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History about My people

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Most of Pakistan's cuisine is central Asian Influenced, Pakistan's dress style was also Influenced by central Asians. Same goes for North West Indians like Rajasthani, Sikh punjabis and people from ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, and himanchel Pradeshare all heavily Influenced by central Asian culture

utter BS

I have busted him on another thread,he surely isn't Pakistani.

The IDs involving "historical personalities" also look fishy to me, why the hell would you do that is beyond my comprehension, it just means the person under consideration has some personality worship traits or is just a troll. Such characters have just no identity of their own, they always need the identity of some past personality.


You'd be surprised how much central Asians share with Pakistan and North-West India.

This is the biggest giveaway of your true identity.
The biggest fallacy that some people make these days is that they often consider the "modern population" living in any given place as if it is the exact same population that lived in that place at various points in history. The modern people living for example in Uzbekstan are not the same people as th people living in the age of the Timur for example because Uzbek nomadic tribes came much later to what is now called "Uzbekstan" and their earlier homeland was somewhere in Kazakhastan. Similarly before Timur the people who lived in what is now called "Uzbekstan" were yet another people the so-called "Khwarazmian" and so on and so forth. In the lands of central asia populations got replaced after every few centuries. The situation has only now changed due to modern age international border restrictions. Same is the case with most of other countries, people have been much more mobile in the past than they are credited for in every region of the world . The survival of humans in a given place was not as easy as it looks now in the modern scientific and technological prosperous age. There was no fix place for people to live for eternity in the past primitive human societies, they had to move or they were forced to move due to various social and natural causes.

For more detailed information, watch this informative brief video

Thank you for being one of the best individuals on this thread to stay on topic of discussion. Yes Uzbeks originally came from North West Kazakhstan, where as the turkmen and Anatolian Turks came from central Kazakhstan. The tajiks weren't called the tajiks before the Islamic conquest. They were they sogdians and bactrians. It was after the Islamic invasion that they became persianised. And kyrgyz are the exact same as Kazakhs and even their language is just a minor dialect of kazakh.
The IDs involving "historical personalities" also look fishy to me, why the hell would you do that is beyond my comprehension, it just means the person under consideration has some personality worship traits or is just a troll. Such characters have just no identity of their own, they always need the identity of some past personality.

This is the biggest giveaway of your true identity.
So because I've had Salah-ud-din as my profile picture, makes me suspicious. Wow. You need to learn the definition of trolling, I started this thread to share Information about a group of people which I am from and you somehow think I'm trolling
People migrated from one point to another...n another n n and n...all are sons of Adam...central asian Scandinavian what will u get frm this shit...extra balls or dick with some extra length...am feed of people talking abt race.
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Thank you for being one of the best individuals on this thread to stay on topic of discussion. Yes Uzbeks originally came from North West Kazakhstan, where as the turkmen and Anatolian Turks came from central Kazakhstan. The tajiks weren't called the tajiks before the Islamic conquest. They were they sogdians and bactrians. It was after the Islamic invasion that they became persianised. And kyrgyz are the exact same as Kazakhs and even their language is just a minor dialect of kazakh.

Watch the documentary that I shared in that comment, that would bring you out of frog well of central asia etc. It is all about a "holistic scientific" approach to look at the history rather than some romantic approach that you are used to and comfort yourself.

@Salahuddin Ayyubi , you thanked my post and I am thanking you in a special manner by putting you on my permanent ignore list.
@Salahuddin Ayyubi I don't care who you are or where you're from but you really need to start being respectful and stop with the BS generalizations. For the record, you did no ehsaan on us by dawning that Pakistani flag on your profile even if you are 1/4 Pakistani. Alot of us are proud of who we are and we don't need you to tell us otherwise.
Always wondered where the word p@ki came from ?

It’s a put down slur I hear ??
Pakistan is like the Brazil of the Muslim world. There are many ethnicities here with different looking people. We have central Asian, Arab, Persian, Indus, Turkic, Pashtun, Kashmiri stock. The ethnicities do not change suddenly after crossing a border but are a continuous phenomenon. We Pakistanis are united, not by ethnicities but by religion.

