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Hezbollah will give crushing response if Tel Aviv attacks Lebanon: Nasralla

You need to brush up on your history, you are probably the most uninformed poster on this forum.

Military strategists worldwide would tell you to go brush up on your history. But give it a go, let's see how "informed" you are.
Military strategists worldwide would tell you to go brush up on your history. But give it a go, let's see how "informed" you are.

I would like to see a video where the Israeli defense minister, or prime minster or president claimed a victory of 2006 war, to be honest i never seen, so be kind and inform us.
Military strategists worldwide would tell you to go brush up on your history. But give it a go, let's see how "informed" you are.

Go ahead list sources that say Hezbollah was crushed, you guys couldn't even find their bunkers and yet you crushed them?? Not only did they survive but they are stronger than ever.

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News - PART 1: Winning the intelligence war


How Israel Bungled the Second Lebanon War :: Middle East Quarterly

Defense Update - Israeli Intelligence Dilemmas in Lebanon - by David Eshel

Jim Hoagland - Spy Lessons From Israel

Go ahead try and dispute any of their assessments. :coffee:
Go ahead list sources that say Hezbollah was crushed, you guys couldn't even find their bunkers and yet you crushed them?? Not only did they survive but they are stronger than ever.

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News - PART 1: Winning the intelligence war


How Israel Bungled the Second Lebanon War :: Middle East Quarterly

Defense Update - Israeli Intelligence Dilemmas in Lebanon - by David Eshel

Jim Hoagland - Spy Lessons From Israel

Go ahead try and dispute any of their assessments. :coffee:

If you knew anything beyond what your favorite "Israel is a baddy" sites told you, you would know that before the war Hezbollah was a state within a state. After the war, they had to go into their little sh*tholes just to avoid assassination. Not a day has gone by that they do not live in fear.
Now the Lebanon army and UNIFIL control South Lebanon.

Before 06', they thought themselves part of the "resistance", while now even during the Gaza war they dared not raise their heads while Israel destroyed half of Gaza.

Not to mention all the sectarian strife this war cost them, so much that their own fellow citizens turned against them.

You can have 50 million rockets but when you are too scared to peek out of the bunker in the wasteland, for the fear of being blasted to hell, that is what you call being crushed.

Here he is, apologizing to the Lebanon people for being responsible of the destruction of Lebanon.

Nasrallah: We wouldn't have snatched soldiers if we thought it would spark war
If you knew anything beyond what your favorite "Israel is a baddy" sites told you, you would know that before the war Hezbollah was a state within a state. After the war, they had to go into their little sh*tholes just to avoid assassination. Not a day has gone by that they do not live in fear.
Now the Lebanon army and UNIFIL control South Lebanon.

Before 06', they thought themselves part of the "resistance", while now even during the Gaza war they dared not raise their heads while Israel destroyed half of Gaza.

Not to mention all the sectarian strife this war cost them, so much that their own fellow citizens turned against them.

You can have 50 million rockets but when you are too scared to peek out of the bunker in the wasteland, for the fear of being blasted to hell, is what you call being crushed.

Israel baddy sites? One assessment was by an Israeli and another by an American. The rest were neutral.
If you knew anything beyond what your favorite "Israel is a baddy" sites told you, you would know that before the war Hezbollah was a state within a state. After the war, they had to go into their little sh*tholes just to avoid assassination. Not a day has gone by that they do not live in fear.
Now the Lebanon army and UNIFIL control South Lebanon.

Before 06', they thought themselves part of the "resistance", while now even during the Gaza war they dared not raise their heads while Israel destroyed half of Gaza.

Not to mention all the sectarian strife this war cost them, so much that their own fellow citizens turned against them.

You can have 50 million rockets but when you are too scared to peek out of the bunker in the wasteland, for the fear of being blasted to hell, that is what you call being crushed.

Thank you admitting that......... now answer my question and show us your prove

I would like to see a video where the Israeli defense minister, or prime minster or president claimed a victory of 2006 war, to be honest i never seen, so be kind and inform us.
Thank you admitting that......... now answer my question and show us your prove

I would like to see a video where the Israeli defense minister, or prime minster or president claimed a victory of 2006 war, to be honest i never seen, so be kind and inform us.

He has nothing he dismissed all those assessments as "Israel baddy sites" without reading who wrote most of them.
He has nothing he dismissed all those assessments as "Israel baddy sites" without reading who wrote most of them.

and better he is bringing an Israeli sources, does anyone here expects Israeli sources to speak the truth? especially about Hezbollah?

