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Hillary Clinton 'does not want her grandchildren to live in a world dominated by the Chinese

Maybe Tang ends because of economic reasons, land accumulation and loosely control of marginal area. For example, Tang defeated Japan in Korean war I, but it didn't put political suppress or economical punishment to Japan. In this case, China didn't gain any benefits from the Korean war and Japan didn't pay its real cost of invading Korea except its army and navy death.
I hold opposite opinion of yours, Tang started too few external wars, not too many, this strategy diminished its influences over the whole area, compared to Han dynasty.

When a country has absolutely power to punch its counterpart, war won't bring serious results.

Another prior aspect I analyse, most Chinese dynasty indeed sacrifice super power's rights when living together with neighboring nations. For example, China historically help Vietnam to solve their dozen time internal farmer revolution, but China pay the war ourselves. It's Vietnamese affair, but Chinese pay for weapon, food, transportation, lives, everything. And Tributary Trade System with most Asian nations. It's a huge burden to China. It likes we use silver to exchange earth, it's not trade, but China synchronously didn't require plus political or geopolitical benefits.

You need to read more about Tang history. Put all events in the right calendar.
In 745, Tang crushed Later Turk (后突厥) and completely ended Turk political legacy in Chinese lands. Basically at that time, in whole China, including Siberia, there were no forces not submitted to Tang. Then Tang started aggressive adventure in Central Asia. In 749, Tang conquered the whole Afganistan (石国). To stop the advancement of Tang, the new Arabic Empire leaded alliance of many local tribes and had the Battle of Talas with Tang and its allied Tribes. One of Tang's alliance rebelled and Tang lost 20,000 soldiers in this War and had to retreat from Afganistan.
If Tang didn't lose Battle of Talas (恒罗斯之战)in 751, An lushan (安禄山) might not dare to revolt in 755.

Tang had the thought to control the whole silk road. Chengis Khan just followed Tang's route and went further. Just similar to current United States wanting to control all trades. Empires without a major loss always think that they can achieve anything in their mind.
During last 1000 years, the world basic structure remain unchanged:
1. China/East Asia
2. Islam
3. Eastern Roman/Russia
4. Western Roman
5. Africa
6. India/South Asia
There are only two significant changes:
1. Division of Western Roman into Christian (West Europe/North America) and Catholic (Latin America and Eastern Europe)
2. Subjugation of American Indians by Western Roman

The four dominant civilizations remain basically intact. China learned that the conquering of other civilizations were too difficult after Tang Dynasty and gave up the efforts of dominance after that. The West, especially the United States are still enjoying the game of dominance. United States still haven't learned the lessons from Afghanistan. Chinese Tang empire was the first empire to fall after trying to conquer Afghanistan. It is at the crossing of three great civilizations (Russia/China/Islam) and becomes the tomb of great empires. United States seems to be next if they still keep the idea of dominance.

ASEAN is another place similar to Afghanistan where China, Islam, India and Western meet. If the relation of China and United States really deteriorates, ASEAN could become Afghanistan in larger scale. That's most ASEAN countries except Vietnam and Philippines, are extremely cautious. Vietnam, a smaller China is actually isolated in ASEAN; Philippines, a Catholic country is similar. Vietnam thinks that no matter China or US dominate, it will be fine with smart techniques of balancing; Philippines think that it should exploit the dominance of United States. Both are making huge mistakes because none of China and United States can achieve dominating powers in ASEAN. The deteriorating situation in ASEAN would drag in more and more forces and turn the whole ASEAN into a bigger Afganistan. China is determined to build more bases in SCS to face a possibly chaotic ASEAN.

United States has losing its wisdom due to its arrogance, especially after the fall of Soviet Union. United States hasn't achieved clear leadship among former Western Roman civilization countries; but it keeps thinking to become the leaders of the whole world. If United States really falls, its status in history is less than that of Western Roman Empire, let alone Roman Empire. After 1000 years, people will still talk about Roman Empire frequently because of its legacy in civilization; but United States, it is just another British Empire, or Mongolian Empire. Its impact on the world will slowly phase out as soon as its military power contracts.

Very good analysis my friend, but I believe event thought China build more military base in SCS, but does it in the island it has already taken, without any intend to invade islands belongs to Vietnam, Taiwan, etc.....there will be no military conflict break out.

And I also believe that if the worst scenario does happens there, and war does break up, it will be more like sea war like Falkland War. All trade can still be reroute which just make it 1 day longer.

So in essence SCS war will not affect ASEAN economy in great scale according to me, all war participation understand that all out war will benefit no body.
Very good analysis my friend, but I believe event thought China build more military base in SCS, but does it in the island it has already taken, without any intend to invade islands belongs to Vietnam, Taiwan, etc.....there will be no military conflict break out.

