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Hindu mob parade naked Christian kuki women

When I saw the video it kinda "visualized" written accounts of partition violence for me
This is exactly what partition was like but x1000 times it

If you feel a little something in your stomach after watching this video

Remember them in your thoughts, honor their sacrifices
They as a society have historically weaponized sexual violence against women

They did it to us in 47, did it to Sikhs, Kashmiris, did it to Indian Muslims (Gujrat) now doing it to Christians
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This is the biggest news in India today, everyone is talking about it for past 24 hours. There is a shimmering anger, even the establishment knows that this is not going to be good for them.


Same happened in 2002 in Gujarat

There were no cell phones at that time

The CM at that time was rewarded by voting in as PM not once but twice
People are here just to troll, and abuse India.

This incident is based on a fake news

Churachandpur: A photo of a young woman’s body wrapped in a plastic bag went viral in Churachandpur as that of a Meitei woman raped and killed by Kuki men. The photo with the false claim was released just days after clashes broke out in Manipur on 3 May.

There was already a tense situation once high court ordered the below.


Since South Asians are very dumpy and emotional, they go beyond their level and commit such criminal acts with no shame.

It's nothing related to religion, truly, but yes, the fight between two communities those belongs to Manipur only.

Just shameful.... Nothing to defend..

Similar incident was happened in Pakistan

People are here just to troll, and abuse India.
And you are here to only scold people for not giving endless cover tothe complicit Indian government and the beastly people who support it.

This is you right now:
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And you are here to only scold people for not giving endless cover tothe complicit Indian government and it's beastly people who support it.

This is you right now:
View attachment 939822

As i said, it is nothing related to only India... south Asia are just plane stupid... the similar incident is pakistan, this is nothing related to any religious.

As i said, it is nothing related to only India... south Asia are just plane stupid... the similar incident is pakistan, this is nothing related to any religious.



Sharam kar thori aur doob mar thora chullo bhar pani lai kar

Abhi whataboutry kar raha hai baisharam

Sharam kar thori aur doob mar thora chullo bhar pani lai kar

Abhi whataboutry kar raha hai baisharam

I have sharam, but people are most abusing india, they don't.

As I said, it is not a problem of india Or any related to religion.

It's a common problem of South Asia including pakistan, such incidents happened on a regular time, some times this side and sometimes other side.

People are Unnecessary bring religion and other things, if it was related to religion then such incidents never happened in pakistan as pakistan is a Muslim country.

My point is very clear, south Asia is a hell for women and children, no one is safe here.... Men has given so much power by South asian society's, they don't Afraid for doing criminal things against the women
I have sharam, but people are most abusing india, they don't.

As I said, it is not a problem of india Or any related to religion.

It's a common problem of South Asia including pakistan, such incidents happened on a regular time, some times this side and some other sides.

People are Unnecessary bring religion snd other things, if it was related to religion then such incidents never happened in pakistan as pakistan id a Muslim country.

My point is very clear, south Asia is a hell for women and children, no one is safe here.... Man has given so much power by South aisan society's, they don't Afaired for doing criminal things against the women

What is happening in Manipur is far different from what happened in Pakistan or any other South Asian country

Religion is integral part of violence that is happening in Manipur. Your government deliberately ignored Manipur for months and let Hindu goons do whatever they want to just like what happened in Gujarat 2002. Even right now it is busy doing hogwash

All you are saying is just poor attempt at cover up and BS

Grow up. Accept that something is seriously rotten in your country and in your society and you might probably actually do something to correct it
What is happening in Manipur is far different from what happened in Pakistan or any other South Asian country

Religion is integral part of violence that is happening in Manipur. Your government deliberately ignored Manipur for months and let Hindu goons do whatever they want to just like what happened in Gujarat 2002. Even right now it is busy doing hogwash

All you are saying is just poor attempt at cover up and BS

Grow up. Accept that something is seriously rotten in your country and in your society and you might probably actually do something to correct it

Its a South Asian mentality, when woman can be naked in Pakistan because she was suspected a thief... how can you justify that act?

The Manipur incident happened just because of a piece of fake news that someone belonging to another community, raped our women.

So we need to take this kind of revenge and do the same with their women. What kind of people on Earth live in South Asia? Who gave such power to them?

If you try to find the route, you will find that our communities are only responsible... .. They have given so much power to men, against women.

They do not hesitate to commit criminal activity against them, the law and justice systems of both countries are already dead and useless when it comes to women's justice.
No, the ladies survived. Father and brother of one was murdered. All these started from a fake news. Incident happened on May 4th, now it's in media during to circulation of the video 48hours back

That’s good to know. Hopefully these savages are punished.
I am not hearing anything from white power brigade? Aren't brown Indian Christians considered as brothers and sisters?
Its a South Asian mentality, when woman can be naked in Pakistan because she was suspected a thief... how can you justify that act?

The Manipur incident happened just because of a piece of fake news that someone belonging to another community, raped our women.

So we need to take this kind of revenge and do the same with their women. What kind of people on Earth live in South Asia? Who gave such power to them?

If you try to find the route, you will find that our communities are only responsible... .. They have given so much power to men, against women.

They do not hesitate to commit criminal activity against them, the law and justice systems of both countries are already dead and useless when it comes to women's justice.

Yaar no one votes for these people, and society is outraged

India is such a communal shithole then when you have scum like Modi and Yogi who are accused of human rights abuses, murder and rape they GET MORE POPULAR AMONGST THE HINDUS AND ELECTED INTO POWER TO CARRY OUT MORE CRIMES

A reminder of Yogi, who you have supported on this very thread

Has the BBC and CNN reported on this incredibly henious crime against humanity?
Yaar no one votes for these people, and society is outraged

India is such a communal shithole then when you have scum like Modi and Yogi who are accused of human rights abuses, murder and rape they GET MORE POPULAR AMONGST THE HINDUS AND ELECTED INTO POWER TO CARRY OUT MORE CRIMES

A reminder of Yogi, who you have supported on this very thread

As I said, it is nothing related to religion.

If it were true, then rape never happens in Muslims, or in countries belonging to other communities except Hindus..... The fault basically starts with society...... if your society is good and well-educated, know to give respect to women such incident will be very rare.

but in the case of South Asia especially India and Pakistan, we both come in the top 10 worst countries if you talk about women's safety.

Only saintly people can understand this issue, and the rest of the keyboard warriors will try to throw mugs from here to there, again this is not a first incident and would be the last....... because South Asian societies are very sick when comes to women.
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