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Head of Hamas killed by Israeli strike

Hamas need to get modern weapons to counter Israeli iron dome system , the home made qassam no longer a retaliation option for hamas . what hamas is doing by firing this missile is giving Israel an excuse to killed more Palestinians. Hama's 1000 ''modern missile '' may have wounded and killed few Israeli bastard but making this an excuse they will kill dozons of Palestinian .
and Israeli state terrorism goes on, they also have threatened to "take action" again Mehmud Abbas if Palestine wins its desired status at the UN.

The day of judgement for the Zionists will come and everyone would see. Hamas is the "Elected" body ruling Gaza, they are terrorists to the zionists and zionists are terrorists to others. It doesn't explain how a state funded murder is acceptable.

I saw that you deleted one of my posts which condemned the Hamas.

Can you tell me why you consider this "terrorism" from Israel? How is launching rockets into Israel not terrorism but an Israeli response terrorism?

And why shouldnt people express their opinions on here? Just because you have mod powers doesnt mean you should go deleting posts that you dont agree with. Very disingenuous of you.

The Hamas are INDEED terrorists. They are "elected" yes, but an elected government acting in such an irresponsible way, throwing rockets into civilian areas of another country, deserves to be overthrown. For the sake of peace in the region.
twilight, why do you care about wahabis?

I'm glad he's dead. Let's hope more of them get bombed. The more the merrier.

These mofos were joining saddam's forces. Palis are the biggest wahabis after the saudis and you're sad about a bunch of Iranian hating scum bags?

**** em

Do a poll in Iran tonight and 90 percent of the people will say "good riddance" and 5% will say wtf is hamas. No offense but you regime supporters are not rational.
I don't know what I find more pleasing, the dead wahabi terrorist or the fact that the qataris/Saudis/GCC in general will just look away and after a few days will just send a condolence letter saying RIP.

I swear, one day we will get back every penny we gave these terrorist fucks.

Palestinians wheel a wounded child into a hospital after an Israeli air strike in Gaza City November 14, 2012. (Reuters/Mohammed Salem)


A Palestinian carries a wounded woman into a hospital after Israeli air strikes in Gaza City November 14, 2012. (Reuters/Saleh Salem)


A Palestinian man helps a woman to evacuate following Israeli air strikes in Gaza City November 14, 2012. (Reuters/Ahmed Zakot)


Smoke rises after Israeli air strikes in the northern Gaza Strip November 14, 2012. (Reuters/Darren Whiteside)


Palestinian medics carry a wounded baby into the al-shifa hospital in Gaza City following an Israeli air strike on November 14, 2012. (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams)

Gaza under Israeli attack: LIVE UPDATES — RT

Egypt recalls Israel ambassador after Gaza raid

CAIRO - President Mohamed Morsi on Wednesday recalled Egypt's ambassador to Israel after a series of air strikes in Gaza killed a top Hamas militant and at least six other Palestinians, his spokesman said.

Morsi decided to "recall Egypt's ambassador to Israel," Yassir Ali said in a message broadcast on state television.

He also ordered the foreign ministry to summon Israel's ambassador in Cairo and asked the Arab League, based in the Egyptian capital, to convene an emergency meeting of foreign ministers.

The Arab League's deputy chief Ahmed Ben Hilli said the ministers would meet in Cairo on Saturday.

Egypt, which in 1979 became the first Arab country to sign a peace treaty with Israel, previously withdrew its ambassador after a Palestinian uprising that began in 2000, when president Hosni Mubarak was still in power.

Morsi, an Islamist elected in June after Mubarak's overthrow in 2011, has promised to take a harder line on Israel than his predecessor, who was accused of doing little to stop the Jewish state's devastating assault on Gaza in December 2008-January 2009.

Morsi "offered his sincerest condolences, in the name of the Egyptian people, to the Palestinians for their martyrs," Ali said.

The foreign ministry in a statement said it had summoned the Israeli envoy to Cairo to express its "strongly worded objection against the brutal Israeli assault on Gaza," demanding an immediate end.

The president's Muslim Brotherhood movement, which is closely aligned with the Hamas rulers of neighbouring Gaza, called for an economic boycott of Israel.

Its political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party, warned that Israel "must take into account the changes in the Arab region and especially Egypt."

Egypt "will not allow the Palestinians to be subjected to Israeli aggression, as in the past," the party statement said.

