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Hillary Clinton 'does not want her grandchildren to live in a world dominated by the Chinese

Nan Yang

May 1, 2010
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Hillary Clinton 'does not want her grandchildren to live in a world dominated by the Chinese

  • Clinton fears her grandchildren could live in a world dominated by China
  • She has spoken of her concerns about the stature of the U.S. in private
  • President Obama warned of the potential for a future 'conflict' with Beijing
  • China has to choose between paths of peace or nationalism, Obama said
  • President also said ISIS are not coming to the U.S. 'to chop our heads off'
  • Feeling that terror group isn't a threat to Americans sparked Obama's fury at some Republicans who want Muslim Syrian refugees turned away

Read more: Hillary Clinton 'does not want her grandchildren to live in world dominated by China' | Daily Mail Online

If Hillary becomes president of United States there will be trouble all over the world.
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Not possible. Population will decide the power of states like it has done through most of history. Unifying such a large population under a single leadership is a massive achievement and it will be the most important factor in the long run.
Economic future will be designed in a more protective way I guess. This is what I project to happen 10-20 years to come. There will be challenge to recent economic theory that favors free trade.
Not possible. Population will decide the power of states like it has done through most of history. Unifying such a large population under a single leadership is a massive achievement and it will be the most important factor in the long run.
Population isn't the biggest determining factor anymore, so your statement is misleading at best.

It's highly unlikely the Chinese will dominate the world. This isn't a case of the US declining in power, and the Chinese replacing them; Rather it is the US and China having to share a multi-polar world, with other growing (potential super) powers. To say that China will dominate the world, it's a myth perpetuated by those that don't look at economics.
Donald Trump suits and ties are made in China
Donald Trump suits and ties are made in China - Mar. 8, 2016

by Heather Long @byHeatherLong March 8, 2016: 3:34 PM ET

Donald Trump blasts companies like Ford and Apple for manufacturing products outside the United States. He even threatened to stop eating Oreo cookies after he learned some production was moving to Mexico.

But Trump does the same thing. Many of his products are made outside the United States. Most Donald J. Trump ties are made in China. Some Donald J. Trump suits are also made in China.

Donald J. Trump signature men's dress shirts are made in China, Bangladesh or "imported," meaning they were made abroad.

And it's not just Donald's products. Harvard professor and trade expert Robert Lawrence analyzed over 800 items in the Ivanka Trump fashion line. There are shoes, dresses, purses and scarves. All are "imported."

The top five countries that America imports clothing from are China (by far the leader), India, Vietnam, Pakistan and Mexico.

Related: Trump tower's Chinese investors buy a path to U.S. citizenship

"In a recent debate Marco Rubio mentioned ties. But the ties made in China are just the tip of the iceberg," says Lawrence, who served on President Bill Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers.

Lawrence found that none of Ivanka Trump's clothing line appears to be made exclusively in the United States and 354 items are listed as made in China.

Trump doesn't dispute this.

"I talk about my ties in speeches. I'm open. I say my ties many times are made in China," Trump told CNN's Jake Tapper in July.

"It's very hard to have apparel made in this country," Trump said.

Related: How Donald Trump could cause a recession

The issue is getting renewed scrutiny as Trump becomes the clear Republican frontrunner for president and has made trade a key 2016 campaign theme.

"I want to see the day in the not too distant future where Apple (AAPL, Tech30) makes it phones in this country," Trump said recently at a campaign stop in Portland, Maine.

Trump says he will "make the greatest trade deals we've ever made in our country."

He wants to put a tax on Chinese and Mexican goods like clothing coming into the United States to level the playing field and bring back middle class jobs. He's said the tax could be as high as 35 or 45%.

Economists warn this would ignite a trade war and could cause a recession. China and Mexico and possibly other nations would respond by putting taxes on U.S. goods and services. It would also make a lot of everyday items more expensive for Americans.

Related: CEO Meg Whitman: We must stop Donald Trump

Even just a 25% tariff would likely cause the two-piece Trump suit to jump in price from about $150 to $188.

"The realist in me says: is he really going to do those things if he gets in office?" mulls Bob Doll, chief stock strategist at Nuveen Asset Management.

CNNMoney (New York) First published March 8, 2016: 2:10 PM ET
Mrs. Clinton has every right to air her views. However , unfortunately for her, these views cannot and will not alter the course of history in the making : the unprecedented ascendancy of the Chinese Motherland.

It is Her time, now. Resistance is futile.

Economic future will be designed in a more protective way I guess. This is what I project to happen 10-20 years to come. There will be challenge to recent economic theory that favors free trade.

