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HINDUS VERY UPSET at comparison of villain Apocalypse with Lord KRISHNAin X-Men trailer

It is OUR GOD who is being talked of as a Villain
We have every right to protest

Dont you protest against the cartoons which you dont like

But is he your god? Ok he is..so wtf is other ten thousand stupid things that you also call god? An elephant is your god (ganesh whatever)...than a f*cking monkey is your god (hanuman whatever)..and list goes on.

Nobody takes such retarded mythical bullsh!t seriously...not even hindus.

In case of Muslims, we actually get offended in respect of somebody that is an undisputed historical religious figure (Prophet Muhammad) and not some snake, flying monkey, and some god-head elephant bullsh!t.
No Indrajit fans ?

You mean the SAFFRON Hindu Terror ? :P


But is he your god? Ok he is..so wtf is other ten thousand stupid things that you also call god? An elephant is your god (ganesh whatever)...than a f*cking monkey is your god (hanuman whatever)..and list goes on.

Nobody takes such retarded mythical bullsh!t seriously...not even hindus.

In case of Muslims, we actually get offended in respect of somebody that is an undisputed historical religious figure (Prophet Muhammad) and not some snake, flying monkey, and some god-head elephant bullsh!t.

I fail to see why you should be offended when somebody mention "accurate historical facts" about any such historical figure like Paedophilia, Blood Lust, Slavery, Sex cazy etc. :lol:
I fail to see why you should be offended when somebody mention "accurate historical facts" about any such historical figure like Paedophilia, Blood Lust, Slavery, Sex cazy etc. :lol:

Because these are not facts but slandering. But whatever it is, its still ok to be pissy about disputed topics/debates about real men..

Unlike mythical creatures that are a joke such as retarded elephant (ganesh) or ugly kaali maata or that flying monkey..most of your "gods" (idols) are such that people urinate on them and they can't even stop em..cuz they are fucking idols not gods.

Atleast we don't worship idols.... :lol:

PS, hinduism was destroyed and decimated by Islam in various territories so no point of talking...:lol:
But is he your god? Ok he is..so wtf is other ten thousand stupid things that you also call god? An elephant is your god (ganesh whatever)...than a f*cking monkey is your god (hanuman whatever)..and list goes on.

Nobody takes such retarded mythical bullsh!t seriously...not even hindus.

In case of Muslims, we actually get offended in respect of somebody that is an undisputed historical religious figure (Prophet Muhammad) and not some snake, flying monkey, and some god-head elephant bullsh!t.

Please ; I DO NOT think I should discuss MY religion with you

WHAT will I Gain ; NOTHING

Atleast we don't worship idols.... :lol:

PS, hinduism was destroyed and decimated by Islam in various territories so no point of talking...:lol:

SO WHAT ; If we worship Idols

Yes like Muhammad

Muhammad is a historical figure attested by non-Muslim, non-Arab chroniclers of 7th century. His reality and existence is undisputed.

Nobody even heard of krishna or whatever stupid gods you have in hinduism..lolol...


Only in india lol...97% of hindus are in india..anyways, lets leave it
Because these are not facts but slandering. But whatever it is, its still ok to be pissy about disputed topics/debates about real men..

Unlike mythical creatures that are a joke such as retarded elephant (ganesh) or ugly kaali maata or that flying monkey..most of your "gods" (idols) are such that people urinate on them and they can't even stop em..cuz they are fucking idols not gods.

Atleast we don't worship idols.... :lol:

PS, hinduism was destroyed and decimated by Islam in various territories so no point of talking...:lol:

Ya worshipping idols is a lot worse than Paedophilia and Terrorism and Slavery :lol:
2016 is going to be an epic year for movies.. Cant wait.. Deadpool, Suicide squad, Fantastic 4!! .... Man loss for choices :pop:

Hopefully the ultra right nut cases in India would'nt make a fuss and deprive people from watching this
U nuts can stop being racist.
U nuts can stop being racist.

Coming from someone with the flags, One of the most racist the other the most discriminatory casteist nations on Earth.. Says much

Not.. :coffee:
Iooks like intolerance among Hindus is growing in US,:sarcastic: but see they are just requesting and opposing peacefully, unlike others who go on a shooting or bombing spree, it is funny that many Muslims are saying to boycott bajhirao mastani because bajhirao married a Muslim women :hitwall: they were happy seeing Akbar romancing with Jhodhabai. May be we should produce a new movie where the main villain is named after Jesus.
Ram's Humilty in Ramayan SHOULD not be looked as His weakness

He ALWAYS gave Credit to Others like Lakshman ; Hanuman ; Sugreev
because of his HUMILITY

Ram Character is what gives an example of how a son, husband, brother,king, warrior, father, human, devotee, enemy, friend should Be.

