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Hillary Clinton 'does not want her grandchildren to live in a world dominated by the Chinese

Too late for the daughter as she already married a nice Jewish boy.


No wonder Ms Hilary is worried about the future

However we wish all the best for the young couple , hopefully their daughter or boy meets a lovely Chinese partner so the fear is reduced greatly about china


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Any single country ruling the world is a nightmare. But the future world isn't gonna go that way. Asian countries such as Iran , India , Pakistan , China will rise while the US and EU will slightly lose power.
The US will not be dominating the world anymore but China isn't replacing them wither
I notice you mentioned some countries close to your home country, which are rising (other probably not?). understandably, you look from your perspective. I hope you don´t mind I have different view than you as I look from my perspective. as for the US will not be dominating the world anymore, well, if I know what lottery numbers come out tomorrow, I would become a rich man.

Which would be a viable argument if it were Taiwan that came up with it's own GDP figures...........but they don't. Their economic performance figures (that I use.) are derived independently and therefore differ slightly depending on the organization compiling them. What is clear is the undeniable economic and political success of Taiwan, very much in line with other Asian states like South Korea. I'm certain though that no matter what facts I may post, it will not get past the anti-Taiwan sentiments of some here.

Taiwan Miracle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I admire your patience with Chinese posters here. for the rest of the world, Taiwan is a great economic success. only mainlanders try to distort it. for them, China is a communistic paradise. I wonder why so many Chinese try to bring the money out of the country, buying properties overseas, sending their children to study in America, applying for visa, foreign citizenship?
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I admire your patience with Chinese posters here. for the rest of the world, Taiwan is a great economic success. only mainlanders try to distort it. for them, China is a communistic paradise. I wonder why so many Chinese try to bring the money out of the country, buying properties overseas, sending their children to study in America, applying for visa, foreign citizenship?

They are patriotic Chinese spying and leeeching the white man dry to make China stronger.

Chi Mak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Naive of you thinking that is negative for China?
I notice you mentioned some countries close to your home country. understandably, you look from your perspective. I hope you don´t mind I have different view than you as I look my perspective. as for the US will not be dominating the world anymore, well, if I know what lottery numbers come out tomorrow, I would become a rich man.

I admire your patience with Chinese posters here. for the rest of the world, Taiwan is a great economic success. only mainlanders try to distort it. for them, China is a communistic paradise. I wonder why so many Chinese try to bring the money out of the country, buying properties overseas, sending their children to study in America, applying for visa, foreign citizenship?
You are just based on those propaganda while I see it by my first hand experience.
If you are really a Vietnamese, you should know that Zhejiang province was the most educated and the richest province in East Asia during last 1000 years except last century. Zhejiang's returning to become the richest area in East Asia should not be surprised to anyone familiar with history of East Asia. The famous Alibaba is just one private business headquartered in Zhejiang.

Businessmen from Zhejiang Province are buying heavily not only in China, United States, Australia, Europe, but also in Latin America and Africa. People in Zhejiang is very heavily business oriented. That's a tradition for more than 1000 years. That's why Zhejiang keeps to be the richest in the whole East Asia. Zhejiang richer than Taiwan is just returning to normal.

Chinese applying for US citizenship has dropped since year of 2008. Even at the peak year of 2008, less than 40,000 Chinese were naturalized for US citizenship. Now the number has been reduced to less than 30,000. This number is less than that of Vietnam. If compared to total population, Chinese is one of the lowest.

It is popular for Chinese to having experience of studying abroad because everyone wants have international minds. Many Chinese family can afford it. Having both Chinese degrees and International degrees can enhance Chinese competitivity. There are also many Chinese getting permanent residency in United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, just because this can expand your commercial space.

Vietnamese can keep dreaming for collapse of China with the extreme nationalism stirred by impotent government. However, Chinese are welcomed everywhere from Africa to America. The commerce of Zhejiang has branches in each continent, let alone Commerce of China. Vietnamese always dislike China, however, Zhejiang province is far ahead of Vietnam on every front with half of your population.

