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Hezbollah will give crushing response if Tel Aviv attacks Lebanon: Nasralla

if even I accept that these words belong to him ,I could say I agree with him because only an idiot or a maniac can wage such a destructive war due to kidnapping 2 soldiers . only mad people do such a thing .

besides you attacked to a militant group and you were not able to stop it from firing missiles even in the last day and today Hezbollah is stronger than 6 years ago and unlike what you said they are in the south .It was Israel which was seeking ceasefire, at first days they thought within 2 weeks there would be no the so-called Hezbollah anymore("birth pangs of a new Middle East") but after third week and forth week they understood this fact that they were not able to put an end to Hezbollah so they asked uncle sam to pass a resolution in unsc for ceasefire the fact is Hezbollah kept firing its missiles till last day even the number of missiles that were fired at last day were more than the first day .

Again, telling lies again and again won't make them true. Israel and the US were against any ceasefire till Israel deemed Hezbollah an extinguished threat.
In fact, Lebanon was begging the UN to stop Israel's assaults on Lebanon. But Israel refused until Hezbollah was removed from southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah will remain the most powerful force in Lebanon, because the rest of them are weak. But it is weaker and more vulnerable than anyone might want to admit.

Since the 2006 war, Hezbollah has become more aware of its limits and weakness. It is more careful, calculating, and prepared to gamble on the demographical changes that will eventually give it victory in the internal struggle for control of Lebanon.

For the time being, it is keeping the border with Israel quiet and prefers to play its winning card—their propaganda machine—that has given Hezbollah a victorious image time and again in the past. But that is all that is, an allusion for the gullible and the blind.

As time passes, the severity of the blow suffered by Lebanon and its people from the Second Lebanon war becomes clear. The war resulted in a political crisis in Lebanon that continues to threaten to deteriorate into civil war, this time between the Shia community and the country's other groups.

True, the war did not engender this crisis; its roots lie in deep, long-term problems that have been unfolding in Lebanon for some time. However, there is no doubt that the war intensified existing tensions, exposed wounds that had scabbed over only with great difficulty, and created new political and social resentments.
Again, telling lies again and again won't make them true. Israel and the US were against any ceasefire till Israel deemed Hezbollah an extinguished threat.
In fact, Lebanon was begging the UN to stop Israel's assaults on Lebanon. But Israel refused until Hezbollah was removed from southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah will remain the most powerful force in Lebanon, because the rest of them are weak. But it is weaker and more vulnerable than anyone might want to admit.

Since the 2006 war, Hezbollah has become more aware of its limits and weakness. It is more careful, calculating, and prepared to gamble on the demographical changes that will eventually give it victory in the internal struggle for control of Lebanon.

For the time being, it is keeping the border with Israel quiet and prefers to play its winning card—their propaganda machine—that has given Hezbollah a victorious image time and again in the past. But that is all that is, an allusion for the gullible and the blind.

As time passes, the severity of the blow suffered by Lebanon and its people from the Second Lebanon war becomes clear. The war resulted in a political crisis in Lebanon that continues to threaten to deteriorate into civil war, this time between the Shia community and the country's other groups.

True, the war did not engender this crisis; its roots lie in deep, long-term problems that have been unfolding in Lebanon for some time. However, there is no doubt that the war intensified existing tensions, exposed wounds that had scabbed over only with great difficulty, and created new political and social resentments.

