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Hillary Clinton 'does not want her grandchildren to live in a world dominated by the Chinese

There is a dichotomy , immense, between Japan and China. The former tends to have limited area for political maneuvering due to the American state actors that have weaseled their way into Japanese politics. Where America can "arm twist" Japan, she cannot do so with China. China, which I admire immensely, does not wish to maintain the current global order, rather, actively works to undermine it. And to supplant a multipolar order, one that Washington does not want to have. Japan, ultimately , wishes to embrace this multipolar approach because it will allow her to maneuver geopolitically and that can only be done with the further erosion of American hegemony in the pacific. For China (and Japan) to rise, Washington must weaken.

Rome , in the end, had to crush Carthage, in order to prosper. China's Carthage is Washington.

Will all due respect, China can end up being the Carthage. Aggression is a trait which is novel to China and while it has potential to be the next Rome, the unstable governance system has equal potential to blow up and squander all the gains made. Democratic systems are usually much more resilient and longer lasting.
Will all due respect, China can end up being the Carthage. Aggression is a trait which is novel to China and while it has potential to be the next Rome, the unstable governance system has equal potential to blow up and squander all the gains made. Democratic systems are usually much more resilient and longer lasting.

On the contrary, my friend , I believe the opposite for democratic systems-- too fragile and populist prone. China's centralized socialist , semi-capitalist form of government cements the state as being substantially stable.
Sanders...? Small chance to win the democratic election, the other is Trump for Republican side who has much more hawkish position.
i am a muslim and i would rather see trump as president better than hillary
i am a muslim and i would rather see trump as president better than hillary

For Indonesians, base on my view, we want to see more predictable USA government under Democrat as we see Obama did good job to improve relation between two nations.


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (C) hugs Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa next to other foreign ministers as they pose for a group photo ...

If Hillary becomes president of United States there will be trouble all over the world.
no, not for VN, bro. our people in America usually support and vote for the Democrats. I wish her all the best. actually she is right. Chinese ruling the world is a nightmare, not only for VN but for Asia.
On the contrary, my friend , I believe the opposite for democratic systems-- too fragile and populist prone. China's centralized socialist , semi-capitalist form of government cements the state as being substantially stable.
being able to negotiate(you might call it populism) gives democracy the necessary resilience, it might be slow and inefficient but surely not fragile. Centralized system requires substantial force to keep people together, if a country like India adopted anything other than federal democracy, you would be seeing at least 5 or 6 countries in place of India after a brief civil war.
Democrats has two terms under their belt, are Americans ready for a third?
being able to negotiate(you might call it populism) gives democracy the necessary resilience, it might be slow and inefficient but surely not fragile. Centralized system requires substantial force to keep people together, if a country like India adopted anything other than federal democracy, you would be seeing at least 5 or 6 countries in place of India after a brief civil war.

India's stability is largely due to Hinduism religion and Caste based social structure. It has little to do with the democracy.
Ok,good,ratify TPP and CN will not be a threat any more :cool:
India's stability is largely due to Hinduism religion and Caste based social structure. It has little to do with the democracy.
Thats a very ignorant comment.

We don't want to live in US dominated world too.
India's stability is largely due to Hinduism religion and Caste based social structure. It has little to do with the democracy.
not true at all, hinduism although professed by a large number of Indians has never in history been sufficient to keep us together. India is a country of countries, each with its own different culture, language and even take on hinduism. Asking a bihari and tamil to be together because of their religion is like asking a irish and italian to be together because they are christians. Sure it is a force that binds us but a very weak one.

Caste based hierarchical system is actually a cause of instability and civil war(our biggest maoist insurgency is a fightback against hindu caste system in a sense), when significant number of people are at the lowest level of hierarchy, they are going to ask why they are not equal to others. There is inherent instability in the rigid system.

Its India's democracy which is forced to negotiate with large mass of angry and poor people, and federal structure that allows space for our subnationalities, that keeps us together.
not true at all, hinduism although professed by a large number of Indians has never in history been sufficient to keep us together. India is a country of countries, each with its own different culture, language and even take on hinduism. Asking a bihari and tamil to be together because of their religion is like asking a irish and italian to be together because they are christians. Sure it is a force that binds us but a very weak one.

Caste based hierarchical system is actually a cause of instability and civil war(our biggest maoist insurgency is a fightback against hindu caste system in a sense), when significant number of people are at the lowest level of hierarchy, they are going to ask why they are not equal to others. There is inherent instability in the rigid system.

Its India's democracy which is forced to negotiate with large mass of angry and poor people, and federal structure that allows space for our subnationalities, that keeps us together.

That is exactly my point. If you have 80% people understand the concept of "born to be equal", and fighting the hindu caste system like Maoists, how in the world you would have any stability at all?
That is exactly my point. If you have 80% people understand the concept of "born to be equal", and fighting the hindu caste system like Maoists, how in the world you would have any stability at all?
not everybody is losing due to caste system.. people who gain have no reason to fight. I was simply countering your point that caste system unifies us, which infact divides us. Its indeed due to democratic setup that we have a huge affirmative action(as demanded by those who lose due to caste system). Its democracy that has effectively persuaded a large chunk of disadvantaged people not to pick up guns rather bring change via ballot.
On the contrary, my friend , I believe the opposite for democratic systems-- too fragile and populist prone. China's centralized socialist , semi-capitalist form of government cements the state as being substantially stable.
And yet in case after case after case in history, the evidence indicates clearly the opposite. Centralized, authoritarian systems, inevitably fail. Systems with balanced constitutions, democratic consent, the stable rule of laws passed by elected leaders, have proven resilient. Ironically, history is filled with tyrants who have held exatly the same view of democracy that you have, from European absolute monarchs, to military authoritarians, Hitler, Tojo, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ceausescu, and on and on. Where are they now? Gone-In the dustbin of history. People like Khrushchev looked at American and western democracies and shouted, "We will bury you!" His Soviet system collapsed under the weight of it's own lies, and his children are American professors at places like Brown University.

For Indonesians, base on my view, we want to see more predictable USA government under Democrat as we see Obama did good job to improve relation between two nations.


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (C) hugs Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa next to other foreign ministers as they pose for a group photo ...

Well, Mr. Obama did partly grow up there and speaks passable Indonesian. That helped, I'm sure. :azn:

Will all due respect, China can end up being the Carthage. Aggression is a trait which is novel to China and while it has potential to be the next Rome, the unstable governance system has equal potential to blow up and squander all the gains made. Democratic systems are usually much more resilient and longer lasting.
I agree completely. If mainland China ever transitions to the democratic system that her cousins in Taiwan have successfully done, she very well may become the world's leading and most powerful nation.
If they have more room, they will act. You do understand what USA did to Japan Yen in 1980's........
What did they do?

India's stability is largely due to Hinduism religion and Caste based social structure. It has little to do with the democracy.
Its exactly the opposite.
India's social stability is because of democracy. Otherwise it would simply not have been possible for the hundreds of ethnicities and religions to survive as one state.

The caste system divides us and democracy keeps us together. In fact the caste system is gradually losing its power because of democracy and urbanization.
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