In Zhejiang, people are not interested in comparing with laggards such as Taiwan and Vietnam. Our eyes are on Tokyo to take back the title of the richest place in East Asia. There is high possibility for this goal to reached within one decade with the help of Abe,



This is just a township hengdian in Zhejiang. Even not at county level.
They are patriotic Chinese spying and leeeching the white man dry to make China stronger.

Chi Mak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Naive of you thinking that is negative for China?
espionage is not a new phenomena between nations. Chinese spy on America, and vice versa. happening even between friends and allies, as America spys on Germany. are you sure, no Chinese spys on China, delivering classified information to America?
espionage is not a new phenomena between nations. Chinese spy on America, and vice versa. happening even between friends and allies, as America spys on Germany. are you sure, no Chinese spys on China, delivering classified information to America?
Why did you twist my words? The Chinese send to US is to study the American. Part of the art of war strategy. While the American know nothing of Chinese. While you brag about how many Chinese decide to stay in US. They continue to have poor english, live the Chinese way. Mix with Chinese only. Continue the Chinese way for CPC. If necessary leech US enough to serve the real motherland. As for money going oversea. Does that mean Lenevo decide to invest in IBM is considered a betrayal to CPC? Those money stored overseas has a strategic reason.

Money is the weakness of US system. We used money to crush the spirit and pride of US. The greedy US businessman can for sake of money outsource the whole industries to China while totally forget the impact on US. Greed is the thing to build US, it will also be her downfall. Chinese introduced the maximise profit and the American take the bait. Lol..
You are just based on those propaganda while I see it by my first hand experience.
If you are really a Vietnamese, you should know that Zhejiang province was the most educated and the richest province in East Asia during last 1000 years except last century. Zhejiang's returning to become the richest area in East Asia should not be surprised to anyone familiar with history of East Asia. The famous Alibaba is just one private business headquartered in Zhejiang.

Businessmen from Zhejiang Province are buying heavily not only in China, United States, Australia, Europe, but also in Latin America and Africa. People in Zhejiang is very heavily business oriented. That's a tradition for more than 1000 years. That's why Zhejiang keeps to be the richest in the whole East Asia. Zhejiang richer than Taiwan is just returning to normal.

Chinese applying for US citizenship has dropped since year of 2008. Even at the peak year of 2008, less than 40,000 Chinese were naturalized for US citizenship. Now the number has been reduced to less than 30,000. This number is less than that of Vietnam. If compared to total population, Chinese is one of the lowest.

It is popular for Chinese to having experience of studying abroad because everyone wants have international minds. Many Chinese family can afford it. Having both Chinese degrees and International degrees can enhance Chinese competitivity. There are also many Chinese getting permanent residency in United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, just because this can expand your commercial space.

Vietnamese can keep dreaming for collapse of China with the extreme nationalism stirred by impotent government. However, Chinese are welcomed everywhere from Africa to America. The commerce of Zhejiang has branches in each continent, let alone Commerce of China. Vietnamese always dislike China, however, Zhejiang province is far ahead of Vietnam on every front with half of your population.

In Zhejiang, people are not interested in comparing with laggards such as Taiwan and Vietnam. Our eyes are on Tokyo to take back the title of the richest place in East Asia. There is high possibility for this goal to reached within one decade with the help of Abe,

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This is just a township hengdian in Zhejiang. Even not at county level.
good that you introduce Zhejiang, promoting tourism. I just look after it, really nice.

why should I dream of collapse of China?

actually we hardly make profit if you go down the drain. every time when China slips into chaos, VN suffers , too. see the Ming refugees flooding VN after collapse of the dynasty, or the successful French invasion of VN when the Qing was weak, or Mongol invasion when China was conquered.

do you believe the people of VN like to talk on China?

