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Hindu migrants from Bangladesh must be accommodated: Modi

Ok Mr. Vinod the Follower...

Are the D-Voters in Assam Hindu or Muslims? Answer straight. I will keep that for future reference.

@Roybot @Kanishka @Aka123 @Dillinger @LaBong @baajey

There is no doubt that there is a very large number of BD Muslims in Assam. The % of Muslim population in Assam has surged over the last few decades and there is only one explanation.
Whether there will be an effort by Bangladesh or not is not something I can predict or prophesy about..that will be up to the GOB and the GOI.

As to providing a direct answer, there can be none unless you wish for hyperbole on the part of the poster without attendant third party proof, or at least proof which will be satisfactory as per your presumably exacting standards. Ergo the only possible answer is to provide a neutral assessment of the history involved in the matter in a succinct manner along with the summation that any such argument between people who are biased and lack on the ground information is an exercise in futility.

Now tell me the motivation behind Modi's argument of letting the D-Voters to vote. How will that help him?

There is no doubt that there is a very large number of BD Muslims in Assam. The % of Muslim population in Assam has surged over the last few decades and there is only one explanation.

Same question to you.

Now tell me the motivation behind Modi's argument of letting the D-Voters to vote. How will that help him?
There is no doubt that there is a very large number of BD Muslims in Assam. The % of Muslim population in Assam has surged over the last few decades and there is only one explanation.

I just wonder how do they get in ? Our border guards are sleeping or what ? Never heard of anyone sneaking in through the Western border.
Now tell me the motivation behind Modi's argument of letting the D-Voters to vote. How will that help him?

He doesn't want D-voters to vote or any such thing..he wants to ensure that his credentials as a leader who takes the preservation of Hindu identity is clad in iron, ergo the concerned statement. Incidentally our laws do not allow a person to automatically become an Indian citizen just on the basis of them being Hindu, an illegal Bangladeshi who happens to be Hindu is still an illegal immigrant and should be deported BUT that would be contrary to the sentiments of our nuance deprived and emotional masses.
He doesn't want D-voters to vote or any such thing..he wants to ensure that his credentials as a leader who takes the preservation of Hindu identity is clad in iron, ergo the concerned statement. Incidentally our laws do not allow a person to automatically become an Indian citizen just on the basis of them being Hindu, an illegal Bangladeshi who happens to be Hindu is still an illegal immigrant and should be deported BUT that would be contrary to the sentiments of our nuance deprived and emotional masses.

This is what he said

Speaking on the issue of ‘doubtful’ voters, Modi said this was also a part of the Congress’ vote bank politics of denying a section of the people their right to vote.
He urged the Election Commission to remove the tag of doubtful voters and give these people the right to vote to ensure free and fair polls.

This is the complete contrast of AGP
This is what he said

Yes and I am sure he will go to great pains to ensure that his sentiments on the matter are seen realized..because it matters to him so much. Is this the first time you are dealing with the statement of a consummate politician?
I just wonder how do they get in ? Our border guards are sleeping or what ? Never heard of anyone sneaking in through the Western border.

The Assam Sylhet borders do not even look like borders lol, anyone can walk through.
Yes and I am sure he will go to great pains to ensure that his sentiments on the matter are seen realized..because it matters to him so much. Is this the first time you are dealing with the statement of a consummate politician?

I am just trying to find his interest. I bet he is not working for his opponent neither for Bangladeshi Muslim. Are you with the me?

The Assam Sylhet borders do not even look like borders lol, anyone can walk through.

You are wrong..
I am just trying to find his interest. I bet he is not working for his opponent neither for Bangladeshi Muslim. Are you with the me?

His interest should be clear, what is the main premise and argument posited by the article?
There is no violation of secularism if we allow Bangladeshi Hindus and not the Bangladeshi Muslims because Bangladeshi Muslims were frontrunner in creating Pakistan who supported the direct action day and Noakhali massacre while Bangladeshi Hindus didn't participate and after independence wiped out population of Hindus from 29% in 1951 to 8% through draconian Enemy Property Act. Only the Muslims who chose India after partition are part of our nation, those(Bangladeshi Muslims) who created Pakistan aren't welcomed in our land.
His interest should be clear, what is the main premise and argument posited by the article?
Read it..

There is no violation of secularism if we allow Bangladeshi Hindus and not the Bangladeshi Muslims because Bangladeshi Muslims were frontrunner in creating Pakistan who supported the direct action day and Noakhali massacre while Bangladeshi Hindus didn't participated and after independence wiped out pooulation of Hindus from 29% to 8% through draconian enemy property act. Only the Muslims who chose India after partition are part of our nation, those(Bangladeshi Muslims) who created Pakistan aren't welcomed in our land.

My question is who are these D-Voters who AGP or Assamese opposes. Are they Muslim?
Read it..

I did. He expressed a very touching sentiment and here I am overwhelmed with sympathy for the poor Hindu migrants (fleeing some unspeakable horror)..who mixed among the cloying Muslim migrants are rendered devoid of their rights in a nation which is presumably honor and law bound to provide them with sanctuary, obviously said misdeed is a part of the Congress's machinations (very high possibility of said machinations being real, such is the irony of it all).
I did. He expressed a very touching sentiment and here I am overwhelmed with sympathy for the poor Hindu migrants (fleeing some unspeakable horror)..who mixed among the cloying Muslim migrants are rendered devoid of their rights in a nation which is presumably honor and law bound to provide them with sanctuary, obviously said misdeed is a part of the Congress's machinations (very high possibility of said machinations being real, such is the irony of it all).

I am not interested in his sentiment. What I am interested is the persecution of Muslim in the name of illegal. I had been hearing all D-voters were Muslim migrants from Bangladesh. Now Modi came up with different argument. Whats up?
Read it..

My question is who are these D-Voters who AGP or Assamese opposes. Are they Muslim?

I have no idea but there is nothing wrong in making the distinction against the people who created Pakistan, started the partition riots and divided this country in 1947.
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