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Hindu Genocides in Indian Punjab - Mass Murders of Sikhs Continue

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Sikhs Khalistan is only becoming bigger and bigger.
Oh so basically modern day India?

Bloody hell.

Punjabis only, no Biharis/UP/South Indians/Marathas

@JattPanjabi, I always wanted to know from a 'khalistan' demanding Sikh like you, whether you guys want only Indian Punjab or Pakistani Punjab as well, given that majority of erstwhile Punjab is in Pakistan and most importantly 'Nankana Sahib' is in Pakistan?
Do you agree with the Pakistanis here showing 'khalistan' map excluding Pakistani Punjab?

I'm not a Khalistan demanding Sikh but a separatist. I'd like to merge Punjabs based on Punjabiat without religious lines. It would end up being a Muslim majority state in the end. However, I'd settle for a Punjabi independent state with open borders with Pakistan.

You feel betrayed because your leader didn't opt to join Pakistan? If so i.e if the common Sikhs wanted to be part of pakistan then why do you think majority of Sikhs (along with Hindus) migrated to East(Indian) Punjab from West(Pakistani Punjab) during partition?

Because the leader didn;t opt for that.

Punjabis have problems with BJP because of their affiliation with Akali dal and their failed governance, it has nothing to do with RSS. AS for AAP doing well, you are in for a surprise...

You're reading selectively, READ my post

until they screwed it up.
I'd say most Sikhs do have an issue with the RSS. Even the Akalis use them to get votes and incite people against their own allies - the BJP. :P You almost acknowledged it in this quote and thanks for having the forthrightness for that:

Anyway, I can't bring data to back this up so I'll back off this argument. My source is just being a Sikh and spending a lot of time in the community.

As for why I brought in the RSS however, I did not say they are India. I was citing them to explain why Sikhs don't love the BJP either. That's why the AAP had such a good chance in the polls until they screwed it up.
Mate this entire post simply proves this is all about politics; AD, AAP, BJP, RSS and CONgress.

There's simply no point bringing religion into this.

the AD is the most overtly Sikh party in India but they are not a Sikh party, their leadership is corrupt to the core and have put Punjab into the dirt. The entire Khalistani myth was brought in by CONgress under Indira Gandhi for her own POLITICAL ambitions, Bhinderwal was her stooge.
I'm not a Khalistan demanding Sikh but a separatist. I'd like to merge Punjabs based on Punjabiat without religious lines. It would end up being a Muslim majority state in the end. However, I'd settle for a Punjabi independent state with open borders with Pakistan.

lol, i have a feeling you are a Punjabi from Pakistani Punjab.... :lol:

*sigh* I do know, that's why I said AAP screwed up and they are not going to win.

They never had good chances, other than make belief polls on twitter. At most they had something between 25-30% of the vote share, not any more...
Mate this entire post simply proves this is all about politics; AD, AAP, BJP, RSS and CONgress.

There's simply no point bringing religion into this.

the AD is the most overtly Sikh party in India but they are not a Sikh party, their leadership is corrupt to the core and have put Punjab into the dirt. The entire Khalistani myth was brought in by CONgress under Indira Gandhi for her own POLITICAL ambitions, Bhinderwal was her stooge.

Politics and religion are not separate in the subcontinent. Bhindranwale was not a stooge at all, if he was he would have played nice all along. MMS was a stooge. Anyway, you won't find me cheering the death of innocent people of whatever ethnicity or religion.
Punjabis only, no Biharis/UP/South Indians/Marathas
And now is this adhering to our faith?

Maharaja Raneet Singh's empire didn't even prejudice religion, caste or regional differences.

Modern day India is the very best we can hope for, any issues can be worked out out working WITHIN the Indian system starting with ELECTING THE RIGHT STATE GOVT. Punjabis keep electing the Badals, what do you think they would do if there was Khalistan?

It is a classic desi/Punjabi issue of being unable to conduct any form of introspection. Everything is always someone else's fault.
And now is this adhering to our faith?

Maharaja Raneet Singh's empire didn't even prejudice religion, caste or regional differences.

Modern day India is the very best we can hope for, any issues can be worked out out working WITHIN the Indian system starting with ELECTING THE RIGHT STATE GOVT. Punjabis keep electing the Badals, what do you think they would do if there was Khalistan?

It is a classic desi/Punjabi issue of being unable to conduct any form of introspection. Everything is always someone else's fault.

Badals have been regaining their support in the last few Months rather considerably, maybe they got their shit together or it is something else. from current trends, its Badals coming back...
And now is this adhering to our faith?

Maharaja Raneet Singh's empire didn't even prejudice religion, caste or regional differences.

Modern day India is the very best we can hope for, any issues can be worked out out working WITHIN the Indian system starting with ELECTING THE RIGHT STATE GOVT. Punjabis keep electing the Badals, what do you think they would do if there was Khalistan?

It is a classic desi/Punjabi issue of being unable to conduct any form of introspection. Everything is always someone else's fault.

It has nothing to do with faith, it's an ethnic issue for me as well as you rightly pointed out (a political one). Maharaja Ranjit Singh was no saint, certainly he wasn't a Sikh Saint. I'm a Libertarian politically and can explain my rationale but we'd be derailing the thread. I'd hate to get inbetween Pakistanis and Indians trolling each other.
Badals have been regaining their support in the last few Months rather considerably, maybe they got their shit together or it is something else. from current trends, its Badals coming back...
Punjab is screwed every which way, it needs its own Modi instead it has to pick between the utterly corrupt Badals, CONgress and now the AAP?
Punjab is screwed every which way, it needs its own Modi instead it has to pick between the utterly corrupt Badals, CONgress and now the AAP?

AAP won't come, for Congress Capt Amrinder is a good man, if he becomes a CM candidate i would vote for him. Only wish he would leave congress. BJP cannot leave Akali, Akali was with BJP during its worst time. Swarjya mag had done a survey back in 2015, main problems with Punjab was jobs and infrastructure, the drug problem was actually quiet low in the list of problems... As per the political analysts i follow, Punjab govt. has been doing decently in last few months, little bit too late maybe..
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