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Highest Average IQ by Country (2016 update) | List 25

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This is a very controversial thread, maybe offensive to people of 82
We have a problem.

If Iran, Egypt, Brazil, and every undeveloped country is not making progress toward industrialization then the answer does not seem to be CULTURE. With such a broad diversity of cultures, they can't possibly all be unsuitable for industrialization.

Brazil has a population of 200 million people. There must be a large percentage of the population that is hard working. So the answer does not appear to be HARD WORK that is required for industrialization.

What could the key to industrialization possibly be?

The one broad common denominator could be IQ. Other theories just don't fit.
We have a problem.

If Iran, Egypt, Brazil, and every undeveloped country is not making progress toward industrialization then the answer does not seem to be CULTURE. With such a broad diversity of cultures, they can't possibly all be unsuitable for industrialization.

Brazil has a population of 200 million people. There must be a large percentage of the population that is hard working. So the answer does not appear to be HARD WORK that is required for industrialization.

What could the key to industrialization possibly be?

The one broad common denominator could be IQ. Other theories just don't fit.

maybe they don't have strong ideology as a driving factor for industrializing. maybe they are disunited and no ideology everyone for themselves. First you need to have an ideology and unite then you can industrialize it is collective thing then it is pulling resources to educate people towards that goal. Why they have to do this? what is the purpose of doing this?.
maybe they don't have strong ideology as a driving factor for industrializing. maybe they are disunited and no ideology everyone for themselves. First you need to have an ideology and unite then you can industrialize it is collective thing then it is pulling resources to educate people towards that goal. Why they have to do this? what is the purpose of doing this?.
I think you're wrong.

Every developing country is trying to figure out how to industrialize.

The world is divided into "developed" and "undeveloped" countries.

Developed countries are relatively rich. They possess powerful technologies. They are researching more advanced technologies.

I think undeveloped countries are tired of being backward. Need some medicine to fix your medical problem? You have to buy it from an advanced country. Want to communicate? Once again, you have to buy it.

Undeveloped countries are at the mercy of developed countries. What if they decide not to sell advanced technologies (nuclear reactors, power turbines, engines, etc.) to your country?

Undeveloped countries are looking for their own economic miracle. None has succeeded in the last 10 years. I posted the top five exports from India and (ignoring the foreign car exports) they were all commodities.
Tesla favorite numbers were 3,6,9. one should read about occult science. I read about Benjamin Franklin this guy was into occult he was part of the hellfire club. They dug up bodies from his old house in London.
I find it suspicious, some of these famous inventors and scientist on where they get their knowledge from. Edison invented the light etc. A lot of people are questioning where he got his idea from. where are his working out notes. Some of these guys are into dark occult.
I think you're wrong.

Every developing country is trying to figure out how to industrialize.

The world is divided into "developed" and "undeveloped" countries.

Developed countries are relatively rich. They possess powerful technologies. They are researching more advanced technologies.

I think undeveloped countries are tired of being backward. Need some medicine to fix your medical problem? You have to buy it from an advanced country. Want to communicate? Once again, you have to buy it.

Undeveloped countries are at the mercy of developed countries. What if they decide not to sell advanced technologies (nuclear reactors, power turbines, engines, etc.) to your country?

Undeveloped countries are looking for their own economic miracle. None has succeeded in the last 10 years. I posted the top five exports from India and (ignoring the foreign car exports) they were all commodities.

Because the US has monopolized many high end techs, and it is the undisputed leader among the western nations.

And the undeveloped non-western countries need a balance to break that monopoly, and China is perfectly poised to fit into that position.
I think you're wrong.

Every developing country is trying to figure out how to industrialize.

The world is divided into "developed" and "undeveloped" countries.

Developed countries are relatively rich. They possess powerful technologies. They are researching more advanced technologies.

I think undeveloped countries are tired of being backward. Need some medicine to fix your medical problem? You have to buy it from an advanced country. Want to communicate? Once again, you have to buy it.

Undeveloped countries are at the mercy of developed countries. What if they decide not to sell advanced technologies (nuclear reactors, power turbines, engines, etc.) to your country?

Undeveloped countries are looking for their own economic miracle. None has succeeded in the last 10 years. I posted the top five exports from India and (ignoring the foreign car exports) they were all commodities.

Where do they get their jump start? it is called transfer of tech from the west. You have to import western machine tools to build machines that build end product and technical know how. Then you need to be subsided by western economy.

Third world countries are not allowed to industrialized that is big danger.
Where do they get their jump start? it is called transfer of tech from the west. You have to import western machine tools to build machines that build end product and technical know how. Then you need to be subsided by western economy.

Third world countries are not allowed to industrialized that is big danger.

Most non-western countries don't have that size and scope to control an entire ecosystems like China.

That's why many Arab leaders like Saddam and Gaddafi were desperate to unify the entire Arabic world, because this was driven by the superpower ambition of the Arab nationalists. Because they know when they are scattered, they can permanently fall into the divide and conquer cycle of the western world led by the US. Only a unified Arab world with collective resources would have a chance to take a shot at the superpower goal. Still, they have to become diligent and hard working like the Chinese.
Qadafi had an interesting idea.

He wanted to become president of Africa. His proposal was to guarantee oil and metals exports to China in exchange for technology know-how.

Qadafi's proposal had three serious weaknesses.

