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Hindutva Terror in India


Please guide me , I would like to go to Uk, It is better to be Slave of British rather then staying in Secular India.

Once I reach UK, I can lecture every one about secularism, democracy and bla bla.......

Send me your cv. il have a look. You can be my slave if you fit the bill. I have lots of goras working for me. Whatever you do dont allow India to become epicentre of terrorism
thats it you cant handle a thread about hindu terrorism. Listen we will assist you. if necessary we can launch surgical strikes. India must not be allowed to become epicentre of hindoo terrorism

I can't tolerate this annoying mosquito bite chooohsshhhoooooooooo..................

Please guide me , I would like to go to Uk, It is better to be Slave of British rather then staying in Secular India.

Once I reach UK, I can lecture every one about secularism, democracy and bla bla.......

so you coming? No hindoo terrorism though

---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 PM ----------

I can't tolerate this annoying mosquito bite chooohsshhhoooooooooo..................

you mean hindoo terrorism
What about Freedom Fighter in Baluchistan, do you agree with them.

Goodness me here you are again - low quality - off topic rhubarb and custard young man. Look at the title and view your post?

---------- Post added at 01:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 AM ----------

oh so you need to hunt in packs? Back on topic hindu terrorists must be destroyed. indians must be assisted to stop india from becoming an epicentre of hindoo terrorism

Thats slightly incorrect. SpaRks has got bigger balls than the rest put together. He calls a spade a spade and speaks his mind - the rest share one second hand ball
Hindutva terror ? Never heard of it.

Anyone been convicted of it yet?
no because your public elects them you know like modi. You have to be careful and not allow india to become epicentre of hindoo terrorism

That is democracy..Will of the majority..Cant do anything about it matey..Its really that simple...no convictions..no crime...Everything else is bhains ki Gobar..

BTW tell me how many incidents of 'Hindu' terror has occurred worldwide till now and comparitively how many instances of 'Islamic' terror has occurred ..

Lets have a ratio. It will give the readers a broad idea.
Hindutva terror ? Never heard of it.

Anyone been convicted of it yet?

Yes, ask any indian muslim.

Examples are Malagaon blasts, Makkah Masjid bombing, Samjhota Express blasts etc. etc.
^^^^ we are talking about hindoo terrorism. You do not have a secular democracy to speak of. why are you in denial and believe that there are only muslim terrorists. Just accept it that hindoo terrorists exist and you must do your best not to allow india to become an epicentre of hindoo terrorism

Malagaon blasts, Makkah Masjid bombing,

There is a difference between a susppect and a convict.

In India we follow the dictum, "Innocent until proven guilty".

So I again ask, has anyone been convicted of 'Hindutva' terror yet ?

Samjhota Express blasts etc. etc.

Blame Mr.Arif Qasmani of your LeT aka JuD for that.

---------- Post added at 02:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 AM ----------

^^^^ we are talking about hindoo terrorism. You do not have a secular democracy to speak of. why are you in denial and believe that there are only muslim terrorists. Just accept it that hindoo terrorists exist and you must do your best not to allow india to become an epicentre of hindoo terrorism

Just because I say you are a blue blooded alien from Andromeda doesnt make you one...

So it makes no sense for me to say "Just accpet it and move on" in that case..

Proof talks, everything else walks.

BTW I asked you how many incidents of 'Hindu' terror has occurred worldwide till now and comparitively how many instances of 'Islamic' terror has occurred ..

Lets have a ratio. It will give the readers a broad idea.
^^^why are indian hindoos refusing to accept that hindoo terrorism exists? they are trying to mitigate this by going off topic. simple as that

I'm just asking if any one has been convicted of 'hindu' terrorism yet ?

If no, then you dont really have a case, atleast as of now.

How is that any difficult to understand ?

Again, I asked you how many incidents of 'Hindu' terror has occurred worldwide till now and comparitively how many instances of 'Islamic' terror has occurred ..

Lets have a ratio. It will give the readers a broad idea.
What bullcrap are you spreading about? The Sangh's maximum cadre are from lower caste if you didn't know that. Don't spread your Hindu hate just because you found a proper platform to vent it out. If Hindus were hateful politically, none of your secular politicians would have been alive to let you stay. The reason India is sane and stable is because mainstream Hindus are majority population. Had it been Christians or Muslims ruling our country, the entire country would have become another Pakistan. Organized religion is a bane to our society and is against us.

Who said Tribals are not Hindus or Buddhists? DO you even know about them? I belong to a place of numerous tribes. There are dozens of tribes here with different so-called ethnicities. All of them are either mainstream Hindus or Buddhists, including myself. I am from a tribe myself and a proud Buddhist of Mahayana/Vajrayana school of thought.

Do you even know what tribe means? Or do you think that we people dropped out of the sky and that it is only meant for city-dwellers to have Dharma?

Let me tell you the meaning of a tribe. Tribes are divisions of leadership. Since you're from an alien organized religion you won't understand the beauty and branched philosophy.

We DON'T want this bullshit conversion. The Church tried it with us. We spanked their behind and sent them back to their secular coward backers. Our way of life is superior for us than this bribery in the name of upliftment. To rise in the society we are making use of the good concessions many of the hapless get with the government structure and come up.

We want to do work hard and come up become middle class or even better and rise. That is true Dharma. Working just like others. Not selling your souls in exchange for some money and supporting something that was never yours.

Thousands of them have become Christians and suffered more. I personally have been to a camp where many newly converted Christians came back to become either Hindus/ Buddhists because their experience was worse after converting.

Try this lie of "upliftment" with those who don't know the real face of these scum. We know them in and out.

Listen, if you don't know about Dharmic faiths, don't rant about it in front of outsiders and embarrass yourself.

And before you called Hindus intolerant, remember if they were intolerant, there would be no organized religion in our country.

It is because of Hindus that Buddhists, Sikhs and even Abrahamic religions live together peacefully. Otherwise we'd have become like either Saudi or Greece where everything other than Church or mulla said is a blasphemy. For this I am thankful to mother nature and pray that mainstream Hindus remain overwhelming majority.

Ignorance is bliss; either have the courage to defy what your priests and mullas told you to find truth or don't make up fantasy stories just because you got some monetary gains in exchange for your faith and culture.

Good one Brother, I share the same angst as you against these organised religions and this evangalism **** by promising some heaven...
There is a difference between a susppect and a convict.

In India we follow the dictum, "Innocent until proven guilty".

So I again ask, has anyone been convicted of 'Hindutva' terror yet ?

Blame Mr.Arif Qasmani of your LeT aka JuD for that.

Aren't you forgetting the recent judgement of your courts for samjhota express blasts, which though was scape goat type decision saving Col Purohit.

Further, by that dictum, JuD and LeT are innocent as well.

Just because I say you are a blue blooded alien from Andromeda doesnt make you one...

So it makes no sense for me to say "Just accpet it and move on" in that case..

Proof talks, everything else walks.

BTW I asked you how many incidents of 'Hindu' terror has occurred worldwide till now and comparitively how many instances of 'Islamic' terror has occurred ..

Lets have a ratio. It will give the readers a broad idea.

Just consider the Kashmir alone, the figure is too high, so hindutva terror prevails.

Can you just give me the numbers that how many hindus have been innocently killed? now compare that figure with innocents muslims got killed in Iraq, Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

---------- Post added at 02:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:19 AM ----------

^^^why are indian hindoos refusing to accept that hindoo terrorism exists? they are trying to mitigate this by going off topic. simple as that

It is very painful for them to accept the reality. In their view no one is terrorist in the world except muslims. That is why every incident in their country is blamed on Muslims, which afterwards proves to be otherwise.

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