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Hindu Terrorism and Pakistan-India relations

btw, the same guy called Pakistan a terrorist country too.. Guess now that we are accepting all his statements as face value, the Pak members here will agree to that summation too :D

Pakistan helping terrorists enter India, claims Indian home minister – The Express Tribune

This appears to be sound logic. If Mr XYZ said A then B must be correct as well. Where does all this come from by the way. Who told you if one person is right about one thing he will surely be right about another?

The moment there is a border dispute everything goes to hell. Indian's manage to find Pakistan sympathizers in every nook and corner of India.
Forumers doesn't reflect population. Few of them seems from cyber wing of hardliner parties.
India will set an example how a miltiethnic, multireligion, multi linguistic country should be governed and how equal rights to be given of all the citizens.
India will be role model for secularism.
This appears to be sound logic. If Mr XYZ said A then B must be correct as well. Where does all this come from by the way. Who told you if one person is right about one thing he will surely be right about another?

Well, when one is taking a person on face value for 1 statement, we should do the same for the 2nd too. After all both are related to his ministry and both are about terrorism. Its not that he has shared proof about 1 and not about the other ;)
Forumers doesn't reflect population. Few of them seems from cyber wing of hardliner parties.
India will set an example how a miltiethnic, multireligion, multi linguistic country should be governed and how equal rights to be given of all the citizens.
India will be role model for secularism.

Very nice to hear this.
I hope and pray that this dream becomes a reality. And hope more and more such people from both sides get elected so that terrorists like RSS or TTP etc. are isolated and marginalized and sent somewhere to a remote island where both of these can settle whatever disputes they have among themselves and with each other...
Lets try to list Ten 10 terrorist acts by Hindu Terrorism since 1947. ( excluding riots as they are mutual acts of action and reaction)
1) Gandhi's Murder : An act of revenge for allowing Muslims to murder while emotioanlly black-mailing Hindus to stop retalitating An act of retaliation by an individual.
2) Killing Sikhs after Indira Gandhi murder . Again an act of riot /retaliation by Organized Congress I workers. Will you call Congress I a terrorist organization.
3) Gujarat Riots. It was a retalitaion of killing Hindu Pilgrimmage and a riot wheer both community suffered.
4) Samjhauta Express : Verdict not our yet.
5) Mecca Masjid Blast : Verdict not out yet.

Now in the last sixty + years , how many Hindu Terrorist went around the world, in the name of faith, killing people.

Hndu Terrorism as oxymoron and Buddhist Terrorism.

This syndrome is called :
People who kill by thousand every day, are pointing on people who si trying to defend and has just raised a pebble in defence as a terrorist.

Ignore them. Terror has no religion.
Shinde must apologize for using word 'hindu terror'
We cannot compare terror acts. Every life is precious. Not a single citizen should be harmed.
Calling RSS as terrorist organization is calling Pope a terrorist.
Very nice to hear this.
I hope and pray that this dream becomes a reality. And hope more and more such people from both sides get elected so that terrorists like RSS or TTP etc. are isolated and marginalized and sent somewhere to a remote island where both of these can settle whatever disputes they have among themselves and with each other...

Am no supporter of RSS but RSS is no terror org.. I know you want them to be but its just not.. Its never been proved in court and there has been a complete lack of evidence. ..WTF...RSS ain't blowing up Indian cities and killing soldiers every few days. All i see is desperation of Pakistanis to prove there is Hindu terrorism... Of course...who needs proof when its Hindu terror...but if its Beheading of Indian soldiers...You need all kinds of proof.. lol Hypocrites..
This is what Washington Post has to say about Hindu terrorism:

Hindu terrorism charges force India to reflect on prejudices against Muslims - Washington Post

DEWAS, INDIA — When a series of bomb attacks ripped through Muslim neighborhoods, mosques and shrines in India in recent years, suspicion fell firmly on a familiar culprit: Islamist terror. After each incident, scores of Indian Muslims were rounded up, and many were tortured. Confessions were extracted, the names of various militant “masterminds” leaked to the media and links with Pakistan widely alleged.

Never mind that most of the victims were Muslims; it seemed natural to many people, from New Delhi to Washington, to assume the attacks were the work of extremist Pakistani militants and their Indian Muslim sympathizers, intent on fanning religious tensions in India and disrupting the peace process between the nuclear-armed rivals.

But those investigations, and the assumptions behind them, were turned on their head early this year by the confession of a Hindu holy man. Swami Aseemanand told a magistrate that the bomb makers were neither Pakistani nor Muslim but Hindu radicals, bent on revenge for many earlier acts of terrorism across India that had been perpetrated by Muslims.

Quite a lengthy article, but interesting read.

So all RSS apologists keep denying, but you can not change the FACT that RSS, Shiv Sena and co. are Hindu terrorist outfits.
This is what Washington Post has to say about Hindu terrorism:

Hindu terrorism charges force India to reflect on prejudices against Muslims - Washington Post

DEWAS, INDIA — When a series of bomb attacks ripped through Muslim neighborhoods, mosques and shrines in India in recent years, suspicion fell firmly on a familiar culprit: Islamist terror. After each incident, scores of Indian Muslims were rounded up, and many were tortured. Confessions were extracted, the names of various militant “masterminds” leaked to the media and links with Pakistan widely alleged.