Firstly, Africa is divided into two halves. The Arabs control northern Africa. The black people control southern Africa. Arabs and blacks have trust issues. I think that's the reason for Sudan vs. South Sudan conflict.

Secondly, China can buy oil and metals from Brazil, Russia, US, Kazakhstan, Australia (LNG and iron ore), etc.

Thirdly, China has alternative energy sources of its own (shale gas, wind energy, nuclear energy, dams, etc.). China also has metal resources that are unfortunately buried one mile deep in Tibet, which means costlier extraction.

A united Africa lacks sufficient leverage to acquire China's technology. This means every country must develop its advanced technology on its own. No country will part with their advanced technological secrets.

We're discussing average country IQ, because we're assessing the probability of an undeveloped country transforming into a developed country with its own advanced technologies.
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Qadafi had an interesting idea.

He wanted to become president of Africa. His proposal was to guarantee oil and metals exports to China in exchange for technology know-how.

Qadafi's proposal had three serious weaknesses.

Firstly, Africa is divided into two halves. The Arabs control northern Africa. The black people control southern Africa. Arabs and blacks have trust issues. I think that's the reason for Sudan vs. South Sudan conflict.

Secondly, China can buy oil and metals from Brazil, Russia, US, Kazakhstan, Australia (LNG and iron ore), etc.

Thirdly, China has alternative energy sources of its own (shale gas, wind energy, nuclear energy, dams, etc.). China also has metal resources that are unfortunately buried one mile deep in Tibet, which means costlier extraction.

A united Africa lacks sufficient leverage to acquire China's technology. This means every country must develop its advanced technology on its own. No country will part with their advanced technological secrets.

We're discussing average country IQ, because we're assessing the probability of an undeveloped country transforming into a developed country with its own advanced technologies.

He tried the Pan-Africanism idea in his late years because his Pan-Arabism idea had encountered many setbacks just like Saddam's experience.

The Arab world doesn't have their own Chairman Mao, so it is impossible to become unified.
25 Countries With The Highest Average IQ | List 25 (January 31, 2018)

1. Hong Kong 107 (average IQ)
2. South Korea 106
3. Japan 105
4. Taiwan 104
5. Singapore 103
6. Austria 102
7. Germany 102
8. Italy 102
9. Netherlands 102
10. Sweden 101
11. Switzerland 101
12. Belgium 100
13. China 100
14. New Zealand 100
15. United Kingdom 100
16. Hungary 99
17. Poland 99
18. Spain 99
19. Australia 98
20. Denmark 98
21. France 98
22. Mongolia 98
23. Norway 98
24. United States 98
25. Canada 97

No mention of North Korea? This list is obviously biased (U.S.).

From another source (Germany), the displayed IQ was averaged out of the results of 9 international studies and compared to the average income and government expenditures on education over 20 years (1990 to 2010), we see that North Korea ranks 7th in the world, thus easily outsmarting the U.S.!


▲ IQ compared by countries


▲ North Korea with an average national IQ of 102, ranks 7th in the world, just behind China


▲ The 26th to 50th places



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Turkey and Russia both are much more developed than China, enjoy better living and have a higher Nominal and PPP per capita. Some of the Chinese posters on here make me feel nauseated with their stupid claims.

Turkey and Russia both Have a higher HDI than your country and Turkey's $27000 per capita is much more than what you have. Just because you are Chinese we are supposed to go along with your false narrative?

LOL India launches satellites too does that make it more developed than Spain or Italy? China makes Bullet trains does that make it more Developed than USA or UK?Your own country admits it won't be until 2050 that it's developed. Oh and your country doesn't have a city as beautiful as Istanbul no matter how many ugly looking skyscrapers you build.

Some of the Chinese posters here are absolutely brain dead. If you point out Country A has a higher per capita they will make up some BS as to why its higher than China.
No, we are actually more developed than Turkey, that is no doubt. From food to car , almost everything , you can find out this point. No need to say the big gap of science capability between us.
You cannot accept this conclusion,it doesnot matter. Time will prove.Unlike little Turkey,We try our best to hide our power and keep a low profile. We clearly know our target never is Turkey. In Chinese word, developed industried countries mean: USA,Japan,Germany and some western and nordern European countries. Turkey? even SK is much developed than Turkey. Not any Chinese think Turkey is developed. Industriation means better living, in this point, Turkey has dismal future.
Anyway, I have no inerested in discussing Turkey and China, the reason is simple, I live in Guangdong province with 105 million population and about 12.5 thousand US dollolar per GDP. My province is much more developed than Turkey according to your theory. But that is meaningless, Turkey is not and never in our list.
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IQ is overblown. I have a friend who has an IQ of 116, so he's pretty smart. He's a mess, and doesn't know what to do with his life, and is stuck doing dead end jobs.
IQ displays two interesting characteristics.
1. Fast Diminishing Returns: An IQ of 70 will sure be detrimental in getting anything done but an IQ of 150 will not necessarily mean you will get things done way better than someone of IQ 100~110.

2. You don't need too many geniuses. You need just few folks with high IQ and high functioning mind.

Last but not the least. Chinese are too much obsessed with numbers. You put a number on anything and they will obsess over it.
This is a troll thread. If you are successful, all you said is right. If USA was 80,we would all say wrong correlation.
And obviously no country like to be recognized as stupid. So I have to say: this is stupid thread.
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