its territory and most of its independence. Oh and yes Japan did humiliated China, but how about those countries like "big buddy" India and lil' Vietnam which were not even existed? Even Thailand can maintain its independence but Vietnam can't~ Survived? Vietnam? You are trying to make me laugh to death aren't you. :laughcry:

When did I even say that China was not controlled by Westerners, punching scarecrow is pretty fun to you, right? :laughcry:

You people always try to put Chinese history on the table but forget yours wonderful history. The broken lil pot calls the kettle black. :laughcry:

I saw some post of you, and I think you smarter than your buddy, but look like I wrong.

What point for you step in my reply to your buddy (Wholegrain) with his bullshjt !?

Asian countries was invaded by many Western countries in 19th and 20th Century. It's true, and after times, we stand up and gain independence, what's wrong with that for him barking bullshjt and you come to smell it !?

Vietnam invaded Champa, ok. If that's sin, so what's about China do with other countries, land and ethnic !?

Wholegrain said (he want it) Vietnamese was slave of China, but he keep show off his pitiful to Champa people. His hypocrisy and shameless are amazing. Same with you.

You Chinese keep said you are good, peaceful, righteousness ... but when you can't prove those thing, your mouth bring up weapon and money ...etc to show off and try to insult others. LOL

You can laugh and die with your arrogant, nobody care about your death, in here.

If you want to show, I will help you:

Even Thailand and many small Asia countries wasn't get bang and humiliated like mighty, most wealth China, central of the world, that thing claimed by you guys.

France and Britian or Japan have many colony, but their entity, their real territory is very small when compare with China. They have to control their colony with their power to get benefites.

Thailand and Japan avoided other Asia countries's fate, but the other like Vietnam, Philippine, Indonesia was stand up and regain our freedom by tear and blood.
So what's shame with that !?

Only one need to shame is your buddy and anyone try to insult victims of War.

They was suffer result and sin of war, but Wholegrain bring up them to cover his shamless face when he can't illuminate and protect his hypocrisy.

He show no respect and sympathy to victim of war and colonialism, so how can he has respect and sympathy with Chinese victim of Japanese Imperial Army, but he keep saying about bully and shame. His hypocrisy and shameless are amazing. Same with you.

Now, I can understand how could a Chinese man was hit to near death by his Chinese fellow because he drove a Toyota's car.

Oh, I forget, your pointless crap:

Yet unlike the other giant nations like Turkish Ottoman and Indian Mughal, China survived from the western invasion and maintained most of its large territory and independence.
before the Opium War China gained more benefit from the volume of trade between Qing and Britain, while most of the other countries were either conquered or their business were controlled by westerners.

Done with you :wave:
Oh, I forget, your pointless crap:

Done with you :wave:

You really wanna make me laugh to death with your jokes, luckily I have already got use to facing with such situation because of your stupid buddy @EastSea :omghaha:

[China survived from the western invasion and maintained most of its large territory and independence.]
Find me a mistake here.

[while most of the other countries were either conquered or their business were controlled by westerners.]
1. Since when did the whole China become a colony of other country~?
2. IF you read it carefully I was talking about the volume of trade between Qing and Britain, and this is a fact that the Qing Dynasty was in a dominant position in the business between the two nations before the war, while the economy of Mughal and Ottoman were controlled by the Westerners before they were eliminated or beaten~
3. "the other countries were (fully) controlled by the Westerners" = "China was not controlled by Westerners"? What were you even thinking. Who is the one throwing crap here~ :laughcry:
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Our PLA girls do fight,they fight in sports and they train really hard and are among the best in the world.some of them got Olympic gold medals.


:smitten: i need to visit China asap
You really wanna make me laugh to death with your jokes, luckily I have already got use to facing with such situation because of your stupid buddy @EastSea :omghaha:

[China survived from the western invasion and maintained most of its large territory and independence.]
Find me a mistake here.

[while most of the other countries were either conquered or their business were controlled by westerners.]
1. Since when did the whole China become a colony of other country~?
2. IF you read it carefully I was talking about the volume of trade between Qing and Britain, and this is a fact that the Qing Dynasty was in a dominant position in the business between the two nations before the war, while the economy of Mughal and Ottoman were controlled by the Westerners before they were eliminated or beaten~
3. "the other countries were (fully) controlled by the Westerners" = "China was not controlled by Westerners"? What were you even thinking. Who is the one throwing crap here~ :laughcry:

You are such hopeless:

What's point of you when you step in my reply to your shameless buddy.

You try hard to bla bla bla ... and analysis every sentence and words that can prove some part in your post is right , ignore the other fact when you step in my post. For what!? LOL

Can you answer me!?

