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Hindu Rioters burned down the house of Muslim BSF soldier.

My friend is right now in Delhi. He has cloth shop. According to him both muslim and hindu are rioting while covering there faces.
The real victims are common people whose houses and shops are burnt.
Just imagine someone torches your new car ? That's what happening.
I think people are taking big money from both parties and doing the rioting. Ofcourse there are also those people who just enjoy these sort of sick things.
No you are wrong. Its the muslims who are rioting. And this info has been provided to me by my best of the best friends who runs a weapons business in Dehli by the name of ISI-PharbanooBomb..
Hindus on the other hand are preaching Peace while moving in groups so that peace can be prevailed. Muslims burning their own houses while putting their families in it so as to earn the sympathies of the world. Muslims also heard as chanting the slogans "Desh kai hinduon kko, goli maro salon ko" and "Jo na bolay Allah o Akbar, bhej do us ko qabrastan"...

Because of Muslims being burning their house and mosques, so Hindus are using swords and guns under the cover of Police and trying to stop the muslims from violence by climping up the mosques and flying the peace flags over it.

Not sure why are you guys arguing over something that is not going to happen.

Except for the cases of marriage, Muslims from India are not going to migrate to Pakistan. Migration itself is a very difficult choice, and to a different country, even more difficult.

You guys can all sleep in peace now.
Man, i have nothing against muslims of the India. And i feel sorry for what is happening in India but i just don't want to burn my house because the next house is on fire.

Because, it suits them and their objectives. In a little more time, they would come up that it were Muslims, who attacked innocent Hindus, and Hindus only acted in self defense.
It is called Pakistan and they should have migrated, they still can and Pakistan should offer citizenship to persecuted Muslims.

No thank you. They are NOT Pakistanis in ANY way. The indian Muslims hate Pakistan and Pakistanis just as much if not more than the indian hindus/sikhs. They are not our problem. Besides, in Pakistan we have 5-12 million legal and illegal Afghans living there. We have NO MORE room for anyone else. Sort out your own problems.

Pakistan could easily aborb those people if the government also brought in a population control policy, it is going to almost double its population in the next 60 or so years anyway.

I really fail to understand why Pakistani are so concerned with what happens to Indian Muslims, it seems we like to pick and choose which Muslim group we feel sorry for, in order to mask our desire to undermine a country. I certainly do not see a lot of posts sympathising with the Uighars who are actually being culturally genocides on an industrial scale, instead we shed tears over a handful of Indian Muslims being killed in the usual Indian communal violence.

This backlash against Muslims around the world will continue due to our group's low IQ behaviour, India was under the rule of the secular Congress for decades and yet Pakistan kept agitating because it is simply a Muslim trait to desire the destruction of others rather than building ones self up. I certainly wouldn't expect Muslims in Pakistan to not vote in a radical Islamist party if 15% of our population was Hindu and kept demanding special rights and asking for the breakup of our country.

indians have a lower average IQ compared to Pakistanis:


Get your facts right before spouting rubbish.
Jai jai modi :D; Pakistanis hating on great leader for no reason. But again haters gonna hate. Real indians should not pay attention to what Pakistanis are saying, they should be very proud of this guy.
As India counts dead, brutality of Delhi's worst communal violence in decades emerges

APMarch 01, 2020
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Muslim women, who were rescued after their homes were attacked by a marauding Hindu mob, sob while eating a meal inside a hall which doubles as a shelter at Al-Hind hospital in Old Mustafabad neighbourhood of New Delhi, India on Friday. Delhi's worst communal violence in decades has left at least 42 people dead and hundreds injured. — AP
The wounded came in waves. First in ones and twos, limping up the steps and staggering through the aluminium doors, and then in wheelbarrows, with bleeding skulls and stabbed necks. Finally, the motorcycles and auto-rickshaws arrived, their seats stained with the blood of as many as they could hold.

As the Mustafabad neighbourhood of India’s capital was ravaged by communal riots for three days this week, the Al-Hind Hospital turned from a community clinic into a trauma ward.

Doctors like M.A. Anwar were for the first time dealing with injuries such as gunshot wounds, crushed skulls and torn genitals.

"I wanted to cry and scream," he recalled. "Something inside of me died during those three days."

Almost a week after the clashes between Hindus and Muslims began, a clearer picture of the horrors inflicted during New Delhi’s worst communal riots in decades has begun to emerge.

On the eve of US President Donald Trump’s first state visit to India last Sunday, protesters in the Indian capital charged at each other with homemade guns and crude weapons, leaving the streets where the rioting occurred resembling a war zone, with houses, shops, mosques, schools and vehicles up in flames. At least 42 people were killed and hundreds more wounded.

Authorities haven’t given an official account of what sparked the riots, though the violence appeared to be a culmination of growing tensions that followed the passage of a new citizenship law in December.

The law fast-tracks naturalisation for some religious minorities from neighbouring countries but not Muslims. Opponents say it violates India’s secular constitution, and further marginalises the 200 million Muslims in the Hindu-majority nation of 1.4 billion people.

The law spurred massive protests across India that left at least 23 dead.

But what unfolded in Mustafabad this week was far more brutal, with mobs hacking individuals with swords, burning people alive and bludgeoning people to death.

A Hindu intelligence bureau officer was repeatedly stabbed and his dead body thrown into a sewage drain that divides Hindu and Muslim residential areas. A Muslim man had his legs spread so far apart that the lower half of his body tore. His condition remained critical.

Questions have been raised about the role of the New Delhi police and whether they stood by while the violence raged or even aided the Hindu mobs.