CN is the least topic, people of VN want to talk.
good that you introduce Zhejiang, promoting tourism. I just look after it, really nice.

why should I dream of collapse of China?

actually we hardly make profit if you go down the drain. every time when China slips into chaos, VN suffers , too. see the Ming refugees flooding VN after collapse of the dynasty, or the successful French invasion of VN when the Qing was weak, or Mongol invasion when China was conquered.

do you believe the people of VN like to talk on China?

CN is the least topic, people of VN want to talk.
Because you are doubting about my comment on Taiwan. Even nominal GDP of Taiwan is still higher than that of Zhejiang, Taiwan is way poorer than Zhejiang. Taiwanese are competing with immigrants from other provinces for jobs pissed by locals in Zhejiang everywhere. Many Zhejiang Villages are comparable to suburb villages in United States now. Many people still applying foreign PR just for business convenience. Actually with recent 10 year visa with USA, I bet that US PR is also not so popular.

In Zhejiang, people try to compare details with Japan so that we can catch up with the richest area of Japan even in details. This cannot be imagined by Taiwanese at all. In private, Taiwanese are always called Hillbilly from Taiwan (台巴子)here.
Donald Trump suits and ties are made in China
Donald Trump suits and ties are made in China - Mar. 8, 2016

by Heather Long @byHeatherLong March 8, 2016: 3:34 PM ET

Donald Trump blasts companies like Ford and Apple for manufacturing products outside the United States. He even threatened to stop eating Oreo cookies after he learned some production was moving to Mexico.

But Trump does the same thing. Many of his products are made outside the United States. Most Donald J. Trump ties are made in China. Some Donald J. Trump suits are also made in China.

Donald J. Trump signature men's dress shirts are made in China, Bangladesh or "imported," meaning they were made abroad.

And it's not just Donald's products. Harvard professor and trade expert Robert Lawrence analyzed over 800 items in the Ivanka Trump fashion line. There are shoes, dresses, purses and scarves. All are "imported."

The top five countries that America imports clothing from are China (by far the leader), India, Vietnam, Pakistan and Mexico.

Related: Trump tower's Chinese investors buy a path to U.S. citizenship

"In a recent debate Marco Rubio mentioned ties. But the ties made in China are just the tip of the iceberg," says Lawrence, who served on President Bill Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers.

Lawrence found that none of Ivanka Trump's clothing line appears to be made exclusively in the United States and 354 items are listed as made in China.

Trump doesn't dispute this.

"I talk about my ties in speeches. I'm open. I say my ties many times are made in China," Trump told CNN's Jake Tapper in July.

"It's very hard to have apparel made in this country," Trump said.

Related: How Donald Trump could cause a recession

The issue is getting renewed scrutiny as Trump becomes the clear Republican frontrunner for president and has made trade a key 2016 campaign theme.

"I want to see the day in the not too distant future where Apple (AAPL, Tech30) makes it phones in this country," Trump said recently at a campaign stop in Portland, Maine.

Trump says he will "make the greatest trade deals we've ever made in our country."

He wants to put a tax on Chinese and Mexican goods like clothing coming into the United States to level the playing field and bring back middle class jobs. He's said the tax could be as high as 35 or 45%.

Economists warn this would ignite a trade war and could cause a recession. China and Mexico and possibly other nations would respond by putting taxes on U.S. goods and services. It would also make a lot of everyday items more expensive for Americans.

Related: CEO Meg Whitman: We must stop Donald Trump

Even just a 25% tariff would likely cause the two-piece Trump suit to jump in price from about $150 to $188.

"The realist in me says: is he really going to do those things if he gets in office?" mulls Bob Doll, chief stock strategist at Nuveen Asset Management.

CNNMoney (New York) First published March 8, 2016: 2:10 PM ET

If he understands anything about macroeconomics, I don't have a single neuron in my body.

I want him to be the president though. Trump and Sanders are the only two presidential candidates who didn't commit any war crime yet or not in the same group with them.

