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Hate-Speech Hypocrites

Once again, it's sad to continually expose your ignorance of facts. As I mentioned, you confuse dominance with absolute, unflinching control.

So, let's look at your examples:
Mubarak -- US paid $2 billion/year bounty to the thug to keep his people in check for decades. This despite the fact that 95% of Egyptians oppose Israel. Eventually, the people rebelled -- not about Israel but domestic issues -- and the thug had to go.

So the ZIONIST have left us now? because if they had a hold -we would have given Mubarak the green light he would have slaughtered his people and kept being in power. Some how we asked the military to not attack the people when they had just started to because Zionist fvaoured it You know slaughtering one's people a very common 'thang' among those countries. Some how Zionist love the Muslim brotherhood in your equation because everyone knew they were the biggest opposition party and were sure to take over :rofl:

Gaddafi -- he outlived his usefulness and it was time to find new puppets.

A man who was working to get sanctions dropped, supply us with all the oil, had plenty of secrets to tell, who had only a few years into his " change of heart on america" out lived his american welcome? so by that logic- if no uprising- we would taken him out and put whom in there? an unknown over a known? is that what your study tells you? more absolute statements not founded in realities but your gut feeling... This is too funny. The man was not useful to us, he was responsible for Pan am and we never bothered taking him out. But moment he becomes pals we want to take him out!

Syria -- there are claims that the rebels are being supplied by foreign sponsors, so the conflict is very much in play.

What? if the Zionist had a hold on us we would not be sitting aside and watching it play, we would taken it out just like the neo cons in US having pushing for all year.

Iran -- the US is leading the way on the anti-Iran sanctions even though Iranian nukes are not a threat to the US.

This is hilarious ! so the Zionist who are obviously pro Israel want us go the sanctions route? I guess Israel's PM is not a Zionist since he's been asking now two US administrations to attack Iran and screw sanctions. Right here it tells me - you have no basis to ever speak on foreign policy topics.

Don't insult moderate Hindus and Jews. You represent neither.

Oh Okayyyy mr I see evil mongers against Muslims everywhere :tup:

Here is deal. none of you guys ever come out to help your brethren. only rely on Americans to save the slaughter of women and children but are great issuing paper edicts at the OIC.
And you are conflating Zionism with racism. Zionism is establishment of a separate Jewish state. Thats all it is.

The Zionism of today is not the original Zionism of Herzl. It has been hijacked by pro-Israel extremists to justify everything Israel does without regard to the rights of others living on that land.
The Zionism of today is not the original Zionism of Herzl. It has been hijacked by pro-Israel extremists to justify everything Israel does without regard to the rights of others living on that land.

Well when the people fighting Israel start to recognize it as a legitimate state, when they dont say stuff like "Israel should be wiped off of the map" then we can blame today's Zionism. It isnt Israel that caused this human rights issue.
So the ZIONIST have left us now? because if they had a hold -we would have given Mubarak the green light he would have slaughtered his people and kept being in power. Some how we asked the military to not attack the people when they had just started to= to be a pro zionist move now. You know slaughtering one's people a very common 'thang' among those countries. some how Zionist love the Muslim brotherhood in your equation because everyone knew they were the biggest opposition party and were show in to take over :rofl:

A man who was working to get sanctions dropped, supply us with all the oil, had plenty of secrets to tell, who had only a few years into his " change of heart on america" out lived his american welcome? so by that logic- if no uprising- we would taken him out and put whom in there? an unknown over a known? is that what your study tells you? more absolute statements not founded in realities but your gut feeling...

What? if the Zionist had a hold on us we would not be sitting aside and watching it play, we would taken it out just like the neo cons in US having pushing for all year.

This is hilarious ! so the Zionist who are obviously pro Israel want us go the sanctions route? I guess Israel's PM is not a Zionist since he's been asking now two US administrations to attack Iran and screw sanctions. Right here it tells me - you have no basis to ever speak on foreign policy topics.