Really? the Haartez?
He has nothing he dismissed all those assessments as "Israel baddy sites" without reading who wrote most of them.
Assessments of mistakes made by Israel does not mean Hezbollah was not crushed. That is how this works, you learn from the mistakes you've made to become stronger, or is that too much for you to comprehend? One does not conflict with the other.
Hezbollah is only a militant group which has only 4000 up to 5000 combatants , no air and navy forces and its heaviest weapons during the war were some ATMs and missiles , and what about Israel ? it had air force navy force with a huge number of soldiers and was enjoying supports of usa . comparing them and claiming Israel more powerful shows nothing except ignoring the truth .

The fact is in 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon in 48 hours , and it was kicked out in 2000 from south of Lebanon by Hezbollah , in 2006 Israel aimed to remove this group but as we were witness even it wasn't able to invade a village near the boarder if you consider killing civilians and destroying cities by air force as a victory that is another story but believe it or not it is Hezbollah which deserves to be called winner . Israel even wasn't able to stop firing missiles from Lebanon till last day . I don't know why do you like call bombing the other countries like maniacs victory , my question is what happened to "birth pangs of a new Middle East" ?

Interior Minister Yishai: IDF failed in Lebanon War because soldiers didn't pray
Eli Yishai compared the 1967 Six Day War with 2006 Second Lebanon War, saying the IDF fared better in 1967 because soldiers 'raised their eyes to God.'


Interior Minister Eli Yishai declared this week that the Israel Defense Forces failed in the Second Lebanon War because soldiers did not pray or "raise their eyes to God", Channel 10 reported on Tuesday.

At a celebration earlier this week, Yishai took to the podium and compared the 2006 Second Lebanon War to the successes of the 1967 Six Day War, when "all Arab states fought against Israel."

"There were at least one hundred soldiers against every Jewish soldier, if not thousands," Yishai said, "against every tank, hundreds of tanks; against every plane, hundreds of plane."

The interior minister claimed that the IDF achieved more in 1967 because the soldiers put their faith in God, whereas during the Second Lebanon War, the IDF soldiers invested trust only in their own abilities.

"In the Six Day War, every Jew, and every Jew that went to battle, raised their eyes to the creator," the Interior Minister said. But in the Second Lebanon War, Yishai said, the IDF relied only on its own strength.

"This is a great lesson," Yishai said. "When all Arab states are against the Jewish people, what will save the Jewish people is study of the Torah."

Yishai described the Six Day War as "miracles and wonders."

"Then we were the weakest army in the Middle East. We had no chance of winning. Suddenly, everyone flees, and the nation of Israel wins," he added.

At the time of the Second Lebanon War, however, Yishai said, "We were the strongest army in the Middle East."


1967 war (6 arabs countries vs israel ) took only 6 days , and 2006 war ( a militant group vs israel ) took 33 days . surly israel won the war.
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Hezbollah is only a militant group which has only 4000 up to 5000 combatants , no air and navy forces and its heaviest weapons during the war were some ATMs and missiles , and what about Israel ? it had air force navy force with a huge number of soldiers and was enjoying supports of usa . comparing them and claiming Israel more powerful shows nothing except ignoring the truth .

The fact is in 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon in 48 hours , and it was kicked out in 2000 from south of Lebanon by Hezbollah , in 2006 Israel aimed to remove this group but as we were witness even it wasn't able to invade a village near the boarder if you consider killing civilians and destroying cities by air force as a victory that is another story but believe it or not it is Hezbollah which deserves to be called winner . Israel even wasn't able to stop firing missiles from Lebanon till last day . I don't know why do you like call bombing the other countries like maniacs victory , my question is what happened to "birth pangs of a new Middle East" ?

Interior Minister Yishai: IDF failed in Lebanon War because soldiers didn't pray
Eli Yishai compared the 1967 Six Day War with 2006 Second Lebanon War, saying the IDF fared better in 1967 because soldiers 'raised their eyes to God.'


Interior Minister Eli Yishai declared this week that the Israel Defense Forces failed in the Second Lebanon War because soldiers did not pray or "raise their eyes to God", Channel 10 reported on Tuesday.

At a celebration earlier this week, Yishai took to the podium and compared the 2006 Second Lebanon War to the successes of the 1967 Six Day War, when "all Arab states fought against Israel."

"There were at least one hundred soldiers against every Jewish soldier, if not thousands," Yishai said, "against every tank, hundreds of tanks; against every plane, hundreds of plane."

The interior minister claimed that the IDF achieved more in 1967 because the soldiers put their faith in God, whereas during the Second Lebanon War, the IDF soldiers invested trust only in their own abilities.

"In the Six Day War, every Jew, and every Jew that went to battle, raised their eyes to the creator," the Interior Minister said. But in the Second Lebanon War, Yishai said, the IDF relied only on its own strength.

"This is a great lesson," Yishai said. "When all Arab states are against the Jewish people, what will save the Jewish people is study of the Torah."

