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Hindu migrants from Bangladesh must be accommodated: Modi

I am not interested in his sentiment. What I am interested in the persecution of Muslim in the name of illegal. I had been hearing all D-voters were Muslim migrants from Bangladesh. Now Modi came up with different argument. Whats up?

Who knows, at best you can wager a guess at his intentions and try to be accurate by collating pertinent facts. As a rule of thumb, if you don't have much of a voice then any statement made in your favor is just that..a statement.
@scorpionx mamu is partiton really worth it :D
The main protagonists of partition, whether wanted partition is a debatable subject to discuss. But the way geopolitical conditions all over the world has taken shape for the last twenty or twenty five years, personally I feel it has done a considerable good to Indians to be honest. But again, when our western neighbor is fighting to it's bone to manage extremism there is little scope for us,Indians to cheer as of today.
Who knows, at best you can wager a guess at his intentions and try to be accurate by collating pertinent facts. As a rule of thumb, if you don't have much of a voice then any statement made in your favor is just that..a statement.

Ya whatever.. if you don't have anything to say..
The Assam Sylhet borders do not even look like borders lol, anyone can walk through.

So basically like US-Canada border. That means India-Bangladesh share US-Canada like relationship. :sarcastic:Lolz!!

@BDforever aisho ektu dekha shakkhat kori oi Sylhet border e. :D

Btw West Bengal - Bangladesh border is not like that. I have been and it's quite strict one.
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Ya whatever.. if you don't have anything to say..

Here, let me elucidate. The pertinent facts are these-

1) There are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh in Assam.

2) There exact number is unknown besides conflicting figures provided by a study here or a report there.

3) They have the misfortune of having entered a region where the locals do not view outsiders in a charitable manner and are prone to attempting to repel said outsiders with violence.

4) If the faith which the majority of said immigrants adhere to (either way, Hindu or Muslim) makes the above scenario more palatable for either you or other posters here then that's your prerogative. That is to say if they were for the most part Bangladeshi Hindus and for some reason that would bring succor to you then well that's up to you.

The only concrete fact is that there is a problem and it exists whether or not the immigrants are Bangladeshi Hindus or Bangladeshi Muslims. Now if Modi can ensure somehow that the Hindu faction among said immigrants can be given the franchise of casting their votes as Indian nationals then so be it, no skin off my back either way.
What I am interested is the persecution of Muslim in the name of illegal.

Nobody is persecuting Indian Muslims in the name of illegal. On the contrary, the illegals have quite generously been granted Indian citizenship for the last fifty years. The problem is while a section Indian politicians have evidently shown sympathy for the Muslims for vote banks the others have very conveniently grabbed the opportunity to appease the Hindus. And the featherbrained remarks just before the elections are meant just to warm up the poor sheeps on both sides of the line, the trap we commoners often fall in.
Here, let me elucidate. The pertinent facts are these-

1) There are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh in Assam.

2) There exact number is unknown besides conflicting figures provided by a study here or a report there.

3) They have the misfortune of having entered a region where the locals do not view outsiders in a charitable manner and are prone to attempting to repel said outsiders with violence.

4) If the faith which the majority of said immigrants adhere to (either way, Hindu or Muslim) makes the above scenario more palatable for either you or other posters here then that's your prerogative. That is to say if they were for the most part Bangladeshi Hindus and for some reason that would bring succor to you then well that's up to you.

The only concrete fact is that there is a problem and it exists whether or not the immigrants are Bangladeshi Hindus or Bangladeshi Muslims. Now if Modi can ensure somehow that the Hindu faction among said immigrants can be given the franchise of casting their votes as Indian nationals then so be it, no skin off my back either way.

We had been bashed by Indians here in this forum with artificial numbers of illegal muslims in Assam including D-Voters. Besides we had been told that Assamese are not against any Hindus in Assam but the Muslim migrant and the D-Voters are the outcome of Muslim migrants only.

I don't care for any Bangladeshi (hindus or muslim alike) in India and I would love to see their a$$ whipped. But labeling legitimate Indian Muslim as Bangladeshi and trying to push them in our territory is objectionable and will not be allowed.
Hindus From any Part of the world should well come. After all India is a Hindu country.

Its not about Hindus vs Muslim but people who were desperate for their Pakistan and people who never wanted to be in Pakistan. No need to call India a Hindu country, we are only rejecting the people who created Pakistan.
Nobody is persecuting Indian Muslims in the name of illegal. On the contrary, the illegals have quite generously been granted Indian citizenship for the last fifty years. The problem is while a section Indian politicians have evidently shown sympathy for the Muslims for vote banks the others have very conveniently grabbed the opportunity to appease the Hindus. And the featherbrained remarks just before the elections are meant just to warm up the poor sheeps on both sides of the line, the trap we commoners often fall in.

So who are those D-Voters? Muslim or Hindus?
Modi should have made this statement in his Kolkata rally not in North East.
Who knows, at best you can wager a guess at his intentions and try to be accurate by collating pertinent facts. As a rule of thumb, if you don't have much of a voice then any statement made in your favor is just that..a statement.

seems folk of his ilk salivate at the thought of being persecuted, as is oppression serves as a validation for their claims.
We had been bashed by Indians here in this forum with artificial numbers of illegal muslims in Assam including D-Voters. Besides we had been told that Assamese are not against any Hindus in Assam but the Muslim migrant and the D-Voters are the outcome of Muslim migrants only.

I don't care about for any Bangladeshi (hindus of muslim alike) in India and I would love to see their a$$ whipped. But labeling legitimate Indian Muslim as Bangladeshi and trying to push them in our territory is objectionable and will not be allowed.

Ah I see, can't personally comment on the composition of said illegals on the basis of faith (I shall leave that to more informed posters). Well if its any solace to you no one is being pushed in to Bangladesh at the moment...if that were to change feel free to rail against the GOI.
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