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Hindu girl from India write against French burqa ban Nicolas Sarkozy invite

Only face veil aka Niqab is banned in France. Burqa is still legal ....but not inside state funded educational institutions.

I call upon this little girl to write to Saudi King also , on how women there are forced to wear burqa in public and not allowed to drive among many things.
Women's rights are something that I feel strongly about and I believe a woman should be free to decide how she wants to dress," she said.

She is just a KID making lofty statement without understanding them.

Its ironical that though she is a woman herself she doesn't understand that the confines of Burkha is foremost hindrance for the emancipation of a Muslim woman.

Opposing Burkha is opposing Islam. Benzir Butto didn't have to wear Burkha to be the leader of her Islamic country.

PS:Every country should have the courage to Ban Burkha like France did.
Burkha should be kicked out of India too like France.
I don't know if the same reasons can be applied in India.
Burqa didn't exist in France few years back.
The coming up of Burqa was with the salafism entering in France. The salafist movments which are n france are calling for jihad (in their own interpretation) and they want France step by step accept things which are not in their culture and laws: many wifes, burqa, and so
when you hear them on radio or see on tv, these women show they have very little knowledge of our religion. they mostly speak as they want to be rebelious to the state and want to push the islamophobia here
there are many cases these women are insulted by muslims because muslims here are tired to have a bad picture on them because of these women

there are two reasons why communists (first ones on the move anti burqa) and feminist movments made pressure on the politics:
first cultural point that people need to communicate with eyes that is french culture. you look in the eyes of the one you speak to, otherwise it is highly unpolite
second the feminist movments said that hiding a woman so she can not be seen by men is sicky: if the man having a sexual problem he should go to a doctor but not force the women to hide. this is an insult to the condition of the woman and the equality man-woman.

still it is just the burqa that is banned... not the veil .
i would say 3/4 of the muslim women here don't have veil , they are not different than non muslims in dress code
1/4 is wearing veil and burqa is a very small minority but growing up: from 0 in a few years it became 1000 cases
Burkha should be kicked out of India too like France.

dude , we have nearly 13 crore muslims in our country , we have to respect their sentiments , after all they are our countrymen .
The original title is a little suspect too: "Letter gets Noida girl date with French president Sarkozy"

She is questioning some thing what she feels unfair. I hope you are not sick- don't say again DATE. she is just kid.
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