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Head of Hamas killed by Israeli strike

She thought it was a bright idea to aim camera at the light.
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Iron Dome missile costs about 50,000 $. Grad rocket costs couple thousands maybe. Delivery to Gaza is quite expensive though, I guess. But its Iranians who pay anyways, not Hamas.

Yes, they could thank the Iranian members here. A lot of money has spend today then.
I just talked to some Saudi guy in here about this 'unity', he laughed and said we support any attack by Israel on Iran. Not that he is the represent of all Saudis but I honestly think we have passed that point of 'unity'. Its now fate of these people to be divided and conquered.

While the ruling elite has the power of running US according to Israel's demands along with a huge media power to manipulate these stupid people, there honestly isn't much one can do. All more reason for a country to rely only on itself and have the means to defend herself.

You can go right now and see many websites about the infamous war b/w Iran and Iraq where many countries supplied arms and financial means to both sides, showing their double standards. Aim was to let them fight each other, once they are weak enough we will conquer them with minimal loss.

Muslims and unity are two words that do not co-exist resulting in their downfall, which is quite obvious these days.

Insh'Allah, Allah will use a forcing hand in shaming us back together then. Maybe to late for us to pass the test we already failed.

May Allah forgive all of us narrow minded Muslims, for we know not what we do.
After Israel eliminated Ahmad Yassin and Rantisi in 2004 suicide attacks drastically dropped.
If all it takes is to halt suicide bombings is to kill a leader, why do you need the wall? What exactly is the rationale behind it, if, according to you, it is Yassin's death that protected Israel from further suicide bombings?

After Israel eliminated Said Siyam in 2009 rocket attacks drastically dropped.
What made the missile attacks drop, was the ceasefire established in the wake of Operation Cast Lead. You see, Hamas tends to abide by the ceasefires it agrees to. It is Israel that tends to violate them.

n June 2008, Egypt had *brokered a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, the Islamic resistance movement. *Contrary to Israeli propaganda, this was a success: the average number of rockets fired monthly from Gaza dropped from 179 to three. Yet on 4 November Israel violated the ceasefire by launching a raid into Gaza, killing six Hamas fighters. When Hamas *retaliated, Israel seized the renewed rocket attacks as the *excuse for launching its insane offensive.

Here some facts that you cant deny:

1) Israel can wipe out entire Gaza in 1 day, but does not want.
Oh, I can very easily deny this. I can point out, for example, that bringing about a Holocaust on Gaza, something many Israelis desire, would result in the international isolation of Israel, in further nuclear proliferation in the Middle East, and infinitely increased risks to Israel's security and survival. That is too high a price for Israel to pay, considering that Gaza's militias hardly ever kill one single Israeli.

2) Hamas wants to kill all Israelis, but it cant.
I deny this too. Won't give my reasons. Why should I? You never give yours. All you do is make some arbitrary assertions and expect anyone will believe you. You don't understand the concept of debating -- you don't understand that no one is forced to accept your claptrap, that you have to adduce supporting evidence for your claims.

3) Hamas is targeting Israeli civilians on purpose. Hundreds of Israeli civilians were murdered by Hamas on purpose.
With this, I agree.

4) Hamas is using its own civilians as human shields:
No case of use of human shields by Hamas has ever been verified by independent investigators. Amnesty International denied it, the UN couldn't prove it. Even the Israeli official emergency services body, the Magen David Adom, admitted that, contrary to IDF claims in justification for attacks on Palestinian ambulances, no case of improper use of ambulance by Hamas during Operation Cast Lead was proved.

The only party in the conflict irrefutably shown to be using human shields is Israel.

5) Israel uses super expensive missiles to reduce casualties among Palestinian civilians and even risks own soldiers.
Israel uses super-expensive weapons precisely to target civilians in their greatest number. It has used its super-advanced drones to, for example, blow up a refugee center in Lebanon (the 1996 Qana massascre):

A dramatic amateur videotape of the Israeli shelling of the United Nations base at Qana last month, in which more than 100 Lebanese civilians were massacred, has convinced United Nations investigators that the Israelis deliberately targeted the UN compound and were well aware that it was packed with refugees when they fired at it.