Mr. Ah-Q, eventually you can maintain your independence in name, everyone know history, it's hurt, but it's true.
Your buddy can't accept that fact and failed when he try to bring up victim of war to cover his shameless face.

P/S: I bet you still don't understand why did I call your point is crap, until now. Sure, because you want you are right, and superior. LOL
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I saw some post of you, and I think you smarter than your buddy, but look like I wrong.

Don't be sad, you have made a lot of mistakes in many ways anyway~
The only thing matters is I am smarter than you, that is for sure~
What point for you step in my reply to your buddy (Wholegrain) with his bullshjt !?

Oh I'm so sorry Master owner-of-the-PDF-forum, I didn't know that I can't decide to talk with anyone I please in this forum.

Asian countries was invaded by many Western countries in 19th and 20th Century. It's true, and after times, we stand up and gain independence, what's wrong with that for him barking bullshjt and you come to smell it !?

Vietnam invaded Champa, ok. If that's sin, so what's about China do with other countries, land and ethnic !?

Wholegrain said (he want it) Vietnamese was slave of China, but he keep show off his pitiful to Champa people. His hypocrisy and shameless are amazing. Same with you.
Did I say anything about "sin" and "wrong"?
Funny because I didn't even read most of her posts in this thread but you keep mentioning her name and YOUR argument with her in front of me and consider I must share the same opinion with her. What the heck you are thinking :laughcry:.

You Chinese keep said you are good, peaceful, righteousness ... but when you can't prove those thing, your mouth bring up weapon and money ...etc to show off and try to insult others. LOL

I never say such thing like Chinese people are good peaceful blah blah blah, or did I~? Find me a post in this forum that I have said such thing otherwise you should really stop punching Mr.Scarecrow~

You can laugh and die with your arrogant, nobody care about your death, in here.

Who the heck care if YOU say nobody care then~? How childish you are~

If you want to show, I will help you:

Even Thailand and many small Asia countries wasn't get bang and humiliated like mighty, most wealth China, central of the world, that thing claimed by you guys.

France and Britian or Japan have many colony, but their entity, their real territory is very small when compare with China. They have to control their colony with their power to get benefites.

Thailand and Japan avoided other Asia countries's fate, but the other like Vietnam, Philippine, Indonesia was stand up and regain our freedom by tear and blood.
So what's shame with that !?

Thailand was always a luck/ smart nation to survive from other bullies~ unlike its neighbors such as PH and Vietnam which have been humiliated and"banging to death" by foreigners for uncountable centuries~ They were not even existed back in those days~
Oh and by the way, China was one of the few Asian countries which had the power to stand against the invasion from westerners, while most of the other like India Vietnam and PH were swallowed up by them with out using that much bullets~

What the hell is this "real territory", Qing Dynasty owned a large scale of territories like Mongolia and Tibet which were not even fully, directly controlled by the central government, does it make them not a "real territory". And you just said that they gained benefit and resources from colonies, which means that they DID gained power from their large "not real territory". Do you even know what you were talking about.

Only one need to shame is your buddy and anyone try to insult victims of War.
They was suffer result and sin of war, but Wholegrain bring up them to cover his shamless face when he can't illuminate and protect his hypocrisy.

He show no respect and sympathy to victim of war and colonialism, so how can he has respect and sympathy with Chinese victim of Japanese Imperial Army, but he keep saying about bully and shame. His hypocrisy and shameless are amazing. Same with you.

Blah blah blah Wholegrain here and Wholegrain there blah blah blah, sorry but am I representing her~? You are really out of your mind :laughcry:
Now, I can understand how could a Chinese man was hit to near death by his Chinese fellow because he drove a Toyota's car.

I can only see a picture of how a silly Vietnamese guy telling nonsense and punching a scarecrow :smart:
You are such hopeless:

What's point of you when you step in my reply to your shameless buddy.

You try hard to bla bla bla ... and analysis every sentence and words that can prove some part in your post is right , ignore the other fact when you step in my post. For what!? LOL

Can you answer me!?

Mr. Ah-Q, eventually you can maintain your independence in name, everyone know history, it's hurt, but it's true.
Your buddy can't accept that fact and failed when he try to bring up victim of war to cover his shameless face.