This was predicted in Japanese political journals about 10 years ago, my friend. The moment China surpasses Japan would mark her ascendancy , now, she is soon to eclipse America, the resistance is natural. However , denialism shall not alter its course , it will only delay acceptance of the inevitable.
This was predicted in Japanese political journals about 10 years ago, my friend. The moment China surpasses Japan would mark her ascendancy , now, she is soon to eclipse America, the resistance is natural. However , denialism shall not alter its course , it will only delay acceptance of the inevitable.

Nationalism will intervene the economy even for countries such as USA, both Trump and Clinton seems to be not like Today situation. TTP, for instant, is likely to be scraped under Clinton. In term of China-USA economic relation, I dont have any idea what will be like in the future since in the same time USA also borrow huge money from China. Their hand is in chain now.

If they have more room, they will act. You do understand what USA did to Japan Yen in 1980's........
Economic future will be designed in a more protective way I guess. This is what I project to happen 10-20 years to come. There will be challenge to recent economic theory that favors free trade.
not just free trade all this globalization multi culture crap will die soon
on topic i think all chineese living in the US should vote for anyone opposes Hillary
Nationalism will intervene the economy even for countries such as USA, both Trump and Clinton seems to be not like Today situation. TTP, for instant, is likely to be scraped under Clinton. In term of China-USA economic relation, I dont have any idea what will be like in the future since in the same time USA also borrow huge money from China. Their hand is in chain now.

If they have more room, they will act. You do understand what USA did to Japan Yen in 1980's........

There is a dichotomy , immense, between Japan and China. The former tends to have limited area for political maneuvering due to the American state actors that have weaseled their way into Japanese politics. Where America can "arm twist" Japan, she cannot do so with China. China, which I admire immensely, does not wish to maintain the current global order, rather, actively works to undermine it. And to supplant a multipolar order, one that Washington does not want to have. Japan, ultimately , wishes to embrace this multipolar approach because it will allow her to maneuver geopolitically and that can only be done with the further erosion of American hegemony in the pacific. For China (and Japan) to rise, Washington must weaken.

Rome , in the end, had to crush Carthage, in order to prosper. China's Carthage is Washington.
not just free trade all this globalization multi culture crap will die soon
on topic i think all chineese living in the US should vote for anyone opposes Hillary

Sanders...? Small chance to win the democratic election, the other is Trump for Republican side who has much more hawkish position.
Sanders...? Small chance to win the democratic election, the other is Trump for Republican side who has much more hawkish position.

Trump, in my opinion , will be able to compromise. He has already appraised how he will work with Russia, which indicates his cooperative aspect. It is because if this (among many others ) that has made him target to the GOP establishment.
Population isn't the biggest determining factor anymore, so your statement is misleading at best.

It's highly unlikely the Chinese will dominate the world. This isn't a case of the US declining in power, and the Chinese replacing them; Rather it is the US and China having to share a multi-polar world, with other growing (potential super) powers. To say that China will dominate the world, it's a myth perpetuated by those that don't look at economics.

Yes, in the near Future. US is not Declining. But China will keep Rising

But for Far Future, Who knows?

Great Rome Empire is Crumble, but that doesn't mean the World is the end.
Carthage Great Empire is Destroyed by Romans too.
There is a dichotomy , immense, between Japan and China. The former tends to have limited area for political maneuvering due to the American state actors that have weaseled their way into Japanese politics. Where America can "arm twist" Japan, she cannot do so with China. China, which I admire immensely, does not wish to maintain the current global order, rather, actively works to undermine it. And to supplant a multipolar order, one that Washington does not want to have. Japan, ultimately , wishes to embrace this multipolar approach because it will allow her to maneuver geopolitically and that can only be done with the further erosion of American hegemony in the pacific. For China (and Japan) to rise, Washington must weaken.

Rome , in the end, had to crush Carthage, in order to prosper. China's Carthage is Washington.

It is very interesting to see what USA will do next in relation with China in economic sector........

For the Indonesian side, I believe we try to respond globalization challenge as more serious and strategic now. I see Joko Widodo as more strategic than Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

We now have reduced interest rate significantly for our small and medium size companies wanting to borrow money from bank ( from 22 percent into 9 percent), infrastructure project, raw material resources export banning, state owned companies asset revaluation, expansion, and synergy, etc

Trump, in my opinion , will be able to compromise. He has already appraised how he will work with Russia, which indicates his cooperative aspect. It is because if this (among many others ) that has made him target to the GOP establishment.

I dont think so....

He is into Russia after Vladimir Putin praise him as a tough guy.........:D
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