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Hindu migrants from Bangladesh must be accommodated: Modi

Al Zakir is Bihari, not sure what the guy is doing in BD.

Bihar is in India, you ignorant Bharti.

dreaming of pakistan again LOL

In my opinion, it's noble wish if Bd-Pakistan reunite or at least form some sort of lose federation for the sake of betterment of SA Muslims however it may not be possible until closet Bharti dalal like yourself become extinct.
In my opinion, it's noble wish if Bd-Pakistan reunite or at least form some sort of lose federation for the sake of betterment of SA Muslims however it may not be possible until closet Bharti dalal like yourself become extinct.
thats funny, the guy is trying to be patriot by calling me indian dalal while he wants to merge with Pakistan which he thinks as noble :lol: oh i forgot you are Patriot Pakistani :rofl: btw tell me what is the noble cause you find in merging with Pakistan ? oh you meant betterment of SA muslims, well then i guess you have huge love and affection toward india because it has big muslim population than Bangladesh :sarcastic:
The Indian Express – February 22, 2014

BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Saturday said Hindu migrants from Bangladesh must be accommodated in the country and detention camps would be done away with once his party comes to power.

“As soon as we come to power at the Centre, detention camps housing Hindu migrants from Bangladesh will be done away with,” Modi told a public rally at Ramnagar here.

“We have a responsibility toward Hindus who are harassed and suffer in other countries. Where will they go? India is the only place for them. Our government cannot continue to harass them. We will have to accommodate them here,” he said.

Stating that this did not mean that Assam has to bear the entire burden, he said “it will be unfair on them and they will be settled across the country with facilities to begin a new life.”

Earlier, Hindus from Pakistan had arrived in Gujarat and Rajasthan, but Atal Behari Vajpayee during his prime ministership created schemes to accommodate them in different states, he said.

Modi alleged that the Assam government as a part of its vote bank politics had violated human rights of Hindu migrants in detention camps.

Speaking on the issue of ‘doubtful’ voters, Modi said this was also a part of the Congress’ vote bank politics of denying a section of the people their right to vote.

He urged the Election Commission to remove the tag of doubtful voters and give these people the right to vote to ensure free and fair polls.

Modi said that there were two kinds of people who came from Bangladesh to Assam; those brought as a part of a ’political conspiracy’ for vote bank politics of a particular party, and others who were harassed in the neighbouring country.

He said that those brought for vote bank politics and smugglers from Bangladesh should be pushed back, while the second category must find a place in the country.

“Bangladesh is next to Assam, while Pakistan is next to Gujarat.Assam Bangladeshi se pareshan hai par pura Pakistan mujse pareshan hai. (Assam is harassed by Bangladesh whereas Pakistan is bothered by me),” the Gujarat Chief Minister said at his second meeting of the day in the North East.

“You have to decide whether you will continue to tolerate Bangladeshi harassment or put an end to it. I have come to you for your answer. Trust me and as soon as we come to power we will take immediate steps to redress these problems and ensure that justice prevails,” he said.

Attacking the Congress, Modi said that the 2014 Lok Sabha polls would mark the beginning of the end of the party.

“After the elections, India will become Congress free and a new road of progress and development will be heralded. The nation has tolerated 60 years of waste and destruction but give me a chance for 60 months and I will translate your dreams and aspirations into reality,” he said.

Attacking Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi, Modi said ”When your chief minister hears that I am coming to his state, he loses his sleep. He came to Silchar two days ago to remind you of the promises made by him before the last elections but has he fulfilled them?”

He said Assam was bestowed with vast natural and human resources but still it was poor. “Who has looted and destroyed our Assam? Who has given those in power the license to loot?”

Assam, he said, faced devastating floods in 2012. ”Where was your chief minister then? He was in America and Japan and when asked about it, had said that he was studying flood management techniques in America. Can you build the future of the state and the youths with this kind of people?”

Stating that the East-West Corridor was initiated during the Prime Ministership of Atal Bihari Vajpayee connecting Saurashtra in the west to Silchar in the east, he said “Our work is done but it remains incomplete here.

“Who is responsible for this? They have to answer the people because this is just not a mere road but a road to progress and development,” he said.

Modi said that the railway broad gauge conversion in Assam also remained incomplete.

Stating that the North East is ‘our Lakshmi’, he said ”Where there is Lakshmi there is prosperity. We want both Lakshmi and Saraswati in the North East, but if Lakshmi comes where will she sit here? You know Lakshmi sits on the ‘Kamal’ (lotus) and to ensure wealth and prosperity, the lotus must be brought to power.”

Hindu migrants from Bangladesh must be accommodated: Narendra Modi | The Indian Express | Page 2

Its impressive to see that Hindus from Bangladesh are moving to India, I would recommend that Hindus from Pakistan, Afghanistan, IRAN and other regions must go back to India which is their homeland.
Man, Ambedkar was so against Hinduism, you won't call him a Hindu. If constituent assembly was illegitimate, then what is legitimate? RSS or VHP?

It is not a foreign but a universal concept. Rejecting the concept is your freedom.

This is not the age of revenge. Those days are over. If not, then we will start going backwards without any stop.

Ok. Pick your fight. Being hindu should not grant any special privilege for non-Indians.

