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Highest Average IQ by Country (2016 update) | List 25

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I think 99% of Chinese people are dumb as a rock. It's a combination of sub-par education and a culture that doesn't value critical thinking. We get by simply because we managed to set up a political system that promotes pretty smart people to the top.

This is only partly true, there are indeed many dumb clueless Chinese around here, but today's most Chinese still choose to support CPC.
I think 99% of Chinese people are dumb as a rock. It's a combination of sub-par education and a culture that doesn't value critical thinking. We get by simply because we managed to set up a political system that promotes pretty smart people to the top.

Round up(database) of all best intellectuals in the country then put them in a room to put to work on important projects. Reward them with certificate and fame etc.
This is only partly true, there are indeed many dumb clueless Chinese around here, but today's most Chinese still choose to support CPC.
I mean dumb in an apolitical way. The vast majority of people in Chinese are like "monkey see monkey do" 随群心态. It's a developing country -- no doubt about it.

I remember a few years ago New Year's Eve when a bunch of young people crammed into Shanghai's bund and then stomped each other to death. Monkey see monkey do.


And then this Martian guy who sounds like he is in high school posts this pseudo scientific garbage with sweeping subjective opinions and concludes Shanghaiese are really smart.
Round up(database) of all best intellectuals in the country then put them in a room to put to work on important projects. Reward them with certificate and fame etc.
I agreed with your first idea. I disagree with your second idea.

It is logical to accumulate a critical mass of intelligent citizens with technological talent.

However, rewards should only be given for performance. Target goals should be explicitly stated. Failure to achieve specifications should result in dismissal.

You see this meritocratic system in China all of the time.

The director of China's lunar rover program is about 35 years old. He's the most competent person technically and he's put in charge.

Chinese certification of military hardware is a milestone event. For example, the certification of the WS-10A engine (equivalent to F-16 engine) was extremely important. The performance specifications had been met and it entered mass production.

The anticipated certification of the WS-15 engine (equivalent to F-22 engine) had always been estimated to be 2018-2020. IF the WS-15 can meet its specifications then it will be certified.
Is there a correlation between IQ and industrial development?And if it is could the latter be informing the other? And UK/Western Europe has lower IQ then East Asia. But then how do you explain the West prevailing over east Asia and tiny UK even force feeding high IQ Chinese opium?

I mean the fcukin IQ tables and success seem to be warped. Right?
The list is nonsense. The OP's sweeping subjective views are nonsense. You will lose a few IQ points just reading them.
ok, instead of ironically giving a sweeping statement yourself that they are 'nonsense'- explain why u think they are 'so?
he is talking about industrialisation and it's correalation with IQ- why do u guys keep disgressing into its relations with other aspects of life(and even tried to downplay it? just because your own IQ is low)?

Also, why dont u say it's something more about an immigrant accepting/embracing the host nation's society/social norms that accepts him- rather then the other way around.

If an immigrant is determined to keep his own customs, why migrant to an liberal host nation in the 1st place? just stay in his own homeland.

Once, my Muslim female colleague(local Malay singaporean) and I saw a fully-covered woman walking on the street(can only see her eyes- nothing else). We had a discussion and concluded that she(might even be a 'he'- because like i said only the eyes could be seen) must be a foreigner who is either 1)a new immigrant or 2)a tourist - because, according to my infuriated colleague- no local muslims will ever will dress herself up like this.

something like this- except i remember it was dark indigo in colour

u cant dress like this without expecting to attract attention in a highly industrialized and secular nation like singapore. u r gonna get stared at from head to toe everywhere u go.

Dude, is this post supposed to be some kind of joke?
Is there a correlation between IQ and industrial development?And if it could the latter be informing the other? And UK/Western Europe has lower IQ then East Asia. But then how do you explain the West prevailing over east Asia and tiny UK even force feeding high IQ Chinese opium?

I mean the fcukin IQ tables and success seem to be warped. Right?
No. You are making the same mistake that others have made.

The IQ tables are NOT ABSOLUTE. Scoring two points higher does not mean SUPERIORITY.

However, a 20-point IQ difference would be determinative.

The West prevailed over Asia, because of a superior political system. However, that advantage has been rectified. For example, China no longer uses an Emperor system of government. The West protected its inventors, but a Chinese emperor decapitated everyone that invented the world's first cannon.
I mean dumb in an apolitical way. The vast majority of people in Chinese are like "monkey see monkey do" 随群心态. It's a developing country -- no doubt about it.

I remember a few years ago New Year's Eve when a bunch of young people crammed into Shanghai's bund and then stomped each other to death. Monkey see monkey do.


And then this Martian guy who sounds like he is in high school posts this pseudo scientific garbage with sweeping subjective opinions and concludes Shanghaiese are really smart.

Shanghai is now a multicultural city in China, and half of its residents are not native in Shanghai.

But Shanghai and its vicinity areas have produced a lot of academic genius, think about professor Ma Weiming and Pan Jianwei, they both come from the areas near Shanghai.
ok, instead of ironically giving a sweeping statement yourself that they are 'nonsense'- explain why u think they are 'so?
"Achievement" is measurable and tangible. Somebody sets up a company, generates profits, eventually taking it public. That's an achievement.

IQ is nothing more than aptitude for taking IQ tests. It is only loosely correlated with achievement.

I don't even have to go further and point out how ridiculous it is to extrapolate from average IQ of individuals to industrialization of whole nations, completely disregarding factors like population size, geographic advantage, historical happenstance, etc.
Right. So the Norweigan's are dumber then Italians. Ah okay. :crazy:
Look. You're pretty dumb.

The issue being discussed is AVERAGE COUNTRY IQ.

Since we don't know the IQ of an individual Norwegian or Italian, the AVERAGE COUNTRY IQ does not apply.

Do you understand the difference? Average IQ is a quality that is attributable to a country, not an individual.
I have no doubt about that and I know China will produce even more geniuses in the future. But out of curiousity where was this "genius production" in 1918? Hibernating???

China's scientific genius doesn't need any recognition from the West.

For example, the Nobel Prize is known openly exploited as political tool by the west, China doesn't need its recognition at all.
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