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Hillary Clinton 'does not want her grandchildren to live in a world dominated by the Chinese

Lol! :lol: I'm not sure you really understand what democracy is. Here's a clue, your statement here is part of the very definition of it!
I said "a successful democracy". Taiwan is a democracy that are driven by populism and inefficiency.
Lol! :lol: I'm not sure you really understand what democracy is. Here's a clue, your statement here is part of the very definition of it!
For as long as I have been participating on this forum, these guys' perception of democracy consists of everyone belonging to the same party and voting the same way. They really do not believe that they have a flawed understanding of democracy. The clue you gave -- whoooooshed.
Well, Mao most certainly did end China's dynastic past and with it, most of the last vestiges of her Imperial past. I will agree however, that we never just start "fresh". Even America didn't, borrowing the best of British ideas of law, parliament, and individual liberty.

I would argue though, and have been, that democratic systems are far more capable of reform, of adapting, than authoritarian systems are. Indeed, that is one of the key reasons why they inevitably fail.

Lol! :lol: I'm not sure you really understand what democracy is. Here's a clue, your statement here is part of the very definition of it!
Taiwan is really a joke to 99% of mainland Chinese. One important reason for CCP not to unify Taiwan is because Taiwan is really a bad example of Western democracy and this can consolidate CCP power. To Chinese, results are much more important than talks. Taiwan used to be much more advanced than Mainland. But now, Taiwan is almost the same as North Korea, some kind of weird self-destructing political entity. Most mainland Chinese visit Taiwan due to curiosity, not much different from North Korea.
I said "a successful democracy". Taiwan is a democracy that are driven by populism and inefficiency.
And yet, they have a viable multi-party democracy, a free press, individual rights, and one of the highest standards of living in Asia, in one of the most vibrant market economies. Her per capita GDP, is almost equal to South Korea's and Spain's, and higher than oil rich Saudi Arabia. Taiwan is going to be around for some time to come, and seems to be doing pretty well.

And why shouldn’t they be? Does it really surprise people that of the countries of the planet, the one's that have the highest standard of living, the highest per capita income, the top 35+ almost all just happen to be........democracies?

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For as long as I have been participating on this forum, these guys' perception of democracy consists of everyone belonging to the same party and voting the same way. They really do not believe that they have a flawed understanding of democracy. The clue you gave -- whoooooshed.

China and West have different understanding of democracy. In China, democracy just means that you can have a voice on something. But you may not have decision power if you haven't proved yourself. Just as in companies, you can voice your concern, but still your manage decides. In West, democracy means participation of decision making process such as presidential election. China separates voicing concerns and decision making as two processes. Democracy means participation voicing concerns while decision making requires expertise and experience. Chinese are not much interested in decision making unless strong interests involved. But if Chinese interests are hurt, and concerns are not voiced or listened, Chinese can turn outrageous. Like in ancient times, Chinese even dared to kill the emperor.

And yet, they have a viable multi-party democracy, a free press, individual rights, and one of the highest standards of living in Asia, in one of the most vibrant market economies. Her per capita GDP, is almost equal to South Korea's and Spain's, and higher than oil rich Saudi Arabia. Taiwan is going to be around for some time to come, and seems to be doing pretty well.

And why shouldn’t they be? Does it really surprise people that of the countries of the planet, the one's that have the highest standard of living, the highest per capita income, the top 35+ all just happen to be........democracies?

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That's just GDP. But for a Chinese farmer with his own land, he could build a house worse several millions of dollars in Silicon Valley by just tens of thousands of dollars. That's why nominal GDP of Eastern China is several times less than that of Taiwan, but the life standard is much higher than Taiwan. If you live in Villages in Zhejiang or Jiangsu provinces on one side of Taiwan strait and go cross to Taiwan, you will feel that Taiwan is way too poor. Especially with many Taiwanese wandering in your neighborhood for jobs, you believe in nothing from Taiwan.

Millions of Taiwanese are working in Eastern China provinces for jobs locals are not interested at all. To us, Taiwanese are similarly to Chinese from Western provinces. If so called Democracy forces you to do this, no one will like it. Chinese are very face-saving.

Taiwan GDP counts output of those factories in mainland owned by rich Taiwanese people. It is greatly distorted and not beneficial to ordinary Taiwanese.
Taiwan GDP counts output of those factories in mainland owned by rich Taiwanese people. It is greatly distorted and not beneficial to ordinary Taiwanese.

Which would be a viable argument if it were Taiwan that came up with it's own GDP figures...........but they don't. Their economic performance figures (that I use.) are derived independently and therefore differ slightly depending on the organization compiling them. What is clear is the undeniable economic and political success of Taiwan, very much in line with other Asian states like South Korea. I'm certain though that no matter what facts I may post, it will not get past the anti-Taiwan sentiments of some here.

