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Hijacking faith: How an extremist Deobandi ideology rules the Barelvi major

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well yar I dont even know him...

pehle bhi aik bar kisi nay asi koe baat ki thi, I ignored, I think yehi "musalman" hoga :lol:

Well you should ask them which Mango Brother they follow- :lol:-


You know my great grandfather was a member of this cult in question, but i still cannot understand how quick people are to hate and stigmatize you if you have even been remotely associated with them, like you have the plague or something. If anyone knows me long enough (at least online anyway), has having this "kafir" blood in the family made me any less patriotic or any less determined to defend our faith and beloved final messenger the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)?

So why are some Pakistanis quick to ostracize their fellow countrymen and women? Maybe they are better with god then us, god fearing muslims.
yar imagine if you face such a situation on the street with people ganging up around you and you have no choice but to agree what they are demanding, and yet if they dont believe you on your words, imagine what they will do to you?

imagine how life is for them?

why dont you call mirza qadiani a "kanjjar murtad 10 times"
and i will edit my posts and apologize...

i know your plans.....you want PTI down since imran khan called qadianis non-muslims......

a man like you who has a soft corner for an insane indian man from qadian..........if we go to war with india...a guy like you would be the first one to switch side and aid enemy.
"The truth" -- that's where islamiyaat come into play -- you apparently have chosen conscience over islamiyaat and ther eis a price to pay for that

Just look at this lot arguing about Hazrat this and that as if they have a dog in the fight - they have no connection to a tribal fight from the 7th century and yet they are will to shed blood for it, ready to declare each othert kafir and what not/

I take your point completely and it was this point I was hoping to make to RescueRanger when he posted that image of the despised jew - now that it is the despised Muslim, I wonder if attitudes will change (rhetorical, I know they won't)

lets just hope the up coming generations in schools is somewhat different,

lets just hope that there is some hope !
You know my great grandfather was a member of this cult in question, but i still cannot understand how quick people are to hate and stigmatize you if you have even been remotely associated with them, like you have the plague or something. If anyone knows me long enough (at least online anyway), has having this "kafir" blood in the family made me any less patriotic or any less determined to defend our faith and beloved final messenger the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)?

So why are some Pakistanis quick to ostracize their fellow countrymen and women? Maybe they are better with god then us, god fearing muslims.

well sir the hate is not one sided......if you look at the pattern of this guys posts he is deliberately mocking and ridiculing the majority muslims of this country by posting offensive images and using foul language against the religious figures of sunnis.

what do you want a sunni to do in such scenario?

why did he opened a thread and mocked a fellow country man just cause he had poor english?
lets just hope the up coming generations in schools is somewhat different,

lets just hope that there is some hope !

We can always hope and trust in god, for when all the lights go out and we are surrounded by the shroud of darkness, it is his guiding light that shows us the path, that cuts through the cold gloom of the night and bring us to the morning light.

Inshallah Pakistan will prevail.
@hasnain0099 :
All those people masquerading as Deobandis now and asking muslims to not visit shrines and not celebrate Milad-u-Nabi are actually salafists. People like Zakir Naik are Saudi funded. I don't even think he believes in his own teachings. He is just throwing the BS at people so that he gets more bucks.

And I don't believe the Deobandis were anti-Pakistan because Jinnah was Shia. They just used to mock at the English speaking, suit wearing, alcohol drinking barrister who claimed that he will create a state based on/in the name of Islam. Fair criticism, if you ask me. But then Jinnah did get his faction among the Deobandis. The faction's heirs are today Jamaat and Jamiat. And they actually sticked to their beliefs and have been striving to bring shariah to Pakistan all along.
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lets just hope the up coming generations in schools is somewhat different,

lets just hope that there is some hope !

One has to have FAITH, in order to Dare to Hope --- These attitudes change with blood, best to get it over with now - look at the example that RescueRanger had presented, the Germans, an educated and civilized peoples, but the old affliction of antisemitism, it never left the bloodstream - see that's the way it is about "the truth", it does not have to be religious truth, political truth has the same quality, the only way to be rid of it is to bleed it away.
@hasnain0099 :
All those people masquerading as Deobandis now and asking muslims to not visit shrines and not celebrate Milad-u-Nabi are actually salafists. People like Zakir Naik are Saudi funded. I don't even think he believes in his own teachings. He is just throwing the BS at people so that he gets more bucks.
Though Dr Zakir naik belongs to Deubandi madhab but still I have been an avid viewer of his programs. I may not agree with him on few things. But its not that I don't agree with him on everything just because of those few things.
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well sir the hate is not one sided......if you look at the pattern of this guys posts he is deliberately mocking and ridiculing the majority muslims of this country by posting offensive images and using foul language against the religious figures of sunnis.

what do you want a sunni to do in such scenario?

why did he opened a thread and mocked a fellow country man just cause he had poor english?

I can only speak from my own perspective and not comment on anyone's behavior, but i will say this that we should not insult anyone, or anyone's belief, the biggest reason is that we are all travelers on this planet and in the end we will all be put to rest in the ground and be answerable to god.

I have enough fear of god in my heart to remember not to anger him, maybe mocking each other's beliefs:

Surah 109. Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers)
1. Say : O ye that reject Faith!
2. I worship not that which ye worship,
3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
4. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
6. To you be your Way, and to me mine.

Allah knows best.
The dilemma of people in this thread and people of pakistan in General is, they don't know what Quran says about "Firqaah's" or any other matter they are debating. I'm qouting some aya's from Quran to enlighten everyone mind.

سورة الأنعام


Sahih International
Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muhammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only
to Allah ; then He will inform them about what they used to do.

Surat Al-'An`am [6:159] - The Noble Qur'an - ?????? ??????

سورة آل عمران


Sahih International
And do not be like the ones who became divided and differed after the clear proofs had come to them. And those will have a great punishment.

Surat 'Ali `Imran [3:105] - The Noble Qur'an - ?????? ??????

سورة الشورى


Sahih International
And they did not become divided until after knowledge had come to them - out of jealous animosity between themselves. And if not for a word that preceded from your Lord [postponing the penalty] until a specified time, it would have been concluded between them. And indeed, those who were granted inheritance of the Scripture after them are, concerning it, in disquieting doubt.

why dont you call mirza qadiani a "kanjjar murtad 10 times"
and i will edit my posts and apologize...

i know your plans.....you want PTI down since imran khan called qadianis non-muslims......

a man like you who has a soft corner for an insane indian man from qadian..........if we go to war with india...a guy like you would be the first one to switch side and aid enemy.

Imran Khan didnt call Qadiyani non muslims, what he stated was his belief. see the video
We can always hope and trust in god, for when all the lights go out and we are surrounded by the shroud of darkness, it is his guiding light that shows us the path, that cuts through the cold gloom of the night and bring us to the morning light.

Inshallah Pakistan will prevail.

thats good if faith gives one strength but a State needs its elements to prevail.. otherwise Somalia is also a country but not a State..
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