The IDF is bankrupt, morally and strategically. It's a clumsy army. Since the 1980s it hasn't done its job (to establish deterrence against enemies by defeating their armies) very well. So, it attacks Arab civilians to establish its precious deterrent. This has been admitted by the IDF -- the Dahiya doctrine is about that, about the purposeful targeting of civilians to pressure enemy groups and create deterrence against them. Just see how YNetNews presented the doctrine in its article about it: "Israel finally realizes that [civilian] Arabs should be accountable for their leaders’ acts".

One example of the Dahiya doctrine in action during Operation Cast Lead:

Israel's assault on Gaza has exacted the bloodiest toll of civilian lives yet, when the bombing of UN schools being used as refugee centres and of housing killed more than 50 people, including an entire family of seven young children.

The UN protested at a "complete absence of accountability" for the escalating number of civilian deaths in Gaza, saying "the rule of the gun" had taken over. Doctors in Gaza said more than 40 people died, including children, in what appears to be the biggest single loss of life of the campaign when Israeli bombs hit al-Fakhora school, in Jabaliya refugee camp, while it was packed with hundreds of people who had fled the fighting.


The UN was particularly incensed over targeting of the schools, because Israeli forces knew they were packed with families as they had ordered them to get out of their homes with leaflet drops and loudspeakers. It said it had identified the schools as refugee centres to the Israeli military and provided GPS coordinates.

6) Israel spends billions to protect its own civilians.
It begs US money, big deal. What's the great merit in that, you hasbarist?
you Israelis:angry:
if i had a missile:devil:....
i would difinitely fire it to the gaza.those bastard(not palestinians) realy needs to be killed.all of them....
now get your weapon from Qatar.
muslim ummah,muslim ummah,muslim ummah,muslim ummah,muslim ummah.... such a funny name!
ask your muslim ummah to do that(after they finish their jihad agaist the ally of evil shias ).not that shia evil nation called Iran!
Before the assassination, there were reports that Hamas and Israel had reached an agreement. The agreement is dead, now that the man has been killed. The assassination is proof that Israel is interested in the continuation of the conflict. Don't go cry about the rockets, then.
Before the assassination, there were reports that Hamas and Israel had reached an agreement. The agreement is dead, now that the man has been killed. The assassination is proof that Israel is interested in the continuation of the conflict. Don't go cry about the rockets, then.

Actually, the peace agreement was signed yesterday night, and was broken this morning by Hamas and IJO.
Actually, the peace agreement was signed yesterday night, and was broken this morning by Hamas and IJO.

Got some proof? Because, as I already showed, the MSM cantilena that Hamas breaks agreements and starts the fire is easily refutable. The MSM will go to great lengths to hide who starts the aggressions.
Anyone surprised?Israel bombing civilians with F-16s?

This is their nature,they can't avoid it.
Muslim world has became a joke,all the so called Muslim nations have 'united' against Iran,Syria and Hezbollah,their 'main enemy'.
Then people ask,why the hell Muslims are in this mess.
If all it takes is to halt suicide bombings is to kill a leader, why do you need the wall? What exactly is the rationale behind it, if, according to you, it is Yassin's death that protected Israel from further suicide bombings?
You should learn to read properly. I did not say all that needed is killing leaders. But it helps. Best results are achieved by combination.

What made the missile attacks drop, was the ceasefire established in the wake of Operation Cast Lead.
Ignorant. Before the Cast Lead Israel asked Hamas for cease fire. But Hamas refused. After Cast Lead Hamas suddenly agreed :lol:

Oh, I can very easily deny this. I can point out, for example, that bringing about a Holocaust on Gaza, something many Israelis desire, would result in the international isolation of Israel, in further nuclear proliferation in the Middle East, and infinitely increased risks to Israel's security and survival. That is too high a price for Israel to pay, considering that Gaza's militias hardly ever kill one single Israeli.
You basically confirm that Israel can destroy Gaza.