The 'mighty' army of Israel,the fifth most powerful one in the world,is struggling to prove if it actually won against a group of 4000 guerrilla fighters who didn't have any kind of advanced weaponry.That was a humiliating war for Israel,no matter how hard you try to prove otherwise.
Hezbollah killed more than 120 Israeli soldiers,Israel killed more than 160 Hezbollah fighters,you should admit,that's a blow to Israel's face.When IDF saw it can't take out Hezbollah (which was the main objective of war),they cowardly started bombing cities and killing innocent civilians and children and women,however that isn't surprising because its Israel's nature,but it shows clearly they couldn't handle Hezbollah.
Now look at them,ten times stronger than 2006,with missiles who reach all points in Israel's soil,including Tel Aviv.In any other war,Israel will face the same thing,and after it sees it can't destroy them,once again will desperately start bombing cities and citizens.This has been Israel's policy during its very short life of 70 years.Bombing cities is not something to be proud of,however I understand it's an honor for Israel.
The rat in the hole has been smoking too much Hashish.
Israel destroyed half of Lebanon for 2 kidnapped soldiers and that is a fact. If he is feeling jumpy, he is welcome to make his final mistake.

Wasn't last time already the "final mistake" time for them? I thought you had taken it as seriously as you could and there was no room for another next time - but - !
The 'mighty' army of Israel,the fifth most powerful one in the world,is struggling to prove if it actually won against a group of 4000 guerrilla fighters who didn't have any kind of advanced weaponry.That was a humiliating war for Israel,no matter how hard you try to prove otherwise.
Hezbollah killed more than 120 Israeli soldiers,Israel killed more than 160 Hezbollah fighters,you should admit,that's a blow to Israel's face.When IDF saw it can't take out Hezbollah (which was the main objective of war),they cowardly started bombing cities and killing innocent civilians and children and women,however that isn't surprising because its Israel's nature,but it shows clearly they couldn't handle Hezbollah.
Now look at them,ten times stronger than 2006,with missiles who reach all points in Israel's soil,including Tel Aviv.In any other war,Israel will face the same thing,and after it sees it can't destroy them,once again will desperately start bombing cities and citizens.This has been Israel's policy during its very short life of 70 years.Bombing cities is not something to be proud of,however I understand it's an honor for Israel.

No, he used the cowardly tactics Iran taught him.

You know: Using women and children as shields. Firing rockets, and stupidly broadcasting it, from civilian populations.
Bravely admitting to aiming at civilian populations. Cowering inside bunkers while Lebanon citizens were not allowed to leave conflict areas, so as to again use them as shields.

All tactics from the mighty Iran, the Arab nation. Someone had to teach them how to fight like cowards, and no one does it better than Iran.
You obviously enjoy making up numbers, so allow me to correct you. Hezbollah said that 250 of their fighters were killed, the UN said 500 and the IDF said 800. Of course you people like believing your own "truths".

Oh and, a little fact for you: The Lebanese border has not been this calm since the mid 60's after the Second Lebanon war.
There were more civilian and military casualties on the Hezbollah side. There was more damage done to their cities. Israeli cities were rather untouched.

Winning means different things to different people. For a rag tag army winning is simply watching another army retreat after they have completely and utterly destroyed everything they wanted to destroy, or occupied for 20 or so years.

I remember back in 2004. The Iraqi insurgents holed up in Fallujah claimed victory after Bush ordered the stopping of operations due to political pressure. They had their victory parades, celebrated. But during the second battle they were systematically eliminated.

For a professional army it is achieving military objectives, eliminating certain infastructure and destroying weapons caches.
It is more about ego satisfaction for the rag tag, and about objectives for the latter.

Good to know the lebanese have gotten better at rag tag tactics because that is how they will have to fight for a very long time.
No, he used the cowardly tactics Iran taught him.

You know: Using women and children as shields. Firing rockets, and stupidly broadcasting it, from civilian populations.
Bravely admitting to aiming at civilian populations. Cowering inside bunkers while Lebanon citizens were not allowed to leave conflict areas, so as to again use them as shields.

All tactics from the mighty Iran, the Arab nation. Someone had to teach them how to fight like cowards, and no one does it better than Iran.
You obviously enjoy making up numbers, so allow me to correct you. Hezbollah said that 250 of their fighters were killed, the UN said 500 and the IDF said 800. Of course you people like believing your own "truths".