Read: ‘Gujarat model reaches Delhi’: How Indian newspapers reported Delhi violence

A New Delhi police spokesman, Anil Mittal, denied that police had aided rioters.

Al-Hind hospital’s doctors said authorities kept ambulances from reaching certain riot-hit places.

A little after midnight on Wednesday — more than 72 hours after the violence began — a New Delhi high court passed an extraordinary order directing the police to provide safe passage for ambulances.

It was too late for many victims.

With streets taken over by the mobs and no way through for ambulances, Anwar knew early on that his clinic would soon be overcome with wounded.

Some slumped in plastic chairs as they draped gunshot-riddled arms and legs over tables.

Others just lay on the floor, bleeding.

Those who were there described the blood and chaos, but also shared oddly uplifting stories of teamwork and grit.

“We didn’t sleep. We didn’t eat anything. All we wanted to do was save lives. And we did,” said Aanis Mohammad, a volunteer at the clinic. “No patient of any religion was turned away.”

By mid-afternoon Wednesday as the violence came to an end, Anwar and his overwhelmed colleagues had treated more than 400 people and referred almost 100 to larger hospitals. Dozens, however, remained at the clinic in critical condition.

The hospital also gave refuge to those fleeing the violence, providing more than 50 people with food, bedding and safety.

Clean-up efforts in Mustafabad are underway but the scars are still visible.

At Guru Teg Bahadur hospital along New Delhi’s eastern border, 18-year-old Salman Ansari waited for his father’s body to be handed over.

Ansari’s father had gone out to collect scrap for money as there was no food in the house. After seeing police assurances on the news, he thought it would be safe. It wasn’t.

Ansari said he was sleeping when two strangers dumped his father outside their home early Wednesday.

He carted his father 3 kilometres on the family’s rickshaw to a private clinic. The doctors demanded Rs5,000. His pockets were empty.

By the time Ansari managed to reach a public hospital, his father was dead.

For Anwar, the doctor, he said he eventually grew numb to the carnage. Yet he’s still coming to grips with how fellow Indians could do what they did to one another.

“It’s as if evil had pervaded and housed itself in the hearts of the mob,” he said.
No thank you. They are NOT Pakistanis in ANY way. The indian Muslims hate Pakistan and Pakistanis just as much if not more than the indian hindus/sikhs. They are not our problem. Besides, in Pakistan we have 5-12 million legal and illegal Afghans living there. We have NO MORE room for anyone else. Sort out your own problems.

indians have a lower average IQ compared to Pakistanis:


Get your facts right before spouting rubbish.

Wow, Indians have an IQ 2 points below Pakistan!!! Anyway, India's population is so large those 2 points mean nothing, the smart Indians are going to outnumber the smart Pakistanis by many many times. Sadly Pakistan only manages to send its low-IQ people to the UK where they engage in a plethora of anti-social behaviour that tars the name of good Pakistanis, behaviours like terror attacks and child grooming gangs.

Interesting how despite us being so smart, our population starts rioting over cartoons of Muhammad drawn thousands of miles away.
Aww thanks for your concerns. Pakistan will with great ease advertise Hindustan's failures while working on improving Pakistan. Indeed, dragging Hindustan through the mud will by default help Pakistan because it will divert the resources of a nation that intends harm upon us into their own damage limitation.

Look at how their media is busy obsessing over Pakistan and ISI while Delhi burns. Pakistan doesn't need the world to help Pakistan. We're not as dumb as you think.

Typical Pakistani logic which is why our supposedly great nation has a GDP per capita less than that of the African nation of Congo.

No nation sympathises with Pakistan because Muslims have not really been acting as great ambassadors for out people if you had not noticed living in the UK, there is a right-wing surge in the West and most people despise Muslims for understandable reasons and see Pakistanis as terrorists as child rapists (you must be familiar with Pakistani child grooming gangs).

Pakistan keeps failing again and again to bring up the Kashmir issue because India is a vital nation in the West's containment policy of China, 3 of the 5 UNSC permanent members support India, one is neutral (Russia) and China supports Pakistan but that does not really matter as it only takes one UNSC veto.

Pakistanis will yet again pursue decisions that make them feel good instead of what makes their lives better. These sorts of people will never look in the mirror and ask "why are we 'attacked' everywhere we go in the world? (see numerous right-wing terror attacks against Muslims in the West)"


Why are you ashamed of showing your tiranga man?

Pakistani superior IQ shows again, somebody mentions hard truth in a place of critique and the zealot replies 'you must be Indian/Israeli/Western, how could you point out a flaw in Pakistan? Why don't we keep circlejerking over how India bad, Pakistan good'
It is free for all it seems in India.

Complete disintegration of the administrative structure.

Police killing IB officers in Delhi.

Now BSF Jawan targeted in such a detailed manner.

Everyone has gone rogue in India
Let's not interrupt them.
Let's hope indian muslims wake up

I am so grateful to Allah for Pakistan and I am even more grateful that my country men and women are nutters and they will fight
Wow, Indians have an IQ 2 points below Pakistan!!! Anyway, India's population is so large those 2 points mean nothing, the smart Indians are going to outnumber the smart Pakistanis by many many times. Sadly Pakistan only manages to send its low-IQ people to the UK where they engage in a plethora of anti-social behaviour that tars the name of good Pakistanis, behaviours like terror attacks and child grooming gangs.

Interesting how despite us being so smart, our population starts rioting over cartoons of Muhammad drawn thousands of miles away.

You do know that it can take more than 50 years to bridge those 2 IQ points.

Where is the evidence that all Pakistanis are involved in grooming gangs?

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