According to Center for International Studies of Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) report "The Human Cost of the War in Iraq" :

"Our best estimate is the 654,965 persons have died as a consequence of the conflict. Of these, 601,027 have died from violence. While the actual value may be somewhat higher or lower than this number, the precision of these results is adequate to conclude that loss of life in this conflict has been substantial. This is far greater than reported by various media accounts and morgue tallies. This is not surprising, as reporting of events from incomplete sources cannot, in any statistically meaningful way, be converted into national death rates. Other than Bosnia, we are unable to find any major historical instances where passive surveillance methods (such as morgue and media reports) identify more than 20% of the deaths which were found through population-based survey methods"

Source : http://web.mit.edu/CIS/pdf/Human_Cost_of_War.pdf

Everyone who is remotely related to this massacre would be tried in a righteous world. However it is okay to legitimize this disaster in US politics but it's not okay to get endorsement from KKK. Compared to Dick Cheney, David Duke is a schoolgirl.
not everybody is losing due to caste system.. people who gain have no reason to fight. I was simply countering your point that caste system unifies us, which infact divides us. Its indeed due to democratic setup that we have a huge affirmative action(as demanded by those who lose due to caste system). Its democracy that has effectively persuaded a large chunk of disadvantaged people not to pick up guns rather bring change via ballot.

I agree. Some benefit, and some suffer under the same system. We can discuss this issue in details in related threads, as I don't want to derail this thread.
It always takes time. When British came to China at the time of industrial revolution, China declined right away. Only 200 years after that, China felt hard to combat with British navy, China started to learn from West. Currently West even doesn't understand China. They are just as China 300 years ago, arrogant based on past glory. After staying in this Chimerica for many years, Chinese side is very dynamic, full of opportunities while American sides are just like dead water with few opportunities. You can see China on a new level every decade while American side will remain the same.

I was wondering what will be the dominant language in supposedly China dominated world. Will it still be English ? Does mandarin have the potential to replace English ? Obviously, no domination is complete without cultural domination.
Hillary Clinton 'does not want her grandchildren to live in a world dominated by the Chinese

  • Clinton fears her grandchildren could live in a world dominated by China
  • She has spoken of her concerns about the stature of the U.S. in private
  • President Obama warned of the potential for a future 'conflict' with Beijing
  • China has to choose between paths of peace or nationalism, Obama said
  • President also said ISIS are not coming to the U.S. 'to chop our heads off'
  • Feeling that terror group isn't a threat to Americans sparked Obama's fury at some Republicans who want Muslim Syrian refugees turned away
Read more: Hillary Clinton 'does not want her grandchildren to live in world dominated by China' | Daily Mail Online

If Hillary becomes president of United States there will be trouble all over the world.

Then they batter move to MAR
Is Chinese way of running the economy , public administration and military being replicated in the west ? The answer is no. Instead , many western ideas are being replicated in China. When your ideas are not being replicated but you want to dominate you are intellectually weak. People always love to imitate the big guys and it starts with the ideas.
Intellectually weak?
Mind telling us where you're from, coward?
No, based on world history which is not static, nor is Chinese imperial history of much relevance in a communist political system that dedicated itself to wiping it out. You have also conveniently glossed over the fact that that imperial system was more often than not in history, chaotic, ever changing and advanced no consistent political philosophy. It is not germane to my argument however, which is far more fundamental. Truth is truth, whether one is Chinese, American, Indian, or Swedish.

These political systems...


...have been clearly proven far less resilient than say, this political system...


I'm not sure your English comprehension is quite up to snuff. :blink:

The main reason that Western democratic system is more resilient is due to the only fact that they conquered and exploited the earth for over 2 centuries and cumulated a good chunk of wealth, technology and and military power to establish a world system to their favor such IMF, world bank and other organization. At equal and fair competition, your western system will crumbled at no time, democracy mean endless debate, counter productive and even fighting on the government offices as how our bothers and sisters did in Taiwan. For the most effective and efficient government system, I will bet on China governing system, we lifted over 600 millions out of poverty with only 30 years and within this same period we had face a lot for western pressure and they tried to put a stick on China's wheel to prevent it to have a smooth ride.

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