Egypt's relations with Israel have cooled considerably since Mubarak's ouster. Morsi has promised to respect the peace treaty but refuses to mention Israel by name in his speeches.

But he has not significantly loosened a blockade on Gaza that Israel put into force in 2007 when Hamas seized the territory.

Egypt shares a passenger crossing with Gaza but has balked at turning it into a commercial one, as Hamas had hoped.

Israel remains deeply unpopular in Egypt. The countries fought four wars signing the 1979 peace treaty.

Protesters in September 2011 raided a section of the Israeli embassy in Cairo, throwing thousands of documents out of a window.

The treaty with Israel, which became the basis for annual US aid of more than $1 billion to Egypt, is seen as a cornerstone of Cairo's foreign policy which will not be changed by Morsi.

His movement, however, along with other parties in Egypt, want the treaty revised to allow the army a greater presence in the Sinai Peninsula, which Israel returned to Cairo after the treaty.

The peninsula, rich in beach resorts in the south, has become a haven for Islamist militants in the north who have carried out regular attacks on both Egyptian security forces and neighbouring Israel.

Egypt recalls Israel ambassador after Gaza raid | ABS-CBN News

UN Security Council holds emergency Gaza meeting

The UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions between Israel and the Palestinian territory of Gaza.

The 15-nation council held closed talks with the Israeli and Palestinian ambassadors to the United Nations. The major powers and United Nations have all urged both sides to pull back from all-out conflict.

Egypt had urged the Security Council meeting after Israel carried out more than 20 air strikes and sea artillery attacks on Gaza, killing the military commander for Hamas, which controls the territory. Palestinian UN envoy Riyad Mansour said at least nine people were killed on Wednesday.

Arab ambassadors said they wanted the council to condemn Israel.

The Arab group of nations want the council "to condemn that barbaric attack" and "to send a strong message to call for a cessation of hostilities," said Sudan's UN envoy Daffa-Alla Elhag Ali Osman, current chairman of the Arab bloc.

"We want the Security Council to shoulder its responsibility and to find an immediate way to stop this aggression against our people in the Gaza Strip," said Mansour.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned that the military operation could be expanded and the country's UN ambassador Ron Prosor said that "indiscriminate" rocket fire from Gaza had forced Israel's hand.

Gaza "is a strategic threat against the state of Israel, missiles flying in to major cities in Israel," Prosor told reporters.

"This is not finished yet," added the Israeli envoy. "We have shown restraint but if this continues, Israel will do everything that it takes to defend its own citizens, like any other country would do."

UN Security Council holds emergency Gaza meeting - Yahoo! News UK

Things are not looking good in that part of the world.
Khaled mashal become a bustard to you when he could not support assad massacre ?

no , When he didn't recognize his true enemy and goes against his main supporters , when he fall in Turkey , GCC trap ....

When he send his best fighters to Syria , and his best fighters was trained by Iran and Syria ( this is ironic , right !? ) !!!! unfortunately , Hamas well trained fighters are in Syria !!!

well , we are human and we have our mistakes ....

He get Killed in fight against Muslims enemy , that mean he is a martyr , Allah blessed him by giving this opportunely to him ....

well , is he really get killed !? I still didn't check other sources ....

This hard time , we shouldn't bold our problems , the enemy going wild , we should be united and
OMG! We fired a bunch of rockets...and they had the bad taste to shoot back! Seems the default position in the middle east. Everyone starts ****...then whines when return fire happens.

now that's what i call precision strike ..:devil:
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Insh'Allah, Allah will use a forcing hand in shaming us back together then. Maybe to late for us to pass the test we already failed.

May Allah forgive all of us narrow minded Muslims, for we know not what we do.

You guys do need another path. Let's review recent history. Iraq=conquered...insurgency defeated, Afghanistan=conquered...insurgency ongoing, Egypt=revolution...still reorganising, Libya=revolution...still reorganising, Syria=revolution...ongoing, Pakistan=verge of revolution, Iran=under severe sanctions...possible attack, Gaza=getting hammered. Did I miss anything?
as long as hamas have some RPG s and AK s they will fight back and will defend their land you isreals never learn you can bomb gaza with air and artillery but on the ground you wont accomplish anything
too bad the muslim countries still fight in this stupid sunni shia war while we have bigger threats to our people
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