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Hifazat men assault female journalists

Why do people hate women? Idiots! As for me, I love them! :smitten:

The struggle for female identity and the ascertainment of their roles in society appear to have become the plague of the present-day. More so than yore because today, when confined to operate within set parameters, dissenting women actively oppose the bounds imposed upon them, in turn demanding rights and a reversal of the roles typically associated with them. Where in the past women could easily have been confined to houses or assigned chores outside of their houses, the modern day woman (not everywhere - yet) asks 'why?'.

Here's where the problem starts. Women that pose such questions and stand defiant in the face of traditional roles, which women have been assigned since time immemorial, are upsetting a unique balance which thousands of years of societal development has embellished (not collectively, but individually i.e. for each society on its own). For the record women are not the only strata of society that have begun to overthrow traditional norms. The rights to life, self-determination and speech that have come to define humanity (and all the good that it stands for) have spawned a prolific change in what has, for the larger part, been acceptable since ancient society. By way of example: Homosexuals that were cast out or killed in Abrahamic societies yesterday have increasingly carved out a niche in the fabric of society today, so much so that governments of essentially Christian countries (read ENGLAND) have extended to them, the right of marriage and the sanctity that it comes with it.

Effectively women have come to demand what was denied to them previously: absolute freedom (or at least freedom akin to what men enjoy) and equality, and here's where there struggle starts. Men, that have ruled the households and run the markets of the shire are not going to be outsmarted, outwitted and outdone by feeble, lesser individuals that are only for the purposes of giving birth and weening the young. Men generally love women, except for those that find solace in beasts, but the love is contingent. In a hypothetically utopian society a man is at par with an another man and all things between them are regulated by the rule of law. When one man steals from the other man he automatically falls in grace and becomes a criminal. Men and women are based on a similar footing. As long as the women keep to their traditional roles they are accepted by the men of that tradition but the moment they break free from the shackles that society imposes on them, they become the criminals, persecution of whom is prescribed by traditional law. It shouldn't be this way, but it is. Without such norms and extremes there would be no society and where there is no society, the law of the jungle reigns supreme.

If these female reporters had stayed at home or played whatever role the men of Bangladeshi society ascribe to them, this news article would never have been published. The fact that they were doing otherwise was ONE of the reasons such violence occurred. But such violence is not going to extinguish the cause for equality and hence it is reasonable to presume that there will be more gender-oriented violence. I do not want it, neither do you...but our desire does not dictate the societal force which envelopes us i.e. not all men think like us, that is because not all men have had the same experiences as us. The way things are going, there has been a paradigm shift in the aspirations of today's women compared to those of the past. This being so because their struggle (a continuum of the Suffragette movement of America) to demand respect and rights has not fallen on deaf ears and in many spheres they have actively changed the role that women are conventionally known to play e.g. With the exception of the Amazon women, females have had little business with the rigors of war in the past but major armies in the world today have assigned combat roles to female cadets.

Thus, in summary, men do not hate women (at least not all). Women instigate the ire of man (not all, but some) by doing things differently. This comment is rife with generalizations but they were essential in order to diplomatically put forth the modern day war between men and women. It's happening. Depending on your age and orientation you may not feel it, but its there, behind every wall, at the corner of every street. The women are waking up and the men are fighting back and I am on the women's side. Why? Because they are not subhuman, and also because by making them redundant we have halved the effective population of this world!
Always Respect Good women,s..

If some one allow by family to doing out side job so it is the responsibility of society to not support the evil forces.
Most of time the women discourage in outdoor is only due to social, cultural,and Specific environment so always think about it, beside consider it liberal or modernization and every women must remember it family.. :sniper:
Its as much fault in both side.ppl in our culture(educated or uneducated) still do not address women with respect.in public places it is more degrading. Be that hijab or not.even high official women in our country are not safe from sexual herrasment .why would any woman with a basic commonsense would go in a place like that without proper attire.or with out male colleagues is beyond me.it was a single incident the type that happen every where in this subcontinent. So please do not make a mountain out of a moul hill.
Its as much fault in both side.ppl in our culture(educated or uneducated) still do not address women with respect.in public places it is more degrading. Be that hijab or not.even high official women in our country are not safe from sexual herrasment .why would any woman with a basic commonsense would go in a place like that without proper attire.or with out male colleagues is beyond me.it was a single incident the type that happen every where in this subcontinent. So please do not make a mountain out of a moul hill.

