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Hijacking faith: How an extremist Deobandi ideology rules the Barelvi major

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I can only speak from my own perspective and not comment on anyone's behavior, but i will say this that we should not insult anyone, or anyone's belief, the biggest reason is that we are all travelers on this planet and in the end we will all be put to rest in the ground and be answerable to god.

I have enough fear of god in my heart to remember not to anger him, maybe mocking each other's beliefs:

Allah knows best.

i agree with you that no should spread hate againt other persons religion.....but as you yourself admit that it is a cult and must be exposed.

but sir what about the guy who started hate against muslims in this region?

what about mirza ghulam qadians writings that include hate and abuses for muslim women and men who opposed him in his time and times to come?

who will dispose of his books?

who will ban those books?

who will remove those books from our country?

what about the root cause??

why did mirza qadiani abused the mothers and sisters of muslims of that time and times to follow who opposed him or will oppose him in future?

why are the books written by that mad man still in Pakistan?

why dosent express tribune exposes his hate filled writings?

why does my post gets deleted if i expose his ugly brain work here?
thats good if faith gives one strength but a State needs its elements to prevail.. otherwise Somalia is also a country but not a State..

Absolutely sir, we are all looking to you know who. All other options have been exhausted, i literally jumped up in joy when we secured Mianwali (which i may add our candidate was fighting against my own uncle) PTI Zindabad.
The dilemma of people in this thread and people of pakistan in General is, they don't know what Quran says about "Firqaah's" or any other matter they are debating. I'm qouting some aya's from Quran to enlighten everyone mind.

سورة الأنعام


Sahih International
Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muhammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only
to Allah ; then He will inform them about what they used to do.

Surat Al-'An`am [6:159] - The Noble Qur'an - ?????? ??????

سورة آل عمران


Sahih International
And do not be like the ones who became divided and differed after the clear proofs had come to them. And those will have a great punishment.

Surat 'Ali `Imran [3:105] - The Noble Qur'an - ?????? ??????

سورة الشورى


Sahih International
And they did not become divided until after knowledge had come to them - out of jealous animosity between themselves. And if not for a word that preceded from your Lord [postponing the penalty] until a specified time, it would have been concluded between them. And indeed, those who were granted inheritance of the Scripture after them are, concerning it, in disquieting doubt.


Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman said, "People used to ask the Prophet, peace be upon him, about good things, but I used to ask him about bad things because I was afraid that they might overtake me. I said, 'O Messenger of Allah, we were lost in ignorance (jahiliyyah) and evil, then Allah brought this good (i.e. Islam). Will some evil come after this good thing?' He said, 'Yes' I asked, 'And will some good come after that evil?' He said, 'Yes, but it will be tainted with some evil' I asked, 'How will it be tainted?' He said, 'There will be some people who will lead others on a path different from mine. You will see good and bad in them.' I asked, 'Will some evil come after that good?' He said, 'Some people will be standing and calling at the gates of Hell; whoever responds to their call, they will throw him into the Fire.' I said, 'O Messenger of Allah, describe them for us.' He said, 'They will be from our own people, and will speak our language.' I asked, 'What do you advise me to do if I should live to see that?' He said, 'Stick to the main body (jama'ah) of the Muslims and their leader (imam).' I asked, What if there is no main body and no leader?' He said, 'Isolate yourself from all of these sects, even if you have to eat the roots of trees until death overcomes you while you are in that state.' "
i agree with you that no should spread hate againt other persons religion.....but as you yourself admit that it is a cult and must be exposed.

but sir what about the guy who started hate against muslims in this region?

what about mirza ghulam qadians writings that include hate and abuses for muslim women and men who opposed him in his time and times to come?

who will dispose of his books?

who will ban those books?

who will remove those books from our country?

what about the root cause??

why did mirza qadiani abused the mothers and sisters of muslims of that time and times to follow who opposed him or will oppose him in future?

why are the books written by that mad man still in Pakistan?

why dosent express tribune exposes his hate filled writings?

why does my post gets deleted if i expose his ugly brain work here?

Don't ban them, you can oppose views by leading with an example. If you ban something you make it a martyr and it will gain greater prominence.

I think there is enough blood and pain in Pakistan, we should focus on strengthening our homes and feeding our children and pray to god for spiritual guidance. Education is the ultimate gift, even the Quran has placed great importance on education, the first word by the holy spirit "Angel Gabriel" was Iqra: Read...

We should educate our youth, focus on feeding our families, building our nation and keeping hatred aside. If people are educated, they can make educated choices. The pen will always be mightier than the sword.

the jeeper creeper we are talking about here is the CEO of a cult sponsored by crown to create division amongst the residents of the colony so as to weaken the independence movement.....he is not head or founder of any sect.....

he used third class and abusive language against muslims of his time who opposed him and times to come.......

we have to expose this scum of a person.
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Though Dr Zakir naik belongs to Deubandi madhab but still I have been an avid viewer of his programs. I may not agree with him on few things. But its not that I don't agree with him on everything just because of those few things.
FYI there was a deobandi fatwa against Zakir Naik saying he is misguiding muslims. He claims to be trained as a doctor and yet today he is an Islamic scholar with zero known formal training. He has counterparts in every religion. The freaks who try to 'compare' their religion and substantiate it based on 'science' and then inevitably reaching the conclusion that their religion is better than the compared ones.