And I also believe that if the worst scenario does happens there, and war does break up, it will be more like sea war like Falkland War. All trade can still be reroute which just make it 1 day longer.

So in essence SCS war will not affect ASEAN economy in great scale according to me, all war participation understand that all out war will benefit no body.
If you really understand China, China is not an aggressive country. China is a civilization state with large areas of lands and rich diversity. The main focus of Chinese politics is the harmonious integration of China inside. This guarantees Chinese integrity at any time and allows continuity of Chinese civilization. This is why China is the only civilization can last continuously for 5000 years. Even minorities treasures this harmony and integrity because this can guarantee the life of their offspring. When 13th Dailai wanted Tibet independence during chaotic ROC period, it was Hui Muslim army in Qinghai threatened them to give up. The current Dailai was escorted by Hui Muslim army in Qinghai to take the position of Dalai in 1939. The Tibet Independence by Western propaganda never made it with Hui Muslim Army in Qinghai.

Before pivotal to Asia, China was not interested in militarization of SCS at all. But with pivotal to Asia, China senses big danger. China wants to establish military chain in SCS for the following reasons:
1. Protect Chinese trades through SCS
2. Protect Safety of Southern China from missile attacks.
3. Protect Safety of Overseas Chinese interests in ASEAN. In colonial era, Western colonizers always instigated Chinese massacres to expel Chinese interests. I bet that from now on, you may get military response from China if this happens again.
Pivotal to Asia significantly decreases mutual trust between China and United States, which also makes China worry about economic prosperity in ASEAN since ASEAN lies in a conflict zone of civilizations. Although China still invests heavily in China-friendly countries in ASEAN, China is more interested in investing in Eastern Africa, America, Europe and even India.

Taiwan is the core of core interests of China. It is not only related to geopolitical security of Eastern China, but also related to sovereign and cultural integrity. Taiwan is the cancer in the relations between China and United States. Japanese implicit of Taiwan independence plays a significant part in Chinese hatred toward Japan. When Chinese are determined some countries as enemies, China could turn extremely crazy. China spend several hundreds of years to hunt down Huns and Turks until they were not in the sight of Chinese. If Taiwan really declares independence, CCP even will have the willing to start nuke wars, otherwise CCP leaders will be killed by Chinese right away. Ancestors and Unity are the gods to Chinese.
3. Protect Safety of Overseas Chinese interests in ASEAN. In colonial era, Western colonizers always instigated Chinese massacres to expel Chinese interests. I bet that from now on, you may get military response from China if this happens again.
Pivotal to Asia significantly decreases mutual trust between China and United States, which also makes China worry about economic prosperity in ASEAN since ASEAN lies in a conflict zone of civilizations. Although China still invests heavily in China-friendly countries in ASEAN, China is more interested in investing in Eastern Africa, America, Europe and even India.


Not a good political gesture there........ :D

Our nation shouldn't pay any burden taken by any criminals, injustice action is against Islamic law and culture. We can also say that too to our brothers in Xinjiang.

As you get bigger, our part (Islamic world) seems to follow as well. You cannot frighten us.....
Not a good political gesture there........ :D

Our nation shouldn't pay any burden taken by any criminals, injustice action is against Islamic law and culture. We can also say that too to our brothers in Xinjiang.

As you get bigger, our part (Islamic world) seems to follow as well. You cannot frighten us.....
It is not just criminals. Most of Chinese massacres in ASEAN were related to conflicts of civilizations. In 1965 Chinese massacres, CIA played a big role in it.

Pivotal to Asia is never a good sign to ASEAN. Just like the coming of Soviet forces bode ill for Afghanistan. Slowly it will drag in more and more forces. Now you have China, United States, Japan, Australia and India. Sooner or later even Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Turkey may be forced in. European and Russian are clearly not sitting idly. China is just preparing for the worse to guard our interests in ASEAN if the worst happens.
It is not just criminals. Most of Chinese massacres in ASEAN were related to conflicts of civilizations. In 1965 Chinese massacres, CIA played a big role in it.

Pivotal to Asia is never a good sign to ASEAN. Just like the coming of Soviet forces bode ill for Afghanistan. Slowly it will drag in more and more forces. Now you have China, United States, Japan, Australia and India. Sooner or later even Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Turkey may be forced in. European and Russian are clearly not sitting idly. China is just preparing for the worse to guard our interests in ASEAN if the worst happens.

Chinese massacre in Philippine by Spain and also Chinese massacre by Dutch in Jakarta in the colonial era are conducted by the government. It was really a crazy event.