Oh and, a little fact for you: The Lebanese border has not been this calm since the mid 60's after the Second Lebanon war.
No it's what coward Israeli generals say to cover their crimes.They bombed the civilians areas with the excuse that Hezbollah fighters are in there.
This times Israel dares to start another aggression against Lebanon,and attack civilian areas,Hezbollah will bomb Dimona and other strategic areas in Israel and as he admitted yesterday, Israelis will begin feel the 'living hell',and will pay the price for stupidity of their leaders.
No it's what coward Israeli generals say to cover their crimes.They bombed the civilians areas with the excuse that Hezbollah fighters are in there.
This times Israel dares to start another aggression against Lebanon,and attack civilian areas,Hezbollah will bomb Dimona and other strategic areas in Israel and as he admitted yesterday, Israelis will begin feel the 'living hell',and will pay the price for stupidity of their leaders.

Why not Jordan, Syria and Egypt doesn't accept Palestinian refugees?
Assessments of mistakes made by Israel does not mean Hezbollah was not crushed. That is how this works, you learn from the mistakes you've made to become stronger, or is that too much for you to comprehend? One does not conflict with the other.

You admit you made mistakes yet fail to realize that because of the mistakes you guys made Hezbollah was NOT crushed.

Why not Jordan, Syria and Egypt doesn't accept Palestinian refugees?

How about I come to your house and evict you because at some point thousands of years ago my forefathers lived on your land? Would you be willing to go live the rest of your days as a refugee??

There were more civilian and military casualties on the Hezbollah side. There was more damage done to their cities. Israeli cities were rather untouched.

Winning means different things to different people. For a rag tag army winning is simply watching another army retreat after they have completely and utterly destroyed everything they wanted to destroy, or occupied for 20 or so years.

I remember back in 2004. The Iraqi insurgents holed up in Fallujah claimed victory after Bush ordered the stopping of operations due to political pressure. They had their victory parades, celebrated. But during the second battle they were systematically eliminated.

For a professional army it is achieving military objectives, eliminating certain infastructure and destroying weapons caches.
It is more about ego satisfaction for the rag tag, and about objectives for the latter.

Good to know the lebanese have gotten better at rag tag tactics because that is how they will have to fight for a very long time.

All you stated is good and well yet Israel failed to do anything that you stated. Unless you consider destroying civilian hospitals and schools as winning especially when the majority of them were not even in Hezbollah controlled south Lebanon.
No it's what coward Israeli generals say to cover their crimes.They bombed the civilians areas with the excuse that Hezbollah fighters are in there.
This times Israel dares to start another aggression against Lebanon,and attack civilian areas,Hezbollah will bomb Dimona and other strategic areas in Israel and as he admitted yesterday, Israelis will begin feel the 'living hell',and will pay the price for stupidity of their leaders.
The facts remain facts, no matter how many times you deny it. Hezbollah themselves showed videos of how they were dressed up as civilians and firing rockets amongst actual civilians. Like Hamas does, and like any other terror organization which flourishes under the guide of the Islamic Republic of Iran and their tactics.

Today an Iranian General promised to "destroy Israel once and for all" if Israel dared launch an attack. I must admit this was hilarious, i don't think even he believes that statement. It's as if they are unaware that whatever destruction they might cause will be returned a thousand times worse.

I mean, you could start bombing Dimona but that would demand a Nuclear retaliation according to the Israeli nuclear doctrine.
You could go after the chemical plants or densely populated cities, but again that would demand a massive relation. It's like you people live in a world where Israel does not retaliate with overwhelming destructive force and will just let you bomb strategic sites.

Time to wake up or reality will crush your rib cage.
You need to brush up on your history, you are probably the most uninformed poster on this forum.

1,500 Lebanese dead, half of Lebanon destroyed, Nasrallah saying if he had known Israel's response he wouldn't have started the war.

Please explain how Israel was crushed?
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