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Hillary sees no India hand in Balochistan crisis

If you would have visited this forum and instead of trolling read the posts that you might realize this isn't a claim.USA is directly or indirectly related to terrorism of BLA.

As long as you can't come up with the proof for the bold part, its just a claim my dear sir. Looking forward to get a proof from you which would make me happy to agree with you.
As long as you can't come up with the proof for the bold part, its just a claim my dear sir. Looking forward to get a proof from you which would make me happy to agree with you.

So you want to tell me that BLA leadership was living in Kabul without the approval of Americans? OK!! You keep believing that.:lol:
As long as you can't come up with the proof for the bold part, its just a claim my dear sir. Looking forward to get a proof from you which would make me happy to agree with you.

that is right
this claim just needs to presented into a dramatic documentary and bring some known American & Indian haters repeat their claims with a dramatic background music with time to time cut shots and images of American and Indian military and officials

job done... we have a documentary of proof (read claims and blames)

e.g. the BBC’s “ground breaking” documentary that shows a nonPashton supposed Taliban commander , who didn’t even fit for a foot soldier who was claiming that this secret hideout training in tribal areas was visited by the ISI officials that came in their cars and wore ISI UNIFORMS, just to ensure that no one attending the trainings and the drones flying above had any doubt that they were ISI personal. And it even featured the known anti Pakistani Khad agent Amr Ullah Salay who was sacked by Karzai because instead of getting his act together all he was doing was blaming Pakistan for the Taliban attacks. Sadly BBC cut the part where he was blaming the ISI psyops for mind controlling Karzai into sacking him.

but what am I talking about eh? listen to Hillary and belive whatever she says, Her husband never lied so why does she have to lie eh?
that is right
this claim just needs to presented into a dramatic documentary and bring some known American & Indian haters repeat their claims with a dramatic background music with time to time cut shots and images of American and Indian military and officials

job done... we have a documentary of proof (read claims and blames)

e.g. the BBC’s “ground breaking” documentary that shows a nonPashton supposed Taliban commander , who didn’t even fit for a foot soldier who was claiming that this secret hideout training in tribal areas was visited by the ISI officials that came in their cars and wore ISI UNIFORMS, just to ensure that no one attending the trainings and the drones flying above had any doubt that they were ISI personal. And it even featured the known anti Pakistani Khad agent Arm Ullah Salay who was sacked by Karzai because instead of getting his act together all he was doing was blaming Pakistan for the Taliban attacks. Sadly BBC cut the part where he was blaming the ISI psyops for mind controlling Karzai into sacking him.

but what am I talking about eh? listen to Hillary and belive whatever she says, Her husband never lied so why does she have to lie eh?

What if US state department claimed India is involved in baluchistan... what then??? Would you still refute hillary's claim??????????????????
Americans only see what they want to see. Remember how they saw WMD in Iraq. Simply they are liars so I wouldnt take any notice of what Hillary says. Did you notice in her biography she went to some lengths to sate that her grandmother or someone was of jewish origin just to keep Zionist lobby happy. Did you notice when her husband was standing for election he was what the blacks called more black than the blacks. But then when hillary stood for election against obama he did a flip flop and was not so black. Basically two faced liars true americans
What if US state department claimed India is involved in baluchistan... what then??? Would you still refute hillary's claim??????????????????

The US Guantanamo cables listed ISI as a terror group, so US's opinion really doesn't matter to Pakistan. Actions speak louder than words.
The US Guantanamo cables listed ISI as a terror group, so US's opinion really doesn't matter to Pakistan. Actions speak louder than words.

lets try this again .... What if US state department claimed India is involved in baluchistan... what then?? will you refute hillary clinton's claim and say "US's opinion really doesn't matter to Pakistan"
message to hillary phala apna app ko sambhallo bad man doora ka faisla karo 2 ya 3 baar tu gir chuki ho live
lets try this again .... What if US state department claimed India is involved in baluchistan... what then?? will you refute hillary clinton's claim and say "US's opinion really doesn't matter to Pakistan"

It doesn't matter what the US State department claims, even if it claims India is involved in Balochistan. Period. It is futile.
1. Who asked Hillary to give her opnion?
2. Who is she to meddle in regional and sovergien affairs
3. Its time Pakistan along with China and Russia takes a strict policy of regional counter weights and keeps USA totally out of Asia. After what they have done in Afghanistan, USA cannot be trusted and should not be welcome in Asia!
As long as America sees China as a threat and considers using India as a possible counter weight, it cant risk saying or doing anything against India
thats international politics and diplomacy for you
What if US state department claimed India is involved in baluchistan... what then??? Would you still refute hillary's claim??????????????????

listen Mr One-liner

I dont need US, China, Turkey or Uganda's confirmation about what is happening in my backyard. I have witnessed the bombings and attacks on public and private property and I know too well who is involved and who is not.

I have lost my school mate who died while defending his country. despite all that I don’t blame you all and give you the benefit of ignorance otherwise we Baloch are worse when it comes to seeking revenge and never forgetting.

my position doesn’t allow me to make these debates personal otherwise I would have shared things that are not very pleasant still try to and look after keeping cordial atmosphere here on the forum because I don’t blame the Indian public for the troubles in my province.

We are the same Baloch who came to help and escort the Muslim Migrants that were fleeing the massacre at the hands of Hindu & Sikh fanatics during the partition , tens of thousands lost their lives but the ones we escorted were able to make it alive in Pakistan.

You see, your government was able to do the same thing easily and successfully in our weaker eastern arm because the people over there didn’t want any part of us so the war was lost before the Indians crossed the borders. But here my dear the things are very different. Only few factions of 2 tribes that make not more than 8% of the Baloch population are actively involved in armed struggle and militancy that has been happening even before Indians decided to come to their aid. It was a fight for a bigger slice in the protection money just like the Naxalities are doing in the name of Adivasis.