Oh Okayyyy mr I see evil mongers against Muslims everywhere :tup:

Here is deal. none of you guys ever come out to help your brethren. only rely on Americans to save the slaughter of women and children but are great issuing paper edicts at the OIC.

You are losing it -- not that you ever had it -- and are just spouting nonsense to keep talking. I already explained the distinction between dominance and absolute control. Your understanding of geopolitics is on par with your knowledge of 'day to day politics' in the US.

Better stick to China bashing.

Well when the people fighting Israel start to recognize it as a legitimate state, when they dont say stuff like "Israel should be wiped off of the map" then we can blame today's Zionism. It isnt Israel that caused this human rights issue.

Given your shameless promotion of anti-Muslim literature in your previous post, we all know how neutral you are on the subject. So excuse us when we don't quite believe in your objectivity on this matter.

The issue of Israel's legitimacy is tied to the resolution of the rights of the displaced Palestinians and the Palestinian state, including the status of Jerusalem. It's all interconnected.
You are losing it -- not that you ever had it -- and are just spouting nonsense to keep talking. Your understanding of geopolitics is on par with your knowledge of 'day to day politics' in the US.

Better stick to China bashing.

losing the battle of Zionist have a hold on all america, are we? That's what happens to kooks

the one I really enjoyed was Iran has not been attacked because Zionist like sanctions and Ghaddafi was not removed after he blew Pan am , but was removed after he became pals...


Its like a rash that will not go away.
It's sad that the western world is getting increasingly insensitive towards muslim sentiments, however there are a couple of points to consider before we let emotions take a leading stride and fog better sense:

1) Muslims in the Western World have failed to integrate into their respective communities and thus made themselves a target for discrimination.

2) Due to the overblown response received by Theo, 2005 Cartoons Controversy and Terry Jones. Insulting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has become a short cut to international fame or rather infamy.

3) Raising fingers on the holocaust means that we will lose further International Support. Keep in mind that in many communities such as Turkey, Brazil, US, UK and others, Jews have protested against the video alongside the muslims, raising fingers against the holocaust will hurt their sentiments. This also sets a very bad example of how NOT to hurt other's sentiments.

4) The destruction brought upon by muslims on their own countries may also encourage figures with vested interests to use this method to incite violence and instability in muslim countries and that too with great ease.
So, once again, we see a convenient a priori rationalization that any unauthorized viewpoint on the Holocaust is motivated by racism and, therefore, falls under racist speech.

The issue should be proved on a case by case basis that a specific individual is motivated by racism, the way we do with hate crimes, rather than enacting blanket laws outlawing all 'objectionable' speech on the subject.
The Holocaust was an event motivated by racism. Criticizing Islam and Muslims is no different than criticizing Catholics and Christians. Or even insulting Christianity and Christians. So if muslims are the ones who rioted because they cannot handle criticisms and a few non-muslims got sent to their respective afterlifes in the riot, it would be the muslims who committed the hate crime.
losing the battle of Zionist have a hold on all america, are we? That's what happens to kooks

the one I really enjoyed was Iran has not been attacked because Zionist like sanctions and Ghaddafi was not removed after he blew Pan am , but was removed after he became pals...
There was never any intellectual consistency in that mentality to start. And it did served as a convenient shield for his own too cowardly to admit anti-Semitism.
losing the battle of Zionist have a hold on all america, are we? That's what happens to kooks

the one I really enjoyed was Iran has not been attacked because Zionist like sanctions and Ghaddafi was not removed after he blew Pan am , but was removed after he became pals...

You do understand that Zionism spans a spectrum like all ideologies?

The more extreme Zionists are adamant about military intervention; they are not happy with sanctions. The biggest resistance to military action comes from the Pentagon, not Congress.

As for Gaddafi, there was a report by Western media that he was killed by a French agent working for Sarkozy. I haven't read to see how credible the claim is, but the fact remains that, in real geopolitics -- as opposed to your fantasies -- there is always a cost-benefit analysis for any action.

