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Hindu women should produce at least 5 kids: BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj

Can some mod @Horus or someone please corect the title of the thread already (its in its 9th page now).

Sakshi Maharaj exhorted Hindu women to have only 4 kids, not 5 as the title of the OP erroneously suggests.

Thanking you in advance.

I am seeing a pattern here. First a fringe element makes an outrageous pronouncement. When people protest they say if this is wrong bring a law against it.

It happened with Ghar Wapsi and Anti Conversion law.

then "All Indians are Hindus" led to "All Indians are born Muslims" and the "secular" brigade had to condemn it

Now after protest against Hindus must have 4 kids statement there was protests so he says bring a law to restrict no. of kids

On Sunny Leone, I am ready to make her any mascot her heart desires.

Currently, she is my personal mascot. I am a great fan of her body of work.
To that Obama said "Modi, even I cannot provide that many toilets"
In India, muslims marrying multiple wives and breeding rampantly IS a major issue. This is not a religious issue. It is a national one, a demographic one.

That is the argument of brain dead Hinduvta extremists who cannot do any math. The gender birth ratio is equal on average. That means on average there are equal number of boys and girls. If there are 100 Muslim women and 100 Muslim men. Then they will 100 couples. If each man marries 2 wives then there will be 50 men married to 100 women and 50 men will remain single all their lives. If each man married 4 wives then 25 men will marry 100 women and 75 Muslims men will remain single. If all Muslim men have multiple wives then where are these extra women coming from ?
You are the most crowded nation in Asia,with depleting landmass reclaimed by sea, you should stop producing babies in the first place for 10 years.Why aren't you doing that and why aren't you collapsing My theocratic Islamic state guy?
Do you have any f***ing clue what that phrase means and which countries that term applies to?? Or are you just going through the dictionary and picking up random words hoping that it will make sense(much like your argument...which is nonsense)....Bangladesh would have excelled and way surpassed India if it hadn't for the population...don't you get it?? It started developing after it started controlling its population....you have other sensible compatriots in this forum...otherwise I would start questioning your education system from the way you are dishing out your 'logic'!
Do you have any f***ing clue what that phrase means and which countries that term applies to?? Or are you just going through the dictionary and picking up random words hoping that it will make sense(much like your argument...which is nonsense)....Bangladesh would have excelled and way surpassed India if it hadn't for the population...don't you get it?? It started developing after it started controlling its population....you have other sensible compatriots in this forum...otherwise I would start questioning your education system from the way you are dishing out your 'logic'!
Yeah then why are your citizens still spilling over into India when you started controlling its Population?
I need to sat how many illegal Bangladeshis are in India they are in almost every city from north to south.
Yeah then why are your citizens still spilling over into India when you started controlling its Population?
I need to sat how many illegal Bangladeshis are in India they are in almost every city from north to south.
Go and ask your kindergarten teacher that question...if he has any qualification at all s/he'll tell you that population of a state does not dramatically come down and become a perfect fit for a state once you start controlling it...and even if you do start controlling it if it is too late it will never come down ...rather just slow down and give you enough time to come up with new ways to meet the resources needed to sustain that population!Bangladesh IS over-populated...with a controlled population GROWTH RATE!
Go and ask your kindergarten teacher that question...if he has any qualification at all s/he'll tell you that population of a state does not dramatically come down and become a perfect fit for a state once you start controlling it...and even if you do start controlling it if it is too late it will never come down ...rather just slow down and give you enough time to come up with new ways to meet the resources needed to sustain that population!Bangladesh IS over-populated...with a controlled population GROWTH RATE!
Good, then why are you worried about India?We already have a 2 child policy in place as supported by the Government.
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