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Hersh: Turkey behind Syria sarin attack

Hersh is trying to wake people up, he sees how the public is manipulated, and he is trying his best to tell the truth about the terrorism which is supported by the west and their puppets...

and unfortunately people's brains have been washed to a point that they can't think on their own anymore, they will try hard to defend Alqaeda in Syria as we have seen some members here do that... racism is making them go blind...

There are so many videos revealed regime using Volcano rockets. Yet that clown claims that rockets are not regime.

Brown Moses Blog: What Does Seymour Hersh Knows About Volcano Rockets?
really dude? Pokemon? seriously?

I would also like to remind all the ignorant fools here that in 2003 Erdogan told the Americans that he would "pray to American soldiers" when they attacked and plundered Iraq. That is how "Islamic" Erdogan is. He is exactly like his Ottoman, Abbasid Ummayad and Seljuk forefathers. They haven't changed one bit....

Ahirette sizin gibi munafik pisliklerle gorusecegiz insallah.
I would also like to remind all the ignorant fools here that in 2003 Erdogan told the Americans that he would "pray to American soldiers" when they attacked and plundered Iraq. That is how "Islamic" Erdogan is. He is exactly like his Ottoman, Abbasid Ummayad and Seljuk forefathers. They haven't changed one bit....

Ahirette sizin gibi munafik pisliklerle gorusecegiz insallah.
Show your flags!
I would also like to remind all the ignorant fools here that in 2003 Erdogan told the Americans that he would "pray to American soldiers" when they attacked and plundered Iraq. That is how "Islamic" Erdogan is. He is exactly like his Ottoman, Abbasid Ummayad and Seljuk forefathers. They haven't changed one bit....

Ahirette sizin gibi munafik pisliklerle gorusecegiz insallah.
Tell us which forefathers are good.
considering his posts in the past, he seems to be Turkish citizen of Arab background, alevi or whatever.

There is nothing Arab about him. He does not even understand Arabic as I and other Arab users got an confirmation of when we wrote to him in Arabic after he was trolling some Arab countries and Sunni Muslims.

He is probably an extreme Turkish Alavi Shia.

Earlier he used an flag of Turkey before the updates of the forum. He also writes in Turkish.

Him insulting the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates is insane. He probably worships the Arab Fatimids. At least he did not say a bad word about the Rashidun Caliphate but you can never know about those Shias.

LOL at this news. :lol:

PISS TV. The mouthpiece of the fake wannabe Arab Mullah's that are ruling Mullahistan. We already know that it was the Nusayri Child-Murderer and his war criminal regime that was behind this hideous attack.

Trying to blame KSA, USA, Israel, Turkey etc. is the work of morons like them.

Keep barking dogs.
@Hasbara Buster

I would also like to remind all the ignorant fools here that in 2003 Erdogan told the Americans that he would "pray to American soldiers" when they attacked and plundered Iraq. That is how "Islamic" Erdogan is. He is exactly like his Ottoman, Abbasid Ummayad and Seljuk forefathers. They haven't changed one bit....

Ahirette sizin gibi munafik pisliklerle gorusecegiz insallah.

Abbasidi geciyorum ama Osmanli ve Selcuklulardan ne istiyorsun?

Are you really Turkish?

@Syrian Lion

Look we got no problem with Christian Arabs but you are making a fool out of yourself each time you comment on Syria. How you can keep supporting that war criminal Al-Asshead and the child-murdering Nusayri regime that he rules and commands is unbelievable. As unbelievable as those few retards here that support ISIS.

Look at that girl. One of the THOUSANDS of LUCKY victims who did not die from your hideous war criminal regime's DAILY barrel bombardments on innocent civilians.

Shame on you. All while sitting comfortably in the US while your country burns. Badmouthing the US in the process.

Stop acting like a joke and return to sanity!

That you got nothing better to do than posting PROPAGANDA on PDF and probably many other places tells a lot about you!
considering his posts in the past, he seems to be Turkish citizen of Arab background, alevi or whatever.
It doesnt matter if he is Arab or alevi but his words are strange,look at the last sentence of post 19.
Who does he mean,all of us or a specific group or what?
It doesnt matter if he is Arab or alevi but his words are strange,look at the last sentence of post 19.
Who does he mean,all of us or a specific group or what?
well, he's talking in plural form, so he's apparently not only targeting Oublious. anyway, my last post about his id.
marihuana smoking hizbulseytan shia propanganda.

chp & cemaat da bu serefsizlerle isbirligi yapiyor
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