Well like I said earlier, if you need proofs like the BBC documentary then yes I we can raise a petition to fund and make a similar documentary and bring in the families of the victims along with the NGOs that are working in Balochistan that have been abducted, harassed and looted to show as proof of your involvement.

I wont put much trust in USA because they have their interests they are pimping India as their top dog for this region and its against their policy to show their prospective watchdog in bad light.

So what we going to do? Well we are going to isolate these terrorists and ensure that their leder don’t cross into Pakistan and enjoy the hospitalities in Afghanistan in the Indian “cultural” centres that have been set up along the borders of Balochistan. Their main leader has been already sent to Switzerland with the help of USA so I can understand the blind spot Hillary is experiencing.
God bless you irfan bro!

I feel sad when i see such news abt my country n my province... PA should eliminate the scum hiding in afghanistan n swiss...

Even a kid knows who fuels n funds bla dogs!

Abt the 2 tribes...i also belong frm one of them... n ur correct...

listen Mr One-liner

I dont need US, China, Turkey or Uganda's confirmation about what is happening in my backyard. I have witnessed the bombings and attacks on public and private property and I know too well who is involved and who is not.

I have lost my school mate who died while defending his country. despite all that I don’t blame you all and give you the benefit of ignorance otherwise we Baloch are worse when it comes to seeking revenge and never forgetting.

my position doesn’t allow me to make these debates personal otherwise I would have shared things that are not very pleasant still try to and look after keeping cordial atmosphere here on the forum because I don’t blame the Indian public for the troubles in my province.

We are the same Baloch who came to help and escort the Muslim Migrants that were fleeing the massacre at the hands of Hindu & Sikh fanatics during the partition , tens of thousands lost their lives but the ones we escorted were able to make it alive in Pakistan.

You see, your government was able to do the same thing easily and successfully in our weaker eastern arm because the people over there didn’t want any part of us so the war was lost before the Indians crossed the borders. But here my dear the things are very different. Only few factions of 2 tribes that make not more than 8% of the Baloch population are actively involved in armed struggle and militancy that has been happening even before Indians decided to come to their aid. It was a fight for a bigger slice in the protection money just like the Naxalities are doing in the name of Adivasis.

Well like I said earlier, if you need proofs like the BBC documentary then yes I we can raise a petition to fund and make a similar documentary and bring in the families of the victims along with the NGOs that are working in Balochistan that have been abducted, harassed and looted to show as proof of your involvement.

I wont put much trust in USA because they have their interests they are pimping India as their top dog for this region and its against their policy to show their prospective watchdog in bad light.

So what we going to do? Well we are going to isolate these terrorists and ensure that their leder don’t cross into Pakistan and enjoy the hospitalities in Afghanistan in the Indian “cultural” centres that have been set up along the borders of Balochistan. Their main leader has been already sent to Switzerland with the help of USA so I can understand the blind spot Hillary is experiencing.

"Moderator" sir

Our country and our leadership has never either sympathized or raised the balochistan issue in any form or forum. My symphaties for your classmate , but being from a family whose relatives were killed in jammu by militants openly supported by your country's army and inteligencia, its astonishing how can educated people with conscience support the existence of such an entity whose primary function is propogate violence and murder.No wonder every problem in pakistan is suspected to be of indian origins, your establishment has taught you to look in every direction with the anti-india glasses.

off topic rant edited
"Moderator" sir

Our country and our leadership has never either sympathized or raised the balochistan issue in any form or forum. My symphaties for your classmate , but being from a family whose relatives were killed in jammu by militants openly supported by your country's army and inteligencia, its astonishing how can educated people with conscience support the existence of such an entity whose primary function is propogate violence and murder.No wonder every problem in pakistan is suspected to be of indian origins, your establishment has taught you to look in every direction with the anti-india glasses.

off topic rant edited

Your country cant do it openly coz BLA is a terrorist organisation n their cause is just bs n no country in the world accepts it... You talk of ur relatives yet u easily skip the attrocities kashmiris have been facing since 47? hundreds of thousands have been killed ... first by dogra forces n than my indian forces! You not accept them as humans abide by UN resolution n accept the results? why!!???

We militarily dnt support violence in IOK... we support the right of determination of the Kashmiri people as do dozens of countries and even United Nations!

Every problem we face is not bcoz of india! but most of them are! You boast of 71... wasnt tht also a cowardly act ? proping insurgency,civil war,arming n creating a terrorist organisation>? wasnt tht an act of war! Do you think we would forget tht ever? Individuals have short memories NATIONS never forget!

Than you talk abt mumbai attacks? do u have proof PA or ISI was involved>? the weapons u siezed wernt POF made ! Its u guys who blame everything on Pakistan! even pigeons n camels r propogated as ISI agents? i mean how retarded is tht?

The thousand cuts thing came after ur adventure of 71,... and believe me ... if you keep doing what you are doing right now we will be forced to do tht.. and there is no shortage of wounds tht we can inflict on india!

Piming india as their top dog is just a proverb there is nothing wrong abt it.

Indian foriegn policy is neutral? really first your country was allied with the USSR ... supporting the afghan invasion and what not????

We didnt get F-16s for free .. its only ur narrow minded thinking tht makes u believe so... and than u blame us for towing US line? yet u contradict urself when u accuse us of playing a double game in Afghanistan? you guys r full of contradictions!

Dnt call it baluch insurgency its an insurgency for power! it has no support in the region... thts why the hill rats hide in the mountains ... and get arms,money n training frm indian butcher houses in afghanistan!brahamdagh the swine travels on indian passport!

ttp dogs dnt have local support either u can see tht in swat n FATA!
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