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Hindu girl from India write against French burqa ban Nicolas Sarkozy invite

Adnan Faruqi

Apr 16, 2011
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Hindu girl from India write against French burqa ban Nicolas Sarkozy invited her to meet and discuss the issue in detail


Class 11 student Aakanksha Gupta will meet French President Sarkozy early next year

NOIDA: French president Nicolas Sarkozy must have been surprised to receive a letter from a 16-year-old Indian girl, criticising the burqa ban in his country. Aakanksha Gupta, who studies in Class 11 in Pathways School, Noida, wrote the letter as part of an essay-writing competition. It was sent to the French premier, who decided to meet her to discuss the issue in detail. They will meet early next year.

The contest required Aakanksha to write an essay in the format of a formal letter to a global leader on a global issue. "I chose to write to Mr Sarkozy about why I disagreed with his burqa ban in France," said Gupta.

The ban went into force in April, and anyone wearing burqa in public faces legal action. The move was widely criticized by Muslims throughout the world as impinging on their religious freedom.

In the letter, Akanksha was very clear about the global impact of the ban. She wrote: "Dear Mr. Sarkozy, I am not a citizen of France but I am writing to you about an issue that is of great concern to the citizens in the world."

Following France's example, other countries in Europe, including Belgium and Netherlands, have taken steps to introduce a similar ban. The 16-year-old wrote in her letter that such laws were only fanning Islamophobia in Europe and they ultimately "amount to a suppression of democracy".

Her own experience of growing up in India, a melting pot of different cultures, had allowed her to understand the issue. She point out that the moral policing faced by women in the country, especially with regards to how a woman dresses, was also a factor in her wanting to talk about this particular issue. "Women's rights are something that I feel strongly about and I believe a woman should be free to decide how she wants to dress," she said.

The avid Roald Dahl-lover still has over a year of school left and is visibly excited about meeting the French president next year. "I am looking forward to the meeting. I will have a lot of questions to ask him," she said with a grin.

Letter gets Noida girl date with French president Sarkozy - The Times of India
this girl does not know... one thing is that women should be fere to wear what they want. but usually the burqa clad women are pressurized to wear it by the backward islamic society in europe. how would you explain all the saudi women the moment they land in europe dress up in bikinis.
The title should be Indian Girl, not hindu girl...Pathetic reporting

"Letter gets Noida girl date with French president Sarkozy" This is what the site says. As the title was modified by Pakistani, I can easily assimilate the word "Hindu Girl". For few pakistanis India means Hindu...
Some women are forced while some like to wear it on account of their relifgious beliefs...]
But the same they should have religious freedom...
If someone are forced to wear burqah then a law should be enacted to punish those who forces them to wear....
But others should be left intact....
hope europe understands this..........
I think like Hindu , Sikhs , Jain, ad Buddhists we should take stand on every Muslim suppression. We are the best representative of our citizens from every religion. Dedicated Muslim countries are not doing their job it seems.
I thought Hindu girls in India only spew hatred against Muslims and Pakistan.. Specially the young girls like in the infamous video :)
The title should be Indian Girl, not hindu girl...Pathetic reporting

Nowhere in the report it is written as Hindu Girl, OP have changed it and IDK why!!

Check out the source it written as Indian Girl!
"Letter gets Noida girl date with French president Sarkozy" This is what the site says. As the title was modified by Pakistani, I can easily assimilate the word "Hindu Girl". For few pakistanis India means Hindu...

in your blind hatred-
You have just made Adnan Faruqi an Indian Muslim- a Pakistani-

Thats the general thinking of hindu lot- calling indian muslims- Pakistanis- isn't it?- :tup:
France,there country there laws,if they do not want burqua,than everybody should be fine with it,if anyone has problem they are free to leave the country.
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