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Hillary sees no India hand in Balochistan crisis

Without the 7 lac forces, Pakistan still kills more Pakistanis in a month than the deaths in Kashmir in more than an year...think about it..

Pakistan is in a state of war.. while IOK is under occupation... going by ur logic india kills more in a month did Pakistan did in its history!
Pakistan is in a state of war.. while IOK is under occupation... going by ur logic india kills more in a month did Pakistan did in its history!

there is only one exists.-O.K i.e. Azad Kashmir pakistan occupied Kashmir( Indian territory).
Pakistan is in a state of war.. while IOK is under occupation... going by ur logic india kills more in a month did Pakistan did in its history!

Didnt get this logic??

And Pakistan is in a state of war with which country?? None.. Its an internal civil war which inept Pakistan leaders keep blaming on sometimes India, sometimes Israel and sometimes USA..

On the same lines, in 1990's India was in a state of war in Kashmir against the terrorists sent in by Pakistan when most of the alleged deaths happened..
i thought pakistan wanted USA intervention in india pakistan matter (atleast as per some of ur diplomats and media)

haliry should not poke her nose in our matters let us do whatever .they just harm us nothing more .

Pakistan also does raise BLA and India's support to them to the US and all available forums at every opportunity that they get. So Hillary's statement is against the allegations made by Pakistan.
Lol. Can you tell me the difference between the two?

LOL... Sure.... If Pakistan a state is doing terrorism than the state can be declared terrorist state. All its account around teh world will be seized. Countries will bring back their envoys from that state. No one in teh world will be trading with it. etc etc..

When a Pakistani an individual is doing terrorism then he is a terrorist, Criminal, murderer. He dont represent Pakistan or Pakistani people. He is a lone wolf going the wrong way... his acts can in no way be put on state as state act....

I wonder what were your 471 posts...
Again, it is just a typical pakistani claim with no proof at all. When India gives proofs, Even your government accepts Kasab as pakistani. So bring some proofs or else world will call you liars like Hillary did.

If you would have visited this forum and instead of trolling read the posts that you might realize this isn't a claim.USA is directly or indirectly related to terrorism of BLA.

---------- Post added at 08:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ----------

there is only one exists.-O.K i.e. Azad Kashmir pakistan occupied Kashmir( Indian territory).

Ha Ha Ha. That's enough I guess. :)
what can india do anyways?
i mean, beside whinning like girls which they usually do?
Now who is whinning LOL? If U guys have no problem then why all these lame excuse? Kind of difficult to understand ur mentality
Now who is whinning LOL? If U guys have no problem then why all these lame excuse? Kind of difficult to understand ur mentality
what lame execuses are you talking about? what does india think it is when its interfering with pakistan business? and can shove that mentality up its ***
Roflz. The topic is same as Hilary is saying that there is no hand of Clinton in birth of her childs.... Rubbish. All the world knows that Indian Counsel Offices in Afghanistan near Balochistan Border are playing vital role to sponsor terrorism in Pakistan......
lolz ramu the great

we have live evidence but for those who stop trolling :D


What they caught guy who is fair and let the real RAW agent (Dark skinned, Staring at the funny episode from behind) get away? :what: How is that possible?? :azn: The RAW agent must have gotten some stealth coating like the chopper that got into PAK to capture OBL without Pakistanis knowing it :rolleyes:

See this type of evidence tells you crap got anything more substantial?
It's only pakistani sees Indian hand in Baluchistan.
Baloshis started their own independence movement immediately afer comming under pakistan.
Actually their strugle started long before that of Bangladesh. But for Bangladesh , India intervened and thus made it a independent country, but left Balochs high and dry.
Had India been involved there, there would have been an independent country of balochisthan by now.
how does a kid know india is involved in baluchistan?
ans:- his parents told him
how does his parents know it
ans:- isi told them

Son, im probably older than you.. so lets just leave my age.

How do i know it? coz im frm baluchistan...aint tht enough?

Didnt get this logic??

And Pakistan is in a state of war with which country?? None.. Its an internal civil war which inept Pakistan leaders keep blaming on sometimes India, sometimes Israel and sometimes USA..

On the same lines, in 1990's India was in a state of war in Kashmir against the terrorists sent in by Pakistan when most of the alleged deaths happened..

Seems tht u dnt even know the meaning of a civil war... terming WoT as civil war in really ..... <lack of words to describe...

Yeah right... and the bodies found in IOK are of locals... so stop Bsing.
It's only pakistani sees Indian hand in Baluchistan.
Baloshis started their own independence movement immediately afer comming under pakistan.

Height of nonsense.... the insurgency was started by the greedy younger brother of Khan of Kalat after he signed to be a part of Pakistan... political tussle.

Actually their strugle started long before that of Bangladesh. But for Bangladesh , India intervened and thus made it a independent country, but left Balochs high and dry.Had India been involved there, there would have been an independent country of balochisthan by now.

A man who cant even spell baluchistan talks abt dividing my country? WTH...son.. baluchistan is not thousands of miles away frm Pakistan with india in between and nor there is any civil war going on! also its people r patriotic.. even bloody bla dogs r talking about reconsiliation n dialogue these days......... go get a treatment for your anti Pakistan wet dreams.
Frankly, it doesn't matter what Hillary Clinton says as to whether India is involved in Balochistan or not. Similarly, it doesn't matter what Mullen says as to whether the ISI is involved in Afghanistan or not. It does not matter whether India says Pakistan is involved in Kashmir or not. These words are hollow, are meant for public consumption, & have no significance. Actions are more important than words. The US constantly accuses the Haqqani group for all the terrorism in Eastern Afghanistan, yet refuses to declare them a terror group. What does that tell us?
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