P/S: I bet you still don't understand why did I call your point is crap, until now. Sure, because you want you are right, and superior. LOL

Who do you think you really are, the holy freaking baby lord Jesus? If you don't wanna be replied then why don't you leave this place, this is a forum of free speech. :laughcry:
I can choose who I want to spend time with and which topic I wanna discuss about and you can't shxt lalala~ :yahoo:

Answer what~?
I has been telling that the modern Chinese history and its sad ending was not that bad as some people describe by comparing China with other nations such as India and Turkey, also pointing out China's dominant position of trade and business back in those days to show that China was not that pity and poor. Therefore this is pretty ridiculous that people especially from Vietnam and Korea dare to laugh at Chinese history~ (but of course, just like what @Viet has just said, Chinese shouldn't make fun of Vietnamese history [for no good reason] as well~)

But that doesn't mean that I am trying to "ignore" and avoid to accept any poor, shame history in China and its tragedy, nor covering anything negatives :omghaha:
Some people in this forum is just too sentimental and doesn't even have any ability of logical thinking~ They are those who really "want themselves are right and superior" and always make slanders.
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You are right. Actually China and Vietnam were humiliated by foreign powers for more a century. Laughing at other because they had similar fate is not nice at all. How about a cease fire here on defence.pk?

I would love to enjoy watching your beautiful pictures instead but some of your buddies here are just too sentimental and aggressive to understand my simple point of "Vietnam has no right to laugh at China's history" and accuse me a lot of "crimes" such as " (I) calling ourselves (Chinese) good and peaceful", "trying to ignore the part of shameful history in China", "disrespect those victims of wars" etc .
Also some Chinese members here are too noisy.

Ok ok I will try to be cool with that "lady in menopause".
If you are person like you said, you should talk to your buddy shut his mouth before you say anything, but you agreed with his troll and thank him. So you are same with his .

My reponsd show the true to your hypocrisy buddy, so if you don't read, don't want to know what's I talking about, just shut your mouth.
If you don't know what's he post, so why did you thank to him !? Want to smell his sh!t !? :lol:
So follow you, Chinese wasn’t not get bang by many Western countries like I said !?

Why should I~ :laughcry: I can thank anyone I want and nothing relate to you, you mad idiot~?
There are many reasons people giving 'thanks'~ to appreciate ones information and refs, to agree ones opinion (all or part of), to thank ones good English or even just simply mark down a mark for recording important posts~
The most important thing is giving a thank to other member doesn't mean that you have to accept and follow all of his opinion, doesn't mean that you know any of his former posts nor you want to "on behalf of" someone~ simple as that~
Maybe I should just give you a thank to thank you for showing your stupidity to make me happy~ :yahoo:

Why should I care who you were talking to~ Your nonsense wouldn't become a page from the bible depends on who you are arguing with~ You want me to shut up? Can you~? Ha~

What you said is nonsense, I for sure didn't say anything like what you say~

And find for me when did I speaking about you, Ah-Q kid !??? :omghaha:

Oh I am sorry I didn't know that you are just playing with yourself even you brought up the words "you Chinese" for no reason at all and always mention and emphasis other member here all the time :smart:

You think you can screw my emotion with your troll words and make some fun !? LOL, Sorry, I'm not your Mother to get angry and punish your insolent … :pop:

I remember you said you go to here to troll, and enjoy that, right !? (maybe I can mistake, because I don't care about you).
But now, you want serious about "Chinese History" !? your words when you discuss is serious !?
Oh~ talking about other people's mother as usual, how sweet~
My mother will be pleased to see me cleaning up some trash like you~ :ashamed:

Oh did I~? maybe I did~ even if I really did then so what~? I always have fun telling jokes here, especially with Viet, we had some happy times with each other in these forum~ :laughcry: Does that mean that I can't be serious with something I care~ how rude and impolite you are~

You are just looking for an excuse to avoid facing with reasons, I should have know that, such a bad boy~

Last gift for your troll:
Lovely story and pictures~
but how does this news related to any topics here :laughcry:
Stop divert attention from your stupidity would you~

P/S: I don’t know that your mother in this period and take you so hard, how pitiful for you, Mr.Ah-Q.

Feel sad to a shameful loser who insults other people's mother.:lazy:
But I will forgive you, since you are like a woman in her menopause with mood disorders~
please show me some self respect and stop using our language on any vietnmaese buildings. you guys are also encouraged to stop celebrating our festivals.

to all vietnamese members:

please stop using ANY Chinese products, or you are bashing your countries economy.
please stop celebrating Chinese festivals, including the spring festival.
please remove all Chinese signs from your traditional buildings.

it is really offensive to see those Chinese signs on those dirty vietnamese buildings.

all festival in Vietnam is base on our tradition, except Autumn festival and new year holidays following Lunar calendar's. I think VN govt can give up or ban it.
Does Vietnam still consider Cambodia and Laos as close allies considering their pro-China stance?

map of Indochina

Historically Vietnam considers Laos and Cambodia as her backyard. Both countries are of immense strategic importance for Vietnam, not only because of land and resources, they protect Vietnam from the western flank. To keep Laos and Cambodia under control is one of our primary goals. So Vietnam invests a lot of time, money and human resources to limit China and Thailands influence in the direct neighborhood.