Yishai described the Six Day War as "miracles and wonders."

"Then we were the weakest army in the Middle East. We had no chance of winning. Suddenly, everyone flees, and the nation of Israel wins," he added.

At the time of the Second Lebanon War, however, Yishai said, "We were the strongest army in the Middle East."


1967 war (6 arabs countries vs israel ) took only 6 days , and 2006 war ( a militant group vs israel ) took 33 days . surly israel won the war.
The blind stupidity of your comment amazes me. Not only is what you said pathetically incorrect, Israel never declared war on Lebanon, only on Hezbollah. There is a vast difference when fighting a terror orginization and fighting a country.

Israel was busy trying to avoid civilian casualties in Lebanon whiel Hezbollah was busy firing rockets from kindergartens.

Allow me to simplify this in two sentences so even you may understand:
Before 06', Hezbollah was a state within a state, they thought they could get away with anything but today even when Gaza was bombed to hell they dared not make a peep. They were crushed and were forced to leave south Lebanon and accept a ceasefire.

Hassan Nasrallah said in an interview on Lebanon's NTV Sunday.

"We did not think that the capture would lead to a war at this time and of this magnitude. You ask me if I had known on July 11 ... that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not," he said.

Nasrallah also said he did not believe there would be a second round of fighting with Israel, and stated that Hezbollah would adhere to the cease-fire despite what he called Israeli provocation.

Nasrallah added that he was unlikely to emerge in public in the foreseeable future.
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The blind stupidity of your comment amazes me. Not only is what you said pathetically incorrect, Israel never declared war on Lebanon, only on Hezbollah. There is a vast difference when fighting a terror orginization and fighting a country.

Israel was busy trying to avoid civilian casualties in Lebanon whiel Hezbollah was busy firing rockets from kindergartens.

Allow me to simplify this in two sentences so even you may understand:
Before 06', Hezbollah was a state within a state, they thought they could get away with anything but today even when Gaza was bombed to hell they dared not make a peep. They were crushed and were forced to leave south Lebanon and accept a ceasefire.

Hassan Nasrallah said in an interview on Lebanon's NTV Sunday.

"We did not think that the capture would lead to a war at this time and of this magnitude. You ask me if I had known on July 11 ... that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not," he said.

Nasrallah also said he did not believe there would be a second round of fighting with Israel, and stated that Hezbollah would adhere to the cease-fire despite what he called Israeli provocation.

Nasrallah added that he was unlikely to emerge in public in the foreseeable future.

First of all your source comes from Israeli paper, anyways he is saying that, Israel started a war for those soldiers, but at the end they failed and lost the war, thats why he made that statement, however your media make its own translation and phrasing.


I would like to see a video where the Israeli defense minister, prime minster or president claimed a victory of 2006 war, to be honest i never seen, so be kind and inform us.
The blind stupidity of your comment amazes me. Not only is what you said pathetically incorrect, Israel never declared war on Lebanon, only on Hezbollah. There is a vast difference when fighting a terror orginization and fighting a country.

Israel was busy trying to avoid civilian casualties in Lebanon whiel Hezbollah was busy firing rockets from kindergartens.

Allow me to simplify this in two sentences so even you may understand:
Before 06', Hezbollah was a state within a state, they thought they could get away with anything but today even when Gaza was bombed to hell they dared not make a peep. They were crushed and were forced to leave south Lebanon and accept a ceasefire.

Hassan Nasrallah said in an interview on Lebanon's NTV Sunday.

"We did not think that the capture would lead to a war at this time and of this magnitude. You ask me if I had known on July 11 ... that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not," he said.

Nasrallah also said he did not believe there would be a second round of fighting with Israel, and stated that Hezbollah would adhere to the cease-fire despite what he called Israeli provocation.

Nasrallah added that he was unlikely to emerge in public in the foreseeable future.

if even I accept that these words belong to him ,I could say I agree with him because only an idiot or a maniac can wage such a destructive war due to kidnapping 2 soldiers . only mad people do such a thing .

besides you attacked to a militant group and you were not able to stop it from firing missiles even in the last day and today Hezbollah is stronger than 6 years ago and unlike what you said they are in the south .It was Israel which was seeking ceasefire, at first days they thought within 2 weeks there would be no the so-called Hezbollah anymore("birth pangs of a new Middle East") but after third week and forth week they understood this fact that they were not able to put an end to Hezbollah so they asked uncle sam to pass a resolution in unsc for ceasefire the fact is Hezbollah kept firing its missiles till last day even the number of missiles that were fired at last day were more than the first day .

When Israel and the United States realized that Hezbollah could not be bombed into submission, they pushed a resolution, 1701, through the United Nations. It placed an expanded international peacekeeping force, UNIFIL, in south Lebanon to keep Hezbollah in check and try to disarm its few thousand fighters.

