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Heavy water leakage at Kakrapar atomic plant in south Gujarat, 1 plant shut, no radiation leak

Waoo A TTA nice response he says don't compare my country with u its a insult to my country....Sandy AKA milspec its a nice thing to say...

What is India...

A super power ?
World's largest holder of poorest population...?

biased + Indian ?

u proved it
@Khafee @WAJsal @Slav Defence

@Bratva @Atanz @HRK @Oscar
There is no comparison in the energy sector, that is what your post was . let me know if you need further clarification. Don't obfuscate the post with your nationalist fervor. You reccomended change in energy profile, abingdonboy said there is no comparison between the two, if you project that to other areas that is your problem.

BTW you are literally lying here , I did not say anything about insult to my country. But still kudos to you for a good attempt a rabble rousing and flame bait.
@Abingdonboy please explain your position in detail here. Why do you think there is no comparison between India and Pakistan in it's energy profile. @MaarKhoor thinks it's a personal insult to him. Care to clarify?
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What is India...
Well since the discussion is on energy, here is what India is, World's 3rd largest country as Greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter.

Ultimately when Paris Agreement becomes binding on all of us to reduce GHG emissions, the point will come on how to achieve it.
A lot of onus will be on China and India as these are two fastest growing economies with highest population, so even by mediocre levels of per capita power consumption, the two nations combined will be consuming most of the world electricity.

India isn't rich in oil and Coal sector has recently seen some revival after new policy. but as i mentioned, we cannot survive on fossil fuels for long and preparation for future has to start today. i'm not saying N power is the only source of future, but definitely a big part of energy solutions for tomorrow. A lot of countries are investing in N Plants taking into account the challenges the technology posses in terms of safety and cost, but if it is allowed to die here, rest assured we are writing a blueprint of energy crisis in very near future.

PS: Tags seems to be behaving erratically. i got some notifications and missed some altogether!.
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Waoo A TTA nice response he says don't compare my country with u its a insult to my country....Sandy AKA milspec its a nice thing to say...

What is India...

A super power ?
World's largest holder of poorest population...?

biased + Indian ?

u proved it
@Khafee @WAJsal @Slav Defence

@Bratva @Atanz @HRK @Oscar
You're just embarassing yourself now.

I know some Pakistanis have an omnipresent impulse to consider themselves equals to India in every way but if India is adding the equivilent of Pakistan's entire power sector every year to its national grid, is it really that benfical to compare the two?
You're just embarassing yourself now.

I know some Pakistanis have an omnipresent impulse to consider themselves equals to India in every way but if India is adding the equivilent of Pakistan's entire power sector every year to its national grid, is it really that benfical to compare the two?
He takes offence to fact that you said there is no comparison between the two. please explain to us why is there no comparison between the India and Pakistan in the energy sector.
@anant_s @Abingdonboy @PARIKRAMA @sathya
You're just embarassing yourself now.

I know some Pakistanis have an omnipresent impulse to consider themselves equals to India in every way but if India is adding the equivilent of Pakistan's entire power sector every year to its national grid, is it really that benfical to compare the two?

I haven't gone through the back pages but how many MWs India is adding everywhere? Last I was in the know lot of these projects where stuck and recently I read that many companies like ADAG and Essar are surrendering or backing out of UMPP commitments due to uncertainty over coal linkages, PPA and land acquisition. Less said about the health of state electricity boards the better and their failure to pay their dues creates stress in nationalized Power producers too. @PARIKRAMA
please explain to us why is there no comparison between the India and Pakistan in the energy sector.
In simple words, the answer lies in difference of population and demographics (perhaps) of both nations.
it's a personal insult to him.
Don't think that is the case here Sir.

Average energy consumption in both countries is nearly on the same levels and compared to world average, it is an abysmally low value. Now when we multiply this number with population, India owing to its much higher population, has a very large number against energy requirements.
I recall a speech by renowned scientist Dr. Anil Kakodkar, where he raised this point of average energy consumption and noted that while we would like to raise energy (more specifically cleaner energy) consumption in India, it would be scary to think that the per capita value in either India or China reaches to that in US or mainland Europe as that would be unsustainable for world as such.
Now when country like India has a rapidly growing economy, we find a constraint in increasing production owing to GHG limitation targets and infact this is the whole point of disagreement between Developed and developing nations at Paris and previously Kyoto summits. Developing nations (in other words nations responsible for historically polluting environment) must bear a larger share of cleaning costs and developing costs for cleaner energy technology and not put burden based on today's data.
In my view it is a tight rope walking for a nation like us.
ok this is an excellent figure which i found in The Economist


The WEC (World Energy Council) identified and grouped countries with similar energy priorities (see Figure 1, overleaf) in its annual country energy report.

India features in Group 1, alongside China, Algeria, Estonia, a few countries from the Middle East and others. Group
1 countries focus on providing affordable energy, often through highly subsidised energy costs. These countries score well in terms of social performance, although energy security and environmental indicators are negatively affected.