Luckily Laos is a close ally of Vietnam. In the 1979 Sino-Vietnam war, they sided with Vietnam and turned against China. In contrast, Cambodia is an unreliable partner. They dislike Vietnam and Thailand due to history (we both defeated Cambodia and shared the booty after the wars.). If Cambodia can choose, it would side with China, but fears possible Vietnamese reaction. Anyway, the current Prime Minister Hun Sen was installed as VN´s puppet after we overthrew the Red Khmers after 1978 invasion.

And he is still in power. :rofl:
Vietnam-Japan Spring Fest in Hanoi: "costume play" (2013)










Vietnam-Japan Spring Festival in in Tokyo (2013)



Japanese youths in Vietnamese traditional costumes







Japanese girls in shirts with Vietnam’s national flag.


seriously, this site is retarded, I wrote post and then it says I can't post then auto log off

only joking Viets!

is there any Viet here who is expert knowledge in ancient Vietnam history because I was reading some stuff and it seem like Viets weren't in the delta until much later, the original Dong Son people and Baiyue is something to do with Austronesian and Tai-Kadai, all the cultural markers depicted on the drums or recorded later all match up with Austronesian

Taizong appealed to Le Hoan
"Although your seas have pearls, we will throw them into the rivers, and though your mountains produce gold, we will throw it into the dust. We do not covet your valuables. You fly and leap like savages, we have horse-drawn carriages. You drink through your noses, we have rice and wine. Let us change your customs. You cut your hair, we wear hats; when you talk, you sound like birds. We have examinations and books. Let us teach you the knowledge of the proper laws ... Do you not want to escape from the savagery of the outer islands and gaze upon the house of civilization? Do you want to discard your garments of leaves and grass and wear flowered robes embroidered with mountains and dragons? Have you understood?"

Taizong of Song was in 10th century so if Viets ancestors were always in the delta aren't they already supposed to have been heavily Sinicised by then, from this quote Viets was still so primitive so it must be that Viets were only recently came from Nghe Tinh in the mountains starting from around the Black emperor time

does any Viets know about Viet Thuong/yueshang? Viets was not Baiyue but different Yue of Viet Thuong clans, yue just mean beyond, i.e from Zhou etc realm right?
Pro-China !? Cambodia and Laos !? No.

Cambodian welcome anyone invest to their country, China give them big money in recent, so they reponsd with sweet words to get PRC's aid.
Hunsen's party or Sam Rainsy's Party are same intention with China, but Hunsen know Cambodia can't screw with Vietnam.Laos is Vietnamese's ally, for sure. They also want to get investment to economy, so they welcome China, done.

Vietnam consider any country is friend if they come with friendly attitude.

showcasing the evil Vietnamese race, they are a barbaric and vicious warmonger people enslaving others but having a massive cry with their Northern brothers!

During the period 1813 – 1815, Vietnamese perpetrated the infamous massacre, known to every Khmer as “Prayat Kompup Te Ong”. It was the most barbarous torture style in which the Khmer were buried alive up to their neck. Their heads were used as the stands for a wood stove to boil water for the Vietnamese masters. As they were burned and suffered, the victims shook their heads. At that moment, the Vietnamese torturers jokingly said “Be careful, not to spill the master’s tea”.

During his dynasty (1802-19), King Gia Long started an irrigation project in the Province of Mot Chrouk (Chaudoc). Thousands of the Khmer Krom were forced to dig a canal named Chum Nik Prek Teng (Vinh Te), 53 kilometers long and 25 meters wide, from Bassac River to the Gulf of Siam. During this forced labor project from 1813-1820, many thousands of the Khmer Krom were killed. In one particular instance the Khmer workers were buried alive so that the Vietnamese soldiers could use their heads as stove stands to boil water for tea for their Vietnamese masters. The phrase “Be careful not to spill the masters Tea” is still well reminded to their Children by all Khmer Krom parents or grandparents.

Before the Canal Project well done, Annamite soldiers held Khmer laborers into Pillories, each pillory contained about 20-40 people (they said to prevent Khmer laborers run away from mobilization), at least from 2-5 thousand were locked in pillories located in the canal; the dam was opened, water filled the canal, all Khmer laborers were drowned, no one was survive.
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