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Hezbollah: best soldiers in the world

dont tell me **** and bull stories they have a fight of 33 days face to face it was not a gurrela war attack and hide israel cant occupy a single inch of lebanon dont compare it with afghan war
or with lankan civil war it was two nations head to head
Israel occupied plenty of lands during the war. We still hold half of Rajar village that was occupied during the war.
thats great for u gays a 33 day war and you got a half village and fighting to persons equipped with rockets and i dont need to explain israels budget and military streanth and after these kind of results they deserve no 1 mam...... or u should admit that israel military is just good for nothing.....
With all this talk of best soldiers, was Hezbollah able to evict even a single Jewish settler for any of the occupied territories?

oh man! they have stopped a huge military along with one of best airforce with alot of experiance the thing whish all arabs cant do in 1967 they lost in just 6 days and hisbullah faught for 33 days i think iff all lebonan got occupied in 33 days even that it was victory of hisbullah that they have resisted for 33 days dont be silly yar...
thats great for u gays a 33 day war and you got a half village
That's what we still held after 5 years. Durng the war itself we captured plenty of villages, contrary to ur claim.

And purpose of the war was not to capture territory, but to silence Hezbollah. That was achieved: if prior the war they regullary fired at Israel, after the war they did not fire a bullet.
oh man! they have stopped a huge military along with one of best airforce with alot of experiance the thing whish all arabs cant do in 1967 they lost in just 6 days and hisbullah faught for 33 days i think iff all lebonan got occupied in 33 days even that it was victory of hisbullah that they have resisted for 33 days dont be silly yar...

Stopped from doing what?
That's what we still held after 5 years. Durng the war itself we captured plenty of villages, contrary to ur claim.

And purpose of the war was not to capture territory, but to silence Hezbollah. That was achieved: if prior the war they regullary fired at Israel, after the war they did not fire a bullet.

but als they cant kill that rat...... only 500 casullities suffered by hisbullah During the campaign Israel's Air Force flew more than 12,000 combat missions, its Navy fired 2,500 shells, and its Army fired over 100,000 shells.[89] so do you really think it is a victory after such huge strike only 500 men
Winograd Commission Report
Main article: Winograd Commission
According to the Winograd Commission Report, the Second Lebanon War was regarded as a "missed opportunity" and that "Israel initiated a long war, which ended without a defined military victory". The report continued to state that "a semi-military organization of a few thousand men resisted, for a few weeks, the strongest army in the Middle East, which enjoyed full air superiority and size and technology advantages". Furthermore, Hezbollah's rocket attacks continued throughout the war and the IDF did not provide an effective response to it. Following a long period of using standoff fire power and limited ground activities, the IDF launched a large scale ground offensive close to the UN Security Council's resolution which imposed a cease-fire. "This offensive did not result in military gains and was not completed".
Later in the Report, the Commission stated that "[a] decision [was] made in the night of 12 July to react (to the capturing) with immediate and substantive military action and to set... ambitious goals." This decision had immediate repercussions in that subsequent decisions were limited mainly to a choice between a) "a short, painful and unexpected blow on Hezbollah" and b) "to bring about a significant change of the reality in the South of Lebanon with a large ground operation,[occupying]...the South of Lebanon and 'cleaning' it of Hezbollah". "The fact Israel went to war before it decided which option to select and without an exit strategy, all these constituted serious failures of the decision making process."
As for achievements, the Commission reported that "SC resolution 1701, and the fact that it was adopted unanimously, were an achievement for Israel."[309]

---------- Post added at 05:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ----------

Winograd Commission Report
Main article: Winograd Commission
According to the Winograd Commission Report, the Second Lebanon War was regarded as a "missed opportunity" and that "Israel initiated a long war, which ended without a defined military victory". The report continued to state that "a semi-military organization of a few thousand men resisted, for a few weeks, the strongest army in the Middle East, which enjoyed full air superiority and size and technology advantages". Furthermore, Hezbollah's rocket attacks continued throughout the war and the IDF did not provide an effective response to it. Following a long period of using standoff fire power and limited ground activities, the IDF launched a large scale ground offensive close to the UN Security Council's resolution which imposed a cease-fire. "This offensive did not result in military gains and was not completed".
Later in the Report, the Commission stated that "[a] decision [was] made in the night of 12 July to react (to the capturing) with immediate and substantive military action and to set... ambitious goals." This decision had immediate repercussions in that subsequent decisions were limited mainly to a choice between a) "a short, painful and unexpected blow on Hezbollah" and b) "to bring about a significant change of the reality in the South of Lebanon with a large ground operation,[occupying]...the South of Lebanon and 'cleaning' it of Hezbollah". "The fact Israel went to war before it decided which option to select and without an exit strategy, all these constituted serious failures of the decision making process."
As for achievements, the Commission reported that "SC resolution 1701, and the fact that it was adopted unanimously, were an achievement for Israel."[309]
Exclusive: Israeli Military Intelligence Caused Massive Explosion in Hezbollah South Lebanon Arms Cache

The history of military intelligence is full of nation’s whose personnel made rash, foolish and careless decisions ending in disaster. Israel has done this. Yesterday, news broke that the CIA allowed two Hezbollah double agents penetrate and roll up its Lebanese spy network, in part because U.S. agents met repeatedly at the same Pizza Hut, using the code word “Pizza” to arrange their rendez vous.

Now comes an exclusive report from an authoritative Israeli source with considerable military experience, that IDF military intelligence (Aman) has out foxed Hezbollah by deliberately crash-landing a booby-trapped Trojan Horse drone in southern Lebanon.