The war began on 12 July, when Israel launched waves of air strikes on Lebanon after Hezbollah killed three soldiers and captured two more on the northern border. (A further five troops were killed by a land mine when their tank crossed into Lebanon in hot pursuit.) Hezbollah had long been warning that it would seize soldiers if it had the chance, in an effort to push Israel into a prisoner exchange. Israel has been holding a handful of Lebanese prisoners since it withdrew from its two-decade occupation of south Lebanon in 2000.

Recent reports have revealed that one of the main justifications for Hezbollah's continuing resistance – that Israel failed to withdraw fully from Lebanese territory in 2000 – is now supported by the UN. Last month its cartographers quietly admitted that Lebanon is right in claiming sovereignty over a small fertile area known as the Shebaa Farms, still occupied by Israel. Israel argues that the territory is Syrian and will be returned in future peace talks with Damascus, even though Syria backs Lebanon's position. The UN's admission has been mostly ignored by the international media.

A shocking aspect of the war was Israel's firing of at least a million cluster bombs , old munitions supplied by the US with a failure rate as high as 50 per cent, in the last days of fighting. The tiny bomblets, effectively small land mines, were left littering south Lebanon after the UN-brokered ceasefire, and are reported so far to have killed 30 civilians and wounded at least another 180. Israeli commanders have admitted firing 1.2 million such bomblets, while the UN puts the figure closer to 3 million.

At the time, it looked suspiciously as if Israel had taken the brief opportunity before the war's end to make south Lebanon – the heartland of both the country's Shi'ite population and its militia, Hezbollah – uninhabitable, and to prevent the return of hundreds of thousands of Shi'ites who had fled Israel's earlier bombing campaigns.

Israel's use of cluster bombs has been described as a war crime by human rights organizations. According to the rules set by Israel's then-chief of staff, Dan Halutz, the bombs should have been used only in open and unpopulated areas – although with such a high failure rate, this would have done little to prevent later civilian casualties.

".... Another claim, one that Israel hoped might justify the large number of Lebanese civilians it killed during the war, was that Hezbollah fighters had been regularly hiding and firing rockets from among south Lebanon's civilian population. Human rights groups found scant evidence of this, but a senior UN official, Jan Egeland, offered succor by accusing Hezbollah of "cowardly blending."

There were always strong reasons for suspecting the Israeli claim to be untrue. Hezbollah had invested much effort in developing an elaborate system of tunnels and underground bunkers in the countryside, which Israel knew little about, in which it hid its rockets and from which fighters attacked Israeli soldiers as they tried to launch a ground invasion. Also, common sense suggests that Hezbollah fighters would have been unwilling to put their families, who live in south Lebanon's villages, in danger by launching rockets from among them.

Now Israeli front pages are carrying reports from Israeli military sources that put in serious doubt Israel's claims.

Since the war's end Hezbollah has apparently relocated most of its rockets to conceal them from the UN peacekeepers, who have been carrying out extensive searches of south Lebanon to disarm Hezbollah under the terms of Resolution 1701. According to the UNIFIL, some 33 of these underground bunkers – or more than 90 percent – have been located and Hezbollah weapons discovered there, including rockets and launchers, destroyed.

The Israeli media has noted that the Israeli army calls these sites "nature reserves"; similarly, the UN has made no mention of finding urban-based Hezbollah bunkers. Relying on military sources, Haaretz reported last month: "Most of the rockets fired against Israel during the war last year were launched from the 'nature reserves.'" In short, even Israel is no longer claiming that Hezbollah was firing its rockets from among civilians.

According to the UN report, Hezbollah has moved the rockets out of the underground bunkers and abandoned its rural launch pads. Most rockets, it is believed, have gone north of the Litani River, beyond the range of the UN monitors. But some, according to the Israeli army, may have been moved into nearby Shi'ite villages to hide them from the UN.

As a result, Haaretz noted that Israeli commanders had issued a warning to Lebanon that in future hostilities the army "will not hesitate to bomb – and even totally destroy – urban areas after it gives Lebanese civilians the chance to flee." How this would diverge from Israel's policy during the war, when Hezbollah was based in its "nature reserves" but Lebanese civilians were still bombed in their towns and villages, was not made clear.

If the Israeli army's new claims are true (unlike the old ones), Hezbollah's movement of some of its rockets into villages should be condemned. But not by Israel, whose army is breaking international law by concealing its weapons in civilian areas on a far grander scale.

As a first-hand observer of the fighting from Israel's side of the border last year, I noted on several occasions that Israel had built many of its permanent military installations, including weapons factories and army camps, and set up temporary artillery positions next to – and in some cases inside – civilian communities in the north of Israel. ...."

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