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Hellenic Coast Guard BUSTED by Turkish Coast Guard

It already happened to my family in 1947 , west punjab when partition took place when muslim league and muslims on orders of jinnah decided to embark on mass genocide. I do not like such wrongs in name of humanity and the universality of morals .similiarly ,I have no liking for what happened to circassians in 1864 when russia used mass expulsion which led to massive deaths..

But then I hate islamists and their murderous genocidal ways . This is why I have no sympathy for what happened to Chechens ,afghans,crimean tatars in hands of russians or islamist pakistanis in hands of TTP .Its justice well served for them .But I have noted that circassians are not islamist type ,but more of secular type.Same too with many shias,ahmediyyas muslims .

Can you show me those Orders ?

And can you have the decency of at least admitting the genocide perpetrated against Muslims by the Hindus & the Sikhs when Eastern Punjab was almost cleansed of Muslims ?

My City - Lahore - received entire trains coming from what became India on which not a single Muslim was left alive !

Both Muslims & Non Muslims killed each other in a terrible blood bath of killings & counter-killings - At least have the intellectual honesty of acknowledging that !
Then why did the Circàssians come to Turkey,because we are Islamists?
We dont have islamists,even the current government isnt Islamist in the fundamentalists way.
So making assumptions without knowledge and accusing a nation of wrongdoings makes you a TROLL,or am i wrong?

Circassians came because of the tatar mullahs who misled them and the pressure of tsar to christianize or be deported to turkey or siberia.

We dont have islamists,even the current government isnt Islamist in the fundamentalists way.
So making assumptions without knowledge and accusing a nation of wrongdoings makes you a TROLL,or am i wrong?

then an apology to armenians and assyrian christians is overdue.
Circassians came because of the tatar mullahs who misled them and the pressure of tsar to christianize or be deported to turkey or siberia.

then an apology to armenians and assyrian christians is overdue.
You want to go there?
Do i need to remind you what you did to the muslims during partition?
Can you show me those Orders ?

And can you have the decency of at least admitting the genocide perpetrated against Muslims by the Hindus & the Sikhs when Eastern Punjab was almost cleansed of Muslims ?

My City - Lahore - received entire trains coming from what became India on which not a single Muslim was left alive !

Both Muslims & Non Muslims killed each other in a terrible blood bath of killings & counter-killings - At least have the intellectual honesty of acknowledging that !

Well that was response to what muslim league . Sikhs finished off hard for what for what muslims in west punjab and muslims in sharifpura area ,east punjab were doing.

As I said before ,no apology to islamists .Only when you syncretise or secularise ,then yes.
Well that was response to what muslim league . Sikhs finished off hard for what for what muslims in west punjab and muslims in sharifpura area ,east punjab were doing.

As I said before ,no apology to islamists .Only when you syncretise or secularise ,then yes.

I don't give a foOk about your apology or your one-sided reading of History but don't bring Pakistan into your verbal diarrhea !
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