Group 2 comprises resource-poor countries countries with limited industrialisation and countries that have widespread adoption of low-carbon technology. As a result this group, which includes Albania, Croatia, New Zealand,
Finland and Denmark, performs poorly in terms of social equity but achieves higher scores on environmental impact mitigation.

Group 3 exhibits strong overall scores, with environmental impact mitigation the weakest dimension. This group characterises the main energy challenge facing developed, industrialised countries: how to sustain or enhance existing energy security and social equity while planning for a low-carbon future. On average, Group 3 countries, including Austria, Brazil, the UK and the US, perform best in the Energy Sustainability Index. Countries with more-sustainable energy systems tend to have policy frameworks that deliver a balanced score in all three dimensions of
the energy trilemma.

A country’s efforts to manage its energy trilemma must be viewed in the political context within which it operates. India has a federal structure, comprising a central government and 29 state governments. This two-tier political structure has influenced the manner in which India’s energy sector has been regulated. Moreover, given that
there are five different energy ministries in the central government—Petroleum & Natural Gas, Power, Coal, New and Renewable Energy, and the Department for Nuclear Energy—policy coordination can be tricky.

Now Energy Consumption pattern



we should build more wind power parks they produces the most clean energy and old turbines and blades can be recycled...

Do you even know what Wind turbine Blades are build from. The entire structures, irrespective of design Modular or single piece are built from Biax and unixial grfp composites, and now even the stiffeners are poly glass poltrusions and Carbon fiber composites.

There is a mighty good reason for them walking around in tyvek suits, I know as I have done this for three good years in my life.

Good luck recycling that!
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@Abingdonboy please explain your position in detail here. Why do you think there is no comparison between India and Pakistan in it's energy profile. @MaarKhoor thinks it's a personal insult to him. Care to clarify?
I'll break it down as follows:

Today and looking to the future:


Existing power generaton capacity and growth



This is Pakistan's league:


This is India's:


Electricity - installed generating capacity - Pakistan

Does it need to be said that geographically the two are very different also?




Access to technology

India is getting the very best nuclear reactors from the world's leaders (Russia, France and maybe US one day), Pakistan has to rely on China. Enough said.

Addtionally, India is a world leader in renewable tech and will be investing in this heavily in the coming years, few nations-least of all Pakistan, can compare in this regard:

India Eyes 100 GW Solar Power Capacity By 2022
I haven't gone through the back pages but how many MWs India is adding everywhere? Last I was in the know lot of these projects where stuck and recently I read that many companies like ADAG and Essar are surrendering or backing out of UMPP commitments due to uncertainty over coal linkages, PPA and land acquisition. Less said about the health of state electricity boards the better and their failure to pay their dues creates stress in nationalized Power producers too. @PARIKRAMA

SEBS are deep pitted with no bottom NPAs... Yes many folks are surrendering owing to the rise in input cost which makes it non attractive from financial view points especially since LAB is stuck, commodity prices uncertain and paris accord has practically made the conventional electricity sources unattractive
@MaarKhoor you still think energy profile for India and Pakistan are comparable and would have same the approach in deployment of energy projects?

I'll break it down as follows:

Today and looking to the future:


Existing power generaton capacity and growth



This is Pakistan's league:


This is India's:


Electricity - installed generating capacity - Pakistan

Does it need to be said that geographically the two are very different also?




Access to technology

India is getting the very best nuclear reactors from the world's leaders (Russia, France and maybe US one day), Pakistan has to rely on China. Enough said.
I haven't gone through the back pages but how many MWs India is adding everywhere? Last I was in the know lot of these projects where stuck and recently I read that many companies like ADAG and Essar are surrendering or backing out of UMPP commitments due to uncertainty over coal linkages, PPA and land acquisition. Less said about the health of state electricity boards the better and their failure to pay their dues creates stress in nationalized Power producers too. @PARIKRAMA
Sectoral growth is as follows (around 8.5% growth)
However good thing is that deficit of power is reducing constantly with improvement in Plant Load and availability factors and massive investment in National Grid.


Power Sector at a Glance ALL INDIA | Welcome To Ministry of Power
SEBS are deep pitted with no bottom NPAs... Yes many folks are surrendering owing to the rise in input cost which makes it non attractive from financial view points especially since LAB is stuck, commodity prices uncertain and paris accord has practically made the conventional electricity sources unattractive

I seriously doubt that India will be able to fulfil it's ambitious commitments made in Paris without it impacting growth. Let's see how it pans out. Corporate sector is not at all enthused and neither are the banks after the hit they took on Suzlon.
You're just embarassing yourself now.

I know some Pakistanis have an omnipresent impulse to consider themselves equals to India in every way but if India is adding the equivilent of Pakistan's entire power sector every year to its national grid, is it really that benfical to compare the two?

Tread carefully you may hurt his fragile ego
I seriously doubt that India will be able to fulfil it's ambitious commitments made in Paris without it impacting growth. Let's see how it pans out. Corporate sector is not at all enthused and neither are the banks after the hit they took on Suzlon.
Suzlon is still not out yet, especially after they took Re-power, it will make a big comeback with it's german project once Euro sector look up.
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