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History about My people

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First provide me the link for where you allegedly exposed me

Don't try to run away from that.

You make a statement, you back it up. So let's see where you exposed me

I'm waiting
The time when you called whole Pakistan munafiq for calling out Indians on trying to change demographics of IOJ&K that too based on your baseless allegations which are purely based on Indian propaganda about,scores of Pakistanis settled in AJK and Pakistan has changed population of area ,clearly proves for whom you speak and from where you speak.
The time when you called whole Pakistan munafiq for calling out Indians on trying to change demographics of IOJ&K that too based on your baseless allegations which are purely based on Indian propaganda about,scores of Pakistanis settled in AJK and Pakistan has changed population of area ,clearly proves for whom you speak and from where you speak.
Because it is hypocritical to cry over Indians moving into Indian occupied Kashmir when Pakistan is doing the same in Azad Kashmir.


Read this before you try to call me out next time, or else I'll own you again and show you humility. Like I said, I can bash Indians all day long and nothing, but I call out Pakistanis for one thing as all of a sudden I'm Indian.

That's shows how narrow-minded you are.
Because it is hypocritical to cry over Indians moving into Indian occupied Kashmir when Pakistan is doing the same in Azad Kashmir.


Read this before you try to call me out next time, or else I'll own you again and show you humility. Like I said, I can bash Indians all day long and nothing, but I call out Pakistanis for one thing as all of a sudden I'm Indian.

That's shows how narrow-minded you are.
You need to be little more craftier at that,people from AJK coming for employment into Urban centre but according to you and Indian media Pakistanis are settling in AJK,i pity on your mental level.
Even a class A idiot when asked to impartially compare AJK and IOJ&K won't compare them,since later is under curfew for past 8 months,with all coms cut.But here we have our flase flagger einstein trying to be over smart all the time.
You need to be little more craftier at that,people from AJK coming for employment into Urban centre but according to you and Indian media Pakistanis are settling in AJK,i pity on your mental level.
Even a class A idiot when asked to impartially compare AJK and IOJ&K won't compare them,since later is under curfew for past 8 months,with all coms cut.But here we have our flase flagger einstein trying to be over smart all the time.
So I'm an Indian who bashes other Indians [emoji23][emoji23] okay mate. What ever you say. Looks like your conspiracy theories are getting more stranger.

Then ask me something that only a Pakistani would know. [emoji28][emoji23][emoji23]

Ask me about my vacation house in phase 8 bahria town intellectual village, ask me about the Gloria jeans in phase 8 where I got coffee the last time I visited Pakistan, ask me about the the small Eiffel tower and statue of liberty in phase 8, ask me about Rahat Bakery in sadar Rawalpindi, ask me about the gym Khana in Rawalpindi where I went to have dinner multiple times during my stay

Ask me about R.A Bazaar in Rawalpindi next to the army barracks where my grandfather was born, ask me about the big green mosque in R.A. Bazar where I prayed, ask me about shangrila in murree where I stayed, which btw is owned and operated by the wife of a retired PIA pilot captain who was friends with my dad when they were in university in Manchester. Ask me about Ayub park in Rawalpindi where they now have a circus theme park built recently.

[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] I've been to Pakistan enough to know these places. I may not be full Pakistani, but I'm sure p@ki enough to put you in your place boy.
Yeah yeah you are enough p@ki kid,even more than Pakistan itself:rolleyes:
Why are you quiet now??? Why not ask me a question about Pakistan that only a p@ki would know??

Is it because you know I'll own you. Don't make accusations you can't prove and don't start an argument you can't finish. Maybe your parents didn't teach you that growing up, so let me educate you.

I dare you to ask me so I can show you humility boy
I never said I'm Pakistani, my father's half Pakistani. Doesn't make me a p@ki. I do live in the US. Jersey City NJ, I moved here from Glasgow. I couldn't give two shits about whether you think I'm Indian or not, who are you btw, ohh that's right, you're a nobody



isko khud nahi pata ye kaun hai

El o el. Btw btw being Jafar saab back.
Most of Pakistan's cuisine is central Asian Influenced,
that's a very vague reference. its like indian and bamgladeshi fighting over spices.

There is no such thing as a nationalist in central Asian, that shit doesn't exist.

that is just not true. these people are very nationalist and very tribal.

you should get to know your own people

Jafar saab back.

Jafar Saab is like Michael Moore of PDF. he should be back
My apologies. I'm from the UK, and it's very common for people of Pakistani decent to call themselves p@kis, it's like their own version of the word n!gga that African Americans use only.

Just wannabes like you use word “PAKII”, we don’t.
that's a very vague reference. its like indian and bamgladeshi fighting over spices.

that is just not true. these people are very nationalist and very tribal.

you should get to know your own people

Jafar Saab is like Michael Moore of PDF. he should be back
Most of Pakistan's meat related cuisines are central Asian Influenced. Kebobs, samosa, pilau, naan is originally from Iran but came to Pakistan from central Asia.

No they're mate. I know my people better than you [emoji23][emoji23] . You'll meet tajiks who don't speak tajiki but only speak Ozbeki, you'll meet Ozbeks that can't speak Ozbeki and can only speak Russian. They're confused group or people. Have you even been to central Asia. People in Kyrgyzstan don't separate themselves from Kazakhs, but rather call themselves mountain Kazakhs. They're not even close to being nationalistic because they were artificially created by the Russian empire after the conquests of central Asia. There was no such thing as Tajiks, Ozbeks, kyrgyz, turkmen. Kazakh was the only ethnic group that did call themselves by that name, but the rest were known by other names.

Trust me mate, if you ever meet a central Asian, and chances are you won't because they don't immigrate to other countries except for Russia, you would know that they don't believe in nationalism
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