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Hindu Muslim riots in India | 21 people killed

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We have lost the respect for 'secularism'. In India secularism is applied only after death. Death is the greatest equalizer. Oh wait, sometimes its not even that. Politicians are knows to provide compensation to the 'minority' but lesser to the others.
'minority' not equal to {Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Buddhists, Parsis}
Issue is mot which community guys were killed. Issue is there is a riot. I vehemently condemn your attitude. A riot is usually inflamed by this kind of counting. Only Indians died should be the correct expression. This is how you guys propagate yourself as secularist!!!!
We know who starts stuff first. If Hindus start hunting Muslims, believe me - it would take India two days to be Muslim free. Do I want that? Hell, no. But if attacked - I don't believe in what many Vaishnavs say or think. We are Shaivaites :D

'who pays' - Don't worry. Not ISI. :omghaha: We have enough traitors inside. :undecided: Read some domestic news of India, the scams, the appeasement, the sycophancy, the shamelessness, you will know.

Stock the mandirs with ak-47's ,rifles and swords.Then see how muslim dare to attack.

Indian Army troops saved this man and his family from riotous mobs.

LOL...So No proof or evidence of what you claim :lol: .... looks like you are caught with your pants down.

Traitors who fire upon armymen will soon be send to jihad heaven with their 42 virgins.

LOL.........he also said Jinnah was secular :lol:

:cheesy: ....I have no idea what that means. You are blabbering like a fool. But here is something that is NOT a propaganda with links :azn:

....two Hindu boys, Sachin and Gaurav, were brutally beaten up by a Muslim Mob in the Muzzafarnagar district of western Uttar Pradesh.

Read more at: Two boys killed in communal clashes in western Uttar Pradesh - News Oneindia

Chaddi buddy never posted a shred of evidence for deaths of 2 soldiers.

BTW no wonder why you didn't understand as RSS chaddis suck in english just like #fekumodi.
1. Sure you should have told the truth when it had started BUT you Indians selected to keep a mum till the riots caused more deaths.

2. Who killed those two boys???

Why for so many days Indian media closes its eyes??

1. Keep mum on what .

2. It's a riot . 28 people are killed . Which 2 boys are you talking about ??

3. Media reported riots . That's it .
Chaddi buddy never posted a shred of evidence for deaths of 2 soldiers.

BTW no wonder why you didn't understand as RSS chaddis suck in english just like #fekumodi.

Those 2 death of soldiers were from reports on the ground. It was clear to all of us that it was unconfirmed reports. Only retards like you think otherwise. Even if such death occurs, i do not expect the 'secular' congress to release information on this.

In any case you have already admitted that traitors fired on the Army-men. :tdown: so there is no more fig leaves for your to hide Mulla.

The last time they said the Godhra train burning was an 'accident' ..... too bad the courts found it to be a pre planned murder and sentenced people for it.

Madrassa graduates should brush up their language skills.
Hashtags don't work here genius :azn:
Chaddi buddy never posted a shred of evidence for deaths of 2 soldiers.

BTW no wonder why you didn't understand as RSS chaddis suck in english just like #fekumodi.

'RSS chaddis suck in english just like ...' - Much better than Harvard doctorates screwing up the economy! :pissed:
Stock the mandirs with ak-47's ,rifles and swords.Then see how muslim dare to attack.

Hindu temples follow rules of shuddi. It is sanctified and purified daily. Anything with blood or used for death cannot be kept inside. :coffee:

It is literally and figuratively the house of god.
Hashtags don't work here genius :azn:

'RSS chaddis suck in english just like ...' - Much better than Harvard doctorates screwing up the economy! :pissed:

#feku build a fake redfort aka #fekufort .
I guess he is going to build a fake parliament next.:lol:

Anyways RSS chaddis circulated a fake photo from egypt as 10 hindus killed:



Allbanaadir.com Kala Soco Warar Xaqiiqa ah - News: Daawo Sawirada ugu hadal heeynta badan Saxaafada dalka Masar iyo Taageerayaasha Mursi oo Sida Kaluunkii loo Qab Qabtay!!

The mofo is a state secretary of ABVP

Hindu temples follow rules of shuddi. It is sanctified and purified daily. Anything with blood or used for death cannot be kept inside. :coffee:

It is literally and figuratively the house of god.

Flip off false flagger.
LOL...... thanks to mulla action in UP, Modi is now in a much stronger position to enter Parliament. Chew on that mulla .......:devil:

Stop showcasing your stupidity.

At least my 'stupidity' has enabled to resist aggression. @SarthakGanguly @Nair saab @kurup What do you think ? Should temples be safe from aggression or they should allowed to be desecrated by aggressive muslims? Because Mritunjya's ideas will only lead to more hindu deaths and destruction of hindu temples ultimately. Even Buddhists kept weapons in their monastories in times of war and brahmins in Varanasi and mathura also kept weapons whenever news of muslim invaders came to their ears. Do you want to be totally defenceless.
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