Here is how the incident was reported by an unsuspecting Wall Street Journal reporter:

On a recent Saturday afternoon, a radar operated by French United Nations peacekeepers picked up a pilotless Israeli reconnaissance drone crossing into south Lebanon. It was given no more attention than any of the dozens of other surveillance missions flown by the Israelis in Lebanese airspace each month.

But when the drone passed above Wadi Hojeir, a yawning valley with steep, brush-covered slopes, it abruptly vanished from the radar screen. The startled peacekeepers contacted the Lebanese army, and a search of the rugged valley was conducted in the early-evening gloom. Nothing was found.

No one can recall the last time that an Israeli drone malfunctioned over Lebanon and crashed, and there were no reports of antiaircraft fire. The Israelis have said nothing. Neither has Hezbollah, the Lebanese militant group and arch foe of Israel. The peacekeeping force is now abuzz.

And now I can tell them what happened. For over a year, Hezbollah has been attempting to discover how to jam the ground signals commanding the drone so as to disable them in flight. When it discovered the downed craft, its operatives must’ve crowed that they’d finally discovered the key to success. This bit of hubris is how Aman drew Hezbollah into its net. Its soldiers dutifully collected the imagined intelligence trophy and brought it to a large weapons depot it controlled in the area. Once inside the arms cache, Aman detonated the drone causing a massive explosion. Here is how the Daily Star described that event:

A huge explosion shook a Hezbollah stronghold near Siddiqin in the southern coastal city of Tyre overnight, a security source told The Daily Star Wednesday. The source said the cause of the blast, which was heard shortly before midnight, could not be determined due to the heavy security blanket by Hezbollah.

Lebanese security forces were unable to access the scene of the explosion after the resistance group set up a security perimeter around the blast site, which is located in a valley called Wadi Al-Jabal al-Kabir between Siddiqin and Deir Ames, the source added. Local media said the explosion likely took place at a Hezbollah arms cache.

Given that Hezbollah is reputed to have many more missiles and more advanced models than it had before the 2006 Lebanon War, we can only imagine how serious this blow will be to the group’s war fighting capability. Hezbollah is known to possess some of the most advanced Iranian rockets (the Zelzal) in anticipation of possible use should Israel attack Iran. Given the size of the explosion, we should expect that a good deal of its weapons cache in the south has been destroyed.

Hezbollah is known for being highly professional and quite crafty in its intelligence capabilities having penetrated the IDF intelligence network in the 2006 war. That’s why I find it almost inexplicable that its fighters wouldn’t have at least considered the craft might be a Trojan Horse. It’s possible that Hezbollah did consider the idea and searched for an explosive charge & didn’t find one. In that case, the IDF must’ve very cleverly concealed it.

At any rate, as soldiers, even brilliant ones, often do, Hezbollah made a fatal error which the IDF exploited. And before Israel’s supporters jump for joy at another Israeli victory in the unending war on terror, remember that in 1999, a Hezbollah cell phone was brought to the vaunted IDF Unit 8200 headquarters for examination. The soldiers preparing to view it joked “If it explodes, we’ll know.” It did indeed explode seriously wounding the two senior Israeli intelligence officers. Not to mention the major amount of egg it splattered on the face of Israel’s renowned intelligence agency.

The moral being, in this dirty game called asymmetrical warfare, you and your enemy circle each other warily seeking to exploit any weakness. And you will make mistakes because you are only human. The fatal assumption is that your opponent is the only dumb one who will make them, and you never will.

An additional embarrassment for Hezbollah is that the destroyed arms cache is located south of the Litani River in a zone which is forbidden to contain any armaments. This means that the group has committed a major violation of the UN ceasefire resolution 1701.

Exclusive: Israeli Military Intelligence Caused Massive Explosion in Hezbollah South Lebanon Arms Cache « Tikun Olam-

American blogger Richard Silverstein claimed on his blog 'Tikun Olam' that Israel is responsible for the blast on at a Hezbollah weapons cache in southern Lebanon.

He claims that "an authoritative Israeli source with considerable military experience" told him that the IDF used a "Trojan Horse" style trap. A few weeks ago it was reported that an Israeli drone disappeared over Lebanon. Silverstein now claims Israel "out foxed Hezbollah" as the Hezbollah brought the downed drone to the arms cache. Once inside the arms cache it was detonated causing a massive explosion. (Ynet)

US blogger: Israel behind Hezbollah arms cache blast - Israel News, Ynetnews



Nov 11 2011

The Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah has reportedly found a way to electronically jam and disable Israeli unmanned reconnaissance drones.

The speculation was raised after a suspected Israeli reconnaissance plane disappeared from the radar screen of the French United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) battalion in south Lebanon, Lebanese newspaper The Daily Star said on Wednesday.

"Information has been circulating for over a year that Hezbollah has been exploring -- and may have discovered -- a means of jamming the data link between a drone and its ground control base or interfering with the guidance system of drones on pre-programmed flight missions in order to crash them," it added.

It also went on to state that there is no doubt that capabilities of the resistance movement in top-secret electronic warfare have greately advanced massively over the past decade.

However, no confirmation pointing to reports that Hezbollah has acquired the ability to destroy Israeli drones has been issued by the resistance force.

Israel has been using drones for reconnaissance missions over southern Lebanon since the 1982 invasion. In the 2006 war, Israel deployed missile-firing drones for the first time, many of which were responsible for targeting civilian vehicles fleeing south Lebanon and attacking two parked ambulances in Qana during a transfer of injured individuals.

Last month, Lebanon's Arabic-language newspaper Al Joumhouria reported that Israel is planning to launch its third war against Lebanon.

The report stated that Hezbollah is in a state of alert and fully prepared to counter any Israeli offensive.

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