Fine that you respect what he says. But what he says regarding the subjects I mentioned above is just plain BS. But I am relieved that he at least tends to encourage harmony between muslims and others.

To quote Obama: "Even a broken clock is right two times a day".

the jeeper creeper we are talking about here is the CEO of a cult sponsored by crown to create division amongst the residents of the colony so as to weaken the independence movement.....he is not head or founder of any sect.....

get your facts straight first.

he used third class and abusive language against muslims of his time who opposed him and times to come.......

we have to expose this scum of a person.

As Allah said in Quran, I will deal with such people in my own way. Now tell me, Didn't Allah dealt with Mirza Ghulam? Why are you interfering in Allah dealings? Who ever create divisions in Islam will be dealt by the creator and him because it's the battle b/w the Allah and that person. Get it through your thick head
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FYI there was a deobandi fatwa against Zakir Naik saying he is misguiding muslims. He claims to be trained as a doctor and yet today he is an Islamic scholar with zero known formal training. He has counterparts in every religion. The freaks who try to 'compare' their religion and substantiate it based on 'science' and then inevitably reaching the conclusion that their religion is better than the compared ones.

Fine that you respect what he says. But what he says regarding the subjects I mentioned above is just plain BS. But I am relieved that he at least tends to encourage harmony between muslims and others.

To quote Obama: "Even a broken clock is right two times a day".

Mister Naik is a fraud and a quack, he was banned form coming to the UK because he said kill anyone who turns away from Islam. WHO THE BLOODY HELL GAVE YOU THAT RIGHT! WHO MADE YOU THE JAILER OF OUR MORALITY?

I swear people Mullahs have ruined Islam, they are like a disease that need to be cleansed.
If Islam is against idolatry and say all people are equal, then why the terms like SAW, PBUH, RA etc. Is used after the certain names????
Don't ban them, you can oppose views by leading with an example. If you ban something you make it a martyr and it will gain greater prominence.

I think there is enough blood and pain in Pakistan, we should focus on strengthening our homes and feeding our children and pray to god for spiritual guidance. Education is the ultimate gift, even the Quran has placed great importance on education, the first word by the holy spirit "Angel Gabriel" was Iqra: Read...

We should educate our youth, focus on feeding our families, building our nation and keeping hatred aside. If people are educated, they can make educated choices. The pen will always be mightier than the sword.

there is no doubt that there is blood and pain in our country and we should be working to make it a better place but sir while doing so....we should also expose those people who lie and cheat..... when in reality their own books are filled with abusive language...

...post his pictures and tell that a person who looks like a scum....how can he be a pious man?a man who hurls abuses towards muslims men and women who oppose him of his time and times to come....how can he and his followers be gentlemen?

if mirza qadiani was void ab inito....how can his follower derive legality?

if mirza was third class....how can his followers be first class?

if mirza was abusing the women of muslims.....why do you think his followers wont be doing the same?

a person who looks like a scum,extensively uses opium and drinks tonic wine according to his writings...can be role model for muse and Leader but for a muslim who covers him up from head to toe......he is a dirty rat who died in latrine.
Mister Naik is a fraud and a quack, he was banned form coming to the UK because he said kill anyone who turns away from Islam.
He said so?!! I thought the one good thing about him was that he talks about other religions in his speeches, in a condescending manner explaining where the poor ones went wrong. So I thought the feeling of his followers to the other religions would be sympathy and not hostility. Which is better than having a mullah in Mumbai or Hyderabad with his mouth frothing at something that happened in Gujarat.

So that is it then. He believes all apostates have to be killed. Now we know that he has at least read that part regarding shariah. :P
Mister Naik is a fraud and a quack, he was banned form coming to the UK because he said kill anyone who turns away from Islam. WHO THE BLOODY HELL GAVE YOU THAT RIGHT! WHO MADE YOU THE JAILER OF OUR MORALITY?

I swear people Mullahs have ruined Islam, they are like a disease that need to be cleansed.

Zakir Naik tries to be the successor to Anwar Deedat..
I think he made the claim that all good muslims should be be fundamentalists, for which he got banned from UK.....
If Islam is against idolatry and say all people are equal, then why the terms like SAW, PBUH, RA etc. Is used after the certain names????

They are prayers of respect. i.e: Hallowed be thy Name. they are not worshiping the person, rather asking god to be pleased with them and their spirits.

SAW: May Allāh honor him and grant him peace
PBUH: Peace be upon him, although sometimes also used after the name of ayesha ( salaam-o Allah alayha - S.A.A)
alayhi s-salām - A.S.: Applied to any prophet or arc angel such as Mikhail or Gabriel.
As Allah said in Quran, I will deal with such people in my own way. Now tell me, Didn't Allah dealt with Mirza Ghulam? Why are you interfering in Allah dealings? Who ever create divisions in Islam will be dealt by the creator and him because it's the battle b/w the Allah and that person. Get it through your thick head

yea my mistake i thought you are defending mirza qadian.

i am only exposing mirza qadian's writings....not creating division.
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