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History about My people

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Turkmenbashi is from turkmenistan, I'm not from there. But from what I know, he was a maniac and batshit crazy leader LoL. But then again, most of the post Soviet leaders were batshit crazy [emoji23][emoji23]

I don't even know where that lake is.

People do follow their leaders with grace and patience in the steppe.

Issy Kul is a lake in Kyrgyzstan. The Kyrgyz people share a great deal with their Pakistani counterparts just like the Uzbeks.

Why do you think there are problems in Uzbekistan more and less in Kyrgyzstan?
I'm finishing Egyptian Arabic and Spanish right now. I'll be done inshallah by next year and then I'll spend the next 7-10 years studying Mandarin Chinese. If I can make space and time, I'll squeeze in trying to learn German.

sounds like a plan.

you have most of the known world covered.
Relax...no problem whatsoever. I must admit though, you had me confused until now.
People here want to claim that I'm trying to claim I'm superior even though I gave the Pakistani flag more respect by having it on my profile.

Then there are those who accuse me of being Indian because I dare speak against the status quo of Pakistan and the ignorant ways of people in Pakistan. But they turn a blind eye when I bash Indians and show them the truth.

I don't hide who I am, I'm proud of it, and I'll keep saying it.

If you have any more questions about Central Asians, feel free to ask.
the ignorant ways of people in Pakistan.

maybe there are just ignorant of the nomadic ways of the people of central asia.

i have never met a person from central asia who uses such vulgar way of communicating. hospitality of these people have humbled empires but alas it has bad press from bad mouthing half breeds.
People do follow their leaders with grace and patience in the steppe.

Issy Kul is a lake in Kyrgyzstan. The Kyrgyz people share a great deal with their Pakistani counterparts just like the Uzbeks.

Why do you think there are problems in Uzbekistan more and less in Kyrgyzstan?
Central Asians are too domicile and sometimes worse than Pakistanis when it comes to leader worship.

Ohhh you mean Issiqko'l. Sorry, the Kyrgyz name for it is slightly different than the Ozbek name.

Always wanted to go to Kyrgyzstan, I got denied entry twice. It's on my top three destinations.

You'd be surprised how much central Asians share with Pakistan and North-West India.
People here want to claim that I'm trying to claim I'm superior even though I gave the Pakistani flag more respect by having it on my profile.

Then there are those who accuse me of being Indian because I dare speak against the status quo of Pakistan and the ignorant ways of people in Pakistan. But they turn a blind eye when I bash Indians and show them the truth.

I don't hide who I am, I'm proud of it, and I'll keep saying it.

If you have any more questions about Central Asians, feel free to ask.
Dude that is all well and good but people will criticise any generalisation made about all Pakistani people. Certainly some Pakistanis have odd understanding of heritage and what not but to imply or suggest most or all Pakistanis are "wannabe" anything (other than wannabe Pakistanis of course) is simply regurgitation of standard hindutva tropes used against Pakistanis and even against Indian Muslims.

It's an odd insult anyway, when you realise the basis of hindutva theory regarding an Aryan led Hindu rashtra is that Muslims are descendants of "invaders" to varying degrees and thus "foreign" to India. Almost in the same breath Pakistanis are "accused" of being true sons of the soil who falsely worship Arabs, or Iranians or Turks!

Hindutva is very confused as you can see. I believe some folks are simply suggesting that repetition of these tropes is not appropriate and not expected from non-hindutva types like your good self.
maybe there are just ignorant of the nomadic ways of the people of central asia.

i have never met a person from central asia who uses such vulgar way of communicating. hospitality of these people have humbled empires but alas it has bad press from bad mouthing half breeds.
Trust me, Pakistanis have wayyy more hospitality than central Asians. They used to be hospitable, but decades of Russian rule have made then different. That's another stereotype that people have about Central Asians, they're not all the same.
Please kindly provide me the link for the thread where you "exposed" me [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]. Just because I dare to say something against Pakistan automatically makes me non Pakistani. That's your stupid mentality, I bash Indians all day long and nothing and one comment exposing how messed up Pakistan is or showing one thing wrong Pakistan is doing and BOOOM!!! I'm an Indian spy.

People like you are the same who blame Jews for everything wrong with your country because you're too ignorant to admit your leaders f#cked up your own country.
I have busted him on another thread,he surely isn't Pakistani.
Dude that is all well and good but people will criticise any generalisation made about all Pakistani people. Certainly some Pakistanis have odd understanding of heritage and what not but to imply or suggest most or all Pakistanis are "wannabe" anything (other than wannabe Pakistanis of course) is simply regurgitation of standard hindutva tropes used against Pakistanis and even against Indian Muslims.

It's an odd insult anyway, when you realise the basis of hindutva theory regarding an Aryan led Hindu rashtra is that Muslims are descendants of "invaders" to varying degrees and thus "foreign" to India. Almost in the same breath Pakistanis are "accused" of being true sons of the soil who falsely worship Arabs, or Iranians or Turks!

Hindutva is very confused as you can see. I believe some folks are simply suggesting that repetition of these tropes is not appropriate and not expected from non-hindutva types like your good self.
I'm sorry but I can't fully understand why P@kis aren't proud of who they are, maybe it's because they were different people with different history and now they're one and they still feel connected to their pashtun or Balochi or Punjabi or Sindhi heritage.

Culturally speaking Pakistan is a mixture of central Asian, Iranian and indic cultures and y'all should be proud of it. I get Pakistanis trying to distance themselves from their Indian heritage and only cling onto their Iranian or central Asian influences not realising that central Asia isn't really that glorious [emoji23]. We've been under Russian rule for over a century. We're not the people we used to be.

I've had a lot of debates with Indian whom believe in hindutva and my advice to you is to not waste your time on them, I showed them all the proof needed to make them admit that they are invaders and that the earliest of Vedas were actually orally transferred during the time when they were in the Eurasian steppes and how they migrated to the subcontinent as invaders. But they don't want to hear that. They would call me all sorts of name or sometimes even refuse to read the facts I've provided simply because it would change what they think is the truth.
You'd be surprised how much central Asians share with Pakistan and North-West India.
How? the geography and climate alone separates the ganges plain from the steppe.

Trust me, Pakistanis have wayyy more hospitality than central Asians. They used to be hospitable, but decades of Russian rule have made then different. That's another stereotype that people have about Central Asians, they're not all the same.

Most of the people i encountered were soft spoken and humble.

It must be those uber nationalists who are giving these countries a bad name and press.
How? the geography and climate alone separates the ganges plain from the steppe.

Most of the people i encountered were soft spoken and humble.

It must be those uber nationalists who are giving these countries a bad name and press.
Most of Pakistan's cuisine is central Asian Influenced, Pakistan's dress style was also Influenced by central Asians. Same goes for North West Indians like Rajasthani, Sikh punjabis and people from ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, and himanchel Pradeshare all heavily Influenced by central Asian culture

[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] There is no such thing as a nationalist in central Asian, that shit doesn't exist. They're too confused to be nationalist.
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