Muslims have been cursed by ethnic divide since the inception of Islam. Arabs not cooperating with the Turks and vice versa, The Persians deploring the existence of Arabs on the face of the earth and vice versa. I dont expect this flame to die out anytime soon unless either one of such ethnicities is eradicated from the planet due to infighting.
@Salahuddin Ayyubi I don't care who you are or where you're from but you really need to start being respectful and stop with the BS generalizations. For the record, you did no ehsaan on us by dawning that Pakistani flag on your profile even if you are 1/4 Pakistani. Alot of us are proud of who we are and we don't need you to tell us otherwise.
Is it BS generalization considering you're all getting offended because I pointed out your hypocrisy. You're literally doing what I said you do. If Pakistanis read something that doesn't have 110% praise about them and how they are then it must be a conspiracy and you all hide in your shells.

This thread was to educate you dumb [emoji2398]unts who have this inferiority complex thinking y'all got some Persian, Arab or Turk blood when in reality that's not even close. I've been with enough p@kis to know how low self-esteem you have for yourself so don't come to this thread and cry about how you're tired of it. No one asked you to b|itch, so be quiet if you don't have something useful to say.

Y'all don't want to be told that you're wrong or that your society is messed up, you're def and blind and want to pretend everything is great and perfect. Go fix your broken society before trying to defend it .

Past zabej padla jebanaja
Always wondered where the word p@ki came from ?

It’s a put down slur I hear ??
It was started as a slur but think about this. People from Afghanistan are called afgahns or Afghani, people from Tajikistan are called tajiks or Tajiki, people from Uzbekistan are called Uzbeks, people from Kyrgyzstan are called kyrgyz, and people from Kazakhstan are called Kazakh.

You're going to call a person from kazakhstan, kazakhstani or a person from Tajikistan a Tajikistani, or a turkmenistan a turkmenistani.

So why should people from Pakistan get offended to be called P@ki, it literally mean that the person is calling you Pure. How dumb do you have to be to get offended by that.
If Pakistanis read something that doesn't have 110% praise about them and how they are then it must be a conspiracy and you all hide in your shells.

Have you seen Pakistanis praising 110 percent?

All i see is people have a general tendency to better themselves and understand the fabric of society as to not let one thought prevail over other by an extremist margin.

From liberalism to conservatism, each extreme is looked upon as an abomination and with mistrust.

Condescending tone has never worked with Pakistanis and never will. Even if Pakistaniyat exists to a 1/4th degree.

You do not need to preach honor killing. The book is ours so why not mend your tone a little?

How dumb do you have to be to get offended by that.

The diaspora community still suffers from the wounds of xenophobia in the west during the height of cold war.

We are not Indians that we wear a term of degradation as our identity.

What part of this simple fundamental approach towards a societal issue don't you understand?
Have you seen Pakistanis praising 110 percent?

All i see is people have a general tendency to better themselves and understand the fabric of society as to not let one thought prevail over other by an extremist margin.

From liberalism to conservatism, each extreme is looked upon as an abomination and with mistrust.

Condescending tone has never worked with Pakistanis and never will. Even if Pakistaniyat exists to a 1/4th degree.

You do not need to preach honor killing. The book is ours so why not mend your tone a little?
I'm going to show you exactly what I mean when I say that the p@ki mentality is to deny anything and everything that doesn't praise the. 110%


Go to this thread and see how dunb [emoji2398]unts are calling the video false and bullshit and utter garbage simply because the video is stating facts about the disadvantages of Pakistan's geography.

This is one thread is just but a single glimpse into the mentality of this messed up society. To deny anything that even tries to show a negative side of Pakistan or show an alternative side of Pakistan.

I didn't make those comments up that are in that thread. Those ignorant twats did my work for me and proving me right
I'm going to show you exactly what I mean when I say that the p@ki mentality is to deny anything and everything that doesn't praise the. 110%


Go to this thread and see how dunb [emoji2398]unts are calling the video false and bullshit and utter garbage simply because the video is stating facts about the disadvantages of Pakistan's geography.

This is one thread is just but a single glimpse into the mentality of this messed up society. To deny anything that even tries to show a negative side of Pakistan or show an alternative side of Pakistan.

I didn't make those comments up that are in that thread. Those ignorant twats did my work for me and proving me right

the video is not one of 10 commandments.

you do realise People of Pakistan are in midst of war against covid19 amidst Indian imposed war after her unilateral actions in areas of territorial dispute. there will always be emotional young blood in Pakistan specific when her populace has a median age of 26.

If you let go of the swear words, people will listen to you.
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