অনলাইন নিউজ পোর্টাল ও অনলাইন অ্যক্টিভিস্টদের কাছে সবচেয়ে লোভনীয় খবর ছিল একটি বেসরকারি টিভি চ্যানেলের সাংবাদিক আক্রান্ত হয়েছেন বলে খবর প্রচার ও এর প্রতিবাদে আন্দোলন শুরু করা। আজ নগরীতে নারী সাংবাদিক কেন্দ্র একটি সমাবেশও করেছে। সেখানে পত্রিকাহীন সম্পাদক ও সাংবাদিকনেতা ইকবাল সোবহান চৌধুরী বক্তব্য রেখেছেন। আরো ক’জনকে দেখা গেলো। কিন্তু আসল ঘটনা কেউ জানতে চাননি। ঘটনার প্রত্যক্ষদর্শী হামিমের কাছে জানতে চাইলে তিনি বলেন, ওই নারী রিপোর্টার ড্যাবের মাইক্রোবাস থেকে ওষুধপত্রের ছবি ধারণ করেন। পরে পল্টন মোড়ে তাকে তাড়িয়ে দেন হেফাজতকর্মীরা। তারা এ সময় বলেন, এত দিন হেফাজতের কোনো খবর প্রচার করেননি, এখন কেন এসেছেন। আপনি চলে যান। পরে তাকে ড্যাবের ডাক্তাররা তাদের চিকিৎসার জন্য আনা মাইক্রোবাসে তুলে নেন। সেখান থেকে তাকে হেফাজত কর্মীরা নিরাপদে ঘটনাস্থল থেকে সরিয়ে দেন। হামিম বলছেন, তার গায়ে কেউ হাত দেয়নি। কিন্তু আমাদের দেশ ও জাতির খেদমগার হিসাবে পরিচয় জাহির করা অনলাইন ও সংবাদমাধ্যম এ নিয়ে তুলকালাম করছে। যেখানে তার ওপর আঘাত হানার কোনো প্রমাণ পর্যন্ত নেই সেখানে তারা এটাতে ইস্যু হিসাবে দাঁড় করানোর চেষ্টা করছে।"
Anti Islam Indo-Awami League bloc has created stagemanaged incident and trying to hang on that farcical incident say rubbish. These very anti Islamic Awami League and media were silent when Awami League tortured and abused Bangladeshi woman througout last 4 and half years. We need to call on to those abuse and expose these stagemanaged drama, just like shahbagh.
Did the awami-leftist shabagi turds gave up already?:undecided: They are pissing bricks in their Pants out of fear. At least, the hilarious post of chapatti @madx seems to imply that. :omghaha:
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Case over Hifazat attack on Nadia
Staff Correspondent, bdnews24.com

Case over Hifazat attack on Nadia - bdnews24.com

Published: 2013-04-11 19:29:27.0 GMT Updated: 2013-04-11 19:29:27.0 GMT


Police on Thursday lodged a case over the recent attack on a female journalist during Hifazat-e Islam’s Apr 6 rally in Dhaka.

Shahbagh Police Station’s Sub-Inspector (SI) Ansar Ali said SI Iftekharul Alam filed the case accusing 60 unnamed persons for the attack on the ETV journalist Nadia Sharmin.

He said case was filed under the Section 10 of Women and Children Repression Prevention Act.

The case details said the assailants hurled her with brickbats and water bottles, leaving her injured.

Hifazat activists assaulted several media crew, including the ETV journalist, during their rally. Several other women faced verbal attacks in the rally area in Motijheel.

Sharmin was taken to Dhaka Medical College and Hospital for treatment and later moved to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University hospital.

She was released on Thursday.

Amid widespread criticism from various quarters, Hifazat regretted the attack later.

Video of attack on female journalist Nadia by Hefazat or Jamaat/Shibir activists...


So far here Jamaati supporter and their sympathizer have created lots of stories from no attack happened to she was able to escape safely to it was done by BAL. This video footage explains to what extent these people can lie and spread propaganda.
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This just represent females those who make 50% of the population and backbone of our economy are not safe from these goons.
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