He is no doubt a Maryada Purshottam --- He defeated Ravana, but ceremonially throned his son as king of Lanka, never claimed his wife. Never shows enemity to Ravan, because his goal was not to kill the enemy or symbolically Evil, but the Evil thoughts.
HEY RAM ; What is this World Coming to :P

Nothing, there is a society of Hindus, who worship Ravana. No one is Evil or Bad its his Karma that are evil or bad

I'd disagree. "If you can not distinguish right from wrong (moral), you lack empathy not religion." - Dalai Lama

Also, my reply was referring to that poster.

You said you are Ethestics, and I can proove that there is no Hindu religion, rather hinduism is a way of life, and our real religion is our Dharma, and Dharma differ by religion and there is no translation of Dharma in English. We are ethestics by nature, and culture but respects all religions and thoughts, and thats why it is still there when all old religion have perished, and will be there in future too.

And there is no way anyone could be made hindu, or converted to Hindu, and no one could be stopped to become hindu.

RAM was WRONG there

But it was the Result of Narada Muni's Curse on Goddess Lakshmi
which was cause of ALL of Sita's Hardships

Ram didn't did that because he don't have faith in Sita but did that due to the King's Dharma which is to look after his citizen's choice over his own personal choice. Ram did that to show the world, two things

1. When you disrespect your wife, you won't find happiness
2. No one is left been attacked even the most morally female character of the world.

But is he your god? Ok he is..so wtf is other ten thousand stupid things that you also call god? An elephant is your god (ganesh whatever)...than a f*cking monkey is your god (hanuman whatever)..and list goes on.

Nobody takes such retarded mythical bullsh!t seriously...not even hindus.

In case of Muslims, we actually get offended in respect of somebody that is an undisputed historical religious figure (Prophet Muhammad) and not some snake, flying monkey, and some god-head elephant bullsh!t.

Dude You know something what is our GOD its the TRUTH.

Some of the questions you won't find in your religious books are

The biggest TRUTH is DEATH

What is the God its the belief, if there is a belief than a man could find a God in a Rock, if their is no belief than book like Koran or bible is just a paper and ink nothing else. Our culture is based on Vedas and all religious books of hindus including Upanishads should be seen on the lights of Vedas for pure knowledge, otherwise they become voids. And the Vedas are Scientific in nature, and if it do not sync with the Science, than Vedas becomes Void.

Every one is free to figure out how his god looks, because a god which is a supreme power is not the elephant, or monkey, but its everything that is the Real GOD.

Read it Carefully.

According to Hinduism the World is set on three Points ---- One on the Horn of Cow (Kaamdhenu), Back of tortoise, and head of the Snake (Sheshnaag) ---- If you read it for too much religious hindu public its all due to supernatural power, for Scientific person and ethestic people like @SAS its Bull Shit and for intelligent person (Brahmin) it true how ?

1. Tortoise is symbollic representation of Hardwork, toughness
2. Cow is the symbollic representation of Karuna or Love, affection
3. Snake is the symbollic representation of Fear, whether fear of father, teacher, state law, or unknown god

Atleast we don't worship idols.... :lol:

Hindus worship Idols is not like they worship Stones, but its the symbollical representation. For a diety it is the way he wants to see god in the stone which is created by god himself. They also through those idols to rivers, ocean without any attachment later because god is everwhere. If you think rationally its you who worship idols aka Makka and Madina and worshipping in the direction of those places.

Better example is can you Spit on the Picture of your Parents, when you know that its only paper and Ink.

Muhammad is a historical figure attested by non-Muslim, non-Arab chroniclers of 7th century. His reality and existence is undisputed.

Nobody even heard of krishna or whatever stupid gods you have in hinduism..lolol...

The astrological knowledge of the antient Indians cannot be denied, and even the western scientific world cannot denied that the knowledge of the old Indian people could perfectly and precisely predict the astronomical events like moon and sun ecilipse. The modern callender what we know is AD after death of Jesus Crist. If you check the events described in those books matches according to the scientific calculations. Check this out

Astrophysicist Dr. Narahari Achar, a physicist from the University of Memphis, clearly showed with astronomical analysis that the Mahabharata war took place in 3067 BCE. Examining the Mahabharata, books 3, 5, and 18, his sky map software showed that all these descriptions converge in the year 3067. Achar also acknowledged that some 30 years earlier, in 1969, S. Raghavan had arrived at the same date.