I deny this too. Won't give my reasons. Why should I? You never give yours. All you do is make some arbitrary assertions and expect anyone will believe you. You don't understand the concept of debating -- you don't understand that no one is forced to accept your claptrap, that you have to adduce supporting evidence for your claims.
Destruction of Israel and murder of Jews is aim of Hamas written in their charter. But they cant.

No case of use of human shields by Hamas has ever been verified by independent investigators.
I posted u evidence. Spare me of your crap propaganda.

Even the Israeli official emergency services body, the Magen David Adom, admitted that, contrary to IDF claims in justification for attacks on Palestinian ambulances, no case of improper use of ambulance by Hamas during Operation Cast Lead was proved.
Israel uses super-expensive weapons precisely to target civilians in their greatest number.
You are extremely dumb, like all terrorist supporters. If you want to kill civilians all you need is drop Mk82 bombs on Gaza. Each such bomb costs only 300$ and will kill dosens.

It has used its super-advanced drones to, for example, blow up a refugee center in Lebanon (the 1996 Qana massascre):
You are ignorant. Qana was hit by artillery fire. And of course its another example of terrorist Human shield.

The IDF is bankrupt, morally and strategically. It's a clumsy army. Since the 1980s it hasn't done its job
Arab armies and Iran dont dare to attack Israel since 1973. Thats best proof of IDF effectiveness.

It begs US money, big deal. What's the great merit in that
US aid is only 1.5% of Israel's GDP and virtually all of it is used on jets. On the other hand Hamas' budget solely demends on foreign aid. But it does not spend anything to protect its civilians. On contrary, it is using them as human shields.

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Arab armies and Iran dont dare to attack Israel since 1973. Thats best proof of IDF effectiveness.

Iran has never directly attacked Israel, so I don't understand why you mention 'since 1973'. I don't think the IRGC is scared by the dahiya/ayn brayra doctrine. I may work against Arabs, but Iranians have a different mentality.
@500 I agree, conflict between Israel and Gaza would, at most, last a week or two. But the question is, would it break the momentum of so-called Arab Spring in Syria?
Nothing will change in Syria.
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You should learn to read properly. I did not say all that needed is killing leaders. But it helps. Best results are achieved by combination.

Ignorant. Before the Cast Lead Israel asked Hamas for cease fire. But Hamas refused. After Cast Lead Hamas suddenly agreed :lol:

You basically confirm that Israel can destroy Gaza.

Destruction of Israel and murder of Jews is aim of Hamas written in their charter. But they cant.

I posted u evidence. Spare me of your crap propaganda.

You are extremely dumb, like all terrorist supporters. If you want to kill civilians all you need is drop Mk82 bombs on Gaza. Each such bomb costs only 300$ and will kill dosens.

You are ignorant. Qana was hit by artillery fire. And of course its another example of terrorist Human shield.

Arab armies and Iran dont dare to attack Israel since 1973. Thats best proof of IDF effectiveness.

US aid is only 1.5% of Israel's GDP and virtually all of it is used on jets. On the other hand Hamas' budget solely demends on foreign aid. But it does not spend anything to protect its civilians. On contrary, it is using them as human shields.

I love how you reply to all the questions and the allegations made against Israel. You wait for all of them to pile up and then in a single swoop, you answer. Brilliant, just Brilliant! True Israeli!
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Oh, so, in response to the observations of UN, AI or even Israeli investigators, you present Youtube! I'm convinced! Does the IDF have some Goy division to shoot Palestinians? If they do, I'll join this most moral force now!

You are ignorant. Qana was hit by artillery fire. And of course its another example of terrorist Human shield.

I don't want to be banned, but I have to say this: this 500 fellow is incredibly stupid. I don't know what his problem is, whether his really this blind or just pretends to be to support his agenda.

That what blew up the Qana center was artillery fire is irrelevant, child. What matters is that Israel knew that the center was housing refugees from the war, not combatants, and just a proof is that Israel had a drone watching the camp shortly before the massacre took place.

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