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Hezbollah: best soldiers in the world


I quit reading after that crap!!!

Anyone seen the said video?

mate we hav a term in urdu "parha likha jahil".....
go and google Hezbollah first then u'll get an idea about what exactly you are talking about !!!
infact the data on the web is nothing about them ... but ppl lik u can hav at least an idea about hizbuallah IS ..."no offence"

these video might help you

during the war(2006) Israeli top military were damn mad about how do they(hizb solders) launch missiles and get out of site so fast that the drones even can't tack them ... there you go with the video ...

Hezbollah tactics during July war (

this operation was an eye opener for the world ... when Hezbollah released this video ... its
basically a 3 mint operation ... in
which they get in to Israeli limiest ..and under there nose they .......
first they practiced the entire operation ... in some place similar to site ...
they even used random GPRS to track the specific jeep !!
and the code word was "ya sahid zaman"

hizballah operation - YouTube

watch the video !!
Even UN which is usually against Israel unanimously voted for resolution which blamed Hezbollah for initiating 2006 conflict and called for its disarming.

120, including 12 soldiers killed in initial attack on border patrol, accidents and friendly fire incidents.

Hezbollah which was sitting in well prepared bunkers lost 500-600.
Loot at your equipment and than talk Sir the loos which you face with having so much equipment was actually the defeat of yours in the 2006 War
If a muslim soldier is passionate,faithful and determined then he will conquer every thing that he want.
May ALLAH TA'ALA bless muslims of PAKISTAN especially occupied Jammu Kashmir,Palestine,chechniya,Bosnia,Iraq,Afghanistan Somalia, Turkey,Lebonan,Libya and every where in the world,Amin.
Loot at your equipment and than talk Sir the loos which you face with having so much equipment was actually the defeat of yours in the 2006 War
OK, let me explain you what happened there.

First Hezbollah destroyed with anti tank missiles two jeeps which were patrolling the border. Then their fighters crossed the border and dragged out two bodies. Thats was their most heroic operation in history.

Rest of the time they were sitting inside villages protected by human shields and in hidden fortified bunkers and were diring rockets at Israeli civilians and modern anti tank missiles at Israeli troops and tanks. Thats all.

South Lebanon is mountaneous area, villages are usually located at hill tops, attacking them is very complicated task:

Battle of Monte Cassino - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yet Hezbollah suffered 500-600 dead. They were forced to agree to large UN force in South Lebanon and since the war they dont dare to attack Israel anymore (before they war they regullary sniped and rocket fired at Israel).
Hezbollah win last war by clear margin they defeat Israel
Israeli soldier cannot pass even 1 inch
Hezbollah is great
If a muslim soldier is passionate,faithful and determined then he will conquer every thing that he want.
May ALLAH TA'ALA bless muslims of PAKISTAN especially occupied Jammu Kashmir,Palestine,chechniya,Bosnia,Iraq,Afghanistan Somalia, Turkey,Lebonan,Libya and every where in the world,Amin.
Has nothing to do with the soldier being muslim, but more of:
1. Place of the conflict
2. The rather "civilised" way of fighting by most proper armies.

Just look at what happened in Bosnia, where the Serbs were not as civilised. Bosnia and Croatia needed every drop of NATO help they could get.
In an open battle field they get their *** kicked.
But fighting in their own cities, willing to make the civilian sacrifices, yes they are great.
that logic makes very little sense. By your wonderful logic, then, Israek should also give up all its advantages.

You fail
that logic makes very little sense. By your wonderful logic, then, Israek should also give up all its advantages.

You fail
Why should Israel give up all its advantages?
The whole reason of Israel not winning against Hezbollah, is because the price of winning against Hezbollah is higher than Israel is willing to pay.
You can not defeat millitia like Hezbollah on their territory without commiting attrocities beyond imagination (think the Serbs in Bosnia only worse). If the fight was in Israel, Hezbollah wouldn't stand a chance.
So yes, Hezbollah is great at what they do, especially in calculating Israels responses, but that certainly do not make them the best soldiers in the world.

Where exactly do I fail?
In an open battle field they get their *** kicked.
But fighting in their own cities, willing to make the civilian sacrifices, yes they are great.

Go back to reading your zionist propaganda.

In the real world, Hezbollah fought in the open field, while Israel went around bombing civilian targets in Lebanon.
Hezbollah: best soldiers in the world

Yes, they are students of the Iranian military
Go back to reading your zionist propaganda.

In the real world, Hezbollah fought in the open field, while Israel went around bombing civilian targets in Lebanon.

Sure they did.

---------- Post added at 10:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 PM ----------

Hezbollah: best soldiers in the world

Yes, they are students of the Iranian military
And the Iranian military are the masters of the battlefield?
And the Iranian military are the masters of the battlefield?
They are the masters of training para-militias like Hezbollah and Hamas for anti-symmetric warfare. As I said before, the credit, at least partly, should go to Iran because Hezbollah was funded with Iran's help from its very beginning.
Give them the resources n i can bet tht they will kick zionist a#$ so hard .................
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