So, in considering the chronology according Professor Raghavan, we have:

Lord Krishna’s departure from Upaplavya nagara on the mission for peace–September 26, 3067 BCE

Krishna reaches Hastinapura–September 28, 3067 BCE

Lunar eclipse–September 29, 3067 BCE

Krishna rides with Karna–October 8, 3067 BCE

Solar eclipse–October 14, 3067 BCE

The war begins–November 22, 3067 BCE

Fourteenth day of the war, continued into the wee hours of the morning–December 8, 3067 BCE

Balarama returns–December 12, 3067 BCE

Winter solstice–January 13, 3066 BCE

Bhisma’s passing away–January 17, 3066 BCE 4

Departure of Lord Krishna– 3031 BCE.

About when Vedavyasa composed the main Vedic texts– 3000 BCE

About when the Sarasvati had dried up or disappeared–1900 BCE

The above accounts for 48 days from the time of Bhisma’s fall to the time of his passing. However, it is generally accepted that Grandfather Bhisma had 58 sleepless nights between the time of his fall and the time of his passing. Yet, if you count the 10 days that he lead the armies into war in which he may also have not been able to sleep, that would give the full 58 sleepless nights that are described.

That Krishna is historical, not mythological, has been verified by rigorous research conducted over the last several decades in several independent and concurrent sources. Let’s consider three such sources:
  1. Archaeology: Underwater expeditions of the coast of modern day Dwarka discovered the submerged remains of the ancient Dwarka city as described in the Mahabharata and the Srimad Bhagavatam. The recovered artifacts like the seals and coins bearing names and insignias connected with Krishna demonstrate that the scriptural descriptions of Krishna are not mythological but historical.
  2. Archaeastronomy: The Mahabharata describes many unusual astronomical formations, especially the alignment of the sun, the moon and the six visible planets in one line at the onset of Kali yuga five thousand years ago. Today we have astronomical software that, when fed particular coordinates and dates, displays approximations of the sky as our remote ancestors saw it. Using such software, scientists have found that the Mahabharata’s astronomical formations did indeed occur approximately five thousand years ago, with the unusual planetary alignment taking place in 3102 BC.
  3. Literature: Krishna is mentioned not only in the Vedic literature themselves, but also in non-Vedic literature like the Buddhist Sutrapitaka and Lalitavistara. The Vedic literatures may be charged with trying to “build a Krishna myth”, but not these non-Vedic literatures, for they often describe Krishna negatively. But even while trying to discredit Krishna and his teachings, they never deny his historical existence, thus indirectly yet strongly demonstrating his historicity. .
Due to several such evidences, most scholars worldwide have now accepted Krishna’s historicity. We will quote just two eminent scholars, one Indian and one Western:

"There is now a general consensus of opinion in favor of the historicity of Krishna." - R. C. Majumdar in The History and Culture of the Indian People

"That Krishna himself was a historical figure is indeed quite indubitable." - Rudolf Otto in The Original Gita

Feel free to counter those evidense with scientific facts
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Coming from someone with the flags, One of the most racist the other the most discriminatory casteist nations on Earth.. Says much

Not.. :coffee:
Whom ur referring to?Anyways the world knows who is racist.

Because these are not facts but slandering. But whatever it is, its still ok to be pissy about disputed topics/debates about real men..

Unlike mythical creatures that are a joke such as retarded elephant (ganesh) or ugly kaali maata or that flying monkey..most of your "gods" (idols) are such that people urinate on them and they can't even stop em..cuz they are fucking idols not gods.

Atleast we don't worship idols.... :lol:

PS, hinduism was destroyed and decimated by Islam in various territories so no point of talking...:lol:
I would call Islam as retarded too since it s creating so many terrorists.
Yaweh is also god of judaism,christianity and islam ,the english of him being Jove and arabic allah.So why are hindus upset only?Exxaggerated i think.
Watched the trailer.Hollywood needs to understand that person is not someone like krishna for which secret societies are awaiting for years.They are assuming that one eyed man is someone as powerful as God,and that he could control things.
Partly correct.He would be great illusionist and may have superior knowledge.For him,the new world order(claimed by many) has been established.For his worshipers or followers,he would be like messiah,but for us he would be a testimony of god.He himself knows this,that he is sent for testimony and is discussed by various christian and muslim scholars.
Albeit that's just a movie,but this fantasy has something for some people.

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