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Hindu Muslim riots in India | 21 people killed

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Just give authority to the sikhs and indian army.Then watch .Sikhs destroyed 500,000-800,000 muslims in West Punjab after they tried to storm the Golden Temple under the guidance of Muslim League and attacked refugee trains and murdered refugees when trains stopped in Sharifpura area and had murdered 80000-120,000 sikhs in Pakistan zones.

Learn to live and let live or your community will face real mass genocide in the future. Next time it will not be kid gloves that Russia used in Afghanistan .It will be WMD by Russia,USA,Israel type nations.

:lol: yeh please give them authority.

And as far as Golden Temple its irony of the fate that it end up being attacked by Hindu Army under a Sikh officer in command.
Just give authority to the sikhs and indian army.Then watch .Sikhs destroyed 500,000-800,000 muslims in West Punjab after they tried to storm the Golden Temple under the guidance of Muslim League and attacked refugee trains and murdered refugees when trains stopped in Sharifpura area and had murdered 80000-120,000 sikhs in Pakistan zones.

Learn to live and let live or your community will face real mass genocide in the future. Next time it will not be kid gloves that Russia used in Afghanistan .It will be WMD by Russia,USA,Israel type nations.

Not only that. In Kashmir also we were saved umpteen number of times by Sikhs and Sikhs alone. The attackers were the same. Some things never change. :coffee:

All Hindus should give their first son/daughter to Sikhism. Apart from maintaining sukh and shanti there is also a need for someone to protect it. :azn:
In this case at least they are behaving as if they are not our people.

"I wish you thousands such riots yeh please get rid of these Indian Muslims ;)"
Let's see.

Media is paid to report such crimes. I have personally seen this back home. Even if they do report they don't film such actions. But when a Muslim is killed, lots of documentaries are made.

You mean Indian Muslims should gladly agreed to be killed to prove they are behaving well :)

and btw who pays Indian media for reporting such CRIMES?
@sarthak ganguly thoud spend moretime in codepost.in
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if it wasn't for Internet I think we won't have even known this thing was happening
:lol: yeh please give them authority.

And as far as Golden Temple its irony of the fate that it end up being attacked by Hindu Army under a Sikh officer in command.

And in the same country more Sikh Commander in Cheifs served than any other. In Indian Army the representation of the Sikh people is more than 10 to 15 %... while their national avg is 2%.

Anyway this thread is about the latest assault on Dharmic people.

Story of riots in India. Hail secularism !!! :disagree:
:lol: yeh please give them authority.

And as far as Golden Temple its irony of the fate that it end up being attacked by Hindu Army under a Sikh officer in command.

Yet with ww2 weapons those 200 fighter militia under Bhindrawale ji managed to kill 700 highly trained indian hyena army commandos of the UP hyena queen Indira Gandhi. We killed Indira and her son Rajiv. Problem finished. BJP made negotiations with us in 1996 after coming to power and the most sikhs abandoned the rebellion in 1996.Case finished.
You mean Indian Muslims should gladly agreed to be killed to prove they are behaving well :)

and btw who pays Indian media for reporting such CRIMES?

We know who starts stuff first. If Hindus start hunting Muslims, believe me - it would take India two days to be Muslim free. Do I want that? Hell, no. But if attacked - I don't believe in what many Vaishnavs say or think. We are Shaivaites :D

'who pays' - Don't worry. Not ISI. :omghaha: We have enough traitors inside. :undecided: Read some domestic news of India, the scams, the appeasement, the sycophancy, the shamelessness, you will know.
And in the same country more Sikh Commander in Cheifs served than any other. In Indian Army the representation of the Sikh people is more than 10 to 15 %... while their national avg is 2%.

does it mitigate or do away with the fact about Golden Temple attack?

Anyway this thread is about the latest assault on Dharmic people.

Your Indian member mentioned something and I replied him.

This thread is about how dharmic people blame every riot on secularism .
does it mitigate or do away with the fact about Golden Temple attack?

Your Indian member mentioned something and I replied him.

This thread is about how dharmic people blame every riot on secularism .
No it does not. But the main criminals have paid the price. It would have been better had they been tried. But then you know what justice is here. :azn:

Sajjan and Tytler are still there though. I would like them in another world though. Sooner better and later. :D
does it mitigate or do away with the fact about Golden Temple attack?

Your Indian member mentioned something and I replied him.

This thread is about how dharmic people blame every riot on secularism .

does it mitigate or do away with the fact about Golden Temple attack?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...-violence-muzaffarnagar-30.html#ixzz2eNjSvNat

There are two theories about indira gandhi
1)she was muslim
2)Descendant of Gangu Brahmin

But either ways we exterminated her and her son Rajiv too.
@Resident Evil


Pappu- Resident Mor Khurd

Jogendra- Resident Mahmudpur Bahsuma

Rajesh Varma- Reporter

Damodar- Resident Krishnapuri



Israr- Cameraman

I appreciate what you are trying to do here, but please we don't need misinformation nor do we need political correctness, not on the internet! Our media is doing a stellar job of that

Other than the cameraman (who was just caught in the cross fire), no Muslim has been killed.

Issue is not which community guys were killed. Issue is th riot itself. I vehemently condemn your attitude. Situation is usually inflamed by this kind of counting. Only Indians died should be the correct expression. This is how you guys propagate yourself as secularist!!!!
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No it does not. But the main criminals have paid the price. It would have been better had they been tried. But then you know what justice is here. :azn:

Sajjan and Tytler are still there though. I would like them in another world though. Sooner better and later. :D

Sajjan and Tytler are still there though. I would like them in another world though. Sooner better and later.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...-violence-muzaffarnagar-30.html#ixzz2eNjo24Nf

I am hoping that Chandraswami ji help us kill these bastards like how he helped us kill Rajiv Gandhi .
The real traitor is you as you falsely lied about the death of 2 army soldiers.

LOL...So No proof or evidence of what you claim :lol: .... looks like you are caught with your pants down.

Traitors who fire upon armymen will soon be send to jihad heaven with their 42 virgins.

LK advani himself admitted that unoffical death toll is higher.:yay:

LOL.........he also said Jinnah was secular :lol:

Propaganda=Lying like a hairy egg about death of soldiers.

:cheesy: ....I have no idea what that means. You are blabbering like a fool. But here is something that is NOT a propaganda with links :azn:

....two Hindu boys, Sachin and Gaurav, were brutally beaten up by a Muslim Mob in the Muzzafarnagar district of western Uttar Pradesh.

Read more at: Two boys killed in communal clashes in western Uttar Pradesh - News Oneindia
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