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Hindu Sindhis from Pakistan to get elusive Indian citizenship

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Yes, let us have another round of population exchange.

Do you think we are stupid?

We Muslims have carved four countries in South Asia, while maintaining a future deposit of 250 million Muslims in India. India has been impragnated, successfully, it will hach one day, don't you worry about that. We'll be the majority in just under a 100 years.
Finally everyone has realized that India is a Hindu state.
everyone must realize this.

Do you think we are stupid?

We Muslims have carved four countries in South Asia, while maintaining a future deposit of 250 million Muslims. India has been impragnated, it will hach one day, don't you worry about that.
I also want another partition. It is bound to happen. And this time no secularism, no Gandhi. A total population exchange. it should happen.
Do you think we are stupid?

We Muslims have carved four countries in South Asia, while maintaining a future deposit of 250 million Muslims in India. India has been impragnated, successfully, it will hach one day, don't you worry about that. We'll be the majority in just under a 100 years.

SO you agree that Muslims are born traitors, they can never be loyal to their host country? What makes you think that there won't be a backlash? In fact it has begun. The illusions have vanished, we can clearly see the danger.
everyone must realize this.

I also want another partition. It is bound to happen. And this time no secularism, no Gandhi. A total population exchange. it should happen.

We realized it in 1906. Two nation theory was the only pragmatic interpertation of the Indian puzzle.

We are not going to exchange anything..you can take the Hindus though. Indian Muslims are India's problem, we want none of it.
SO you agree that Muslims are born traitors, they can never be loyal to their host country? WHat makes you think that there won't be a backlash? In fact it has begun.
What is there to agree about ? its true fact.
We realized it in 1906. Two nation theory was the only pragmatic interpertation of the Indian puzzle.

We are not going to exchange anything..you can take the Hindus though. Indian Muslims are India's problem, we want none of it.

I agree, Muslims cannot coexist with others. Muslims are every country's problem these days.
We realized it in 1906. Two nation theory was the only pragmatic interpertation of the Indian puzzle.

We are not going to exchange anything..you can take the Hindus though. Indian Muslims are India's problem, we want none of it.
That does not matter. Only our selective seculars are problem. You dont have to take anything. But please send those Hindus from Pakistan. we will take them all.
INdia will be the natural refuge of HINDUS persecuted anywhere in the world
It's a bit sad that we lost the entire state of Sindh during partition. We kept part of Punjab and Bengal but lost entire Sindh. We should have ensured that during partition that some part of Sindh stayed with India where we could have settled Hindu/Indian Sindhis.
It's a bit sad that we lost the entire state of Sindh during partition. We kept part of Punjab and Bengal but lost entire Sindh. We should have ensured that during partition that some part of Sindh stayed with India where we could have settled Hindu/Indian Sindhis.
Blame the selective seculars.
How, they are pakistani people, religion does not matter, they cannot be trusted

Sindhi Hindus are own people, left at the wrong side of the border during creating Pakistan exclusively for Muslims.
We never wanted an Islamic state. We just wanted to be the masters of our own destiny and not ruled by others.
That 'we' include muslims only which made it Islamic State. But that doers not matter. Please send all the hindus from Pakistan.
We never wanted an Islamic state. We just wanted to be the masters of our own destiny and not ruled by others.
you are questioning pakistan's existence :eek:
master of our own :lol: have you acheived that?
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