You are assuming things. All liberals would ask is to have same asylum conditions for all refugees without regard for their religion, because Indian constitution requires it. You are making HINDU a word notorious for calling to revisionism and cultural cleansing by calling for unreasonable demands like "correcting historical mistakes".

When did I say being Hindu is disqualification? I am just saying anyone should meet certain requirement to get asylum. And I don't care if you host a million refugees in your home. But watch out, they are not going to live identityless for a very long time. They will be burden on you and the state without access to many things like higher education.

1. Why did you think Ambedkar converted into Buddhism? In his book "Pakistan or the Partition of India" he has already written that all Indian religions are part of the same culture. Islam and other Abrahamic religions are not compatible with our way of life. He was a critic of Hinduism, he did not denounce it.

2. Secularism is a Christian concept, religious tolerance is embedded into Hinduism, but I won't call it Secularism. Hindus have accepted people of all religions, but people of "other" religions have attacked at the roots of Hinduism time and again. Tolerance is not one-way street.

3. The liberals who feel like vomiting when they hear the word "HINDU" may pack their bags and migrate to Qatar or even better "Maldives".

4. When India got partitioned and all Muslims were supposed to move out of India. Similarly all Hindus were supposed to move back here, and this policy must continue until the "partition" becomes complete.
Even Bangladeshi Muslims seem to be running to non Muslim countries. ;)

Mt Bengali friends have told me some stories about the kind of security some of the non resident BDs need when they visit their country.

Muslim BDs have no right to seek refuge in India. They are living here on borrowed time.

And the clock is already ticking.

Ok Mr. Vinod the Follower...

Are the D-Voters in Assam Hindu or Muslims? Answer straight. I will keep that for future reference.

@Roybot @Kanishka @Aka123 @Dillinger @LaBong @baajey
Ok Mr. Vinod the Follower...

Are the D-Voters in Assam Hindu or Muslims? Answer straight. I will keep that for future reference.

@Roybot @Kanishka @Aka123 @Dillinger @LaBong @baajey

The only people who can answer that with conclusive proof are either locals from Assam or the sleuths in the IB who till date keep an updated record of all possible illegal entries through local contacts. That having been said even if any statement made by Vinod is cent percent accurate it is unlikely that he will be able to provide anything more than news articles, studies or anecdotal evidence. Otherwise the only method of collecting unbiased evidence would be for someone to actually go there and do the needful.

The issue of illegal Bangladeshi nationals in Assam came to the limelight after the Lalung tribal populace attacked close to a dozen villages in the Nagaon district targeting primarily the illegal immigrant population who turned out to be predominantly Muslim, casualties among the targeted people ranged between 2000-5000 dead. The incident is called the Nellie massacre and brought the issue of cross border movements and such into the national debate. The GOI itself has yet to provide a concrete census on illegal immigrants much less categorize them by their faith.

Any discussion on the topic is redundant till the GOI outlines a clear policy on how to treat this matter beyond the confines of just immigration law, furthermore without a joint effort between India and Bangladesh there is always likely to be friction and mistrust generated by this issue on both sides with accusations and counter-accusations.
The only people who can answer that with conclusive proof are either locals from Assam or the sleuths in the IB who till date keep an updated record of all possible illegal entries through local contacts. That having been said even if any statement made by Vinod is cent percent accurate it is unlikely that he will be able to provide anything more than news articles, studies or anecdotal evidence. Otherwise the only method of collecting unbiased evidence would be for someone to actually go there and do the needful.

The issue of illegal Bangladeshi nationals in Assam came to the limelight after the Lalung tribal populace attacked close to a dozen villages in the Nagaon district targeting primarily the illegal immigrant population who turned out to be predominantly Muslim, casualties among the targeted people ranged between 2000-5000 dead. The incident is called the Nellie massacre and brought the issue of cross border movements and such into the national debate. The GOI itself has yet to provide a concrete census on illegal immigrants much less categorize them by their faith.

Any discussion on the topic is redundant till the GOI outlines a clear policy on how to treat this matter beyond the confines of just immigration law, furthermore without a joint effort between India and Bangladesh there is always likely to be friction and mistrust generated by this issue on both sides with accusations and counter-accusations.

You avoided direct answer. I did not ask you regarding muslim illegal rather who are those D-Voters? Muslim or Hindus.

Besides, there will not be any effort from Bangladesh (let alone joint effort) to pay hid to bull$hit propaganda.
Modi is just reiterating the two nation theory, which is so close founding fathers of Pakistan..

You avoided direct answer. I did not ask you whether ask you regarding muslim illegal rather who are those D-Voters? Muslim or Hindus.

Besides, there will not be any effort from Bangladesh (let along joint effort) to pay hid to bull$hit propaganda.

Whether there will be an effort by Bangladesh or not is not something I can predict or prophesy about..that will be up to the GOB and the GOI.

As to providing a direct answer, there can be none unless you wish for hyperbole on the part of the poster without attendant third party proof, or at least proof which will be satisfactory as per your presumably exacting standards. Ergo the only possible answer is to provide a neutral assessment of the history involved in the matter in a succinct manner along with the summation that any such argument between people who are biased and lack on the ground information is an exercise in futility.
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