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Hindu mob parade naked Christian kuki women

Indians will be retweeting for enjoyment and sharing the videos on whatsapp. There is a thriving market for rpe videos there.
From what i read on this it seems like a civil war is happening between two ethnic communities with lots of violence killings rapes etc. What the hell is the Butcher doing to stop this. These rapes and videos seem to brought attention to this conflict. One wonders how many more are happening across India with no one reporting anything.
Why aren't they sending in the Army or BSF?

Indian Army is busy on the LAC with China while the BSF is busy on the LOC with Pakistan.

Apparently these girls we taken away by the mob from the police who were trying protect the Kukis.

Indian police are useless jokers.

They relinquished their duty to save their own lives rather than fighting the mob to prevent the crimes.
I saw the video and it's so disgusting, tons of Indian men laughing as nude women are forcefully dragged along and they casually walk by and touch her private parts forcefully.

Truly a degenerate nation
The failure of law control machinery to stop this kind of violence is shameful and heartbreaking.
The perpetrators had the audacity to parade the hapless victims openly, shows that they had no fear of law enforcers to confront them. Shows complete failure of so many institutions.
Notice how the Western world is absolutely non-existent on this issue. Not a single word from the Western media or governments. LOL even the right-wing and Christian champions are non-existent.

Now imagine if something like this happened in an Islamic country... All these right-wing nutters would be having a field day. The white population is dwinding, we have 10 genders and the Moslems are responsible.
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