Taiwan Miracle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chinese is much more interested in face-saving than democracy or elections. There is Chinese saying: Humans live with a face of dignity. If a Chinese feels face losing by you, he/she can really fight with you, even for decades, no matter how powerful or how rich you are. he/she is determined to give you a big trouble at a critical time. Many dissidents are strongly against CCP because of democracy, but because CCP let him/her lose face in fellow Chinese. The rise of Hong Kong and Taiwan Pro-Independence is also largely due to this. As I heard, One hong kongese visited his Guangzhou relatives. The relatives showed off their spacious housing and he felt face-losing. When he went back to Hong Kong, he determined to join those pro-independence forces. Similarly for many Taiwanese.

Which would be a viable argument if it were Taiwan that came up with it's own GDP figures...........but they don't. Their economic performance figures are derived independently and there for differ slightly if depending on the organization compiling them. What is clear is the undeniable economic and political success of Taiwan, very much in line with other Asian states like South Korea. I'm certain though that no matter what facts I may post, it will not get past the anti-Taiwan sentiments of some here.

Taiwan Miracle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You are based on this kind of information. But in reality, this only benefits the rich ones and many of them park their wealth in Mainland. Ordinary Taiwanese wages are lower than the wages in Eastern China province.
Is Chinese way of running the economy , public administration and military being replicated in the west ? The answer is no. Instead , many western ideas are being replicated in China. When your ideas are not being replicated but you want to dominate you are intellectually weak. People always love to imitate the big guys and it starts with the ideas.
And yet, they have a viable multi-party democracy, a free press, individual rights, and one of the highest standards of living in Asia, in one of the most vibrant market economies. Her per capita GDP, is almost equal to South Korea's and Spain's, and higher than oil rich Saudi Arabia. Taiwan is going to be around for some time to come, and seems to be doing pretty well.

And why shouldn’t they be? Does it really surprise people that of the countries of the planet, the one's that have the highest standard of living, the highest per capita income, the top 35+ almost all just happen to be........democracies?

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In fact, they started their development earlier than most of the countries in Asia. South Korea is actually catching up to them, now they maybe fine but what's about ten years later. If you look closely at their history, most of their economic achievements were from the time of dictatorial rule by Chiang Kai-shek and his son. Taiwan's economy is at stagnant now and their income is around the same as ten years ago. Many fresh graduate students are hard to find jobs. If you have been to both China and Taiwan, the level of standards of living is around the same, especially in the city. I'm not against the Taiwanese political system but I just hate them wasting time on those silly ideological fighting. For me, the main goal of the government is to take care of its people, but instead of doing it, they spend all the time on pro-blue or green fighting and get nothing done.
Is Chinese way of running the economy , public administration and military being replicated in the west ? The answer is no. Instead , many western ideas are being replicated in China. When your ideas are not being replicated but you want to dominate you are intellectually weak. People always love to imitate the big guys and it starts with the ideas.
It always takes time. When British came to China at the time of industrial revolution, China declined right away. Only 200 years after that, China felt hard to combat with British navy, China started to learn from West. Currently West even doesn't understand China. They are just as China 300 years ago, arrogant based on past glory. After staying in this Chimerica for many years, Chinese side is very dynamic, full of opportunities while American sides are just like dead water with few opportunities. You can see China on a new level every decade while American side will remain the same.
In fact, they started their development earlier than most of the countries in Asia. South Korea is actually catching up to them, now they maybe fine but what's about ten years later. If you look closely at their history, most of their economic achievements were from the time of dictatorial rule by Chiang Kai-shek and his son. Taiwan's economy is at stagnant now and their income is around the same as ten years ago. Many fresh graduate students are hard to find jobs. If you have been to both China and Taiwan, the level of standards of living is around the same, especially in the city. I'm not against the Taiwanese political system but I just hate them wasting time on those silly ideological fighting. For me, the main goal of the government is to take care of its people, but instead of doing it, they spend all the time on pro-blue or green fighting and get nothing done.

Well to be fair, the global economy is not now and has not been doing well for almost a decade for most countries. Even China's is not doing nearly as well as before the 'great recession'. One can't blame Taiwan for that. It does not change the fact that historically, Taiwan's economy has been one of the most celebrated models of success in the developing world.
no, not for VN, bro. our people in America usually support and vote for the Democrats. I wish her all the best. actually she is right. Chinese ruling the world is a nightmare, not only for VN but for Asia.

Any single country ruling the world is a nightmare. But the future world isn't gonna go that way. Asian countries such as Iran , India , Pakistan , China will rise while the US and EU will slightly lose power.
The US will not be dominating the world anymore but China isn't replacing them wither
Well her daughter or grand daughter can marry a Asian Chinese Boy , problem solved

If you can't beat them join em
What an idea sir g. !! :sarcastic:
Too late for the daughter as she already married a nice Jewish boy.

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