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Hindu mob parade naked Christian kuki women

Why aren't they sending in the Army or BSF?

For what? To rape more women? In India's NE, Indian terrorist army is rapist par excellence.


Indians will be retweeting for enjoyment and sharing the videos on whatsapp.

You understand Indians well. :tup:
This is a sad incident, but before throwing stones at another house.

People should work in their own houses to clean the house, and no one cries about when the same religion girls are abducted, rape and forcefully converted in Pakistan.

The last time a belonged to a minority community, he was almost crying at the Pakistani parliament, but nothing has changed yet.

Even the UN and other international media outlets highlighted it many times, but nothing changed, not because of one or two incidents but as per the neutral reports, hundreds of incidents.

But no one is interested in raising concern on the issue in Pakistan, but here members are happily abusing neighboring countries.....

The real question is: are you qualified to criticize someone else if you can't even clean your house?

Sohana Sharma Kumari was allegedly kidnapped at gunpoint from her home in the Benazirabad district of the southern Sindh province on June 2, 2023 in front of her mother by her tutor and his accomplices.

Yes, what happened in India, I am ashamed and feeling very shameful being Indian on the incident....it is very shameful, but please should have a mirror and need look at your own house and feel some shame for doing nothing.
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Guys were these ladies murdered afterwards? The news reports are confusing. Indian posters will probably have more information.
This is new low for the people of manipur. I mean you can blame couple of people girl teasing cases but this incident shows the hatred between these tribes. Entire village was involved in some aspect in this incident. Shameful act no doubt but this action by the tribe is going to make already hostile situation into further chaos. i dont know any action will be taken but this incident will fuel further anger and many will pay for the sins of few.
Notice how the Western world is absolutely non-existent on this issue. Not a single word from the Western media or governments. LOL even the right-wing and Christian champions are non-existent.

It’s being spread by big evangelical groups in the USA and it’s causing outrage among the republican right.
Guys were these ladies murdered afterwards? The news reports are confusing. Indian posters will probably have more information.

No, the ladies survived. Father and brother of one was murdered. All these started from a fake news. Incident happened on May 4th, now it's in media during to circulation of the video 48hours back
I saw the video and it's so disgusting, tons of Indian men laughing as nude women are forcefully dragged along and they casually walk by and touch her private parts forcefully.

Truly a degenerate nation

Same happened in Gujarat 2002

There were no cell phones back then

The guy who overlooked it was rewarded twice by voting in as PM
Where are all the centcom bots of PDF? Aren't these devout Christians? LOL Non-existent.

Where is he that fake Greek @Foinikas ? Did he run away to defence hub?
This is the biggest news in India today, everyone is talking about it for past 24 hours. There is a shimmering anger, even the establishment knows that this is not going to be good for them.

It is a very shameful and digesting act by the BJP government in Manipur, incident happened in May, and nothing they did.

Only once the video surfaces are they in action.... just shameful, if they are incomplete to the government of Manipur, they should resign.

I am not a fan of Yogi, but he has the capability to go to extreme levels and punish those criminals, while the rest are just happy to enjoy sitting on office chairs.
When I saw the video it kinda "visualized" written accounts of partition violence for me
This is exactly what partition was like but x1000 times it

If you feel a little something in your stomach after watching this video

Remember them in your thoughts, honor their sacrifices
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Where are all the centcom bots of PDF? Aren't these devout Christians? LOL Non-existent.

Where is he that fake Greek @Foinikas ? Did he run away to defence hub?
Dimwits, they are programmed to see muslims as enemies no matter what.
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