Supporting Mubarak was untenable after twenty years of his brutality; similarly for other stooges in the Arab world.



Its like a rash that will not go away.

A rash like racism. Which doesn't obviate the need to debate its merits.
Given your shameless promotion of anti-Muslim literature in your previous post, we all know how neutral you are on the subject. So excuse us when we don't quite believe in your objectivity on this matter.

The issue of Israel's legitimacy is tied to the resolution of the rights of the displaced Palestinians and the Palestinian state, including the status of Jerusalem. It's all interconnected.

You lecturing him ? you are such great Muslim dude that you have righteous indignation for Australia's policy but the Muslim in you loves to live off it.

you are such a great Muslim that never comes into any conversation of Muslims here ( not all) when promoting more violence

You are such great Muslim that you provoke Pakistanis with your bluster but stay in the comfort of your country

You such a great Muslim that you see Zionist everywhere but reside in pro Zionist country

You are such a great Muslim that you go on vacation to american Zionist held country

finally you are such a great Muslim that you contribute your tax dollars towards anti Muslim governments

you a such a great Muslim that your disdain for those who don't support your Palestine cause stops when wanting to live in those very countries.

yes you are the poster child of righteously Muslim ( not) .
Ok, let's watch the tone here. I see plenty of sparks flying.
You lecturing him ? you are such great Muslim dude that you have righteous indignation for Australia's policy but the Muslim in you loves to live off it.

you are such a great Muslim that never comes into any conversation of Muslims here ( not all) when promoting more violence

You are such great Muslim that you provoke Pakistanis with your bluster but stay in the comfort of your country

You such a great Muslim that you see Zionist everywhere but reside in pro Zionist country

You are such a great Muslim that you go on vacation to american Zionist held country

finally you are such a great Muslim that you contribute your tax dollars towards anti Muslim governments

you a such a great Muslim that your disdain for those who don't support your Palestine cause stops when wanting to live in those very countries.

yes you are the poster child of righteously Muslim ( not) .

I could not have said it better.

I would have given it the old college try.

But I would have fallen short.
You do understand that Zionism spans a spectrum like all ideologies?

As for Gaddafi, there was a report by Western media that he was killed by a French agent working for Sarkozy. I haven't read to see how credible the claim is, but the fact remains that, in real geopolitics -- as opposed to your fantasies -- there is always a cost-benefit analysis for any action.

Supporting Mubarak was untenable after twenty years of his brutality; similarly for other stooges in the Arab world.

A rash like racism. Which doesn't obviate the need to debate its merits.

LOL that baloney of ghaddfi was killed by a french agent is your new cause? because another tin foil hat wearer said so?

Supporting Mubarak became untenable on your time line? Are you sure it's not YOU who have an hold of america and not the Zionist...you seem to know a hell of lot about and predict our moves in hindsight.
The Holocaust was an event motivated by racism. Criticizing Islam and Muslims is no different than criticizing Catholics and Christians. Or even insulting Christianity and Christians. So if muslims are the ones who rioted because they cannot handle criticisms and a few non-muslims got sent to their respective afterlifes in the riot, it would be the muslims who committed the hate crime.

Everything you have written is correct.

None of what you have written justifies the ban on Holocaust speech.

There was never any intellectual consistency in that mentality to start. And it did served as a convenient shield for his own too cowardly to admit anti-Semitism.

Funny you should mention cowardly, since that is precisely the characteristic of people who resort to hide behind the anti-Semitism shield when they can't debate the actual issue.

Here's a Holocaust survivor who chafes at the abuse of the label anti-Semitism by Israeli apologists.

TLAXCALA : Unjust accusations of anti-Semitism demystified in booklet by Hajo Meyer

Hajo Meyer* published a remarkable booklet to counteract the conscious abuse of the terms anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism by the State of Israel and its umbrella organizations.

I suppose these Orthodox Jews are also anti-Semites...

Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism
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