Never mind that most of the victims were Muslims; it seemed natural to many people, from New Delhi to Washington, to assume the attacks were the work of extremist Pakistani militants and their Indian Muslim sympathizers, intent on fanning religious tensions in India and disrupting the peace process between the nuclear-armed rivals.

But those investigations, and the assumptions behind them, were turned on their head early this year by the confession of a Hindu holy man. Swami Aseemanand told a magistrate that the bomb makers were neither Pakistani nor Muslim but Hindu radicals, bent on revenge for many earlier acts of terrorism across India that had been perpetrated by Muslims.

Quite a lengthy article, but interesting read.

So all RSS apologists keep denying, but you can not change the FACT that RSS, Shiv Sena and co. are Hindu terrorist outfits.

Every society is bound to have radicals. This is as true of India as it is of say the Ku Klux Klan in the USA to the guy in Norway who killed tourists or the neo-Nazi movement in Germany.

The point is how mainstream are these guys? The Shiv Sena is a political outfit and much as I hate them, the fact is they pick on whoever they feel like to get votes - nothing else. They picked on Tamils, then Muslims - these days it is North Indians. To call them terrorists is pushing it.
Been a passive monitor of these forums for quite some time and one thing never stops amazing me: It is the level of delusion and denial that our indian neighbors are living in. When it comes to terrorism, it is only Pakistan that is capable of these unhuman acts (so goes their narrative) . Now, we Pakistanis know and acknowledge that there is a terrorist problem in our country. But what about india? Do they not have Hindu terrorists in their homeland, operating with full freedom and backing from the mainstream political parties?

When are they going to wake up acknowledge that these hindu terrorists will never allow peace between the two countries and finally stop supporting those? After all, if you are taking the moral high ground, you should start from yourself first.

So instead of condemning your home minister now, just listen to him for a change and acknowledge that the hindu terrorism is thriving in india with every passing day. And as long as these terrorists get support from common public and media, I do not see any hope for a peace between Pakistan and india.

w.w w. indianexpress. com /news/bjp-rss-conducting-terror-training-camps-shushil-kumar-shinde/1062119/"

Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde today accused BJP and RSS of conducting 'terror training' camps to spread saffron terrorism in the country.

"Reports have come during investigation that BJP and RSS conduct terror training camps to spread terrorism...Bombs were planted in Samjhauta express, Mecca Masjid and also a blast was carried out in Malegaon.

"We will have to think about it seriously and will have to remain alert," he said at the AICC meeting here.

As his remarks came under attack from BJP and RSS, Shinde later said, "This has come so many times in the papers...It is not a new thing that I have said today.

"This is saffron terrorism that I have talked about. It is the same thing and nothing new. It has come in the media several times," the Home Minister said.

To a question if it was Hindu terrorism or saffron terrorism, he said, "This is saffron terrorism (that) I have stated."

Shinde said that infiltration from Pakistan, insurgency in the north east and Naxalism were the main challenges before the country.

"Infiltration is from Pakistan, insurgency is in some states in the north east and Naxalism is another challenge. Environment is being created against peace but the department will do its complete work," he said.

The Home Minister said a solution to Naxalism could through initiation of development in the affected areas.

"Facilities will have be provided to bring peace in Naxal-affected areas," he said.

they sure need to do hard work to control and eradicate hindu terrorism from their country against Muslims Of SA.

Because if they wont do that then they know that when ISI gets upset, then it Rapes their Bharat Mata to death.:lol:
Having been to india - and seen the various fault lines, there is great potential for clashes. :coffee:
@Rafi : There is no faultline in India...

Mr Shusheel Kr Shinde is Darling of Terrorists, Jamat-Ul-Dava and Hafeez saeed is congratulating Mr shinde...

Congrats Mr Shinde, You can get green card (Nationality) of Pakistan soon...
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@Rafi : There is no faultline in India...

Mr Shusheel Kr Shinde is Darling of Terrorists, Jamat-Ul-Dava and Hafeez saeed is congratulating Mr shinde...

Congrats Mr Shinde, You can get green card (Nationality) of Pakistan soon...

Those aren't real twitter accounts of those people

Use ur ******* common sense... Why would a terror group be allowed to have a twitter and wouldn't USA just track Saeed down?
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Those aren't real twitter accounts of those people

Use ur ******* common sense... Why would a terror group be allowed to have a twitter and wouldn't USA just track Saeed down?

USA doesn't need Tweeter account, if they want they can neutralise Saeed in one day. They are not neutralising him coz till date Saeed has not directly harm USA.

@fake twiter account: I agree, it can be fake. But one thing is sure, Indian home minister had become most loved creature in Pakistan since yesterday.. :P
Yesterday Shinde, today Digvijay Singh... Look like all kongressi want Pakistani nationalism....
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