In 1965, civil war happened in Indonesia, Chinese casualties are very small compare to other ethnic, it is more ideological than race.

In Jakarta, 1998, not many casualties, but Chinese was indeed targeted by some criminals as ordinary people were scared to go out side at that day (only one day). Jakarta 1998 event is more like conspiracy action that is nothing to do with the government and people in general.

Even though the burning of Chinese business building may in some degree be conducted by ordinary folks, since many people see Soeharto was supported by Chinese businessman, and Soeharto also supported some of Chinese businessman like Salim group that at that time was the biggest conglomerates. Even Soeharto uses Central Bank money to finance some Chinese with very low interest.

Soeharto seems scared to Native businessman as they can be his rival in politics so he doesnt want Native to be like South Korean Chaebol , unless his family and his supporter. And Today we can see that almost all strong Indonesian politicians are businessman, so his calculation in some degree are true. Soeharto plan is to enable his family to grab Indonesian politics for long period of time. During his power, it is his oldest daughter who are prepared to do that. So many people see Chinese as sided with Soeharto family at that time, so their business become the target.

The chaos itself means to weaken Soeharto position to make him surrender by using this instability to give more weight for the parliament to support university student and civil society movement idea who fight for democracy. Parliament did open the gate for university students who later invaded the parliament building after the chaos happen. Despite that 100 death are all natives. You can check that data from credible source.

So who plan the chaos....? Well there are some speculation over this, like some analyst point into some military actors, but it might be a real chaos


I dont buy your opinion about class of civilization thing........
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china wont be able to dominate the world unlike USA, its surrounded by countries who are no pushovers.. however rise of china will create a multipolar world and reduce dominance of USA.. thats not a bad thing in itself. I wish china was democracy though, because although its good that they bring balance to a western dominated world, I cant trust a regime that is inherently unstable.
china wont be able to dominate the world unlike USA, its surrounded by countries who are no pushovers.. however rise of china will create a multipolar world and reduce dominance of USA.. thats not a bad thing in itself. I wish china was democracy though, because although its good that they bring balance to a western dominated world, I cant trust a regime that is inherently unstable.
Yes I COMPLETELY agree with you. China really sucks big time. China? Who couldn't even beat up the little Philippines don't deserve to dominate.
But our super power - India, will surely become the unprecedented power to ever exist. Don't believe me? Trust me, bro. I will prove it.

Where the hell is that video? Lol....
china wont be able to dominate the world unlike USA, its surrounded by countries who are no pushovers.. however rise of china will create a multipolar world and reduce dominance of USA.. thats not a bad thing in itself. I wish china was democracy though, because although its good that they bring balance to a western dominated world, I cant trust a regime that is inherently unstable.

Turst me,
if a top level cast Indian (Brahmin)and an lowest level cast Indian (Dalit) come together to live in China, two will be treated equally by Chinese. Interesting? Democracy is not about vowing, which is about life and real feelings.

You need to read more about Tang history. Put all events in the right calendar.
In 745, Tang crushed Later Turk (后突厥) and completely ended Turk political legacy in Chinese lands. Basically at that time, in whole China, including Siberia, there were no forces not submitted to Tang. Then Tang started aggressive adventure in Central Asia. In 749, Tang conquered the whole Afganistan (石国). To stop the advancement of Tang, the new Arabic Empire leaded alliance of many local tribes and had the Battle of Talas with Tang and its allied Tribes. One of Tang's alliance rebelled and Tang lost 20,000 soldiers in this War and had to retreat from Afganistan.
If Tang didn't lose Battle of Talas (恒罗斯之战)in 751, An lushan (安禄山) might not dare to revolt in 755.

Tang had the thought to control the whole silk road. Chengis Khan just followed Tang's route and went further. Just similar to current United States wanting to control all trades. Empires without a major loss always think that they can achieve anything in their mind.

Lost of 20,000 soilders for Tang is not a disaster, you know Tang's total military scale. And Arabic Empire also had its own lost. Comparing to population, economyArabic empire couldn't last longer war than Tang. so,as I said, Tang started too few wars. After the battle of Talas, Tang would have continued to increase military till it defeat its counterpart from Middle East.
Too late for the daughter as she already married a nice Jewish boy.

Her daughter is not as beautiful as her mother ~!
Look at her big mouth !!
Lol whats with all these new canditates they freaks o nature lmao

I remember the good ol days of GWB and Al Gore
I know you are a Republican....Which side is it, Conservative or the establishment side....... :D

I'm a conservative...............which IS anti-Trump. Cruz, Rubio, etc., they are the Conservatives. As to Hillary, yes, that is a good picture you posted. She had her moments, but even back then....


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